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52 Cards in this Set

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What are the cosmological questions?

- Who am I?

- Where did I come from?

- Why am I here? (What is my purpose?)

- Where does the universe come from? - What is the purpose of birth, life and death?

- Why is there suffering and evil in the world

- What happens when we die?

- Is there a greater power than me that is controlling all that exists?

- How does God act in the world?

What is the cosmic voyage?

The Cosmic Voyage is a documentary that it explores how the universe was created from stardust and how life evolved.

Can religion and science work together to understand the big questions?

It’s very clear that science “works”. We can explain and predict how nature will behave over an extraordinary range of scales. And religion helps us to believe in the science and the stories encourage us to stay true to our beliefs.


Something that is difficult/impossible to understand/comprehend


A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.

What is the 'BIG BANG'?

The rapid expansion of the universe from the collision of two singular atoms.

Define MYTH

A traditional story concerning about the early history or explaining a natural phenomenon, involving supernatural events.


The duty/responsibility and care of nature and God's creations by humans.


Being in relationship with ourselves, God's creation and all life forms around us.

Summarise the story of the Judeo-Christian creation story.
Day 1 - God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light "day" and darkness "night."

Day 2 - God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it "sky."

Day 3 - God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters "seas." On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees).

Day 4 - God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years.

Day 5 - God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life.

Day 6 - God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate.

Day 7 - God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy.

What does it mean to be a "Steward of Creation"?

We are responsible for taking care of the world we live in and for sharing all the wonders and resources the earth gives us.

Who is Galileo?

Galileo was a scientist during the Renaissance who was persecuted by the Catholic church for believing that the Sun was the centre of the solar system and that Earth revolved around the Sun

Who is Francis?

Our current, Pope Francis?


An ordained senior member of the Catholic church, in charge of a diocese.

Define CREED

A formal statement of Christian beliefs, a faith.


People who do not have a title/position in the Catholic church.


A newly married man who was long a bachelor.


An ornamented receptacle or cabinet that stores the Eucharist.


The birth of the Catholic church. It was when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, they spoke different languages and spread the good news.

Who is Constantine?

Constantine was a Roman Empire from 306-337 AD, who favoured/accepted Christianity. He adopted the Christian symbol.


To reconcile your sins in a confession booth/room.


A container for holy relics.


A form of devotion in which 5 decades of the Hail Mary are repeated, each decade preceded by an Our Father and followed by a Glory Be.


A hooked staff carried by the Arch Bishop to represent leadership.

Define EARTH

Earth is a planet on which we live on.

What are THE ROCKS?

The Rocks was the place where the first mass in Australia was held, 15th of May 1803.


The part of the church around the alter.


An open or transparent receptacle which holds the Host for display for veneration.


Two braided cloths hanging down from the shoulders, a symbol of affiliation.


Associations in the Roman Catholic church.


A tall stand to hold the Bible, from which someone, typically a preacher or lecturer, can read while standing up.


Catholics were not supposes to eat meat on Fridays. On fast days, you could only have 1 full meal and 2 light meals.

Define LATIN

Mass was spoken in Latin by the priest who conducted mass with his back towards the people/laity.

Define Catechism

A summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, students had to learn off by heart.

What happened in 37CE?

Pentecost- The birth of the church

What happened in 64CE?

Catholics were persecuted under Emperor Nero

What happened in 325CE?

The Council of Nicaea was assembled to fully define the Christian beliefs.

What happened in 1054CE?

The Great Schism

What happened in 1492CE?

Catholicism arrives in America.

What happened in 1517CE?

Martin Luther preposes his 95 thesis.

What happened in 1545CE?

The Council of Trent was a meeting of all bishops across Europe in Trent, Italy. The beginning of Counter-Reformation.

What happened in 1553CE?

Catholicism arrives in VN.

What happened in 1788CE?

The Catholic Church came to Australia.

What happened in 1801?

Father Haro, Father Dixon and Father O'Neill came to Australia as convicts and were not allowed to exercise their priestly functions on arrival.

What happened in 1803?

The Governor King granted Father Dixon to celebrate the first mass in Australia. It was held at "The Rocks" Sydney.

Who was the longest serving Arch Bishop in Melbourne?

Daniel Mannix 1917-1963


The Bishops chair, symbol of authority.

What's the oldest church in Melbourne?

St Francis

Who was the first Bishop of Melbourne?

James Alpius Goold

Describe John the 23rd, nationality, personality and dreams of the church.

77 year old Italian and was very in touch with people. He thought that the church became stagnant and wanted to go back to sources from the Bible, traditions and practices. Less talk about 'hell'.

Dates, location and purpose of the Second Vatican Council

The council went for 4 years from 1962-1965 and was the 21st ecumenical council to discuss church beliefs and practices. It was held at St.Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City.

Hierarchy of the Church

Pope- Pope Francis

Cardinal- George Pell

Arch Bishop- Dennis Hart

Bishop- Peter Elliott

Priests- Brian Collins

Deakin- Giuseppe Alvarez

Laity- people in the Catholic church who don't have a title