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36 Cards in this Set

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What are the goals in radiation

Maximize information

Least exposure

What is toentgen

quanitit of ionization produced by gamma radiation

What is the absorbed dose

amount ionizing radiation received by matter per unit mass

3 types of dosimeter




1 gray equals how many RADS

100 RAD

what is seivert

biologial effects based on the type of radiation exposed to

Which cells are most sensivite to radiation

dividing cells

what are examples of deviding cells

Hemopoietic tissue

growth cells

gonadal cells

metabolically active cells

Who should not take radiographs

Personnel under 18

pregnant women

What are the types of bodily injuries

early and late

early bodily injuries are what

whole body exposed--- lose of radiation

late bodily injuries are what

premature aging

high susceptibility to disease

high incidence of neoplasia

squamose cell carcinoma


Somatic radiation damage is what

damage that manifests itself during the lifetime of the recipient

what acn somatic radiation damage cause

cancer, amemia, cataracts, sterility

Genetic radiation damage is what

damage that occurs in the genes of reproductive cells

what are the 4 levels of exposure

1000 gy

greater than 100 gy

9-100 gy

3-9 gy

1000 gy radiation exposure is what

molecular death

greater than 100 gy radiation exposure is what

death within 1-2 days

9-100 gy radiation exposure is what

death in 3-5 days ,,, loss of GI mucosa

3-9 gy radiation exposure is what

maybe you'll die maybe you won't

What is MPD

maximum permissible dose

What is the goal for monitoring exposure


what is ALARA

as little as reasonably achievable.

Radiation exposure units consist of what two things

GY (gray) and SV (seivert)

What is gray radiation exposure unit

the absorbed dose received by matter per unit mass

What is seivert radiation exposure unit

the biological effects based on the type of radiation exposed to

Dosimtry is what

the measuring of the amoun tof radiation received by those performing radiography.

Dosimeters are what

personal exposure monitors

what are examples of dosimeters

film bade, TLD, pocket ioinization chamber

Which dosimeter is most common

Film badge

what is a TLD

Thermuluminescent dosimeters

Which badge can be reused film badge or TLD badge


Dosimeters can be worn where

belt, hand or neck

when are dosimeters processed

weekly, monthly or quarterly

what does filtration do in the film

eliminates soft x-rays

restraining personnel must wear what

lead apron

thyroid shields

lead gloves