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22 Cards in this Set

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handicapism Defintion
Attitudes/practices that lead to unequal/unjust treatment of people because of apparent and/or assumed physical or mental disabilities
Name Evidence of Handicapism (7 total)
1. Through societal attitudes which are negative, fearful or both.
2. Through misunderstanding or non-understanding
3. Through inaccessibility
4. When people park illegally in handicapped parking spaces
5. when wheelchair users are shunned or ignored
6. When citizens with problems cant find solutions through normal channels
7. Language
attitudes & practises that lead to unequal & unjust treatment of people b/c of apparent and/or assumed physical or mental disabilities
disability is..
is a functional limitation that interferes with a persons ability to walk, talk, learn etc.
How to say it:
Instead of afflicted or suffers from
say person who has
Instead of victim or stricken
say person with
instead of disabled or hadicaped say...
a disability
Instead of Palsied, CP or spastic say..
cerebral palsy
Instead of retarded say
instead of dwarf or midget say
of short stature
instead of mute or dumb say
without speech or nonverbal
say deaf or hearing impaired instead of
hard of hearing
say Visually impared instead of
instead of learning disabled say
learning disability
instead of normal or healthy
say non-disabled
instead of wheelchair bound say
instead of birth defect say...
congenital disability
instead of confined to a wheelchair say
uses a wheel chair
instead of paraplegic
say has paraplegia (lower body paralysis)
instead of crippled or lame say
say paralyzed
What are 3 guideline s to use when choosing more postive language?
1) person first
2) Avoid using terms that suggest helplessness
3) Avoid Verbs
1) instead of a disabled person try saying "a person with a disability"
2) ex: bad: wheelchair bound, victim of, or crippled by, and suffers from
3) ex: instead of 'kim is headinjured" say "kim has a headinjury,"
What are ways to promote inclusion when structuring group recreation activities?
1) Provide frequent and consistent opportunities to get aquanted
2) Make everyone a part of the decision making (equal status)
* Accent team work to reinforce equal status (Mutual goals)
* Use team nicknames, T-shirts, other group identifiers (to promote cooperation and interdependence)
* Explain disability or special needs at initial session to provide accurate info about the pperson with the disability
* dont patronize and don't over help ( helps promote fair and tolerant norms)
name three problems to avoid when structuring group rec. activities:
* avoid having large groups without inclusion structured into the program.
* avoid inaccessible access to the program.