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477 Cards in this Set

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what produce by lungs
CO2.. carbonic acid produced and blow off from lungs
what produce by kdney
noirmal production of H
metabolism of protein for production of sulfuric and phosphoric acid
reabsorbtion of filtered HCO3
secreting of 1 H+ mg/kg/day
titrable acid phosphate , sulphate
generation of ammonia
1 acidemic or alkalemic
is this primary metabolic or repsiratory

is this simple or mixed
look for pH
< 7.40- acidemia
look at HCO3 and pCO2
low Hco3 and low Pco2
primary metabolic
in simple -- physiolog responce is predicted from normogram
if HCO3 drops by 10, pco2 falls by 12.. or
pCO2= 1.5x HCO3+8
causes of metabolic acidosis
causes of metabolic acidosis
overproduction of lactic or ketoacids
underexcretion of endogen produced acids
ingestion that will metabolized to other acids
renal or GI loss of bicarbonate
metabolic acidosis.. classic approach
anion-/ NA gap
anion gap
cations- na ka ca mg
anions HCO3, Cl, PH organic acid,
albumi anion gap= NA- ( Cl+HCO3) = 12+_2
elevate AG
ketones (DKA AKA starvation)
AKA ( alcoholic keto acidosis) : present with low Phosphor and glucose, low Phosphor may cause rhabdomyolysis
lactic acidosis( decreased perfusion, drugs)
renal failure
ingestions: salycilates
ethylen glycol
prophylen glycol
when d lactic acidosis can occur
if P with short bowel syndrome( after operation on bowel)
who have current episodes of encephalopathy
will have normal lactic level by standard test
TX NPO and i/ V dextrose
look for history of bowel disease and maybe in some past point P could get tx with glucose and get better
metabolic acidosis: ingections
osmolar gap- what is normal
and how to calculate
when could be elevated
if it is elevate and it is history of alcohol ingestion in vignette, you may think to eliminate the answer- methanol or glycol
metabolic acidosis: ingections
osmolar gap
useful in alcoholics. OG=2( NA)+ BUN/2.8+ glucose/18
normal osmolar gap is < 10
elevated in ingesters
isopropyl alcohol
metabolized to ...
cause ....
metabolized to acetone
cause osmolar gap and ketosis , but NO AG!!!!
ethylene glycol
ingested as antifreeze
can cause profound shock
metabolized to Ca oxalate in urine
tx folic acid
fomepozole( ethon dehydrogenase inhibitor) dialysis
high AG
converted to formic acid
cause blindness
tx ethon
propylene glycole-
propylene glycole- solvent in IV lorazepam
could lead to lactic acid
was sees in propophol
mechnism of non anion gap metabolic acidosis
loss of HCo3-
ureteroentero stomy(ileal loop)
inability to excrete H- in RTA
exogenous acid - TPN ( total parenteral nutrition)
on boards will be diarrhea or RTA but will not show diarrhea but will show UAG- urine anion gap
additon of lysin ,argynin
non anion gap metabolic acidosis-- when and what to check
what will show by UAG
diarrhea, RTA check urine NAG
UAG-- ( uNA+UK)-UC)l
kidney ability to produse ammonius
negative UAG- diarrhea-- kidney generate NH4 and Cl in urine increased

positive UAG- RTA- no production of NH4
what type of RTA
distal-4,1 proximal 2
what type of RTA is hyperkalemic
distal 4 (много калия( 4) в конце( дистал)
what type of RTA is HYpokalemic
distal 1 type
proximal 2 type
1 type RTA mechanism
cant excrete H from tubule across the concent gradient
1 type RTA urni pH
despite acidemia- urine pH will be never less 5,5
proximal type 2 RTA mechanism
bicarbon wasting
urine ph is high and decrease when serum pH falls
proximal type 2 RTA etiology
drugs CA inhibitors
heavy metals
shogren syndrome
proximal type 2 RTA what could be find
fanconi syndrome

AA uria
Fanconi syndrome (also known as Fanconi's syndrome) is a disease of the proximal renal tubules[1] of the kidney in which glucose, amino acids, uric acid, phosphate and bicarbonate are passed into the urine, instead of being reabsorbed.

The clinical features of proximal renal tubular acidosis are:

Polyuria, polydipsia and dehydration
Hypophosphatemic rickets (in children) and osteomalacia (in adults)
Growth failure

Other features of the generalized proximal tubular dysfunction of the Fanconi syndrome are:

proximal type 2 RTA tx
lots of HCO3
type 4 RTA other name and mechanism
hyperkalemic metab acidosis
mechanism-- hypoaldo, hyporenin

Type 4 RTA is not actually a tubular disorder at all and nor does it have a clinical syndrome similar to the other types of RTA described above. It was included in the classification of renal tubular acidoses as it is associated with a mild (normal anion gap) metabolic acidosis due to a physiological reduction in proximal tubular ammonium excretion, which is secondary to hypoaldosteronism, and results in a decrease in urine buffering capacity. Its cardinal feature is hyperkalemia, and measured urinary acidification is normal

Aldosterone deficiency-Primary (rare)

Primary adrenal insufficiency
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Aldosterone synthase deficiency

Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism (due to decreased angiotensin 2 production as well as intra-adrenal dysfunction)[36]

Renal dysfunction-most commonly diabetic nephropathy

ACE inhibitors

Aldosterone resistance

Drugs (Amiloride, Spironolactone, Trimethoprim, Pentamidine)
type 4 RTA mcc and when can be seen
diabetic mellitus maybe with mild renal disease
interstitial renal disease
obstructive uropathy
sikle cell disease
drugs cyclosporine
type 4 RTA tx
furosemide , HCo3
florinef( mineralocarticoids
barttler syndrome
metabolic alcalosis
normal BP
low mg
high renin and aldo
abnormal Na Ch transport in thick ascend loop and resemble furosemide intake
tx- NSAiD and K
appear in infanc/childhood
gittelman syndrome
normal blood pressure
metabolic alkalosis
looks like somebody is taking the thiaside
early adult

problem in distal convoluted tubule with NA- ch transport
low K, Mg hypocalciuria
tx amiloride , spirono lactone and Mg and K
water status of your body what system
ADH system- serum
reflect Na

cant be measured)
serum NA-water= ADH
total body sodium reflect what
and what system
ECF volume status , and it is clinical assement possible
total body Na= volume status RAA system
approach the NA disorder
remember that it is the water problem
need to know U Na and Uosmolarity
need Volume status
hyponatremia types and association
hypertonic hyponatremia- increased of hyperosmolar substances: glucose
mannitol .... water shifts out of cells

Isotonic hyponatremia- no change in cell size-- excess of lipid and protein

Hypotonic: most common causes- intracellular swelling
hypotonic hyponatremia
will have 3 type of ECF volume( low, high and normal)
low ECF volume ---decrease NA and Water
If renal losses-: diuretics,
addison diseses,
salt wasting
If non renal losses:
3rd spaces
RX- 9N/S
high ECF----
increase NA increase Water
edema status-- RF
Cirrhosis CRF
Nephrotic CRF
those patients have extra total NA and greater excees of total body water
they are hyponatremic but total body Na is elevated
RX: restict water and diuretics

Normal ECF volume
Norm- Na and increased Water
Psychogenic polydipsia
Glucocorticoid deficiency
RX: restict water,, N/S?? rarely3% ( if patient is syptomatic-- seizures , coma)
uOSMO WILL BE VERY HIGH for the present Serum osmolarity

clue-- very low uric acid level.
rule out Addison Dises always!
etiology: pulm,CNS, Neoplasm
drugs- phenothiazine

RX- Demeclocycline and litium
vasopressin RP antagonist- CONIVAPTAN ( V2 and V1a blockers)
correct slowly- < 1-2 mm / hour
if cell shrink- will be Central pontine myelinolysis

explanation-- patients cant excrete the water- too much ADH

This largely depends upon the rate of fall in serum sodium:

Slow fall in serum sodium - asymptomatic or non-specific features e.g. impaired memory, difficulty concentrating and possibly even falls.1
Rapid fall in serum sodium (i.e. rate of fall greater than 0.5 mmol/l/h) - this is potentially fatal. Features may include:
Respiratory arrest leading to death
Symptoms are uncommon until the serum sodium falls below 120 mol/l, or the plasma osmolality drops below 268 mOsmol/kg.
High uric acid levels in the urine
High uric acid levels in the urine are seen with gout, multiple myeloma, metastatic cancer, leukemia and a diet high in purines. Those at risk of kidney stones who have high uric acid levels in their urine may be given medication to prevent stone formation.Low urine uric acid levels may be seen with kidney disease and chronic alcohol us
Low urine uric acid levels
Low urine uric acid levels may be seen with kidney disease and chronic alcohol us
Normal Uric acid levels
Normal Uric acid levels are 2.4-6.0 mg/dL (female) and 3.4-7.0 mg/dL (male). Normal values will vary from laboratory to laborator
hypernatremia: 3 types
1. low ECF ( decrease Na! water!! lost more water than salt,
a) renal loss -- osmotic(old patients hyperosmotic coma
b) non renal loss -- sweating
Rx: Water and .9N/S
2 High ECF volume ( increased Na !!, increased Water!)
Salt water drowning
Resuscitation- ACLS,,, patiens were given lots of salt
Rx- diuretucs

3 Normal ECF volume Na- normal decrease Water !!!
diabetis insipidus
a) central- RX- ADH
b) nephrogenic- Rx- Thasides
primary polydispsia / DI
both present with Polyuria and polydipsia and cause the wash out of the medullary gradient and suppress ADH level
case- patint drinks alots of water
ds- in PP - Na<137
DI Na>142
DS- water restiction testing
ADH administration
central D insipidus pathogenesis
inadequate ADH production
>>> water loss and polyuria
Na is >>> up and P gets polydipsia
central D insipidus causes
granulomatous dieases- ( infiltration)sarcoid histocytosis CVA
infections-- TBC syphillis, encephalitis
trauma, familial
central D insipidus tests
with water restriction
no increase in U osm if complete central DI
will respond to ADH administration
central D insipidus RX
RX- desmopressin- DDAVP is primay therapy
in partial DI may use these drugs , they will stimulate of some ADH production
clofibrate NSAIdS
Nephrogenic DI pathogenesis
collection tubiles donot response to ADH-- dumping the water >>>polydipsia
Nephrogenic DI etiology
herediatary- X linked defect in V2 receptor gene
drugs - lithium. demeclocycline
Nephrogenic DI RX
thiaside diuretics
water restriction test and ADH
water restriction test and ADH
follow--- U vol, U osm. S osm ( norma. when U psm rises above 600 mosm/kg

if U osm doesnot rise or S osm increase above 295-- give ADH and follow...
in cDI-- Uosm- rises , urine output falls
in nDI- u osm may rise slightly, but remaine dilute
in PP Uoasm rises. max is 5-600 mosm/kg, but no responce to ADH
litium toxicity
nDI-- polyuria polydispsia

prevention- Tx- amiloride

thiaside NSAIDs
increased mineralocortocoids
increased the delivery of Na to the distal tubules
increased urine flow
increased excretion of non reabsopbable solutes
what move the K into the cells and maybe responsible for hypokalemia
insulin Beta adrenergis
where K go
into cells--- insulin catecholamines
familial periodic paralysis ( case- sudden hypokalemia and family history of sudden paralysis everything in unremarkable, BP is normal)
thyrotoxic hypokalemic periodic paralysis (clinical scenario,,, thyreo toxicosis, low potassium with episodes of weakness.. more common in Asian than other races
Extrarrenal losses: diarrhea laxatives.. maybe history of fistulas
associated with acidosis
Renal losses with normal blood pressure
type 1 distal RTA
type 2 proximal RTa
low magnesium ( ciplatin( chemo in the past, assoc with tubule defect) ETON diuretics
barttler and gitelman syndromes
renal potassium loses
with HTN and high Renin\
-primary hyperaldesteronism
-congenital adrenal hyperplasia
-11-oh dehydrogenase deficiency
-Liddle syndrome

with HTN and high renin( first renin ig going UP and then HTN occurs)
- renovascular HTN
- malignant HTN
-renin- secreting tumor
- essencial HTN with excess diuretics
hyperkalemia when?
shift out of cells
insulin deficiency
periodic paralysis
beta blockers

Impaired renal excretion:
RTA type 4
renal failure
heparin ( both)
what is on ECG in hyperkalemia
wide QRS
absent of P
tall T
look for P after dialysis with high K- start Tx
Rx for hyperkalemis
Rx- K shift
beta agonists ( albuterol 20 mg)
Na bicarbonate if P has acidosis

tx_ K removal
sodium polystryene sulfonate
LOSS OF ADREANAL FUNCTIONS WIL >>> lead to hyponatremia. because of lost of aldosterone
aldosterone cause the sodium re
if the body lost aldo, it lost nA
what tip for looking for PP
bipolar disorder- tx by Li
why volume overload could be in hypotyroidism
because thyroid hormone need to excrete the water
id not enough TH H-free water excretion will be decrease
any lung or brain disease
small Cr of lungs
which symptoms are characterize the hyponatremia
high ADH level
what is U_Na , BUN uric acide in SIDH
u na- very high
BUN and Uric acid are .ow
what could happen in SIADH if will be given only saline
will be worse
tx for severe symptomatic SIADH
conivaptan -- they are antogonists for ADH
only for urgent help in the hospital- no oral version is available
tx for chronic SIADH
depend on underlined disease and sometime will not be corrected ( like CR)
demeclocycline- is tx for chronic SIADH( it blocks the action of ADH at the collecting duct of the kidney
tx of hyponatermia by severety
mild= no sympt= restict fluids
moderate= minimal conmfusion= saline and loops diuretics( furasemide)
severe= lethargy, seixures . coma- hypertonc saline conivaptan, tolvaptan
what us the first clue of presenting DI
high volume nocturis
symptoms of hyper -Na -tremia
neurologic symptoms- confusion
lethargy and seizures
id not corrected- severe hypernatremia causes coma and irreversible brain damage
what is the best IT for DI
wate deprivation test ( observe volume and osmolarity of urine)
with DI - volume stay highand urine osmolaritry stay low depite vigorous urine productiun and despite developing dehydration

2- give ADH--=
CDI-- sharp decrese in ukrine volume, increse th eosmolairty

NDI- no chnge in urine colume nor osmolairy after ADH administration
single most accurate test CDI/NDI---- ADH level
ADH level will be low in CDI and markedly elevated in NDI
single most accurate test CDI/NDI----
single most accurate test CDI/NDI---- ADH level
ADH level will be low in CDI and markedly elevated in NDI
positive water deprivation test means
urine volume stays high despite with holding water
comparasin of CDI/NDI
1 polyuria and nocturia
2 urine osmolarity and Na
3 + water depr test
4 response to ADH
5 ADH level
1- both
2 both low
3both - yes
4. CDI- response to ADH, NDI- no
5 ADH level is???? in CDI and ??? in NDI
Rx for DI
CDI_ replace ADH- vasopressin( DDAVD)
1correct K and CA
2 stop LI or demeclocycline
gIve hydrochlorthiaside or NSIDS for these who still having NDI despite these interventions
distal tubule is responsible for what
what drugs or IMMUNOL Dises could damage the distal tubule
1. generating bicarbonate under the influence of aldosterone
2 shogren, SLE, amphotericin
if ne bicarb cant be generated in the distal tubule, then acid cant be secreted into the tubule and will raise the pH of the urine
in alkaline urine is increase the formation of kidney stones from Ca oxalate
best initial test for distal RTA ( type 1)
the most accurate test
UA- look fro abnormal pH,,,>5.5
infuse acid into the blood with ammonium chloride and healthy patient will be able to excrete the acid and will decrees the urine pH
those with distal RTA cannot excrete the acid and the urine pH will remain basic( over 5.5) despite an increasingly acidic serum
Rx of distal RTA
the most accurate test for proximal RTA
evaluate the bicarb reabsorbtion in the kidney by giving bicarb and test in urine pH. because kidney cant absorb bicarb, urine pH will raise
Rx for proximal RTA
necessary massive doses of bicarbonate.
thiazide will give volume depletion and enhance the bicarb reabsorbtion
type 4 RTA when it could occurs
diabetes.. there is a decreased amount or effect of aldosterone at
kidney tubule..
( hyporeninema, hypoaldesteronism)
this>>> to Na loss and retention of K and H

test for IV type RTA-- finding the high urine Na despite of sodium depleted diet

hyperkalemia is the clue for Most likely diagnosis...

fludcortiosone is the steroid with hiest mineralocorticoid or aldosteronlike
what steroid has the highest mineralocorticoid effect( or aldosteronlike effct)?
RTA types
1 urine PH
2 blood K level
3. nephrolithiasis
4 diagnostic tests
5 RX
type 1 type2 type4
1 variable high. 5.5 <5.5
2 low low high\
3 no yes no\
4 bicarb acid urine salt loss
5 thaz bicarb fludrocortison
metabolic alkalosis
compesation for metab alkalosis
elevate serum bicarb level
resp acidosis
will be relative hyperventilation that will increasing the Pco2 to compensate the metab alkalosis
metab alkalosis etology
gi loss- vomiting or nasoga suction
increased aldosterone-- primary hyperaldesterosism
cushing syndrome
ectopic ACDH
volumecontraction, licorice
etiol of met alkal
GI loos- vomit or NG suction
increased aldosterone- primary hyperaldoster
crushing s
ectopic ACTH
volume vontraction
milk alkali syndrome- high volume of liquid antacids
hypokalemia- hydrogen move into cells and K can be release
aterial blood in met alkalosis
increased pco2 ( respirat acidosis as compenstion)
increased bicarb

both are increased
you cant determ the etiology as met alkalosis from blood gases
respiratory acidosis
increased pco2
decreased Min ventilation
metabolic alkalosis as compes
respiratory acidosis caused by
sleep apnea/ morbid obecity
respiratory alkalosis
decreased pco2
increased the minute ventilation
metabolic cidosis as compensation
respiratory alkalosis causedby
interstitial lung disease
pulmonary emboli
MCC of nephrolithiasis
calcium oxalate ( in alkalina urine)
MCC RF of nephrolithiasis
over excretion of ca in urine
what is the next step in man if p is present with pain in flank and blood in urine
ketoralac- NSID- give analgesia like opiate
why crohn cause the kidney stones
increaesd oxalate absorption
what i s the most accurate test f nephrolithiasis
CT scan
IVP is never right answer
how can we see uric acid stones
on Ct(not visible on Xray)
how to manage cystine stones
surgical removal
alkalinizing the urine
will fat malabsorb increase stone formation
best initial therapy for renal colic is
image to control the location of stone
howto determ the etiology of stone
stone analysis
serum CA, uric acid
Mg. Ph level
24 hours urine for volume, CA oxalate
uric acid
when to order litotripsy
1 stone-0.5-2-3 cm
2 fever
3 infections
4 severe nausea and vomiting
5 complete obstruction or anuria

,Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy would be warranted in these settings or in a patient with a stone that is less than 1 cm in diameter located within the kidney or higher than mid ureter,

if stone is in the mid ureter - do flexible ureteroscopy
Percutaneous nephrostomy --- in a staghorn calculus, to relieve an obstructed urinary collecting system if retrograde nephrostomy cannot be performed, or to obtain anatomic access in conjunction with extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy.

small stones will pass
larger stones- manage surgically
what for stentin nephrolitiasis
stent placement relieve hydronephrosisfrom ctones in distal ureters
if stone is on halfway in ureter- rx?
how to reat struvite stones
they are after inf( protey) - RX- surgery
lomg term of management of nephrolithiasis
50 % - recccurec
HTZ removes ca from urine by increasing distal reabsorb of ca by distal tubules
ca diet?
wont help and more likely to form th estone
because Ca bind to oxalate in the bowel
when Ca ingestion is ow, there is increased oxalate absorb in gut because no ca to bind in the gut.
stent placement is done when
when it is obstruction especially at the ureteropelvic junction
when is the risk of stone formation
when dietary decrease of CA
increase in oxalate
decrease in citrate
why met acidosis increase stones formation
met acidosis removed Ca from bones and increased stone formation
it also decrease the citrate level
citrate bind the ca, making it unavailable for stone formation
stress incontinence
woman with painless leak with cough, lauh lifting heavy objects

have a P stand and cough and observe the leakage
local estrogen cream
surgical tightening the urethra
urge incontinence
sudden pain in the bladder
folowwing immediately by the owerwelming urge to urinate

pressure measurement in half full bladder

bladder training exercise
local antycholinergic therapy
surgical tightening of urethra

diabetic P or someone with chronic renal disease---HTN is above 130-80
HTN etiology
95% essen
renal artery stenosis
coarct of aorta
acro megaly
cushing syndrome or any cause of hypercorticolism , including therapeutic use of glucocorticoids
congenital adreanal hyperplasia
HTN Presentation
if HTN has symptoms--- they are from aterosclerosis ( end organ damage)

CV disease
visual disturb
renal insuff
presentation of secondary HTN
renal artery stenosis
bruit!!- continues throughout systole and diatole
Coarc of A- upper extr BP is . then in low extr

pheochromoc- episodic HTN with flushing


weakness from hypokalemia
HTN- Diag
repeat measure of BP in office
if they have HTN- do: ecg
glucose measurement to exclude concomitant diabetes
cholesterol screening
best initial therapy---- life style manag ( weight loss- more effective)
sodium restriction
diet ( less fat and red meat- more fish and veget)
tobacco cessation doesn't stop HTP
but prevent cardio vascular disease
HTN drug therapy
best initial step

if BP is very hight on presentaion-- 160/100-- add the second drug
90 % will be controlled by 2 medication

if diuretuics wont control- next step--
ACE ing
what medication are not first line therapy for htn
central acting A agonists-:
methyldopa, clonidin

perif acting alfa antagonists: prazosin, terazosin

direct actin vasodilators:

(hydralasin. minoxidil)
compelling indications
if is another significant disease in history, you should add a specific drug to lifestyle modific

in this case dont start with thazide
BIT if history of
BIT if history of
BIT if history of BPH
alfa blockers
BIT if history of depression and asthma
avoid BB
BIT in HTN if history of osteoporosis
HTN crisis
blurry vision dyspnea
chest pain
BIN for HNT crisis
labetalol or nitroprussid ( not fist choice- need to be monitored)

CCb- verapamil diltiazem
why dont lower the BP in the crisis to normal?
will provoke the stroke
hyperkalemis etiology...
1 pseudo:
-repeated fist clenching with tourniquet in place
- thrombocytosis or leukocytosis will leak out of cell in the lab specimen
no treatment!! or testing
2 decreased excretion:
renal failure
aldosterone decrease:
ACE inhibitors/ ARBs
type 4 tubular acidosis( hyporeniemic, hypoaldeosteronism)
spironolacton and eplerenone ( aldosteron inhibitors)
triamterene and amiloride ( potassium sparing diuretics)
addison disease

3 release of K from tissue:
any tissue distruction- hemolys
tumor lysis
decresed insulin( it normally drives K into cells)
Acidosis- cells will pick up the H( acid) and release K in exchange
betablokers and digoxin-- they inhibit Na/K atpase than normally bring the potassium into the cells
heparin increased K level, presumably through increased tissue release
hyperkalemia- presentation
interact with musle contr and cardia conductance
paralysis when severe
card rhythm dist
does hyperkalemia cause seizures
diag tests
most urgent tst- ECG( PEAKED t WAVES
PR interval- prolonged
hyperkalemia Rx lifethreat
CaCl or Ca gluconate
insulin and glucose( to drive K into cells)
bicarbonate- drives K into the cells but should be used most when acidosis caused hypekalemia
hyperkalemia- remov K from body
sodium polystrene sulfonate-- kayexalate
it binf K ingut and remove

insuin and bicarb lower K level through redistr into the cell

other methods to lower K - inhale albuterol
loop diuretics
does CA decrease K level
we use CA only to protect he heart, it does not lower K level
does insulin remove K from the body
no- it shift it inside the cell
when hyperkalemia and abnormal aecg what to do
most appropriate next step is CACl or CA glucnate
NA_ CNS symptoms K??
musc and cardiac symptoms
primary aldesteronism cause by what
Primary aldosteronism, also known as primary hyperaldosteronism, is characterized by the overproduction of the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone by the adrenal glands.,[1] when not a result of excessive renin secretion. Aldosterone causes increase in sodium and water retention and potassium excretion in the kidneys, leading to arterial hypertension (high blood pressure). An increase in the production of mineralocorticoid from the adrenal gland is evident. It is among the most common causes of secondary hypertension,[2] renal disease being the most common.

Primary hyperaldosteronism has many causes, including adrenal hyperplasia and adrenal carcinoma.[3] When it occurs due to a solitary aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma (a type of benign tumor), it is known as Conn's syndrome
etiology of primary hyperadesteronism
bilateral idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia 70 %
unilateral idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia 20 %
aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma (benign tumor, < 5%)
rare forms, including disorders of the renin-angiotensin system
for what pump will aldosteron work
what will be K H NA as result of hyperaldestronis
why hydrogen-/ Na pump is more acitive
what exnzyme generatehydrogen ions and what it couse
what acid base will be in hyperaldesteronism what will be with CA
Aldosterone enhances exchange of sodium for potassium in the kidney so increased aldosteronism will lead to hypernatremia and hypokalemia. Once the potassium has been significantly reduced by aldosterone, a sodium/hydrogen pump in the nephron becomes more active leading to increased excretion of hydrogen ions and further exacerbating the hypernatremia. The hydrogen ions that are exchanged for sodium are generated by carbonic anhydrase in the renal tubule epithelium causing increased production of bicarbonate. The increased bicarbonate and the excreted hydrogen combine to generate a metabolic alkalosis. The high pH of the blood makes calcium less available to the tissues and causes symptoms of hypocalcemia (low calcium levels)
what will be with Na in hyperaldesteronism , where this will lead to
what happen with GFR and renin
why musle cramps
why musle weakness
The sodium retention leads to plasma volume expansion and elevated blood pressure. The increased blood pressure will lead to increased glomerular filtration rate and cause a decrease in renin release from the granular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in the kidney. If there is a primary hyperaldosteronism the decreased renin (and subsequent decreased angiotensin II) will not lead to a decrease in aldosterone levels (a very helpful clinical tool in diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism).

Aside from high blood pressure manifestations of muscle cramps (due to hyperexcitability of neurons secondary to hypocalcemia), muscle weakness (due to hypoexcitability of skeletal muscles secondary to hypokalemia), and headaches (due to hypokalemia or high blood pressure) may be seen.
primnary aldesteronism-- DS
if plasma level and of renin and aldosterone suggest hyperaldest, what to do next
Measuring aldosterone alone is not considered adequate to diagnose primary hyperaldosteronism. Rather, both renin and aldosterone are measured, and a resultant aldosterone-to-renin ratio is used for diagnosis.[5][6] A high aldosterone-to-renin ratio indicates presence of primary hyperaldosteronism.

If plasma levels of renin and aldosterone suggest hyperaldosteronism, CT scanning can confirm the presence of an adrenal adenoma. If the clinical presentation primarily involves hypertension and elevated levels of catecholamines, CT or MRI scanning can confirm a tumor on the adrenal medulla, typically an aldosteronoma.

cortison->>> cushong
Hyperaldosteronism can be mimicked by Liddle syndrome, and by ingestion of licorice and other foods containing glycyrrhizin. In one case report, hypertension and quadriparesis resulted from intoxication with a non-alcoholic pastis (an anise-flavored aperitif containing glycyrrhizinic acid).[7]
acute renal failure name then
pre- renal, renal post renal
acute renal failure pathphys
elevation of BUN over several hours to days with or without uremia
uremia .. what does it indicate
a need for urgent dialysis
metab acidosis
what is the best measure of renal function
cretinine clearance
if age > 65 and Cr < 1.0mg/dl
you masu round creatinine up to 1.0mg/Dl
prerenal renal failure
most common is dehydration and shock due to decrease renal perfusion from any cause: CHF, diuretucs, vomiting, diarrhea
how to establish the ds of prerenal failure
BUN/CR ration of =>20:1
decreased Fena (<1%)
high urine osmolarity ( high specific gravity, > 1.010, usually 1.030)
what prerenal syndromes
bilateral renal artery stenosis
hepatorenal syndrome
ACE inhibitor- induced renal insufficiency or failure
bilateral renal stenosis clinica
clinical finding
multidrug resistant HTN and signs of prerenal azotemia
bilateral renal stenosis
rapid rise in BUN/Cr after starting therapy

2. suspect in young people with fibromuscular dysplasia
3 suspect in elderly with history of atherosclerotic disease
bilateral renal stenosis
first line- stenting
hepato renal syndrome clinica
prerenal azotemia and history of liver diases
hepato renal syndrome ds
failure of BUN/CR ration to improove after > 1.5 L of IV normal saline
hepato renal syndrome tx
treat liver disease and dialysis if evidence of uremia
ACE inhibitopr- induced renal insufficiency
rise in BUN/Cr ration after initiating the therapy, seen in those with baseline renal insufficiency or bilateral RAS( renal artery stenosis)
intrarenal renal failure
MCC based upon age and RF
due to intrinsic renal defects, GN and ATN
intrarenal renal failure ds
look for BUN/Cr ration of 10:1, other finding dependent on case
intrarenal causes of RF
acute papillary necrosis
cholesterol embolisation syndrome
allergic interstitial nephritis
contrast induced renal failure
ethylen glycol poisoning
tumor lysis syndrome
acute papillary necrosis
important history
use of NSAIDs in elderly or baselinerenal disease
sickle cell crisis
sudden fever and flank pain
acute papillary necrosis studies and tx
BIT-UA with microscopy and culture WBC, negative urine culture, and granular necrotic sediment
tx- stop NSADIs and tret underlined cause
cholesterol embolization syndrome
import history
recent catheterization ( cause embolization from vessels walls- followed by ARF and bluish discoloration of fingers/ toes (vascular occlusion from emboli)
cholesterol embolization syndrome
BIT Ua with microscopy(increased eosinophills on Whrigh- hansel stain

MAT skin biopsy, shown cholesterol cristals
cholesterol embolization syndrome tx
allergic interstitial nephritis important history
new medication causing allergic drug reaction,or infection, fevr
allergic interstitial nephritis ds
BIT UA with microscopy(increased eosinophills on Whrigh- hansel stain)
allergic interstitial nephritis tx
first line- stop the drug or treat the infection
second line: if failure to improve- start steroids
contract-induced RF h/o
h/o recent IV contract usually in person with baseline renal disease or Diabetes on oral hypoglycemic
contract-induced RF ds
disease usually cause he acute tubular necrosis
look for muddy brown cats on UA
contract-induced RF tx
first line- vigorous Iv hydration
prevention: stop all oral hypoglycemic
at least 24 hours before IV contrast study and provide hydration with or w/o N-acetylcycteine
ethylene Glycol poisoning h/o
suicidal ideation ( anti freeze ingestion)
look for drank P with high anion gap metabolic acidosis
ethylene Glycol poisoning ds
BIT Ua will show oxalate in urine
ethylene Glycol poisoning tx
first line- fomepizole, then dialysis
rhandomyolysis h/o
severe trauma
recent strenuous exers
Hypokalemia ( hypokalemia may cause the rhabdomyolysis, but hypokalemia is the result of muscle break down

ABO incompatibility with ARF
rhandomyolysis ds
urine A will show + urine dipstick for hemoglobin
microscopy will show absence of RBC

also check CPK if muscular damage is suspected
rhandomyolysis h tx
first line- check ECG to rule out hyperkalemc changes and treat if needed

hen: IV normal Saline + sodium bicarbonate
add mannitol if severe
tumor lyssis syndrome h.o
recent hemo therapy with SARF shortly thereafter
tumor lyssis syndrome ds
BIT---UA ( microscopy with urate crystall)
tumor lyssis syndrome tx
first line- vigorous hydration with sodium bicarb
2. prevent with prechemotherapy ---IV hydration = allpurinol
post renal RF h\o
look for oligouria in history
post renal RF different pathog in young and old
young-obstructng calculi on the level of bladder neck
elderly- BPH
post renal RF ds
BUN/Cr ratio of >20:1
decreae FeNA ( 1 %)
distended bladder on examination or
bilateral hydronephrosis on renal sonogram or CT scan or post void residual volume of > 50 ml
use foley to measure
post renal RF tx
relive obstruction
start prazosin or terazosin if elderly man with newly diagnosed BPH
chroni renal failure indica for dialysis
fluid overload with oliguria or anuria
signif platelet dysfunction
signif electrolytes abnormalities
altered mental status
what type of dyalisis are available
1 hemodyalysis
2 perit dialysis-- increased evidence of infc- peritonitis
why to put on transplant list
less mortality compared to long term dyalisis
what almost all Patients with dialysis are requir
EPO to prevent normoc anemia ( kydney no longer produce EPO)
what will be in CA and PH in with CRF
hyperphosphatemia- secondary to inability to proue 1.25 dyhydro vit D
need vit D replacement and Ca acetate or Ca carbonate-- ( phosphate binders)
end stage renal disease is equivalent of what
and how P should be treated
betta blokers, statin
ACE inhibitors( monitor K level
keep BP< 130/80
what diet in hemodyalisis patients
protein and elemetn restricted diet( Na K Mg Ph)
berger diseas pathphsy
most comon in who
dpst of IGa aft recenbt vral infect
most comon in young asian
berger dis clin
hematurian , HTN in young asian patient
berger dis ds
what is gold stnrt
BIT- SERUM igA but notr always elevated
gold standart is renal biopsy
berger d tx
fish oil may improove, other vise- supportive
hemolytic uremic syndrome and TTP
triad of microangiopatic hemolytic anemia9 shistocytes on per blood, increase serum LDH with normal GGT, indicating hemolysis, thromobocytopenia and renal insuff
what kind of patints could be in HUS
childern 9 ususally0 and assoc with E coli 0157:h7
kid ate under cooked hamburg-- typical scenario
microangiopatic hemolytic anemia
neurologic finding( head ache, neurolog deficit
renal insuff
what kind of patints could be in TTP
adult, may be assoc with HIV/AIDS or ticlopidine( antiplatelet)
TTP tx
don't transfuse regardless of platelets counts( will be worsening of thrombosis)
dipiridamol to inhbit the platelet aggregation
plasmapheresis if severe
rapidly progressive GN assoc with

hiv/ aids
clnical - rapid onset of ARFG
look for creshent formation
tx steroid +cyclophosphamide , but usually progress to ESRD and requiring hemodyalisis
what is the most accur test for all GN
renal biop
criteria of nephrotic syndrome
1.protein loss . 3mg in 24 hours
2. hypoalbuminemia( from protein loss) -------->
---->3.edema T 3th spacing fom decreased oncotic pressure) and hyperelipidemia
( loss of chylomicrons protein substrates and hyperlipiduria( seen as cross in the urine
nephrotic syndrom - types of GN
fical segmental
lipoid nephrosis( minimal change)
membrano proliferative
focal segmental
microscopy/ association
assoc with HIV and heroin abuse
light microscopy--- focal segmental sclerosis with hyalinization
electron microc-- show loss of foot processes
usually progress to ESRD despite the treatment

tx-- ace inh or ARB+ steroids

add or switch to cyclosporine or cyclophosphamide id disease not controlled
lipoid nephrosis ( minimal change disease
mcc case of nephrotic syndrome in kids
light microscopy is normal
electron microscopy shows _ fusion of foot processes

add or switch to cyclosporine or cyclophosphamide id disease not controlled
MCC of nephrotic syndrom ein adults
assoc with maligmacy. hepatitus and NSAIDs
light micro shows--- thickened
capillary walls
electron microscopy--
subepithelial spikes
add or switch to cyclosporine or cyclophosphamide id disease not controlled
membrano -proliferative
assoc with hepatitis and cryoglobulinemia
light microscopy--- thikened split basement membrane with mesangial proliferation

elect micros-- either subendothelial deposits( type1) or dense deposits( type 2)

add or switch to cyclosporine or cyclophosphamide id disease not controlled

serum C# nephritic factor is specific but widely availabe
treat underl disease
type 1 distal type RTA pathphys
multip etopl
sporadic cases
reumatic dis
drug induced
familial cases
hep B or C
type 1 distal type RTA clinical
clinical urineph.5.4 ( alcalotic) cannot ectreete H= ions
HYPOKALEMIA 9 loss of k , secondary tpo inability to ecrete H
secondary hyperaldesteronis
nephro lithiasis
type 1 distal type RTA ds
acid load test - oral ammon chloride fails to decrease urinary pH below , 5.0
increase urine AN
type 1 distal type RTA tx
oral sodim bicarb tablats + oral K choride replacement
type 2 proximal RTA pathphys
multiple etiology
includin any cause of hypocalcemia
reum dies
heavy metal toxicity
type 2 proximal RTA clinical
THEN Ph , 5.4
type 2 proximal RTA ds
IV sodium bicarb load test
urine pH remains acidic
type 2 proximal RTA tx
high doses of bicarb + thazide = K
type 4 hyporeninemic hypoaldestreronism pathphys
etiology diabetes
renal failure
aldoste defici
type 4 hyporeninemic clinicalhypoaldestreronism ds
oral sodium restrict test--- high urinar sodium conct
type 4 hyporeninemic clinicalhypoaldestreronism tx
ca oxalate stones
malabs synrome
vit D def

oXalate envelope....

c- octogonal cristalls
urease prod bacteria causing cystitis and pyelonephritis ( Proteus, klebsiella, pseudom) Cristal as coffin lids-- ammonium , mg, triphosphate or struvite
uric acid
gout malignancy
chron diases

tip:Uric acid ... look to fisrt letter- UU on micro of urine... shape of cristal./..
manag of stones
same for all type
<4 mm- will pass spontaneously

agress hydration andpain ontrol

5-10 mm-- shock wave litotripsy is the best Imanag

>10 mm- flexible urereteroscopy combined with laser lithotripsy is the best man
good pasture
ds BIT- anti basement membrane antibody
confirmation test-- hemosiderin laden microphages or renal biopsy

tc plasmaferesis and iv methyl prendisonelone
hyponatremia general
MCC fluid overload ( CHF ARF
PP excessive Na loss
hyponatremia import points
always correct for hyperglycemia ( false low NA) , BUN hyperlipidemia

serum osmol-- 2xserum Na+ bun/2.8+glycose /18

hyperglycemia--for every 100 g/dl of glucose over normal Na decreases by 1.6 mg/dl
hypo Na clinical
sympomps may be neurologic and range from altered mental status to coma
hypo na - tx
no change in mental statuys-- restict fluids and correct underl disease

altered mental status-- IV saline = loop diaretics( furasem or acetazolamide)
stupot ot coma iv hypertonic saline.. correct at rate 0.5 mEg hour to prevent central pontine myelinosis
MCC is exs fluid loss -- diarr, vomiting, sweat. cellular shift
clinicalneurolog proble
tx- no chqnge in altered ment status- free water relacemet
altered MS- D5W or 1/2normal saline with max dorrections of 12 meg/ day
seisures stupor or coma-- iv D5W
with nmax correction rate of 1 meg/ hour
hypo kalemia mcc
mcc insendible loss ( mainly GI, vomiting and diarrhea, transcellular shift
loop or thiaside diuretics
hypo kalemia clinical
skeletal muscle weakness may progress to paralyses, ileus
cardiac arrhtmia
ECG will show flat T waves or U waves
hypo kalemia tx
fisrt always check the MG level
if low- give it by iv- mg sulphat otr orally- mg oxide , decrease dose if diarrhea occurs
asymptomatic hypokalemia tx
oral K replacement if adequate
if diuretic induced, switch to K sparing- spironolacton or add supplemental K to daily meds( usually 10-40 meg . dl
symptomatic hypokalemia tx
symptomatic hypokalemia- mean ileus , arrhythmia --- give IV potassium chloride or potassium phosphate in normal or 50 %normal saline at max rate of 20 meg/ hour, avoid any dextrose containing fluid( cause cellular shift and worsen hypokalemia)
hyperkalemia clinical
most feared complication is fatal arrhythmia . first check ECG
in order of progression- prolong PR interval> short Qt interval> diffuse peaked T waves> whide QRS COMPLEX> TORSADES DE POINTES> VTACH> v fIB> DEATH
hyperkalemia TX
potassium <5.8 and asymp--->review n=medication ( especially ACE or ARB) and stop them, limit oral K intake
K>5.8 or synptomatic( musc weakness) oral kayexalate( first line) or kayexalate retention enema ( second lne)
if ecg changes present- first lin etx- Iv ca chloride( stabilizes myocard membrane), folow with IV sodium bicarb drip, dextrose ( 50 mg.. prevent hypoglycemia) folowed by Iv insulin( 10 U) to drive potassium intracellularly
arrange hemodialisis emergently after above measures if needed
acid base disorders basics metab alkalosis
increased serum HCO3

exes oral or Iv bicarb, mil;k alkali syndrome, trancell shift, diuretics, vomiting, Conn and or Cushing syndromes
acid base disorders basics respir alkalosis
decreased PCO2
hyperventilation from any cause- acute anxiety, increased progesterone( pregn and chronic liver disease) pain
acid base disorders basics metab acidosis
decreased serum HCO3
increased AG : DKA AKA ethyl glycol, lactic acido, methanol uremia
normal AG diarrhea, RTA
decreased AG: MM, hypoalbuminemia lithium
acid base disorders basics respir acidosis
increased PCO2
hyperventilation from any cause,, copd. astma exacerbation. chest wall disorders , opiate over dose
acid base primary disorders with compensation
arrows move in thew SAME directions ( respir acidosis .. increased PCO2 compensate with metabol alcalosis---> increased HCO3
acide base mixed disorders
arrows move in the OPPOSItE directions (respir acidosis-- increased PCO2 compensate with metabolic acidosis --> decrease HCO3
1 Stage of Chronic Kidney Disease
1 Kidney damage with normal GFR ≥90

Treatment of comorbid condition, interventions to slow disease progression, reduction of risk factors for cardiovascular disease
2 Stage of Chronic Kidney Disease
2 Kidney damage with mildly decreased GFR 60-89 Estimate disease progression
3 Stage of Chronic Kidney Disease
3 Moderately decreased GFR 30-59 Evaluation and treatment of disease complications (such as anemia, renal osteodystrophy)
4 Stage of Chronic Kidney Disease
4 Severely decreased GFR 15-29 Preparation for kidney replacement (dialysis, transplantation)
5 Kidney failure <15 (or dialysis) Kidney replacement therapy if uremia is present
5 Stage of Chronic Kidney Disease
5 Kidney failure <15 (or dialysis) Kidney replacement therapy if uremia is present
Chronic kidney disease is characterized by
Chronic kidney disease is characterized by either kidney damage or a glomerular filtration rate less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 that persists for 3 months or more
Major risk factors for chronic kidney disease include
Major risk factors for chronic kidney disease include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, and the metabolic syndrome
Clinical features predictive of accelerated disease progression in patients with chronic kidney disease include degree of
Clinical features predictive of accelerated disease progression in patients with chronic kidney disease include degree of proteinuria, hypertension, and black race.
what carries the highest risk for developing chronic kidney d
A personal history of diabetes, hypertension, or cardiovascular disease carries the highest risk for developing chronic kidney d
what is indicated In patients with risk factors for chronic kidney disease,
In patients with risk factors for chronic kidney disease, screening with urinalysis, a urine protein- or albumin-creatinine ratio from a first morning voided specimen, serum creatinine level measurement, and estimation of the glomerular filtration rate is indicated
Evaluation of all patients with chronic kidney disease should include
Evaluation of all patients with chronic kidney disease should include urinalysis, evaluation of urine sediment, kidney ultrasonography, and measurement of the serum electrolytes and a random urine protein-creatinine ratio.
Biopsy should be considered in patients with chronic kidney disease who have
Biopsy should be considered in patients with chronic kidney disease who have evidence of glomerular disease in the absence of diabetes or in patients with diabetes with atypical features, such as the absence of retinopathy or the development of sudden-onset nephrotic syndrome or glomerular hematuria.
Complications associated with chronic kidney disease include
Complications associated with chronic kidney disease include cardiovascular disease, anemia, and chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder
Treatment of hypertension in patients with chronic kidney disease protects against both
Treatment of hypertension in patients with chronic kidney disease protects against both progressive chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease.
Anemia of chronic kidney disease is a diagnosis of
Anemia of chronic kidney disease is a diagnosis of exclusion, and the presence of other causes of anemia such as gastrointestinal bleeding, vitamin B12 deficiency, or hemolysis should be investigated.
what can correct erythropoietin deficiency and should be considered for patients with chronic kidney disease who have hemoglobin levels below 10 g/dL (100 g/L).
Use of erythropoietin-stimulating agents such as epoetin and darbepoietin alfa can correct erythropoietin deficiency and should be considered for patients with chronic kidney disease who have hemoglobin levels below 10 g/dL (100 g/L).
Patients with chronic kidney disease and anemia should be treated to a target hemoglobin level from
Patients with chronic kidney disease and anemia should be treated to a target hemoglobin level from 11 to 12 g/dL (110 to 120 g/L), and hemoglobin levels should not exceed 13 g/dL (130 g/L).
Management of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorders involves controlling the serum
Management of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorders involves controlling the serum parathyroid hormone and phosphorus levels, restriction of phosphorus-rich foods, and the use of phosphate binders.
Patients with chronic kidney disease may develop renal osteodystrophy t tat manifests as
hPatients with chronic kidney disease may develop renal osteodystrophy tat manifests as osteitis fibrosa cystica, osteomalacia, adynamic bone disease, mixed uremic osteodystrophy, osteoporosis, and amyloidosis.
General management of patients with chronic kidney disease should attempt to
General management of patients with chronic kidney disease should attempt to delay disease progression, treat symptoms, and reduce risk factors for disorders that have an increased prevalence in patients with this disease.
Ideally, the hemoglobin A1c level in patients with chronic kidney disease who have diabetes should be maintained between
Ideally, the hemoglobin A1c level in patients with chronic kidney disease who have diabetes should be maintained between 7% and 7.9%.
Nephrotoxic agents
Nephrotoxic agents such as magnesium- and phosphate-containing cathartics, NSAIDs, selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, and iodinated contrast are not recommended for patients with chronic kidney disease, and metformin and bisphosphonates should be used with caution
Experts recommend blood pressure targets
Experts recommend blood pressure targets of less than 130/80 mm Hg for patients with chronic kidney disease and less than 125/75 mm Hg for patients with proteinuria greater than 1 g/24 h.
the preferred antihypertensive agents in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers are the preferred antihypertensive agents in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Most patients with advanced chronic kidney disease require what medicine
Most patients with advanced chronic kidney disease require at least two antihypertensive agents to achieve blood pressure goals, and restriction of sodium to less than 2.4 g/d and adding furosemide can enhance the effects of antihypertensive agents.
Discussions regarding the need for kidney replacement therapy should begin when
Discussions regarding the need for kidney replacement therapy should begin at least 1 year before the anticipated start of dialysis or when the glomerular filtration rate decreases below 30 mL/min/1.73 m2.
treatment of choice for most patients with end-stage kidney disease.
Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for most patients with end-stage kidney disease.
To preserve veins for dialysis access,
To preserve veins for dialysis access, venipuncture and intravenous cannulation above the level of the hands ideally should be avoided once the GFR decreases below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2.
what are discouraged in patients with chronic kidney disease who are considering dialysis.
Peripherally inserted central venous catheters are discouraged in patients with chronic kidney disease who are considering dialysis.
Dialysis should be initiated when
Dialysis should be initiated before symptoms of advanced uremia develop.
End-stage kidney disease is associated with an increased risk for
End-stage kidney disease is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, acquired cystic disease, and cancer of the kidneys.
are associated with both patient and allograft survival advantages
Preemptive kidney transplantation before initiation of dialysis and transplantation performed after shorter periods of dialysis are associated with both patient and allograft survival advantages
Common contraindications to kidney transplantation include
Common contraindications to kidney transplantation include recent or metastatic malignancy, current untreated infection, severe irreversible extrarenal disease, a history of nonadherence, inability to give informed consent, active use of illicit drugs, and primary oxalosis without plans for liver transplantation
graft survival with living donor kidney transplantation /deceased donor transplantation.
One- and 5-year graft survival with living donor kidney transplantation is significantly higher than with deceased donor transplantation.
n the absence of kidney donation from an identical twin,
In the absence of kidney donation from an identical twin, immunosuppression with both induction and maintenance therapy is needed in kidney transplant recipients to prevent the immune system from rejecting the transplanted organ.
Kidney transplant recipients have an increased risk for
Kidney transplant recipients have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, infection, and malignancy; in addition, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis commonly recurs early in the posttransplantation period.
Kidney transplant recipients may have an increased risk of fractures caused by
Kidney transplant recipients may have an increased risk of fractures caused by corticosteroid use, bone quality abnormalities, and vitamin D deficiency.
Pregnancy in a transplant recipient is possible but is considered
Pregnancy in a transplant recipient is possible but is considered high risk.
Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease
Diabetes mellitus
Cardiovascular disease
Metabolic syndrome
Age >60 years
Family history of chronic kidney disease
HIV infection
Hepatitis C virus infection
Kidney stones
Autoimmune disease
Recurrent urinary tract infection
Recovery from acute kidney injury
Exposure to nephrotoxic drugs, such as NSAIDs and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors
underlying cause and stage of CKD determine the clinical manifestations of this condition.
he underlying cause and stage of CKD determine the clinical manifestations of this condition. Patients with stages 1 and 2 CKD are often asymptomatic; for example, patients with incipient diabetic nephropathy may present with asymptomatic microalbuminuria. However, those with advanced diabetic nephropathy associated with nephrotic-range proteinuria often have evidence of retinopathy and neuropathy. Patients with stages 3 and 4 CKD usually have progressive cardiovascular disease, abnormalities in bone and mineral metabolism, and anemia.
Manage chronic kidney disease.
Key Point
Manage chronic kidney disease.
Key Point

* Patients with risk factors for chronic kidney disease should undergo screening with urinalysis, serum creatinine measurement, first morning void random urine protein- or albumin-creatinine ratio, and estimation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) study equation when the estimated GFR is below 60 mL/ min/1.73 m2.

The most appropriate study for this patient
albumin/creatinine ratio
albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR)[3] and microalbuminuria is defined as ACR ≥3.5 mg/mmol (female) or ≥2.5 mg/mmol(male),[4

norma< 30 mg/g

• an indicator of subclinical cardiovascular disease
• marker of vascular endothelial dysfunction
• an important prognostic marker for kidney disease
○ in diabetes mellitus
○ in hypertension
• increasing microalbuminuria during the first 48 hours after admission to an intensive care unit predicts elevated risk for acute respiratory failure, multiple organ failure, and overall mortality
• a risk factor for venous thromboembolism
Protein-creatinine ratio
Protein-creatinine ratio — less than or equal to 0.2 mg/mg
Diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by proteinuria, hypertension, and a decline in the glomerular filtration rate in patients with a long-standing history of type 1 diabetes or a 5- to 10-year history of type 2 diabetes. This condition usually progresses from microalbuminuria to macroalbuminuria to an elevated serum creatinine level over a number of years.
Cystoscopy would be considered in an adult with hematuria of uncertain origin in order to exclude bladder cancer. Similarly, imaging studies may help to evaluate urinary tract obstruction, kidney stones, kidney cysts or masses, renal vascular diseases, and vesicoureteral reflux. However, cystoscopy or a spiral CT would not be warranted in a patient with erythrocyte casts seen on urinalysis, which suggests glomerular hematuria.
* An osmolal gap higher than 10 mosm/kg H2O (10 mmol/kg H2O) indicates
* An osmolal gap higher than 10 mosm/kg H2O (10 mmol/kg H2O) indicates the accumulation of an additional solute in the plasma.
* Manifestations of hyponatremia include
* Manifestations of hyponatremia include nausea, malaise, headache, lethargy, muscle cramps, restlessness, disorientation, and obtundation.
* Low effective arterial blood volume is associated with
* Low effective arterial blood volume is associated with hypovolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia.
* The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion is characterized by
* The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion is characterized by euvolemia or a slightly volume-expanded state and is treated with fluid restriction.
* Cerebral salt wasting is associated with
* Cerebral salt wasting is associated with a decrease in intravascular volume and should be treated with intravenous normal saline.
* In the treatment of chronic hyponatremia what would helps to prevent osmotic demyelination.
* In the treatment of chronic hyponatremia, limiting serum sodium correction to less than 10 to 12 meq/L (10 to 12 mmol/L) within 24 hours and less than 18 meq/L (18 mmol/L) within 48 hours helps to prevent osmotic demyelination.
Hypervolemic hypernatremia results from administration of
* Hypervolemic hypernatremia results from administration of hypertonic saline or hypertonic sodium bicarbonate or a mineralocorticoid excess.
what is imdicated In patients with acute hyponatremia,
* In patients with acute hyponatremia, rapid normalization of the extracellular fluid osmolality is indicated.
what should not be used to treat hypovolemic hyponatremia.
* Conivaptan and tolvaptan are approved to treat euvolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia, but vaptan agents should not be used to treat hypovolemic hyponatremia.
Hypovolemic hypernatremia results from fluid losses in which
* Hypovolemic hypernatremia results from fluid losses in which the sodium concentration is less than the plasma concentration.
* Isovolemic hypernatremia is caused by
* Isovolemic hypernatremia is caused by pure water loss via a mucocutaneous route or the kidneys.
suggestive of osmotic diuresis.
A urine osmolality greater than 300 mosm/kg H2O (300 mmol/kg H2O) in a patient with polyuria is suggestive of osmotic diuresis.
Water diuresis occurs in
* Water diuresis occurs in primary polydipsia and central or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
* Hypernatremia generally should be corrected slowly
* Hypernatremia generally should be corrected slowly by water administration at a rate that leads to half-correction in 24 hours.
Use of β-agonists or excessive insulin can cause
Use of β-agonists or excessive insulin can cause hypokalemia.
* In the absence of a cellular shift, a low serum potassium concentration can be caused by
* In the absence of a cellular shift, a low serum potassium concentration can be caused by losses via the gastrointestinal tract or skin, kidney potassium losses, or inadequate dietary intake of potassium.
* In patients with hypokalemia caused by a primary increase in distal sodium delivery, the presence of metabolic acidosis is suggestive
* In patients with hypokalemia caused by a primary increase in distal sodium delivery, the presence of metabolic acidosis is suggestive of renal tubular acidosis; the presence of metabolic alkalosis is suggestive of vomiting or diuretic use.
* Manifestations of hypokalemia may include\
Electrocardiographic findings in patients with hypokalemia
The maximum recommended rate of intravenous potassium chloride administration is
* Manifestations of hypokalemia may include a flaccid paralysis, rhabdomyolysis, smooth muscle dysfunction, polyuria, polydipsia, kidney failure, and glucose intolerance.
* Electrocardiographic findings in patients with hypokalemia may include ST-segment depression, T-wave flattening, and an increased U-wave amplitude.
* Oral administration of potassium chloride is safer than other routes and can be given in divided dosages of 100 to 150 meq/d.
* The maximum recommended rate of intravenous potassium chloride administration is 20 meq/h at a maximum concentration of 40 meq/L.
Electrocardiographic hyperkalemia Hyperkalemia that occurs in patients with a glomerular filtration rate higher than 10 mL/min/1.73 m2
i f p take the drug that could cause hyperkalemia
Hyperkalemia that occurs in patients with a glomerular filtration rate higher than 10 mL/min/1.73 m2 suggests a decreased aldosterone level or a lesion of the cortical collecting duct.
* An increase in serum potassium greater than 5.5 meq/L (5.5 mmol/L) in patients taking a drug known to cause hyperkalemia warrants a decrease in the dosage or elimination of the offending drug or, in patients treated with concomitant therapy with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, angiotensin receptor blocker, or aldosterone receptor blocker, discontinuation of one of these agents.
* Electrocardiographic findings of hyperkalemia include peaking of T waves, lengthening of the PR and QRS intervals, development of a sine wave pattern, ventricular fibrillation, and asystole.
tx 0- acute and chronic hyperkalemia
* Immediate treatment with calcium gluconate or calcium chloride is indicated for patients with life-threatening hyperkalemia or electrocardiographic changes.
* Treatment of chronic hyperkalemia may include discontinuation of drugs that can impair kidney potassium excretion, a low-potassium diet, and use of diuretics.
Severe symptomatic hypophosphatemia most often develops in patients with
Severe symptomatic hypophosphatemia most often develops in patients with chronic alcoholism.
Hypophosphatemia may manifest as
Hypophosphatemia may manifest as severe weakness, rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, and a leftward shift of the oxygen dissociation curve.
* Hypophosphatemia may be caused by
* Hypophosphatemia may be caused by decreased dietary intake of phosphate, a cellular shift, decreased gastrointestinal absorption, increased kidney excretion, or a combination of these factors.
* Hypophosphatemia in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis may only become apparent after the ketoacidosis is corrected.
* Intravenous phosphate replacement therapy should be reserved for patients with a serum phosphate concentration below 1.5 mg/dL (0.5 mmol/L).
All particles determine the plasma osmolality, but only effective osmoles determine the plasma tonicity. Effective osmoles cannot penetrate cell membranes and therefore may affect cell volume. Conversely, ineffective osmoles such as urea and alcohols pass freely into and out of cells and do not affect cell volume. An excess of an ineffective osmole therefore would not cause a cellular shift and would be associated with a high plasma osmolality but normal plasma tonicity.
Disorders of Serum Sodium
The osmolal gap is the difference between the measured and calculated osmolality and is normally less than 10 mosm/kg H2O (10 mmol/kg H2O). An osmolal gap higher than 10 mosm/kg H2O (10 mmol/kg H2O) indicates the accumulation of an additional solute in the plasma
Diagnose cerebral salt wasting.
Diagnose cerebral salt wasting.
Key Point

* Cerebral salt wasting may affect patients undergoing neurosurgery, particularly those with subarachnoid hemorrhage, and manifests as hyponatremia, increased urine sodium excretion, concentrated urine, and evidence of hypovolemia.

Cerebral salt wasting (CSW) is a rare
CSW is distinguished from the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)
CSW is distinguished from the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) by the presence of hypotension, which reflects the decreased intravascular volume associated with kidney salt wasting. The treatment of CSW is intravenous normal saline.
thyroid hormone deficiency leads to increased central release of antidiuretic hormone, and
Hypothyroidism can lead to hyponatremia but would not explain this patient’s volume-depleted state. Furthermore, thyroid hormone deficiency leads to increased central release of antidiuretic hormone, and hypothyroidism-associated hyponatremia usually resembles SIADH and not CSW.
patients with SIADH usually have extremely decreased serum uric acid levels, because
patients with SIADH usually have extremely decreased serum uric acid levels, because volume expansion in this setting causes decreased uric acid absorption in the proximal nephron.
adrenal insufficiency
patient’s kidney salt wasting and volume depletion are consistent with adrenal insufficiency. However, this patient has no predisposing factors for hypoadrenalism, such as discontinuation of long-term corticosteroid therapy, sepsis, or autoimmune disease. Furthermore, hyperkalemia and a mild, non–anion gap metabolic acidosis are found in over 60% of patients with adrenal insufficiency but are absent in this patient.
patient has exercise-induced hyponatremia,and the most appropriate next step is
patient has exercise-induced hyponatremia, and the most appropriate next step is an infusion of 3% saline, 100 mL over 10 minutes. Intense exercise, particularly during an endurance event such as a marathon, predisposes patients to hyponatremia.
acute exercise-induced hyponatremia,
Administration of hypotonic or isotonic fluids should be avoided in patients with acute exercise-induced hyponatremia, because these fluids can exacerbate the hyponatremia. Isotonic saline may be helpful in patients with mild hyponatremia and evidence of volume depletion but would not help a patient with significant hyponatremia without evidence of hypovolemia.
This patient has exercise-induced hyponatremia, and the most appropriate next step is
This patient has exercise-induced hyponatremia, and the most appropriate next step is an infusion of 3% saline, 100 mL over 10 minutes. Intense exercise, particularly during an endurance event such as a marathon, predisposes patients to hyponatremia.
risk factor for exercise-induced hyponatremia,
An increase in fluid consumption is the primary risk factor for exercise-induced hyponatremia, and patients with this condition typically either have no weight loss or experience a weight gain despite excessive exercise. In this setting, delayed absorption of ingested water may lead to a further decrease in the patient’s serum sodium concentration. Additional risk factors for exercise-induced hyponatremia include female sex, a low BMI, and lack of athletic training.
hyponatremic athletes
Most hyponatremic athletes are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms including nausea, dizziness, weakness, and headache. More severe manifestations may include confusion, seizures, coma, and collapse. This patient’s disorientation and seizure are consistent with acute, severe hyponatremia.
patient has acute hyponatremia induced by use of the illicit drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), which is associated with an increased risk for
patient has acute hyponatremia induced by use of the illicit drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), which is associated with an increased risk for developing potentially fatal hyponatremia. The most appropriate next step in her management is administration of hypertonic saline.
manage acute hyponatremia induced by by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy).
anage acute hyponatremia induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy).
Key Point

* In patients with symptomatic, acute hyponatremia, rapid normalization of the extracellular fluid osmolality with hypertonic saline is indicated.

This patient has acute hyponatremia
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine stimulates
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine stimulates thirst and induces antidiuretic hormone secretion. Furthermore, this drug may decrease gastrointestinal motility, which can lead to retention of several liters of water in the lumen of the stomach and small intestine. This water can be absorbed abruptly once intestinal motility is restored, which causes sudden-onset severe hyponatremia that can be fatal. This condition may cause seizures and cerebral and neurogenic pulmonary edema. Rapid normalization of the extracellular fluid osmolality with hypertonic saline is indicated in patients with hyperacute symptomatic forms of hyponatremia to reduce brain edema and prevent cerebral herniation and death.
Radionuclide kidney clearance scanning, also known as GFR scanning, is now considered the gold standard
Radionuclide kidney clearance scanning, also known as GFR scanning, is now considered the gold standard for the estimation of the GFR in healthy persons and in those with acute kidney injury. However, use of these studies is limited because of cost, lack of widespread availability, and operator technical difficulties.
Hyponatremia is defined as
Hyponatremia is defined as a serum sodium concentration less than 136 meq/L (136 mmol/L). Initial manifestations of hyponatremia include nausea and malaise; as this condition progresses, headache, lethargy, muscle cramps, restlessness, disorientation, and obtundation may develop.
Chronic hyponatremia refers
Chronic hyponatremia refers to hyponatremia that is present for more than 48 hours and is characterized by a slowly decreasing serum sodium concentration. In patients with chronic hyponatremia, neurologic manifestations are generally minimal and the brain size remains normal. Chronic hyponatremia usually occurs in the outpatient setting.

Acute hyponatremia refers to hyponatremia that develops in less than 48 hours. Patients with acute hyponatremia frequently do have neurologic manifestations and cerebral edema. Acute hyponatremia is more common than chronic hyponatremia in hospitalized patients.
Acute hyponatremia
Acute hyponatremia refers to hyponatremia that develops in less than 48 hours. Patients with acute hyponatremia frequently do have neurologic manifestations and cerebral edema. Acute hyponatremia is more common than chronic hyponatremia in hospitalized patients.
Risk Factors hyponatremia,
Risk Factors

Postoperative administration of hypotonic fluids is a risk factor for acute hyponatremia, because antidiuretic hormone levels remain increased for several days after a surgical procedure. Severe hyponatremia also may develop in patients undergoing bowel preparation for procedures such as colonoscopy.
Common causes of hyponatremia in the outpatient setting include
Common causes of hyponatremia in the outpatient setting include overhydration, diarrhea, vomiting, central nervous system infection, extreme exercise, advanced age, liver failure, kidney failure, heart failure, and use of certain medications (Table 5 ). Hypotonic fluid intake in the setting of intense exercise, particularly during an endurance event, also frequently causes this condition. Patients with severe exercise-induced hyponatremia may collapse, and this condition can be fatal.

most common cause of drug-induced hyponatremia. T
hiazide diuretics are the most common cause of drug-induced hyponatremia. Thiazide-induced hyponatremia typically develops within 2 weeks of drug initiation and is most likely to occur in elderly women and when consumption of hypotonic fluids usually increases. Concomitant use of NSAIDs and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can further increase the risk of thiazide-induced hyponatremia. Experts recommend routine monitoring of the serum sodium concentration 2 to 4 weeks after initiating a thiazide-containing agent.
The illicit drug ecstas
The illicit drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (also known as ecstasy) also can cause acute, severe hyponatremia
can help to determine the cause of hyponatremia
Assessment of the plasma osmolality, urine osmolality, and effective arterial blood volume (EABV) can help to determine the cause of hyponatremia
Hyponatremia is most commonly a marker of
....(pseudohyponatremia) ....
Hyponatremia is most commonly a marker of hypo-osmolality. Hyponatremia that occurs in the absence of a hypo-osmolar state (pseudohyponatremia) is generally caused by an increased serum concentration of an effective osmole or the addition of an isosmotic or near-isosmotic non–sodium-containing fluid to the extracellular space.
Common causes of pseudohyponatremia
Common causes of pseudohyponatremia include hyperglobulinemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Because these conditions are associated with a decrease of plasma water relative to plasma solids in the blood, the amount of sodium in a given volume of blood also decreases.
True hyponatremia
True hyponatremia may be associated with an elevation in the plasma concentration of an effective osmole. This elevation results in an increase in plasma osmolality (hyperosmolar hyponatremia), which causes water to leave the cells and results in a diluted serum sodium concentration. Hyponatremia caused by these circumstances occurs in patients with hyperglycemia or, rarely, after infusion of hypertonic mannitol.

In these settings, the serum sodium concentration quickly decreases by 1.6 meq/L (1.6 mmol/L) for every 100 mg/dL (5.5 mmol/L) increase in glucose or mannitol. The increased tonicity also stimulates thirst and antidiuretic hormone secretion, which contribute to further water retention. Finally, as the plasma osmolality normalizes, the serum sodium concentration decreases by 2.8 meq/L (2.8 mmol/L) for every 100 mg/dL (5.55 mmol/L) increase in glucose, resulting in a normal plasma osmolality but a low serum sodium concentration.
Isosmotic or near-isosmotic non–sodium-containing irrigating solutions
Isosmotic or near-isosmotic non–sodium-containing irrigating solutions may enter the extracellular space during transurethral resection of the prostate or laparoscopic surgery. The systemic reabsorption of large amounts of these solutions, which usually contain glycine or sorbitol, can induce hyponatremia in the setting of a normal plasma osmolality.
Urine Osmolality
The presence of hyponatremia in a patient with normal kidney water excretion is suggestive of polydipsia, which is characterized by intake of water that exceeds the normal excreting capacity of the kidneys (20 to 30 L daily). These patients typically have a urine osmolality less than 100 mosm/kg H2O (100 mmol/kg H2O).

Hyponatremia that occurs in the absence of primary polydipsia is associated with decreased kidney water excretion and an inappropriately concentrated urine, which is characterized by a urine osmolality greater than 200 mosm/kg H2O (200 mmol/kg H2O).
Effective Arterial Blood Volume
The EABV refers to the part of the extracellular fluid in the arterial system that perfuses the tissues and stimulates the volume receptors. Hyponatremia can be caused by a decrease in EABV, which results in baroreceptor stimulation of antidiuretic hormone secretion and increased proximal tubular reabsorption of sodium. Consequently, distal delivery of filtrate to the tip of the loop of Henle decreases.

Hyponatremia may be associated with low extracellular fluid volume (hypovolemic hyponatremia) or high extracellular fluid volume in edematous patients (hypervolemic hyponatremia). Hyponatremia associated with a normal EABV is known as isovolemic hyponatremia.
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion and Cerebral Salt Wasting
The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and cerebral salt wasting (CSW) are two potential causes of hypo-osmolar hyponatremia that may develop several days after a neurosurgical procedure is performed. Manifestations of both SIADH and CSW include a decreased serum sodium concentration, low or low-normal plasma osmolality, and elevated urine osmolality. Because the treatment of SIADH and CSW differs, distinguishing between these conditions is imperative and is based largely on the EABV. SIADH is associated with antidiuretic hormone–mediated kidney water retention and is therefore characterized by euvolemia or a slightly volume-expanded state. Conversely, CSW is associated with kidney salt wasting, which leads to a decrease in intravascular volume.
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion and Cerebral Salt Wasting dd
SIADH is more common than CSW. Patients with SIADH also usually have an extremely decreased serum uric acid concentration, because volume expansion in this condition causes decreased uric acid absorption in the proximal nephron. CSW, on the other hand, is suggested by the presence of hypotension and often affects patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Fluid restriction is the treatment of choice in patients with SIADH, whereas intravenous normal saline is indicated for CSW.
Treatment of Hyponatremia
Acute and Slow Hyponatremia
ECF normal Volume Status
Fluid restriction
tx of Hyponatremia
Acute rapid Hyponatremia
ECF normal Volume Status
Hypertonic saline + furosemide
tx hyponatremia
Acute Slow Hyponatremia
ECF Volume Status Low
Normal saline
tx hyponatremia
Acute rapid Hyponatremia
ECF Volume Status Low
Hypertonic saline
tx hyponatremia
Acute slow Hyponatremia
ECF Volume Status high
fluid restr
tx hyponatremia
Acute rapid Hyponatremia
ECF Volume Status high
Hypertonic saline + furosemide
Chronic Hyponatremia
ECF Volume Status normal
Remove cause
Discontinue drug
Begin corticosteroid or thyroid hormone replacement
Treat cause of SIADH
Chronic Hyponatremia
ECF Volume Status low
Remove cause
Chronic Hyponatremia
ECF Volume Status high
Remove cause
Begin demeclocycline, 600-1200 mg/d
Begin intravenous conivaptan, 20 mg over 30 minutes, then 20 mg over 24 hours for no more than 4 days
Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium concentration greater than 145 meq/L (145 mmol/L). This relatively common condition always indicates hypertonicity and cell shrinkage and is an independent risk factor for mortality in the intensive care unit. Manifestations of hypernatremia include lethargy, weakness, fasciculations, seizures, and coma.
Evaluation of a patient with hypernatremia should begin by assessing for a cause of
Evaluation of a patient with hypernatremia should begin by assessing for a cause of inadequate water intake. Inadequate water intake usually occurs in patients in an altered state of consciousness or with impaired mental status who are unaware of thirst or unable to communicate the need for water, such as the elderly and critically ill. Infants and young children who have restricted access to water also may consume inadequate amounts of water, and a reduced sensation of thirst is a normal feature of increasing age. A specific lesion of the hypothalamus affecting the thirst center is a rare cause of hypernatremia.
Polyuria i
Polyuria in adults is characterized by a urine volume that exceeds 50 mL/kg body weight daily and is associated with frequent urination. Polyuria can be caused by osmotic diuresis, also known as solute diuresis, or water diuresis. A urine osmolality greater than 300 mosm/kg H2O (300 mmol/kg H2O) in a patient with polyuria is suggestive of osmotic diuresis. Polyuria associated with osmotic diuresis occurs in patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus; mannitol administration; and high-protein enteral feeding, which is specifically associated with urea diuresis.

Once osmotic diuresis is excluded, the cause of water diuresis must be assessed. Water diuresis may represent appropriate water loss, which occurs in primary polydipsia, or inappropriate water loss, which occurs in conditions such as central or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
Central and nephrogenic diabetes
Central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are both characterized by severe, frequent nocturia as well as an absence of change in urine osmolality in response to water deprivation. Patients with central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus also tend to have a mild negative water balance and a serum sodium concentration greater than 140 meq/L (140 mmol/L).
Central diabetes insipidus
Central diabetes insipidus also is characterized by an abrupt onset of symptoms, whereas symptoms in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus typically manifest gradually. In addition, patients with central diabetes insipidus often have a predilection for ice water.
Central Diabetes Insipidus
IdiopathicHead traumaPost neurosurgeryCranial neoplasmPituitary infiltrative diseases (histiocytosis, sarcoidosis)
Central nervous system infections
Sheehan pituitary necrosis
Brain death
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
Electrolyte disturbances (hypokalemia, hypercalcemia)Vasopressinase production by placenta during pregnancy Drugs (lithium, foscarnet, amphotericin B, demeclocycline,Chronic tubulointerstitial diseases (Sjögren syndrome, amyloidosis, sickle cell nephropathy, multiple myeloma, sarcoidosis)
Manage chronic kidney disease in a patient with hyperkalemia.
Manage chronic kidney disease in a patient with hyperkalemia.
Key Point

* Discontinuation of medications that interfere with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, including angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and NSAIDs, is warranted to help correct hyperkalemia in the setting of renin-angiotensin inhibition.

Discontinuation of ibuprofen and initiation of
Thiazide diuretics are largely ineffective in individuals with an
Thiazide diuretics are largely ineffective in individuals with an estimated glomerular filtration rate below 30 mL/min/1.73 m2.
Diagnose pentamidine-induced hyperkalemia.
Diagnose pentamidine-induced hyperkalemia.
Key Point

* Hyperkalemia due to impaired kidney potassium excretion commonly develops in patients treated with pentamidine, amiloride, triamterene, and trimethoprim.

The most likely cause of this patient’s
Causes of hypokalemia associated with normal total body potassium content include
Causes of hypokalemia associated with normal total body potassium content include a laboratory error or pseudohypokalemia, which may develop in patients with leukemia and elevated leukocyte counts. In this setting, leukocytes may extract potassium from the serum, which can lead to a decreased serum potassium concentration despite normal total body potassium content. In the absence of these circumstances, a low serum potassium concentration in the presence of normal total body potassium content and no evidence of gastrointestinal or kidney potassium losses suggests a shift of potassium from the extracellular to the intracellular space
A urine potassium concentration of less than 20 meq/L (20 mmol/L) is suggestive of extrarenal losses, whereas a concentration higher than this value
In the absence of a cellular shift, a low serum potassium concentration can be caused by losses via the gastrointestinal tract or skin, kidney potassium losses, or inadequate dietary intake of potassium. A urine potassium concentration of less than 20 meq/L (20 mmol/L) is suggestive of extrarenal losses, whereas a concentration higher than this value is suggestive of kidney losses.
Causes of hyperkalemia
Hyperkalemia occurs when abnormalities develop in the regulatory mechanisms that excrete excess potassium quickly or redistribute excess potassium into cells until it is excreted. For example, after consumption of a high-potassium meal, the kidneys alone cannot excrete potassium at a sufficiently rapid rate to prevent life-threatening hyperkalemia; in healthy persons, rapid shifting and storage of excess potassium into the cells are needed until the kidneys have successfully excreted the potassium load.

Causes of hyperkalemia include pseudohyperkalemia, excessive dietary intake of potassium, cellular redistribution, and decreased kidney excretion of potassium.
Pseudohyperkalemia is an in vitro phenomenon caused by the mechanical release of potassium from cells during phlebotomy or specimen processing or in the setting of marked leukocytosis and thrombocytosis.
Next: Excessive Dietary Intake
Hypophosphatemia is defined as a serum phosphate concentration less than 3 mg/dL (1 mmol/L). The glomerulus freely filters approximately 90% of plasma inorganic phosphate, and the proximal tubule reabsorbs nearly 80% of the filtered load. Phosphate crosses the apical membrane of the proximal tubular cell via the type IIa sodium-phosphate cotransporter. Low dietary phosphate intake and decreased parathyroid hormone levels increase cotransporter expression, whereas high dietary phosphate intake and elevated parathyroid hormone levels decrease cotransporter expression.

Hypophosphatemia is common in hospitalized patients, particularly those with sepsis and trauma. Severe symptomatic hypophosphatemia is relatively rare and most often develops in patients with chronic alcoholism.

Hypophosphatemia may manifest as severe weakness, rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, and a leftward shift of the oxygen dissociation curve.
Selected Causes of Hypophosphatemia
Cellular Redistribution
Respiratory alkalosis
Administration of glucose and insulin (refeeding)
Correction of metabolic acidosis
Intestinal Malabsorption
Vitamin D deficiency
Fat malabsorption
Increased Kidney Excretion
Fanconi syndrome
Vitamin D–resistant rickets
Osmotic diuresis
Decreased Phosphate Intake
Hypophosphatemia tx
Phosphate supplementation is indicated only for patients who are symptomatic or who have a condition resulting in chronic phosphate wasting. Oral phosphate therapy is the preferred treatment of hypophosphatemia. Intravenous phosphate can precipitate with calcium and produce various adverse effects, including hypocalcemia, acute kidney injury, and potentially arrhythmias. Intravenous phosphate replacement therapy therefore should be reserved for patients with a serum phosphate level below 1.5 mg/dL (0.5 mmol/L) and warrants close monitoring of serum phosphorus levels
Hyperphosphatemia is defined as a serum phosphate concentration greater than 4.5 mg/dL (1.4 mmol/L). Acute hyperphosphatemia is typically caused by tissue breakdown, which occurs in rhabdomyolysis or tumor lysis syndrome.
Diagnose hypophosphatemia in a patient with chronic alcoholism.
Diagnose hypophosphatemia in a patient with chronic alcoholism.
Key Point

* In the hospital setting, patients with chronic alcoholism may have normal serum phosphorus levels on admission to the hospital but often develop severe hypophosphatemia over the first 12 to 24 hours.

Severe hypophosphatemia rarely manifests
The sudden development of hypophosphatemia may cause
The sudden development of hypophosphatemia may cause confusion, rhabdomyolysis, hemolytic anemia, and severe muscle weakness that can lead to respiratory failure. Treatment involves preventing the serum phosphorus level from decreasing below 1 mg/dL (0.32 mmol/L). Oral phosphate is the preferred treatment in this setting, but intravenous administration may be needed if oral therapy cannot be tolerated.
=may manifest as decreased neuromuscular excitability that causes decreased muscular tone. Hypercalcemia is most commonly caused by alterations in calcium absorption from the gut and bone resorption due to primary hyperparathyroidism, malignancy, and granulomatous diseases. Primary hyperparathyroidism and thiazide diuretic use also may cause this condition
Hypokalemia can cause diffuse muscle weakness, gastrointestinal tract atony, respiratory failure, and cardiac arrhythmias. In chronic hypokalemia, muscle weakness is unusual in patients with a serum potassium level above 2.5 meq/L (2.5 mmol/L) but may be precipitated by a sudden decrease in potassium. However, the risk of profound hypokalemia is low in a patient receiving potassium supplementation. Furthermore, hypokalemia would not explain this patient’s mental status changes.
f hyponatremia
Early signs of hyponatremia typically include nausea, vomiting, and headaches; progressive manifestations include impaired mental status and seizures. These symptoms are not compatible with this patient’s presentation.
* Metabolic acidosis is characterized by a
* Metabolic acidosis is characterized by a low serum pH, a decreased serum bicarbonate concentration, and a respiratory compensation resulting in a decreased arterial PCO2.
The presence of either a low albumin level or an unmeasured cationic light chain results
The presence of either a low albumin level or an unmeasured cationic light chain results in a low anion gap.
Metabolic acidosis of extrarenal origin is suggested by
Metabolic acidosis of extrarenal origin is suggested by a large, negative urine anion gap, whereas metabolic acidosis of kidney origin is suggested by a positive urine anion gap.
Treatment of proximal renal tubular acidosis may require
Treatment of proximal renal tubular acidosis may require sodium bicarbonate, and the addition of a thiazide diuretic may be warranted.
Treatment of hypokalemic distal renal tubular acidosis includes
Treatment of hypokalemic distal renal tubular acidosis includes correction of hypokalemia followed by administration of alkali therapy.
The primary treatment of hyperkalemic distal renal tubular acidosis is to
The primary treatment of hyperkalemic distal renal tubular acidosis is to correct the hyperkalemia.
Accumulation of D-lactate produces an
Accumulation of D-lactate produces an anion gap metabolic acidosis that is associated with normal serum lactate levels.
Ethylene glycol and methanol poisoning are characterized by a
Ethylene glycol and methanol poisoning are characterized by a severe anion gap metabolic acidosis accompanied by an osmolal gap greater than 10 mosm/kg H2O (10 mmol/kg H2O).
Fomepizole is the agent of choice
* Fomepizole is the agent of choice to inhibit alcohol dehydrogenase and prevent formation of toxic metabolites in patients with ethylene glycol and methanol poisoning.
An unexplained anion gap metabolic acidosis in the presence of recent acetaminophen ingestion should raise suspicion for
An unexplained anion gap metabolic acidosis in the presence of recent acetaminophen ingestion should raise suspicion for pyroglutamic acidosis.
* Saline-responsive metabolic alkalosis is characterized by
* Saline-responsive metabolic alkalosis is characterized by a low effective arterial blood volume and a urine chloride level less than 15 meq/L (15 mmol/L).
The preferred treatment of metabolic alkalosis in patients with volume expansion i
The preferred treatment of metabolic alkalosis in patients with volume expansion is to remove the underlying cause of the persistent mineralocorticoid activity or block actions of mineralocorticoid at the level of the kidney.
* Acute compensation for respiratory alkalosis is
* Acute compensation for respiratory alkalosis is characterized by a 2 meq/L (2 mmol/L) decrease in serum bicarbonate for each 10 mm Hg decrease in the arterial PCO2.
Chronic compensation for respiratory alkalosi
Chronic compensation for respiratory alkalosis is characterized by a 5 meq/L (5 mmol/L) decrease in serum bicarbonate for each 10 mm Hg decrease in arterial PCO2.
* Respiratory alkalosis may cause lightheadedness and palpitations and symptoms that resemble those
* Respiratory alkalosis may cause lightheadedness and palpitations and symptoms that resemble those of hypocalcemia, including paresthesias and carpopedal spasm.
Reassurance and rebreathing into a paper bag or other closed system are indicated for patients with
Reassurance and rebreathing into a paper bag or other closed system are indicated for patients with respiratory alkalosis associated with the hyperventilation syndrome.
Primary respiratory acidosis is characterized by the presence of
Primary respiratory acidosis is characterized by the presence of acidemia and hypercapnia.
Serum bicarbonate concentrations higher or lower than the expected compensation suggest the presence of
Serum bicarbonate concentrations higher or lower than the expected compensation suggest the presence of a mixed respiratory and metabolic acid-base disorder.
Patients with acute respiratory acidosis are primarily at risk for
Patients with acute respiratory acidosis are primarily at risk for hypoxemia rather than hypercapnia or acidemia.
Excessive oxygen may worsen hypoventilation in patients with
Excessive oxygen may worsen hypoventilation in patients with chronic respiratory acidosis.
Correction of induced posthypercapnic metabolic alkalosis can usually be achieved with
Correction of induced posthypercapnic metabolic alkalosis can usually be achieved with saline and discontinuation of loop diuretics if these agents are being used.
An elevated osmolal gap suggests the presence of
An elevated osmolal gap suggests the presence of an unmeasured osmole and is most commonly caused by ethanol. The osmolal gap is also elevated in the presence of ethylene glycol, methanol, and isopropyl alcohol. However, isopropyl alcohol does not cause an elevated anion gap metabolic acidosis (methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning) and is not associated with retinal abnormalities (methanol poisoning) or kidney failure (ethylene glycol poisoning).
This patient’s confusion and disorientation are consistent with ethylene glycol poisoning, diabetic ketoacidosis, and alcoholic ketoacidosis; however, these conditions would be associated with an anion gap metabolic acidosis. Toluene, an industrial solvent that can be abused as an inhalant, may cause confusion and disorientation in addition to metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, rhabdomyolysis, and elevated creatine kinase level. The absence of metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia makes toluene poisoning unlikely.
Metabolic acidosis
Metabolic acidosis Acute: PCO2 = (1.5) [HCO3] + 8
Chronic: PCO2 = [HCO3] + 15
Failure of the PCO2 to decrease to expected value = complicating respiratory acidosis; excessive decrease of the PCO2 = complicating respiratory alkalosis
Quick check: PCO2 = value should approximate last two digits of pH
Metabolic alkalosis
Metabolic alkalosis For each ↑ 1 meq/L in [HCO3], PCO2 ↑ 0.7 mm Hg
Respiratory acidosis
Acute: 1 meq/L ↑ [HCO3] for each 10 mm Hg ↑ in PCO2
Chronic: 3.5 meq/L ↑ [HCO3] for each 10 mm Hg ↑ in PCO2
Failure of the [HCO3] to increase to the expected value = complicating metabolic acidosis; excessive increase in [HCO3] = complicating metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Acute: ↓ 2 meq/L [HCO3] for each 10 mm Hg ↓ in PCO2
Chronic: 4-5 meq/L ↓ [HCO3] for each 10 mm Hg ↓ in PCO2
Failure of the [HCO3] to decrease to the expected value = complicating metabolic alkalosis; excessive decrease in [HCO3] = complicating metabolic acidosis
Proximal or type 2 RTA should be suspected in patients with a
Proximal or type 2 RTA should be suspected in patients with a normal anion gap metabolic acidosis, a normal UAG, hypokalemia, and an intact ability to acidify the urine to a pH of less than 5.5 while in a steady state. In the steady state, the serum bicarbonate concentration is usually between 16 and 18 meq/L (16 and 18 mmol/L).
Proximal RTA can be an isolated finding but most commonly is accompanied by generalized dysfunction of the proximal tubule, which manifests as
Proximal RTA can be an isolated finding but most commonly is accompanied by generalized dysfunction of the proximal tubule, which manifests as glycosuria, phosphaturia, uricosuria, aminoaciduria, and tubular proteinuria and is known as Fanconi syndrome (Table 10 ). Proximal RTA is not associated with nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis. However, osteomalacia can develop as a result of chronic hypophosphatemia and/or deficiency in the active form of vitamin D. Patients with proximal RTA may develop osteopenia due to acidosis-induced demineralization of bone.
Causes of Hypokalemic Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis Primary
Causes of Hypokalemic Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis Primary
Causes of Hypokalemic Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis
Causes of Hypokalemic Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis

Autoimmune disorders
Sjögren syndrome
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Genetic disorders
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Marfan syndrome
Hereditary elliptocytosis
Drugs and toxins
Amphotericin B
Disorders associated with nephrocalcinosis
Hypervitaminosis D
Idiopathic hypercalciuria
Tubulointerstitial diseases
Obstructive uropathy
Kidney transplantation
Hyperkalemic distal RTA (type 4 RTA) should be suspected in patients with a
Hyperkalemic distal RTA (type 4 RTA) should be suspected in patients with a normal anion gap metabolic acidosis associated with hyperkalemia and a slightly positive UAG (Table 12 ). Patients in whom this condition is caused by a defect in mineralocorticoid activity typically have a urine pH higher than 5.5.
he primary goal of treatment in patients with hyperkalemic distal RTA is to
he primary goal of treatment in patients with hyperkalemic distal RTA is to correct the hyperkalemia. A decrease in the serum potassium level often results in correction of the acidosis by restoring kidney ammonium production and therefore increasing the buffer supply for distal acidification. Alkali therapy with sodium bicarbonate may treat the acidosis and hyperkalemia in patients with hyperkalemic distal RTA.
tx inhyperkalemic distal RTA
Drugs known to interfere in the synthesis or activity of aldosterone should be discontinued. In patients who do not have hypertension or fluid overload, administration of a synthetic mineralocorticoid such as fludrocortisone is an effective treatment for aldosterone deficiency; in patients with hypertension, a thiazide diuretic would be an appropriate alternative treatment. In addition, loop diuretics are indicated in patients with an estimated GFR of less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2; these agents increase distal sodium delivery, which stimulates potassium and hydrogen secretion in the collecting duct.
Renal Tubular Acidosis of Kidney Insufficiency
Renal Tubular Acidosis of Kidney Insufficiency

Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) initially develop a normal anion gap metabolic acidosis associated with normokalemia as the GFR decreases below 30 mL/min/1.73 m2. In patients with a GFR of less than 15 mL/min/1.73 m2, an anion gap metabolic acidosis usually develops and reflects a progressive inability to excrete phosphate, sulfate, and the sodium salts of various organic acids. Initiation of sodium bicarbonate once the serum sodium level decreases to less than 22 meq/L (22 mmol/L) achieves correction of the metabolic acidosis in patients with CKD.
Ileal Conduits
Ileal Conduits

Surgical diversion of the ureter into the intestine may lead to the development of a normal anion gap metabolic acidosis due to systemic reabsorption of ammonium and chloride from the urinary fluid and exchange of chloride for bicarbonate through activation of the chloride-bicarbonate exchanger on the intestinal lumen. The likelihood of developing metabolic acidosis associated with ileal conduits increases with the amount of time the urine is in contact with the bowel and the total surface area of bowel that is exposed to urine.
Pyroglutamic Acidosis
Pyroglutamic Acidosis

Pyroglutamic acidosis occurs in critically ill patients who receive therapeutic doses of acetaminophen; in this setting, acetaminophen metabolism and oxidative stress associated with critical illness lead to a decrease in glutathione levels, which causes pyroglutamic acid to accumulate. Pyroglutamic acidosis manifests as an anion gap metabolic acidosis accompanied by mental status changes ranging from confusion to coma. An unexplained anion gap metabolic acidosis in the presence of recent acetaminophen ingestion should raise suspicion for this condition.
Aspirin poisoning
Aspirin poisoning leads to increased lactic acid production. The accumulation of lactic acid, salicylic acid, ketoacids, and other organic acids results in an anion gap metabolic acidosis. Salicylates also have a concomitant direct stimulatory effect on the respiratory center. Increased ventilation lowers the arterial PCO2, which contributes to the development of a respiratory alkalosis.
Salicylate poisoning manifests as
Salicylate poisoning manifests as either a respiratory alkalosis or an anion gap metabolic acidosis in adults, whereas affected children usually only have an anion gap metabolic acidosis. Clinical manifestations of salicylate poisoning in adults may include tinnitus, tachypnea, tachycardia, excessive sweating, and nausea and vomiting. Patients with severe toxicity may develop hyperthermia, pulmonary edema, hematemesis, and mental status changes.
In addition to supportive therapy, initial management of salicylate
In addition to supportive therapy, initial management of salicylate poisoning includes correcting the systemic acidemia and increasing the urine pH. Increasing the systemic pH leads to an increase in the ionized fraction of salicylic acid, which results in decreased accumulation of the drug in the central nervous system. An alkaline urine pH also favors increased urine excretion of the salicylate. Hemodialysis is warranted in patients with serum salicylate concentrations above 80 mg/dL (5.8 mmol/L) or in the setting of severe clinical toxicit
Metabolic alkalosis develops when
Metabolic alkalosis develops when a decrease in acid or increase in alkali results in the addition of new bicarbonate, which may be generated by kidney or extrarenal mechanisms, to the blood. To maintain a metabolic alkalosis, the capacity of the kidney to correct the alkalosis must be impaired or the capacity to reabsorb bicarbonate must be enhanced, and at least one of the following features is usually required: decreased effective arterial blood volume (EABV), hypokalemia, or hypochloremia (Figure 9 ). Treatment is focused on correction of the mechanism responsible for metabolic alkalosis.
Metabolic alkalosis is generally benign. However, alkalemia can lead to
Metabolic alkalosis is generally benign. However, alkalemia can lead to respiratory depression and decreased delivery of oxygen to the tissues and a high blood pH can cause decreased tissue perfusion. Therefore, aggressive correction of the alkalosis is particularly important in critically ill patients, in whom perfusion of the heart and brain is essential
Classification of Metabolic Alkalosis
Urine Chloride (meq/L) <15 >15 >15
Response to Saline Saline responsive Saline resistant Saline resistant
Assessment of the EABV can help to determine whether a metabolic alkalosis is saline resistant
Assessment of the EABV can help to determine whether a metabolic alkalosis is saline resistant (Table 14 ). If the EABV can be restored with saline, the metabolic alkalosis can be easily corrected; however, numerous types of metabolic alkalosis respond poorly to saline. Saline-resistant metabolic alkalosis is generally maintained by a combination of increased mineralocorticoid levels, increased distal sodium delivery, and hypokalemia.
Saline-Responsive Metabolic Alkalosis Associated with a Decreased Effective Arterial Blood Volume
* Gastrointestinal Acid Loss
* Diuretic Use
Diuretic Use
Diuretic Use

Thiazide and loop diuretics commonly cause a metabolic alkalosis that is generated in the distal nephron by the combination of high aldosterone levels and enhanced distal delivery of sodium. If diuretics are stopped and the patient remains on a low-sodium diet, the alkalosis will be maintained because the patients are usually volume contracted and hypokalemic. Saline infusion is indicated to correct this condition.
Treatment of Saline-Resistant Metabolic Alkalosis
Decreased EABV
Thiazide and loop diuretics-- tx Discontinue causative drug; replete EABV
Magnesium deficiency tx Replete magnesium deficit
Gitelman syndrome tx Amiloride, triamterene, or spironolactone; potassium supplements and magnesium supplements
Bartter syndrome tx Amiloride, triamterene, or spironolactone; potassium supplements; magnesium supplements if needed
I ncreased EABV
Renin-secreting tumor txRemove tumor
Primary hyperaldosteronism tx Remove tumor; spironolactone for BAH
Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism tx Dexamethasone
Liddle syndrome tx Amiloride or triamterene
Respiratory Alkalosis
Primary respiratory alkalosis is characterized by an arterial PCO2 of less than 35 mm Hg. Liver failure is a common cause of primary respiratory alkalosis. Salicylate poisoning and elevated progesterone levels associated with pregnancy also may cause this condition. In hospitalized patients, respiratory alkalosis is the presenting manifestation of gram-negative sepsis.
Primary respiratory alkalosis must be differentiated from secondary respiratory alkalosis, which is a compensatory mechanism in the setting of primary metabolic acidosis
Acute respiratory alkalosis is characterized by an acute decrease in the arterial PCO2, which results in a bicarbonate-chloride shift in the erythrocytes and a decrease in the serum bicarbonate concentration by 2 meq/L (2 mmol/L) for every 10 mm Hg decrease in the arterial PCO2.
Primary respiratory alkalosis must be differentiated from secondary respiratory alkalosis, which is a compensatory mechanism in the setting of primary metabolic acidosi
Chronic respiratory alkalosis is characterized by a 2- to 3-day process during which a transient bicarbonate diuresis occurs. At steady state, the serum bicarbonate concentration decreases by 4 to 5 meq/L (4 to 5 mmol/L) for each 10 mm Hg decrease in the arterial PCO2.
In order to maintain a normal extracellular fluid volume in the setting of increased urinary loss of sodium bicarbonate, the kidney retainsPatients with chronic respiratory alkalosis therefore typically have
In order to maintain a normal extracellular fluid volume in the setting of increased urinary loss of sodium bicarbonate, the kidney retains sodium chloride. Patients with chronic respiratory alkalosis therefore typically have hyperchloremia. These patients also have a 3- to 5-meq/L (3- to 5-mmol/L) increase in the serum anion gap because of the greater fixed negative charge on serum albumin as well as an increased serum lactate concentration; this increase in lactate production is caused by the stimulatory effect of high serum pH on phosphofructokinase, which regulates the rate of glycolysis.
Clinical ManifestationsBoth primary and secondary respiratory alkalosis
Both primary and secondary respiratory alkalosis often initially manifest as tachypnea. Acute hypocapnia decreases cerebral blood flow and causes binding of free calcium to albumin in the blood. Mild respiratory alkalosis may cause lightheadedness and palpitations. More profound respiratory alkalosis may cause symptoms that resemble those of hypocalcemia, including paresthesias of the extremities and circumoral area and carpopedal spasm. Patients with ischemic heart disease may occasionally develop cardiac arrhythmias, ischemic electrocardiographic changes, and angina pectoris.
Primary respiratory alkalosis is treated by
Primary respiratory alkalosis is treated by correcting the underlying cause. Reassurance is indicated for patients with respiratory alkalosis associated with the hyperventilation syndrome. In addition, rebreathing into a paper bag or other closed system causes the arterial PCO2 to increase, resulting in partial correction of hypocapnia and symptomatic improvement.

Respiratory alkalosis frequently develops as a complication of the hypoxia that occurs at high altitudes. Administration of oxygen or a return to lower altitudes can reverse the respiratory alkalosis that develops in this setting.
Respiratory Acidosis
Primary respiratory acidosis is characterized by the presence of acidemia and hypercapnia. The development of respiratory acidosis is usually multifactorial. Major causes of carbon dioxide retention include disease or a disorder of a component of the respiratory system, including the central and peripheral nervous systems, respiratory muscles, thoracic cage, pleural space, airways, and lung parenchyma.
Acute respiratory acidosis is associated with
Acute respiratory acidosis is associated with an increase in the plasma bicarbonate concentration by 1 meq/L (1 mmol/L) for every 10 mm Hg elevation in the arterial PCO2. After 24 to 48 hours, proximal tubular cells increase hydrogen secretion, which results in accelerated bicarbonate reabsorption and increased kidney excretion of sodium chloride. Chronic respiratory acidosis is characterized by a 3.5 meq/L (3.5 mmol/L) increase in bicarbonate for each 10 mm Hg elevation in the arterial PCO2. Serum bicarbonate concentrations higher or lower than these values suggest the presence of a mixed respiratory and metabolic acid-base disorder.
Primary respiratory acidosis develops as a result of
Primary respiratory acidosis develops as a result of ineffective alveolar ventilation and is suggested by a PCO2 higher than 45 mm Hg. However, a PCO2 less than this value may indicate respiratory acidosis in a patient with primary metabolic acidosis that is not adequately compensated by alveolar ventilation. This condition must be differentiated from primary respiratory acidosis. The differential diagnosis of acute and chronic respiratory acidosis includes various conditions of the respiratory system
Differential Diagnosis of Respiratory Acidosis
nhibition of the medullary respiratory center
Disorders of the chest wall and the respiratory muscles
Airway obstruction
Disorders affecting gas exchange across the pulmonary capillaries
Increased carbon dioxide production
Mechanical ventilation
Respiratory Acidosis clin
Carbon dioxide diffuses and equilibrates across the blood-brain barrier much more rapidly than bicarbonate, which results in a more rapid decrease in cerebrospinal fluid and cerebral interstitial pH. Therefore, acute respiratory acidosis is typically significantly more symptomatic than acute metabolic acidosis.

Respiratory acidosis may manifest as hypercapnic encephalopathy, a clinical syndrome with initial symptoms that include irritability, headache, mental cloudiness, apathy, confusion, anxiety, and restlessness that can progress to asterixis, transient psychosis, delirium, somnolence, and coma. Severe hypercapnia may cause decreased myocardial contractility, arrhythmias, and peripheral vasodilatation, particularly when the serum pH decreases below 7.1.
Acute respiratory acidosis is associated
Acute respiratory acidosis is associated with an increase in the plasma bicarbonate concentration by 1 meq/L (1 mmol/L) for every 10 mm Hg elevation in the arterial PCO2. After 24 to 48 hours, proximal tubular cells increase hydrogen secretion, which results in accelerated bicarbonate reabsorption and increased kidney excretion of sodium chloride. Chronic respiratory acidosis is characterized by a 3.5 meq/L (3.5 mmol/L) increase in bicarbonate for each 10 mm Hg elevation in the arterial PCO2. Serum bicarbonate concentrations higher or lower than these values suggest the presence of a mixed respiratory and metabolic acid-base disorder.
Primary respiratory acidosis develop
Primary respiratory acidosis develops as a result of ineffective alveolar ventilation and is suggested by a PCO2 higher than 45 mm Hg. However, a PCO2 less than this value may indicate respiratory acidosis in a patient with primary metabolic acidosis that is not adequately compensated by alveolar ventilation. This condition must be differentiated from primary respiratory acidosis. The differential diagnosis of acute and chronic respiratory acidosis includes various conditions of the respiratory system
tx Patients with acute respiratory acidosi
Patients with acute respiratory acidosis are primarily at risk for hypoxemia rather than hypercapnia or acidemia. Therefore, initial therapy should focus on establishing and securing a patent airway in order to provide adequate oxygenation.

Excessive oxygen may worsen hypoventilation in patients with chronic respiratory acidosis and should be avoided in this population. When mechanical ventilation is required, the arterial PCO2 should be decreased slowly and with caution to minimize the risk of inducing posthypercapnic metabolic alkalosis due to the high serum bicarbonate concentration. In order to normalize the acid-base status, the kidneys must excrete this bicarbonate. However, this excretion will not occur when the EABV is reduced either because of sodium depletion secondary to restricted salt intake or diuretic therapy or because of a sodium-retentive state, such as heart failure or cirrhosis. Correction of the superimposed metabolic alkalosis can usually be achieved with saline and discontinuation of loop diuretics if these agents are being used. However, patients with edema and with heart failure may require acetazolamide to correct the alkalosis.
contrast-induced nephropathy.
Key Point

* Before radiocontrast is used, the cardiac output and kidney perfusion should be optimized when possible to decrease the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy.
Contrast-induced nephropathy is characterized by an increase in the serum creatinine level 24 to 48 hours after contrast administration. Risk factors for this condition include age greater than 75 years, heart failure, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease.
administr diuretics before contrast
Diuretics are associated with an increased risk of acute kidney injury and should be withheld before contrast administration in patients with normal or near-normal volume status. However, withholding diuretics would not be appropriate for a patient with heart failure. When cardiac catheterization can be safely delayed, use of diuretics to correct significant hypervolemia before contrast administration helps to optimize cardiac output and thus kidney perfusion and decreases the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy. Serum electrolyte levels, kidney function, and volume status also should be closely monitored to avoid overdiuresis.
contrast administration/.NSAIDs and metformin
Discontinuation of NSAIDs and metformin also is indicated in patients undergoing procedures that involve contrast administration. These agents can be reinitiated once kidney function has been shown to be stable for several days after contrast exposure.
contrast administration/fenoldopam
fenoldopam does not reduce the risk of contrast-associated acute kidney injury. Therefore, this agent is not recommended to prevent contrast-induced nephropathy.
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/ contrast administration
Before contrast administration, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors should be discontinued in most patients with acute kidney injury but can be continued in those with stable kidney function
Isotonic bicarbonate or saline/ contrast administration
Isotonic bicarbonate or saline administered both before and after contrast administration helps to prevent contrast-induced nephropathy but would not be initially appropriate in this patient with heart failure. Isotonic saline may have equal efficacy to isotonic bicarbonate in the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy.
* Acute kidney injury is a common condition characterized by an
* Acute kidney injury is a common condition characterized by an abrupt decline in kidney function that occurs over hours to days.
* Risk factors for acute kidney injury include
* Risk factors for acute kidney injury include preexisting chronic kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy, heart failure, liver disease, hypovolemia, and age over 50 years.
* Evaluation of patients with suspected acute kidney injury should include
* Evaluation of patients with suspected acute kidney injury should include a history of nephrotoxic exposures.
* Kidney ultrasonography is indicated for all patients with
* Kidney ultrasonography is indicated for all patients with acute kidney injury, and kidney biopsy should be considered when the diagnosis remains unclear after excluding prerenal and postrenal disease.
prerenal azotemia
Physical examination findings consistent with extracellular fluid volume depletion are absent in up to 50% of patients with prerenal azotemia, and this condition may develop in patients with normal or increased extracellular fluid volume.
Acute tubular necrosis
Acute tubular necrosis usually occurs after a sustained period of ischemia or exposure to nephrotoxic agents and is most commonly associated with muddy brown casts on urinalysis and a fractional excretion of sodium above 2%.
Contrast-induced nephropathy
Contrast-induced nephropathy is characterized by an increase in the serum creatinine level 24 to 48 hours after contrast administration and is usually associated with recovery of normal kidney function in 1 to 2 weeks.
The most effective intervention to decrease the incidence and severity of contrast-induced nephropathy is
The most effective intervention to decrease the incidence and severity of contrast-induced nephropathy is volume expansion with either isotonic saline or sodium bicarbonate.
Rhabdomyolysis most commonly develops after exposure to myotoxic drugs, infection, excessive exertion, or prolonged immobilization.
most effective intervention to limit nephrotoxicity in patients with rhabdomyolysis.
* Expansion of the extracellular fluid volume with isotonic saline is the most effective intervention to limit nephrotoxicity in patients with rhabdomyolysis.
Urinalysis findings in patients with acute interstitial nephritis may include
Urinalysis findings in patients with acute interstitial nephritis may include leukocyte casts, eosinophils, and a protein-creatinine ratio below 2.5 mg/mg.
Acute kidney injury in patients with scleroderma renal crisis often improves afte
Acute kidney injury in patients with scleroderma renal crisis often improves after angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy.
Urinary tract obstruction should be strongly suspected in patients with acute kidney injury
Urinary tract obstruction should be strongly suspected in patients with acute kidney injury who have known obstructive prostatic disease or pelvic malignancy and may manifest as significantly decreased urine output or polyuria.
Kidney ultrasonography in most patients with urinary tract obstruction reveals
Kidney ultrasonography in most patients with urinary tract obstruction reveals hydronephrosis.
Patients with acute kidney injury caused by urinary tract obstruction have a favorable prognosis when obstruction is relieved within
Patients with acute kidney injury caused by urinary tract obstruction have a favorable prognosis when obstruction is relieved within 1 week of onset.
Diagnosis of abdominal compartment syndrome is established in patients who have
Diagnosis of abdominal compartment syndrome is established in patients who have an intravesicular pressure greater than 20 mm Hg as measured through a bladder catheter who also have new-onset organ system failure.
Surgical decompression of the abdomen is usually required in patients with
Surgical decompression of the abdomen is usually required in patients with abdominal compartment syndrome and often promptly improves kidney function.
Cardiorenal syndrome refers to kidney dysfunction that develops in the setting of acute
Cardiorenal syndrome refers to kidney dysfunction that develops in the setting of acute decompensated heart failure.
Cholesterol crystal embolization
Cholesterol crystal embolization may cause acute kidney injury in patients with aortic atherosclerotic plaques and most often develops after angiography or aortic surgery.
Patients with cholesterol crystal embolization may have
Patients with cholesterol crystal embolization may have cutaneous manifestations, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal bleeding, pancreatitis, and retinal artery emboli.
what management indicated for individuals with cholesterol crystal embolization.
Management of risk factors such as dyslipidemia and hypertension as well as smoking cessation and glycemic control in patients with diabetes are indicated for individuals with cholesterol crystal embolization.
Hepatorenal syndrome
Hepatorenal syndrome manifests as azotemia caused by significantly impaired kidney perfusion in patients with worsening liver dysfunction.
what is recommended for patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis to decrease the risk of hepatorenal syndrome.
Albumin infusions are recommended for patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis to decrease the risk of hepatorenal syndrome.
what to order in P with suspected hepato renal sundrome to assess whether there is a component of prerenal azotemia.
In patients with suspected hepatorenal syndrome, volume expansion with albumin should be performed to assess whether there is a component of prerenal azotemia.
what adjunctive therapy for patients with hepatorenal syndrome until liver transplantation can be performed in eligible patients.
Vasopressors can be used as adjunctive therapy for patients with hepatorenal syndrome until liver transplantation can be performed in eligible patients.
Tumor lysis syndrome
Tumor lysis syndrome usually develops after initiation of chemotherapy and occasionally occurs spontaneously in patients with a high tumor burden.
Allopurinol or off-label usage of rasburicase
Allopurinol or off-label usage of rasburicase may help to prevent tumor lysis syndrome in at-risk patients.
the most appropriate management of tumor lysis syndrome

what s indicated in patients who are oliguric or have life-threatening hyperkalemia.
Hydration with isotonic saline is the most appropriate management of tumor lysis syndrome, and early intervention with dialysis is indicated in patients who are oliguric or have life-threatening hyperkalemia.
what s an important clue to the diagnosis of myeloma cast nephropathy.
* In patients with a negative dipstick urinalysis for protein, sulfosalicylic acid testing of the urine may detect light chains and is an important clue to the diagnosis of myeloma cast nephropathy.
what should be used with caution in patients with myeloma and kidney dysfunction.
Bisphosphonates should be used with caution in patients with myeloma and kidney dysfunction.
Patients with HIV infection have an increased risk of acute kidney injury most often caused by
Patients with HIV infection have an increased risk of acute kidney injury most often caused by certain opportunistic infections.
Highly active antiretroviral therapy mayslow the progression of HIV-associated nephropathy and usually does not
slHighly active antiretroviral therapy may slow the progression of HIV-associated nephropathy and usually does not cause acute kidney injury.
Sodium phosphate–containing bowel preparation solutions may
Sodium phosphate–containing bowel preparation solutions may cause acute kidney injury and should be avoided, particularly because of the availability of safer alternatives such as polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution.