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37 Cards in this Set

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The shoulder girdle is formed by two bones, the _______ and _______.
clavicle & scapula
The function of the shoulder girdle is to connect the upper limb to the __________.
The sternum articulates with the medial end of the _________
The proximal portion of the humerus is part of the upper limb and not the _________ __________ proper
shoulder girdle
The ______ is classified as a long bone, has a body and two articular extremities.
The clavicle lies just above the ________ rib
The lateral aspect of the clavicle is termed the __________ __________
acromial extremity
The medial aspect of the clavicle is termed the _________ ___________
sternal extremity
True/False - The humerus is not part of the shoulder girdle
The ___________ is classifed as a flat bone and forms the posterior part of the shoulder girdle
The scapula has ____ surfaces, _____ borders and ______ angles.
2, 3, 3
The scapula lies b/t the _____ and _____ ribs
2nd & 7th
The _______ surface of the scapula is slightly concave and contains the subscapular fossa
costal (anterior)
The ______ surface of the scapula is divided into two portions by a prominent spinous process.
doral (posterior)
The area above the spine of the scapula is called the ________________ fossa
The proximal end of the humerus consists of a ________, an ___________ neck, two prominents processes called the __________ and ___________ tubercles
head, anatomic, greater and lesser
The lesser tubercle of the humerus is situated on the _______ surface of the bone, immediately below the anatomical neck
The greater tubercle is located on the _________surface of the humerus, just below the anatomical neck
The greater tubercle is separated by the lesser tubercle by a deep depression cal the ____________ _____________.
intertubercular (bicipital) groove
The _____________ articulation is between the glenoid cavity and the head of the humerus
The _____________ articulation is formed by the sternal extremity of the clavicle with two bones; the manubrium and the first rib cartilidge
sternoclavicular (SC)
Anatomy of the shoulder girdle (2)
clavicle, scapula
Anatomy of the clavicle (3)
body, acromial extremity, sternal extremity
Shoulder articulations (3)
scapulohumeral, acromialclavicular, sternoclavicular
Angles of scapula (3)
superior, inferior, medial
Borders of scapula (2)
medial, superior
Surfaces of scapula (2)
Costal, Dorsal
Fossa's of scapula (3)
subscapular, supraspinous, infraspinous
Process on scapula
Notch on scapula
Essential projections of shoulder (2)
AP, Transthoracic lateral (Lawrence)
Essential projections of the shoulder joint (3)
Inferosuperior axial (Lawrence), Scapular Y (PA Oblique)
Essential - Proximal Humerus - Intertubercular groove (1)
Tangential (Fisk Modification)
Essential - Acromioclavicular articulations (1)
AP (Bilateral, Pearson)
Essential - Clavicle (4)
AP, PA, AP axial, PA axial
Essential - Scapula (2)
AP, Lateral
Shoulder - AP Projection (3 rotations of humerus)
External, Neutral, Internal