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20 Cards in this Set

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Advantages of recycling materials
1. Uses less finite resources
2. Uses a fraction of the energy than mining, extracting and purifying the original material would
3. Using less energy means recycling can be cheaper than making more of the original material
4.Less rubbish going into landfill which uses space and pollutes the surroundings
Not recycling Aluminium means
More mining of Bauxite causing deforestation from the mines mostly being in rain forests, they cause pollution and damage to the landscape.
Large amounts of electricity used to extract aluminium resulting in more CO2.
More waste going into land fill
Why is sulfur dioxide put into the air when petrol and diesel are used
Because they contain sulfur impurities
How is acid rain formed
Sulfur dioxide mixes with clouds to form dilute sufuric acid. This then falls as acid rain
What does acid rain do to lakes
Causes them to become ACIDIC and many plants and animals DIE as a result
How can sulfur can be removed from fuels before they are burned
1. Most of the sulfur can be removed from fuels before they are burned but it costs money
2. Extracting the sulphur from fuels uses energy resulting in more CO2
Three ways of preventing acid rain
1. Power stations to have acid gas scrubbers to take out the harmful gas
2. Cars fitted with catalytic converters
3. Reduce the usage of fossil fuels
Atmospheric pollution caused by the exhaust gases given out by motor vehicles can be reduced by:
1. Burning less fuel by having more efficient engines that also use low sulfur fuels.
2. Catalytic converters which convert nitrogen monoxide to nitrogen and oxygen and carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide
3. Take a bike, walk or even use public transport
What are the three different ways in which deforestation puts CO2 into the atmosphere
1. CO2 is released when trees are burnt to clear land (carbon is locked into the wood, burning releases it)
2. Microorganisms feeding on the dead bits of wood release CO2 as a waste product of respiration
3. Less trees using CO2 for photosynthesis means more CO2 in the atmosphere
In fractional distillation the shorter the molecule the more.........
and the more ........
flammable the hydrocarbon is
runny ( less viscous) it is
iron is an element needed by plants for.......
Injecting iron in the upper ............ promotes
the growth of phytoplankton
Blooms of phytoplankton absorb .............in the upper ocean in iron seeding which scientist believe will help with restore the balance of ............in our atmosphere
The disadvantage is iron seeding are
1. No control of what plankton grows, some are toxic.

2. Plankton is decomposed by micro organisms when they die using up oxygen causing 'dead zones' in ocean
Q To try and also help remove CO2,

Scientists are also researching into converting waste CO2 into hydrocarbons. These methods use ....... ........... , .......... ........... and a .......... ..........
high pressure, high temperature

Metal catalyst.
This would help only if the process used 'Green energy"
Explain why Biogas is a renewable fuel?
The plants which are decomposed to make biogas can be REPLACED quickly
Name one advantage to using a biogas fuel.
The dead plant needed for biogas photosynthesised when alive which removed CO2 from the atmosphere. This balances out the release of CO2 from burning the biogas
Name a second advantage to using a biogas fuel......
It is a fairly cleans fuel and doesn't produce many particulates or significant amounts of sulfur dioxide which causes acid rain
Name a third advantage to using a biogas fuel
The raw materials for biogas ( plant waste and manure) are cheap and readily available
Biogas is made by