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20 Cards in this Set

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A general pardon granted by a gov. especially for political offenses
Radical Republicans
group of extreme republicans that wanted to punish the south
Wade-Davis Bill
made by congress, majority of white men had to swear to loyalty. confederates who held office or fought in the war could not hold office.
Pocket veto
to let the seesion of congress expire without passing a law.
freedman's bureau
government organization that helped freedman. provided clothes, food and shelter
black codes
limited rights of African Americans
Civil Rights Act of 1866
granted citizenship to all born in US except for NA
14th Amendment
made it constitutional for all born in US to become citizens
to charge a gov. official with "high crimes" and "misdeameanors" in office
15th Amendment
voting rights to all races, except for women.
northerners that moved to the south for oppurtunity
and brought suitcases made of carpet fabric
southerners who supported the republican party
gaining money illegally through politics
outlawed activities of the clan
sin taxes
taxes on alchohol and tobacco that helped pay off war debts
Whiskey ring
scandal during grants presidency
panic of 1873
many banks closed the stock market plummeted and businesses shut down, unemployment soared
compromise of 1877
hays won the presedential election many felt a deal was made
new south
a strong industrial economy in the south.
tenant farmers
paying rent for the land that is being farmed