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53 Cards in this Set

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Penicillins: cidal or static?
Penicillins: synergistic or additive with aminoglycosides?
Penicillins: synergistic or additive with quinolones?
additive for some (organism specific)
What are the 3 mechanisms of resistance for penicillins?
production of beta-lactamases, altered cell wall penetration, PBP affinity alteration
Pen G, Pen G potassium or sodium, Pen VK, Pen G Benzathine, Pen G procaine are all examples of what kind of penicillin?
natural penicillin
True or False: natural penicillins are active against non-beta-lactamase/non-penase producing gram positive aerobic AND anaerobic organisms.
True or False: The gram negative spectrum of natural penicillins is very limited today.
Nearly all strains of Neisseria meningitidis are susceptible to which natural penicillin?
Pen G.
Which natural penicillin is still used today for the treatment of strep throat and syphilis?
Pen G benzathine
All penicillins penetrate most tissues except _____, _____, and ______, unless ______ exists.
All penicillins penetrate most tissues except the prostate, the eye and the CSF unless inflammation exists.
Can I give pencillins to a patient that has meningitis?
Yes because there is inflammation.
Do natural penicillins require dose adjustment?
maybe, but some only do it if clearance is <10ml/min
Penicillins: concentration independent or concentration dependent?
concentration independent
What is a major sign/symptom (1) of an overdose of Penicillin?
Natural Penicillins: with food or empty stomach?
empty stomach to achieve the best area under the curve
What is the max dose of natural penicillins?
2.4 million units/day
True or False: Natural penicillins are short-half life drugs.
True. They must be dose q4-6 hours except for Pen G procaine which is given every 12-24 hours.
Name the 5 penicillinase resistant penicillins.
methicillin, nafcillin, oxacillin, cloxacillin, dicloxacillin
Penicilliniase resistant penicillins: with food or empty stomach?
empty stomach: food decreases absorption.
Which 2 penicillinase resistant penicillins are associated with hepative function test elevation & thrombophlebitis?
nafcillin, oxacillin
Penicillinase resistant penicillins: renal or hepatic excretion?
hepatic excretion, therefore no adjustment needed for renal dysfunction.
Penicillinase resistant penicillins are generally used for what kind of infections?
Penicillinase Resistant Penicillins will not be active against 2 specific bacteria listed in Ravnan's handout. What are those two bacteria?
Enterococcus, Listeria
Doctor wants to use a penicillinase resistant penicillin for a patient with MRSA. Go or no?
No. Penicillinase resistant penicillins are only good for MSSA, not MRSA.
What are the 2 aminopenicillins?
amoxicillin and ampicillin
Patient presents with Enterococcal infection. Doc wants to treat with an aminopenicillin. Go or no?
Go. Both Ampicillina and Amoxicillin are active against Enterococcus.
Amoxicillin: with food or empty stomach?
doesn't matter
Ampicillin: with food or empty stomach?
empty stomach
Aminopenicillins: is renal dose adjustment needed?
What 3 side effects mentioned in Ravnan's lecture is more prominent with ampicillin than amoxicillin?
diarrhea, yeast infections, allergic reactions
What happens when a patient that is taking allopurinol gets put on ampicillin?
rash will develop. stop allopurinol and rash will be gone.
Name a carboxypenicillin.
True or False: Ticarcillin retains it's gram positive activity so it is just as good as ampicillin in combating Enterococcus.
False. This class of agents loses some of their gram positive activity. Therefore, Ticarcillin will still have activity against Enterococcus but not as good as ampicillins.
True or False: Ticarcillin has good activity against Klebsiella since it targets the Enterobacteriaceae family.
False. Ticarcillin has no or limited activity against Klebsiella because it cannot penetrate it's capsule.
Ticarcillin vs. Piperacillin: which one is better for Pseudomonas?
Ticarcillin causes: hyper or hypo-natremia?
hypernatremia because the drug is "ticarcillin sodium" and accumulates in renal dysfunction
Ticarcillin causes: hyper or hypo-kalemia?
Hypokalemia because sodium overload causes wasting of potassium.
Ticarcillin: penetrates BBB well or not well?
does not penetrate the BBB well.
Ticarcillin has what kind of effect on platelets?
anti-platelet effect
Name the 2 ureidopenicillins.
mezlocillin, piperacillin
Patient is infected with Enterococcus. Doc wants to give piperacillin. Yay or nay?
True or False: Piperacillin is most active against Pseudomonas.
True. *remember they both start with P*
Piperacillin: renal dose adjustment needed?
As mentioned in Ravnan's lecture, long term doses of piperacillin can cause what?
Piperacillin is available as a combination product. Name this combination product and what other agent is used.
Zosyn, Tazobactam
True or False: Zosyn is much better than Piperacillin against Pseudomonas.
False. Zosyn doesn't work any better than piperacillin.
What are the 4 Godzilla Cillins (brand names)?
Unasyn, Augmentin, Timentin, Zosyn
Name the 2 agents that make up Unasyn.
ampicillin, sulbactam
Name the 2 agents that make up Augmentin.
amoxicillin, clavulanic acid
Name the 2 agents that make up Timentin.
ticarcillin, clavulanic acid
What drug is the only godzilla cillin that is available orally?
Augmentin: with food or empty stomach?
with food to prevent diarrhea, NOT to increase absorption
True or False: Unasyn is just as good as Ampicillin in treat intra-abdominal infections.
False. Unasyn is better for intra-abdominal infections than ampicillin.