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36 Cards in this Set

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Equation for quantiative transmission (ie how many photons penetrate through a certain substance)
N = No x e^-ut

No= # of original photons
u- linear attenuation coefficient
t= thickness
Grid Ratio
grid ratio = H/W

H=height of lead
W= width of gap
Bucky Factor
BF = dose to patient with grid/dose to patient without grid
Minification gain
input area/output area

di=input diameter
do=output diameter
Brightness gain
flux gain x minification gain
Dose length product (DLP)
DLP = CTDIvol x scan length
# of nuclei at time t (Nt)
Nt = No e^-h-t

No= # of original nuclei
h=decay constant
Decay constant (h)
h = 0.69/T1/2

*long T1/2 = short h
Activity = h Nt
Cummulative Activity
A = 1.44 x f x initial activity x effective half life

A= cummulative activity
f = 1 for whole body (different weights for different organs)
Effective half life
1/Te = 1/Tp + 1/Tb

Te= effective half life
Tp= physical half life
Tb = biological half life
Dose to a a particular organ
D = S x A

S= S factor (from a book)
A =Activity
Hounsfield Units
HU = 1000 (ux - uwater)/uwater

ux = annenuation of material
uwater = attenuation of water
Pitch = D/W

D= distance per revolution
W= beam width
Wave equation
velocity = frequency x wavelength
Acoustic impedance
Acoustic impedance (Z) = p x v

p = density
v= velocity
Wavelength based on transducer thickenss
wavelength = 2 x trasnducer thickness
Pulse length
pulse length = 2 * wavelength
Near field in US
near field = r^2 x wavelength

r = radius of transducer
Axial resolution in US
Axial resolution = SPL/2
fractional SD
SD = 1/sqrt N
power = voltage x current

measured in watts (joule/s)
energy = power x time

measured in joules
Best achievable digital resolution
best achievable digital resolution = 0.5 x (1/pixel size)
Sensitivity = TP/(TP + FN)
Specificity = TN/(TN + FP)
Accuracy = (TP + TN)/(TP + FP + TN + FN)

i.e. true positives and true negatives /over everything
Prevalence = (TP + FN)/(TP + FP + FN + TN)

i.e. true positives + things that are actually true but were construed as false/over everything
Positive predictive value
PPV = TP/(TP + FP)
Negative predictive value
NPV = TN/(TN + FN)
Mass attenuation

u = linear attenuation coefficient
p= density thus mass attenuation is independent of density!
HVL = 0.693/u

u = linear attenuation coefficient
Photon energy
E = h f = h (c/wavelength)

f= Planck's constant
c= speed of light
f= frequency
Inverse square law

x1 = distance 1
x2 = distance 2
optical density
OD = log (Io/It)

Io = light incident on film
It = light transmitted