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29 Cards in this Set

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Primitive or primary and tonic reflexes
-present at birth
-are integrated into complex behavior as the CNS matures
-are for survival, protection, initiation of movement
Prehensile reactions
-are for the development of grasp & release motions of the hand eventually developing into manipulation skills
-persist throughout life
Righting reactions
-orient the body to the upright position in space.
-persist throughout life.
Equilibrium reactions
-orient the body to movement in space.
-detect changes in the center of gravity.
-are protective in nature.
Rooting reflex
-Stim of the corners of the mouth result in head turning towards the stim side.
-Mouth opening & tongue searching may also occur.
-Appears at 28 weeks gestation
-integrates about 3-4 months.
Sucking reflex
- infant will suck rhythmically upon insertion of a nipple into the infant’s mouth.
- Appears at 28 weeks gestation
-integrates about 3-4 months.
Moro reflex
- A sudden drop of the head/body will result initially in ABD of the shoulders & EXT of the elbows, fingers & back then a movement back towards midline.
-Appears at 28 weeks gestation
-integrates about 3-4 months.
Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR)
-Upon ROT of the head, the infant will extend arm and leg on the “face” side and flex arm and leg on the “skull” side.
-Appears at birth
-integrates about 3-4 months.
Symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR)
-In the prone position, the infant will extend arm & flex legs upon neck EXT.
-will flex her arms & extend legs upon neck flexion.
- May or may not be present at birth
-should appear about 0-3mnths
-integrates about 6 months.
Tonic labyrinthine reflex (TLR)
- In the prone position, the flexor muscles are facilitated.
-In the supine position, the extensor muscles are facilitated.
- Appears at birth
-integrates at 6 months
Galant reflex
- While prone, the infant will curve his trunk away from a tactile stim running on his back just lateral to midline.
-Appears at 32 weeks gestation
-integrates about 2-3 months.
Palmar grasp reflex
-infant will flex fingers around an object placed on the ulnar side of palm.
-Appears at birth
- integrates about 3-4 months.
Plantar grasp reflex
-infant will flex his toes upon stim along the metatarsals of the foot.
-Appears at 28 weeks gestation
-integrates about 9-10 months.
Flexor withdrawl reflex
-infant will flex hips & knees & dorsiflex ankle upon a noxious stim to the sole of foot.
-Appears at 28 weeks gestation
- integrates about 2 months.
Crossed extension reflex
-When the sole of the foot on an extended leg is stimulated, the opp. leg will initially flex then EXT & ADD
-Appears at 28 weeks gestation
-integrates about 1 month.
Standing reflex
- When the infant is held vert over a surface, extensor tone will incr. in legs & trunk upon contact w/ a flat surface upon feet.
-Appears at 35 weeks gestation
- integrates between 1-6 mnths.
Placing response
-infant will place foot on top of a table top surface when the dorsum of the foot is stim by the underside edge of a table.
-also occurs in the hand.
-Appears at 35 weeks gestation
-integrates about 6 months.
Stepping reflex
-When the infant is held in a weight bearing, slightly forward position & gently moved forward, the infant will rhythmically alternate steps in a heel to toe gait pattern.
-Appears at 37 weeks gestation
-integrates between 1-6 months.
Palmar grasp reflex
-When the infant is held in a weight bearing, slightly forward position & gently moved forward, the infant will rhythmically alternate steps in a heel to toe gait pattern.
-Appears at 37 weeks gestation
-integrates between 1-6 months.
Traction reflex
- supine position, the infant will exhibit a total UE flexor pattern when stretched toward the sitting position w/ shoulder FLEX and ADD
-Appears at 28 weeks gestation
-integrates about 2-3 months.
Avoidance response
- infant will withdraw & open hand following a light tactile stimulus to the hand.
-Appears at birth
-integrates at 1-2 months.
Instinctual grasp
- infant will grope after a stimulus/object following stim to the hand by the stimulus or object.
- appears about 4-5 months
- persists through life.
Labyrinthine righting (neck righting)
-infant will right head to the VERT position while being displaced ANT, POST & LAT
-Appears about 3-4 months
-persists through life.
Neck on Body Righting (NOB)
- While supine & following neck ROT, infant will ROT & roll w/ trunk towards the direction of the neck ROT.
-NOB appears non-segmental (body moves as one) then later the body movements are segmental.
-Appears immature at birth
-segmental movement appears about 3-4 months
- persists through life.
Body on Body Righting (BOB)
- While supine & following pelvic ROT, the infant will ROT her shoulders then head toward the direction of the pelvic ROT.
-BOB appears non-segmental then later the body movements are segmental.
-Appears immature at birth
-segmental movement appears about 3-4 months
- persists through life.
Landau reflex
-While in prone, the infant will EXT head above the HORIZ posture.
- incr. in EXT & tone of back & hips is observed.
- Appears about 4-5 months
- persists through life.
Protective extension
- infant will EXT & ABD arms in response to & in the direction of COG displacement to prevent & protect from a fall. The reaction is observed in the forward, sideways and backward directions.
-Appears about 6-7 months for forward protection, 7-8 months for sideways protection and 8-9 for backward protection.
-persists through life.
Prone/supine balance reaction
- When tilted in either the prone or supine position, the infant will curve trunk’concavity towards the elevated side.
-arm & leg will ABD on the elevated side.
- appears about 5 months
- persists through life.
Sitting balance reaction
-When LAT tilted in the sitting position, the toddler will LAT FLEX trunk toward the elevated side.
- arm & leg will ABD on the elevated side and ADD on the lower side.
- This is also present in ANT/POST tilting.
-ANT tilting, the trunk EXT & arms FLEX
-POST tilting, the trunk FLEX & arms EXT
-Appears about 7 months
- persists through life