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185 Cards in this Set

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Imipenem: DOC for...
Triple tx for leprosy
NRTI that tx Chronic Hep B
Guanosine analogue for RSV bronchiolitis and Hep C
Guanosine analogue for Hep B tx
Azoles so toxic that you can only use for cutaneous fungal infx?
-Miconazole and Clotrimazole
Why Fluconazole better than Ketocanozole?
-effects on gonadal and adrenal steroid synth are minimal
Cause and Tx of Serotonin Syndrome
2. Crypropheptadine (5HT2 antag)
Cause and Tx of NMS?
1. Typical Antipsychotics

2. Tx by Dantrolene and Bromocriptine
Tx for Benzo overdose?
Flumazenil (competitive antag at GABA)
Cause and Tx for Malignant Hyperthermia
1. Halothane + Succinylcholine

2. Tx w/ Dantrolene
2nd generation antihistamine w/ lowered sedation SEs
How does Niacin work?
-inhibis lipolysis in ADIPOSE tissue and reduces VLDL that is released into the circulation by the liver
Tx for B-blocker overdose?
-Glucagon (increases cAMP)
Antidote for opiod overdose?
-inhib ETOH DH and used for methanol (metabolic acidosis and visual disturbances) or ethylene glycol overdose
-5 alpha reductase inhib (SE of gynecomastia)
-alpha 1 adrenergic antag
-musc receptor inhib for BPH
-nonsteroidal competitive inhib of andros at the testosterone receptor

-tx prostate cancer
-decrease afterload
-1st line for HTN in prego w/ methyldopa
-DOC for paroxysmal SVT and AV nodal arrhythmia

-antag by theophyline
-DOC for HTN emergencies
AE of Nitro
-Cyanide toxicity
-give amyl nitrite followed by sodium thiosulfate
-Opening K+ channel, hyperpolarization of SM

SE: hypertrichosis
ETA receptor antag for pulm HTN?
-block ADP receptor
-inhib fibrinogen binding by preventing gIIb/IIIa expression
-converts plasminogen to plasmin
-MAB that binds to gIIb/IIIa on activated platelets preventing aggregation
-cross links DNA (use for testicular, bladder, ovary, lung cancers)
-SERM used to tx BC and osteoporosis
-*does NOT cause endometrial cancer b/c it is an endomet antag and not a partial agonist
-Mab against HER-2
DOC for Tonic clonic seizures that also is good for Bipo
Valproic Acid
-prevents absorption of cholesterol
Why is morphine CI for pain a/w biliary colic?
-it causes contractions of the sphincter of oddi
-PDE inhib used for intermittent claudication caused by PAD
-DOES NOT incorporate itself into viral DNA
1st line for Petit Mal

se: can cause Steven Johnson
3 top drugs for E. coli
-Doxy, cipro, TMP - SMX
-enhances the activity of LPL which hydrolyzes TGs including VLDLs circulating in the periph
MOA of Valproic Acid
-Inc Na+ channel activation and also Inc GABA concentration
1st line prophylaxis for Status Epilepticus
1st line Tx for Acute Status epilepticus
-Diaxepam and Lorazepam
-1st line tx for Tonic clonic and Trigeminal Neuralgia
Significant SE for Carbamezepine
Agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia
3 drugs that improve survival in CHF
-ACEIs, Spironolactone, Metopropolol
Prophylaxis for Cyrptococcus Neoforms in AIDS pts
? best drug for aspergillus

-Caspofungin may be used for invasive
1st degree AV blocks caused by...
-Digoxin, CCB, and B-Blockers
-inhib lipoxygenase (Arachodonic acid --> LTB4 - LTE4)
-slo acting anti-thyroid drug that interferes w/ synth of thyroid hormones
-inhib of iodine organification and coupling in the thyroid not periph
-PGE1 to keep open PDA
-NRTI w/ dose limiting AE of pancreatitis
-NRTI used to prevent vertical transmission to the fetus
-pyrimidine analog for Colon cancer and Basal cell carc
-protease inhib

-causes kidney stones if pt is dehydrated
TMP-SMX prophylaxis w/ AIDS
-for PCP (jirovecci) at CD4 < 200
Ganciclovir and AIDS prophylaxis
-prophylaxis for CMV when CD4 <100
-inhib of iodine organification and coupling in the thyroid AND inhib of peripheral conversion of thyroxine to thiodothryonine
Calcitonin and osteopenia/osteoporosis
-for pts with these conditions that are also at increased risk for DVTs because SERMs (Raloxifene) and bisphosphonates increase this risk
SE of Bleomycin
-pulm fibrosis
SE of Cisplastin
-neurotoxicity and permanent kidney damage
SE of Vincristine
-peripheral neuropathy
-psychosis, violence impulsiveness, fever, tachy, horizontal AND vertical nystagmus
MOA of phenytoin
-not only blocks Na+ channels to increase refractory period of neurons, the drug inhibits glutamate release from excitatory presynaptic neurons
Name 3 alkalating agents
-prevents reab of HCO3- from the proximal tubules thus causing hypercloric acidosis
-antiemetic and prokinetic drug that stimulates peristalsis
-blocks dopamine receptors and can have extrapyramidal SEs
Pramipexole and Ropinirole
-synthetic dopamine agonists used as alternatives when levodopa no longer works
-COMT inhib that inhibs the breakdown of levodopa in periph so that more can cross the BBB
DMARD that causes retinal deposits
antipsychotic that causes retinal deposits
-musc antag for Parkinsons

-SE: blurred vision from cycloplegia
Phenytoin during Prego
-Fetal Dilantin Syndrome: microcephaly, midfacial abnormalities and hypoplasia of fingers and toes
Prophylaxis DOC for Cryptococcal Meningitis
-drug used to tx N/V after chemo if Ondansetron fails
Most frequent SE of Lithium
What is the only opiod w/ mydriasis?
-MeperiDine (Demerol)
DOC for Tourettes
-Pimozide: dopamine receptor blocker
Gold Standard Tx of Acute sinusitis and the big 3 that it works on?

-Strep PNA, H. Flu, Mor Cat
Aspirin Toxicity
-GI distress, tinnitus and hyperthermia
-causes elevated LTs that can lead to bronchospasms
-Anxiolytic that is not a benzo and therefore does not cause sedation, CNS depression or dependence
Rare but serious SE of Clopidogrel
-antidote for heparin
-ACh agonist at the NMJ--> depolarizing agent that leads to fasiculations that lead to paralysis
-used to decrease muscle spasms
-short acting Barbituate that can exacerbate acute intermittent porphyria (Inc ALA and porphobilogen)
MOA of Ethosuximide
-Blocks Ca++ channels in thymus

-MC SE is GI distress
-activation of glutamate gated Cl- channels
-ACh inhib used particularly for AD
What increases the effectiveness of local anesthetics?
-Low IC pH and high EC pH
Rimantadine is CI in ?
-Liver failure (Amantidine) is not
MOA of Baclofen
-spasmolytic used for cerebral palsy
-binds to GABA - b and reduces release of excitatory NTs
-PDE inhib (enzyme responsible for breakdown of cAMP) --> inhib platelet agg
-also direct arterial vasodilator
-used for pts w/ intermittent claudication
Lithium during prego
-Ebstein's anomaly = apical displacement of tricuspid valve leaflets, decrease RV volume and atrialization of RV
Aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid
-inhib fibrinolysis by inhibiting plasminogen activation
Dantolene MOA
-acts on ryanodine receptor and prevents further release of Ca++ into cytoplasm of muscle fiber
-tx of malig hyperthermia
Typical Antipsychotics:

High vs Low potency
1. High potency -> extra pyramidal sx, less likely to cause anti-cholinergic and anti histamine SEs
2. Low potency, more likely to cause these SEs
MOA of both = block D2 receptors
Typical Antipsychotics:

High vs Low potency names
1. High: Haloperidol, Fluphenazine, Pimozide

2. Low: Chlorpromazine, Thioridazine
Atypical Antipsychotics
-Clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine, queitiapine, A to Z
-tx + and - sx
-block dopamine and 5HT2
1st gen anti-histamines
-hydrozyzine, promethazine, chlorphenramine, diphenhydramine
-SE blocking: muscarinic (blurry vision, dry mouth, urinary retention), serotonic (appetite stim), alpa adrenergic (postural dizziness)
-2nd gen antihistamine w/ none of the SE of 1st gen
-not lipophilic so can't cross BBB
-inhibs serotonin 5-HT3 receptors in GI tract, area postrema, and solitary nucleus tract
-granulocyte CSF analog for pts w/ neutropenia
-iron chelating agent that can prevent antracycline (doxorubicin) induced cardiotoxicity
-cytoprotective free radical scavenger used to decrease nephrotoxicity a/w platinum containing and alkylating chemo agents
-used in transplant pts to prevent rejection
-decreases synth of IL-2 and therefore inhibs T-cell proliferation
MOA of Benzos
-Increase frequency of Cl- channel opening --> Increasing GABA-A activity
-used for: anxiety, acute seizure, alcohol withdrawal
-DOC for PSVTs
-rapidly activating and cleared (T1/2 < 10 seconds)
-SE: chest burning (bronchospasm), flushing, and high grade block
-decrease ATII and aldosterone
-dec ATII --> Inc reninin and ATI
-Bradykinin levels will also increase
MOA of Ethambutol
-inhibs arabinosyl transferase
-essentially prevents carb polymerization necessary for mychobact cell wall synth
-inhibs mycolic acid synth
-short acting hypnotic struct unrelated to benzos but also works on the GABA-A receptor
-less tolerance/addiction/withdrawal
-no anti-convulsant properties
Amiodarone and Torsades de Pointes
-Class III, Increase QT d/t K+ mediated repolarization but low incidence of torsades de pointes unlike class IA or IIIA
MOA of metformin
-decrease blood sugar by INC glycolysis, DEC GI glucose absorption and DEC gluconeogenesis
-synthetic analog of ADH
-inc vWF release and factor VIII from endothelial cells
-helps pts w/ mild form of vWB ds and mild/mod hemophilia A
-also used for tx of enuresis (DI)
Spironolactone and women
-blocks andro receptors at hair follicles and decreases testosterone
-can use in women w/ idipathic hirsutism
-anti estrogen that increases synth of Gn-RH and consequently gonadotropins
-tx infertility esp when a/w anovulation
What B-blockers are CI in angina?
-Pindolol and acebutolol
-they are partial B-agonists
tPA MOA and major SE
-Fibrin specific fibrinolytic
-may cause reperfusion arrhythmia on arterial reopening (usually benign)
cyclosporine and tacrolimus
-calcineurin inhibs given w/ kidney transplant to prevent acute rejection (T-cell sens against graft MHC ags)
Corticosteroids: Acute effect on CBC
-Increase PMNs d/t "demargination" of PMN previously attached to the vessel wall
-decrease lymphos, monos, basos, eosinophils
Tx of lung abscesses in ETOH pts
-synthetic analog of somatostatin w/ longer T1/2
-controls the sx of carcinoid syndrome
Ampho B
-polyene antifungal notorious for its renal toxicity --> severe hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia
Warfarin and Protein C def
-transient procoag/anticoag imbalance present at start of tx is further exaggerated by Protein C def leading to relative hypercoag state w/ thrombotic occlusion of microvasc and skin necrosis
Acute Theophyilline Intoxication
-abd pain, V/D, cardiac arrhythmias and seizures
2 classes of Dopamine agonists
1. Ergot compounds: Bromocriptine and Pergolide
2. Non ergot: Pramipexole and ropinerole
-decreased central dopamine degradation, MAO-B inhib used to delay clinical progression of PD
MOA of Vincristine
-bind to B-tubulin, preventing polymeriztion of MT proteins = M phase specific cytotoxicity
-main dose limiting SE is neurotoxicity which commonly manifests as neuropathy
Valproate and pregos
-increases risk of NT defects d/t inhib of intestinal folic acid reabsorption
Cardiotoxicity d/t TCA overdose
-quinidine like effect on cardiac conduction system, QRS and QT prolongation w/ cardiac dysrrhythmias d/t inhib of fast Na+ chan
-tx w/ NaHCO3
-Loop diuretic, tx pulm edema, CHF and periph edema
-SE: hypokal, hypomag, hypocal
-K+ sparing
-blocks Na+ in distal tubule and collecting duct
Nitroprusside MOA
-balanced venous and arterial vasodilator
-decreases LV preload and afterload resulting in adequate CO at a lower LVEDP
Tx of Acetominophen Toxicity
-N-acetyl cysteine
-provides sulfhydryl groups and also acts as a glutathionine substitute and binds to the toxic metab NAPQI
Meds that Increase serum uric acid levels:

-used in lymphoma immunotherapy that specifically targets the CD20 surface Ig
-regulates the act and differentiation of T cells to aid in tumor cell destruction
-Tx: RCC and melanoma
-potent inhib of the BCR/ABL protein tyrosine kinase
-inhibs the cellular prolif of BCR/ABL expressing cells w/out inducing apoptosis
Colchine MOA
-inhibs leukocyte migration and phagocytosis by blocking tubulin polyermization
Carbamazepine MOA
-blocks voltage gated Na+ channels and decreases Ca++ current in thalamic neurons
-iron chelating agent that decreases form of O2 free radicals by doxorubicin and is the most effective method of preventing dilated cardiomyopathy in these pts
Terbinafine MOA
-inhib synth of ergosterol by inhibiting squalene epoxidase
-tx dermatophytosis
Flucytosine MOA
-transformed to 5 FU in fungal cells
-inhibs fungal protein synth by replacing uracil w/ 5- Fluorouracin in fungal mRNA
Where do Neuroleptics block dopamine?
-mesolimbic-mesocortical (frontal cortex) pathway
-this is hyperactive in schizo
Probencid MOA
-decreased PCT uric acid reabsorption
Reserpine MOA
-blocks the storage of adrenergic mediators in presynaptic vesicles
-decreased synaptic cleft [NE]
-predisposes to depression b/c depletes NE and serotonin from the presynaptic vesicles of CNS
***3 drugs that may causes seizures
1. Buproprion (antidepressant)
2. Isoniazid (anti-TB, if given w/out B6)
3. Imipenem
Spironolactone in HF pts
-benefits are secondary to inhib of the neurohormonal effects of aldosterone, therefore less ventricular remodeling and cardiac fibrosis
Cutaneous flushing of niacin is d/t
-reduces pain by decreasing the levels of substance P in the PNS
Vitamins and Parkinsons Tx
-B6 increases the peripheral metabolism of Levadopa which decreases its effectiveness
APA mainstay therapy for acute mania
-mood stabilizer (lithium, valproate, carbamazepine)
-atypical antipyschotics (eg olanzapine)
Pioglitazone (TZDs)
-improve insulin resistance by binding to PPAR - Y (transcriptional regulation for genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism)
-most important gene regulated by PPAR-Y is adiponectin, TZDs increase levels which are low in DM II
DOCs for HIT
-Hirudin, lepirudin, argotroban are direct thrombin inhibitors
Dipyridamole and Cilostazol
-inhib platelet aggregation by inhibiting PDE activity and therefore increasing cAMP
Direct arteriolar vasodilators
-Hydralazine and minoxidil

-cause reflex symp activity resulting in tachycardia and edema
-often given in combo w/ sympatholytics and diuretics
TNF A inhibs
-infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab

-decrease macrophage fxn and may cause reactivation of TB
Nitrates in pts w/ stable angina
-act primarily as venodilators causing DEC in cardiac work by DEC LV filling volume (preload)
***this is the main effect
Mannitol MOA
-works by INC plasma or tubular fluid osmolarity -->INC extraction of H20 from Interstitial space into the vasc space or tubular lumen
-Major SE of severe aggressive osmotic diuretics is pulmonary edema
-inhib the synth of mycobacterial cell wall
-resistance develops when the mycobacteria INC production of ARABINOSYL TRANSFERASE
-analog of pyrophosphate that can chelate Ca++ and promote nephrotoxic renal Mg wasting
-results in hypocalcemia and hypomag
Gangiclovir major SE
-a/w severe neutropenia
Dobutamine MOA
-relatively selective B1 agonist that INC HR, contractility (this is the only desired effect), conducing velocity, and myocardial O2 consumption
Adenosine and dipyridamole
-selective vasodilators of CORONARY vessels
-can lead to coronary steal which DEC blood flow to ischemic areas and leads to hypoperfusion thus potentially worsening the ischemia
Prophylaxis for MAC?
-Azithromycin at CD4+ of < 50
Clomiphene citrate
-anti-estrogen that stims ovulation by blocking feedback inhib of estrogen on the hypothalamus--> INC release of pituitary gonadotropins
***use in women w/ ovulatory failure
Lithium SE
-nephrogenic DI by impairing vasopressin stimulated aquaporin mediated reabsorption in the collecting duct
-a RENAL tubular dysfxn
CI of metoclopramide
-commonly used to tx vomiting or gastric stasis
-CI in parkinsons b/c it can exacerbate and trigger EPS d/t antagonistic effect on dopamine receptors
-selective alpha 1 receptor agonist that INC TPR and SYSTOLIC BP and DEC pulse P and HR
-calcineurin inhib that DEC the transcription of the IL-2 gene and therefore DEC activation of T-lymphocytes in response to Ag stim
CCB and subarachnoid hemorrhage
-Nimodipine has been shown to DEC morbidity and mortality d/t cerebral vasopsasm when used as a preventative agent after subarachnoid hemorrhage
-recombinant humanized IgG1 Ab that binds w/ IgE to inhibit actions w/ mast cells
-acceptable add on tx for pts w/ severe allergic asthma
-an anti-epileptic that is metab to phenobarbital and PEMA
-all 3 compounds are active anti-convulsants
Nifedipine and HTN
-causes peripheral vasodilation which may result in reflex tachy and thus is an anti-HTN drug useful in pts w/ bradycardia
-broad spec anti-viral nuceotide analog of cytosine monophos
-***does not depend on the presence of virally encoded kinase (Acyclovir does) to convert to active nucleoside triphosphate form (which comp inhibs viral DNA polymerase)
Atropine and organophosphate poisoning
-reverses the muscarinic effects but does not prevent the development of nicotine effects such as muscle paralysis
-Pralidoxine is the only medication that reverses both muscarinic and nicotinic SEs
Digoxin toxicity
-may manifest as a change in color vision and anorexia, ventricular dysarrhythmias, H/A, fatigue and confusion
Paclitaxel MOA and usage
-fxns by binding b-tubulin and preventing micrtubule breakdown, thus causing arrest of the cell in the M phase
-therefore prevents stent restenosis by preventing intimal hyperplasia
Enfuviride MOA
-HIV entry inhib agent, fxns by interfering w/ gp41-mediated HIV binding to host cells and cell-cell transmission
Sotalol MOA and SEs
-both Beta blocking properties (causing brady) and Class 3 anti-arrhythmic (K+ channel blocking)
-prolongs both the PR and QT
Tx of painful diabetic neuropathy?
Etoposide MOA and usage

Podophyllin MOA and usage
-blocks topoisomerase ability to seal breaks leading to chromosomal breaks
-testicular and small cell cancer
-Podophyllin has the same MOA but is used for genital warts