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98 Cards in this Set

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causes of microcytic anemia, lab findings
low MCV, low rbc or low hgb
Iron deficiency anemia
– Anemia of chronic disease
– Thalessemia
– Sideroblastic anemia
"Anemia that ITSy"
lab findings in megaloblastic anemia
low Hgb or low rbc, high mcv (>100)
calc of mcv
hct/rbc (rbc in fl=1 um3)
cal of mch
mean corp hem - hb/rbc
hem content of avg rbc (pg)
calc of mchc
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration =HB/HCT
Hemoglobin concentration within circulating RBCs (g/dL)
mech of anemia of chronic dz
In anemia of chronic inflammation, iron cannot exit the macrophage.
Hepcidin blocks ferroportin in the macrophage so the iron can’t get out.
mech of sideroblastic anemia
Iron can become trapped in the mitochondia of rbc
mech of thal
no globin chains
Iron makes it to heme synthesis, but globin chains are not made, so hemoblobin is not
iron defic anemia lab findings
lower Fe
increased Tf
lower % sat,
lower ferritin,
increased Tf-R
iron stores in anemia of chronic dz
increased ferritin
reduced Tf
nl tr receptor
lower % sat
causes of sideroblastic anemia
Alcohol, most common
– erythroid specific ALA-synthase
– Drugs
– Toxins (lead, zinc)
lab findings in sideroblastic anemia
increased Fe in rbc precursors and in serum, inc ferritin,
nl TIBC, nl/low MCV
Decreased pyridoxine
causes of megaloblastic anemia
- B12 deficiency
– Folate deficiency
– Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (types I, III, IV)
– Hereditary orotic aciduria
– Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
macrocytic anemias that are not megaloblastic
– Liver disease
– Aplastic anemia
– Hypothyroid

(round shaped - not ovoid)
peripheral smear findings for megaloblastic anemia
• Hypersegmented PMNs
bone marrow findings for megaloblastic anemia
• Nuclear cytoplasmic
• Giant myelocytes
• Dysplasia
heretidary abetalipproteinemia
hepatorenal failure
chronic starvation
where is Hb constant spring found and what can it be heterozygotic with
SE asian, with a-thal 1
beta+ means
reduced production of beta chains
lab findings in b thal minor
mild anemia, reduced MCV, reduced MCH (increased A2 and F)
beta thal major electrophoresis (if bo)
if b0: 5-10% A2, 90% F
electrophoresis in sickle cell dz
90-95% S
1-3% A2
5-10% F
where is aa messed up in Hb C
same place as sickle cell but different substitution
homozygotes for Hb C
mild anemia, indirect hyperbilirubinemia, reduced MCV but increased MCHC
90-955 C
1-7% F
what is HbE
southeast asion, change in position 26, mild microcytic

hz: 60-70 hb A, 30% E
homo: 90% E, 3-5% A2 and 1-5% F
findings on AIM hemolytic anemia peripheral smear
dense microspherocytes with no central pallor and polychromasia
findings on peripheral smear of oxidant hemolysis
bite cells, blisters
heinz bodies with supravital stains
schistocytes, burr cells, helmet cells s/o
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
peripheral smear on HbH
recall: alpha thal with three missing globin chains)
target cells, microcytic cells and hypochromic cells
peripheral smear on alpha thal trait
only mild microcytic, occ targets
basophilic stippling in younger polychromatophilic cells
best test to id m7
glycoprotein IIIa (CD61)
b12 deficiency -
folate in b12/folate deficiency
folate lowered in rbcs for b12 defii
folate lowered in serum for folate defi
falsely low serum folate
pregnancy, myeloma,
haptocorrin deficiency
in pernicious anemia, which is more specific and which is more sensitive
anti-intrinsic factor antibodies
– most specific, but insensitive (50 - 75% +)
• anti-parietal cell antibodies
– More sensitive, but less specific
what is the retic index
retic ct x hct/nl hct
what is RPI
retic ct/maturation correction
causes of intravascular hemolysis
• Malignant hyptertension
• Abnormal heart valve
schistocytes appear
causes of extravascular hemolysis
G6PD deficiency
• Hereditary Spherocytosis
• Hereditary Elliptocytosis
• Hemoglobinopathy
• Thalassemia
• Pyruvate kinase deficiency

red cell defects
Hereditary spherocytosis
• Hereditary elliptocytosis
• Southeast Asian ovalocytosis
• Stomatocytosis
two causes of spherocytes
HS (anykrin mutation is most common)
causes of elliptocytosis
-HE (Abnormal spectrin α or β, protein 4.1)
Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (essentially a
severe form of HE)
cf to cigar shaped rbcs
cause of stomatocyte
Hereditary stomatocytosis
– Autosomal dominant
– Defect in Na/K permeability of rbc membrane
• Alcohol and liver disease
• Rh null disease
where see heinz bodies
Seen in G6PD deficiency, unstable Hb, α thal (Hb
Barts, Hb H)
what is Flourescent spot test,
NADPH flouresces, lost in G6PD deficency)
transmission of G6PD
x linked
settings for echinocyte
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
• air drying
renal disease
setting for acanthocyte
spur cell
Liver disease
• Post splenecomy
• McCloud syndrome
• Abetalipoproteinemia (Mutated microsomal
triglyceride transfer protein cannot absorb fat from food)
two examples of unstable hb and effect on peripheral smear
Hb Zürich, Hemoblobin H disease
(see heinz bodies)
high O2 affinity hb
Hb Chesapeake
name an ex methb
Methemoglobins, iron is in the Fe3+ ferric state, not Fe2+ ferrous (HbM Boston)
alkaline agar for hb
alkaline Cellulose acetate pH 8.5,
a fat santa claus (+ at A)
acid agar for hb
Citrate Agar pH 6.0, acid gel
for a safe christmas
globin chain in A2
globin chain in F
what runs with Hb S on alk gel
Hb D, Hb G, Hb Lepore, india and hasharon

what runs with C on alk gel
A2, HbE and HbO run with Hb C on alk gel
what runs with A on acid gel
D, A2, G, E, N, I, H, Lepore
all run with Hb A on acid gel
ultra fast moving on alk gel
NIH Barts
ultra slow on acid gel
constant spring
what is Dithionite solubility test
turbidity in sickle cell (cant see lines)
cancer that sickle cell patients are at increased risk fo
renal medullary ca
sickling test, who sickles
Metabisulfate sickling test - add agent, look for sickling
SS, SA (alpha thal and sickle) and Hb C Harlem
another name for target cells
osmotic fragility in codocyte
increased (too much membrane)
target cells seen in
HbC, HbE, HbS
• Liver disease
• Hyperlipidemia
• Thalessemia
what are thal indices
Thalessemia indices
– Microcytic (MCV <75), erthrocytosis (RBC >5.5 x 1012)
what hb shows thal indices
Hb E
golf ball inclusions on supravital dye
hb H
b thal major sx
Cooley’s anemia, severe, transfusion dependant
b thal major peripheral smear
Anisopoikilocytosis, nucleated rbcs, target cells, tear drop cells
• basophilic stippling
flow for pnh
CD55, CD59, CD16, CD66, CD14
detects loss of GPI linked proteins
hams test principle
acid urine causes hemolysis in PNH patients; heat resolves this (cuz kill complement)
criteria for aplastic anemia
absolute neutrophil count < 500/ml
– Platelets < 20 x 109/l
– Reticulocytes < 1%
– BM cellularity < 25%
what settings does this arise
what settings does this arise
basophilic stippling
lead poisoning
pyrimidine 5’ nucleotidase deficency
MDS, infxn,
sideroblastic anemia
what are howell jolly bodies made of
where do howell jolly bodies occur
Seen in MDS, post splenectomy, sickle cell anemia,
what are pappenheimer bodies
- iron overload
what, where
what, where
cabot ring
Ring shaped inclusion
• Can look like 8
• Microtubule
• Remnants of mitotic spindle
• Seen in megaloblastic
anemia, CDA and lead
effect of autoagglutination on rbc indices
CBC incorrect values
– ↓RBC count
– ↑ MCV
Stomatocytosis assoc with
Rh null disease
Spherocytes assoc with
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Target cells + Hb C crystals
= Hgb CC
when might you transfuse someone with scd
to avoid stroke
what's a false neg for g6pd
a recent hemolytic episode
common finding in hemolytic anemia (in lab)
Hemolytic anemia, low Hgb A1C levels
PNH mutations of
GPI proteins
unique fx of P malariae on peripheral smear
Plasmodium malariae, band form lacks stippling,
triad of PNH
hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia and thrombosis
decreased Lap score
what is cause and what is result of pnh thrombosis
cause: lack of CD59 on plts
result: budd-chiari
how is hemolysis caused in PNH
activation of complement alternate pathway (C3b) - not classic C1, C4, C2
what are downey cells
Cd8 t cells
what is 5q - syndrome
5q-syndrome is characterized by macrocytic anemia often thrombocytosis, erythroblastopenia, megakaryocyte hyperplasia with nuclear hypolobation and an isolated interstitial deletion of chromosome 5. The 5q- syndrome is found predominantly in females of advanced age.
three causes of petechiae with normal coag
- vit c def
- miningococcemia
- CRF - depressing plt fxn
marked splenomegaly (5 associations)
myelofibrosis with myeloid hyperplasia
Kala-azar (visceral leishmaniasis)
Hairy cell leukemia
(mild forms with mono)
mech of pml dic
release of granules/auer rods triggering coag cascade