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23 Cards in this Set

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in ethnography is an action taken by an individual in a cultural setting.
in ethnography is how an individual thinks about or perceives things in a cultural setting.
Case Study?
is a variation of an ethnography in that the researcher provides an in-depth exploration of a bounded system (e.g. an activity, an event, a process, or an individual) based on extensive data collection.
Collective case study?
are case studies in which multiple cases are described and compared to provide insight into an issue.
in ethnography is the setting, situation, or environment that surrounds the cultural-sharing group being studied.
Critical ethnographies?
are a type of ethnographic research in which the author has an interest in advocating for the emancipation of groups marginalized in our society.
cultural theme?
in ethnography is a general position, declared or implied, that is opened, approved, or promoted in a society or group.
is “everything having to do with human behavior and belief” It can include language, rituals, economic and political structures, life stages, interactions, and communication styles.
culture sharing group?
in ethnography is two or more individuals that have shared behaviors, beliefs, and language.
description in ethnography?
is a detailed rendering individuals and scenes to depict what is going on in the culture sharing group.
Emic data?
information supplied by participants in a study. It often refers to first-order concepts such as local language concepts, and ways of expression used by members in a cultural-sharing group.
Ethnographic designs?
are qualitative procedures for describing, analyzing, and interpreting a cultural group’s shared patterns of behavior, beliefs, and language that develop over time.
etic data?
is information representing the ethnographer’s interpretation of the participant’s perspective. It usually refers to second-order concepts such as the language used by the social scientist or educator to refer to the same phenomena mentioned by the participants.
in ethnography means that the researcher gathers data in the setting where the participants are located and where their shared patterns can be studied.
instrumental case?
is a type of qualitative case study in which the researcher studies a particular issue and finds one or more cases that illuminates the issue.
interpretation in ethnography?
is the process in qualitative ethnographic research in which the inquirer assess how, overall, the culture-sharing group works.
Intrinsic case?
is a type of qualitative case study in which the researcher studies the case itself because it is of exceptional interest.
in ethnography is how an individual talks to others in a cultural setting.
negotiation data?
consists of information that the participant and the researcher agree to use in a study.
Realist Ethnography?
is a type of ethnographic design in which the researcher provides an objective account of the situation, typically written in the third-person point of view, reporting on the information learned from participants at a field site.
Reflectivity in ethnography?
means that the researcher is aware of and openly discusses his or her role in a study in a way that honors and respects the site and the people being study.
Shared pattern?
in ethnography is a common social interaction that stabilizes, as tacit, rules and expectations of the group.
thematic data analysis in ethnography?
consists of distilling how things work and naming the essential features in these in the cultural setting.