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15 Cards in this Set

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10 y/o Boy w/ CF. What are the PFT results? What is the change in the pt?
-Decreased Total lung capacity
-Restrictive problem
-low TLC
-Low RV
-Decreased compliance
-Increased elasticity
SIADH is a/w?
-Small cell cancer
-in SIADH urine osmolarity >>>>serum
What are causes of a right shift of the O2 Hgb dissociation curve?

-C: elevated CO2 (acidic)
-A: elevated altitude
-D: elevated DPG
-E: more excercise
-T: Increase temperature
-S: Increase in P50s
What do you see in obstructive lung disease?
-More RV
-More TLC
-Overall, major decrease in FEV1 and a slighter decrease in FVC the ratio will be LESS than 80%
What is the mechanism of amphotercicn B?
-Binding to ergosterol in the fungal membrane
What do "AZOLES" do?
-inhibit ergosterol synthesis
What two abx block protein synth at 30s Ribosomal subunit
-Tetracycline and Aminoglycoside
35 yo complains of cough for several days, what is the best antitussive drug? He has no fever
-Codeine: opioid antitussive + analgesic properties
**65 yo M w/ 70 pack year smoking, what would you see on the PFT to evaluate the COPD?
-Markedly decreased FEV1/FVC ratio
29 yo smoker, on OCs, acute SOB, also traveled on a long flight...what are the results of the V/P scan?
-increased ventilation compared to perfusion
After an hr playing w/ a cat, the 5 yo goes to the ER b/c she is having difficulty breathing. What is the tx of choice?
-Stimulation of B2 receptors - more specific to lungs
40 yo male develops fever and cough....cultures grow mycobacterium tuberculosis. Started on multiple drug therapy...which drug turns secretions orange?
If you forget your TB drugs, you'' die and might need a....

-P: Pyrazinamide
-R: Rifampin --> Orange discharge
-I: Isoniazid (INH): Neuropathy and hepatitis
-E: Ethambutol--> optic neuritis
-S: Streptomycin -> nephrotox and ototox
-T: for TB treatment
30 yo mane 2 wk fever, chills, h/a, nonproductive cough. Lungs have slight crackles bilat and CXR shows PATCHY INFILTRATES also bilat. COLD AGGLUTININS found in serum. Tx of Choice?
-mycoplasma PNA b/c of the cold agglutins
Fat 12 yo boy, chronically tired, does not sleep, frequent night terrors (ouch ouch you're on my hair).
pH 7.35, arterial pCO2 = 55 mmHg, HCO3 = 29.
-Pickwickian syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea