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74 Cards in this Set

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Functions of vascular endothelium? (4)
1. Angiogenesis
2. Barrier function
3. Hemostasis
4. Release of local factors
What is angiogenesis?
Initiation of capillary sprouting involving basement membrane degredation & synthesis
What stimulates endothelial cell growth? (3)
1. Fibroblast growth factor
2. Angiogenin
3. Endothelial cell growth factor
What happens to endothelium in response to alkalosis or cell damage?
Endothelial cells release:
endothelial cell growth factor --> stimulates growth of nearby smooth muscle cells
How does endothelium form a physical barrier?
Adjacent cells form tight junctions
Function of tight junctions in endothelial cells?
Keeps small ion permeability low & electrical resistance high
What is fenestrated endothelium?
Has large openings that permit free passage of large molecules --> only limited physical barrier
How does endothelium constitute a biochemical barrier?
Contains enzymes for transmitter uptake & digestion
Endothelium continuously releases factors such as ____ & ____ which inhibit platelet aggregation?
1. Prostacyclin
2. Nitric oxide
Aggregating platelets release what 3 things to stimulate endothelial cells to release _____ factors ?
Platelets release:
1. Thrombin
2. ADP
3. Serotonin
Endothelial cells release: vasodilator factors --> increase blood flow & flush away platelets
What factor stimulates platelet binding to subendothelial structures?
Willibrand factor (VIII)
In absence of intact endothelium, what is released from aggregating platlets to promote vasoconstriction?
Major relaxant factor?
NO is synthesized from what & by what?
L arginine --> NO by nitric oxide synthase
Prostacyclin is derived from?
What enzyme catalyzes this?
arachodonic acid --> Prostacyclin by cyclooxygenase
Which enzyme does NO stimulate?
NO --> GC on adjacent smooth muscle cells --> cGMP --> vasodilation
Prostacyclin does what?
Prostacylcin --> membrane receptors on adjacent smooth muscle cells --> cAMP --> vasodilation
Most potent vasoconstrictors discovered?
Primary goal of CV homeostasis?
Coupling flow & metabolism
What does metabolic theory of blood flow state?
End products of metabolism directly vasodilate resistance arteries to increase blood flow in a negative feedback manner
What is active hyperemia?
Increase in blood flow to tissue in response to increased work of tissue
What is reactive hyperemia?
Increase in blood flow to a tissue obvserved following occlusion of arteries supplying that tissue
What is oxygen debt?
Increased blood flow that persists even after work has ceased
Oxygen debt is attributed to?
Attributed to washout of vasodilator metabolites & resynthesis of key tissue molecules consumed during work
Key products of metabolism? (6)
1. Acidosis (H)
2. Temperature (heat= vasodilator)
3. CO2
4. K
5. Osmolarity
6. Adenosine
What is wall tension?
Force required to close longitudinal slit in the side of an artery & may be key variable in myogenic rxns
Law of LaPlace states?
Wall tension is product of pressure & artery radius
Tension = Pressure x Radius
What is transmural pressure?
Pressure difference across the wall of an artery --> determined by arterial pressure & tissue pressure
Tissue pressure is normally high or low?
How does local edema effect tissue pressure?
Normally low
Significant increase --> edema
Which organs are susceptible to increases in tissue pressure?
Brain & kidney-- w/ in rigid containers
Myogenic theory of blood flow control states?
Arterial diameter is regulated via transmural pressure-induced contractions & relaxations that tend to maintain constant artery diameter
Which type of Ca channels have been proposed to explain myogenic reactivity?
Stretch activated channels
Stetch (due to bp) --> Ca channels open --> Ca enters & stimulates contraction of smooth muscle
What is co-release?
Vasoactive peptides released w/ traditional transmitters in response to single action potential from single nerve --> leads to complex changes
What is reuptake?
Active transport of released transmitter back into nerve terminal by proteins in synpatic membrane
What is pre-synaptic feedback?
Release transmitters & other agonists bind to specific receptors on synaptic neuronal membrane to inhbit further transmitter release
What is overflow?
When reuptake & pre-synaptic feedback both become saturated--> synaptic transmitter concentrations rise & diffuse out of synapse
3 types of perivascular innervation?
1. Sympathetic
2. Parasympathetic
3. Peptidergic
What is main transmitter of adrenergic sympathetic nerves?
Function of norephinephrine on alpha & beta receptors?
alpha receptors --> vasoconstriction
beta receptors --> vasodilation
What is divergence?
One preganglionic fiber activates many postganglionic fibers
Where is divergence found?
Main transmitter of cholinergic sympathetic nerves?
Where are cholinergic receptors found? (2)
Skeletal muscle & skin --> mediate anticipatory vasodilation
Do parasympathetics display divergence?
No: one preganglionic --> one postganglionic
Long or short postganglionics in sympathetic & parasympathetic?
Sympathetic = long
Parasympathetic = short
Main transmitter of parasympathetic cholinergic nerves?
What are peptidergic nerves?
Nerves that release peptides
At high concentrations epinephrine stimulates? and at low?
high concentrations --> alpha receptors
low concentrations --> beta
Serotinin is released from?
aggregating platelets
What do seritonin & histamine do?
Stimulates receptors on endothelium & VSM
Where is histamine released from?
mast cells
ADH (vasopressin) released in response to?
Hemorage or dehydration
ADH release inhibited by?
ADH acts on?
Receptors of endothelium & VSM
hydrogen acts as a vasodilator/constrictor?
Alkalosis stimulates?
What is hypoxia?
Oxygen partial pressure below normal
Hypoxia dilates or constricts? & does what to metabolism?
Hypoxia --> vasodilator
Powerful inhbiitor of metabolism
What is hypercapnia?
CO2 partial pressures above normal & powerful vasodilator
Main goal of all cardiovascular reflexes is to?
Maintain constant arterial pressure via carefully metered changes in: stroke volume, heart rate & peripheral vascular resistance
Mean arterial pressure is equal to?
carotid sinus senses?
high pressure
High pressure detected by carotid sinus sends impuslves to ____ via which nerve?
carotid sinus --> glossopharyngeal nerve --> medulla
Aortic arch senses?
high pressure
High pressure detected by aortic arch sends impusles to ____ via which nerve?
aortic arch --> vagus nerve --> medulla
baroreceptors in atria sense? send it to medulla via which nerve
low pressure--> vagus --> medulla
Increased medullary input from low pressure receptors accelerate ___ to heart but ____ to kidneys?
Accelerate sympathetic to heart but decrease to kidneys
Carotid body chemoreceptors stimulated by?
Decreased PO2 & weakly stimulated by increased PCO2
Aortic & carotid body chemoreceptors impulses travel same/different path as baroreceptors?
same path
increased chemoreceptor input does what?
Increases respiratory drive via increasing motor to respiratory muscles
& increase sympathetic to heart & vessels
Chemoreceptors in in floor of medullary ventricle strong stimulated by?
Decreases in pH or increases in CO2
Medullary centers regulated blood pressure via short/long term influences on vascular resistance & short/long term influences on blood volume?
blood pressure --> short term
blood volume--> long term
What is blood flow autoregulation?
Ability of an organ to maintain constant blood flow in face of changing perfusion pressure
Why is autoregulation critically important?
Enables organs to maintain constant flow during conditions in which blood flow demand is so high that arterial pressure falls