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87 Cards in this Set

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What is a comminuted fracture of the ring of C1 called?
Jefferson fracture
What is a fracture of the anterior arch of C2 due to hyperextension called?
Hangman's fracture
The type of compensating filter suggested for the AP projection of the thoracic spine is a ___.
Wedge filter
How is the thorax centered for a lateral thoracic spine?
Center the posterior half of the thorax to the center of the grid.
For the cervicothoracic region, the reccomended position for the humeral head farthest from the IR is ___.
Moved posteriorly.
(Cervicothoracic region uses the swimmer's technique.)
Which of the following projections must always be performed with the use of a specially designed compensating filter?
A. AP atlas and axis
B. AP cervical vertebrae
C. Lateral throacic vertebrae
D. Lateral cervicothoracic region.
D. Lateral cervicothoracic vertebrae. ( Look this one up, I'm not sure if it's C or D.)
Which of the following projections of the spine are improved significantly with the use of a compensating filter?
A. AP cervical
B. AP thoracic
C. Swimmer's
D. what combination
B. AP thoracic
C. Swimmer's
Which intervertebral foraminas and pedicles are demonstrated on an AP axial oblique projection of the cervical spine?
A. Both sides equally
B. The closest side greater than the farthest side
C. Those closest to the IR
D. Those farthest from the IR.
D. Farthest from the IR.
Which thoracic vertebrae contains costal facets on the transverse process?
Which thoracic vertebrae contain only a single costal facet on it's body?
The superior and inferior articular processes of the cervical spine form thick columns called the ___.
Articular pillars
How many foramina are located on each cervical vertebrae?
The 2nd cervical vertebrae is called the __.
The vertebral foramen of the 1st cervical vertebrae contains ___.
A. Dens
B. Facets
C. Spinal Cord.
D. Combination
A. Dens
C. Spinal Cord
Which vertebrae contains both an anterior and posterior arch?
The articulating surfaces of the articular process of the vertebrae are covered with fibrocartilage. These surfaces are called __.
Spina Bifida is a congenital deformity of the vertebral column in which the ___ fail to unite posteriorly.
The vertebral body and the vertebral arch surround a space called the
Vertebral foramen
If a lead rubber sheet is not placed on the table when performing a lateral projection of the thoracic spine, the image may be __.
Where is the central ray directed for a lateral T-spine?
At the level of T7
Which of the following breathing techniques can be used for a lateral projection of the thoracic vertebrae?
A. Full inspiration
B. Suspended respiration
C. Quiet breathing
D. Combination
B. Suspended respiration And
C. Quiet breathing
If support is not placed under the lower thoracic vertebrae for a lateral projection, the central ray may have to be angled. What is the degree of angulation that would be required?
10-15 degrees cephallic
Which of the following devices are neccessary to optimally perform a lateral projection of the thoracic spine?
A. small sand bags
B. radiolucent sponge
C. Sheet of leaded rubber
D. Combination
All of the above
Where should the arms be placed for a lateral projection of the t-spine?
At right angles to the long axis of the body.
Ideally, the cathode end of the x-ray tube should be positioned to take advantage of the heel effect of the tube. Where should the cathode be placed for the AP thoracic spine?
toward the feet. (toward the thicker part)
What is the central ray angle for the AP thoracic spine?
Which of the following should be performed to place the back in contact with the table for an AP thoracic spine?
A. Flex the hips
B. Flex the knees
C. Flex the cervical spine
D. Combination
A. Flex the hips
B. Flex the knees
Where should the superior edge of the IR be placed for the AP projection of the thoracic vertebrae?
1 1/2- 2 inches above the shoulders
The cervicothoracic region, the reccommended position for the humeral head closest to the IR is to move it ___.
When the shoulder is immobile, and cannot be depressed efficiantly for the cervicothoracic region for the lateral projection, the central ray is angled __.
3- 5 degrees caudad
Where is the CR directed for the lateral projection of the cervical thoracic region?
What is the CR angle for the lateral projection of the swimmers view when the shoulder can be depressed?
Where is the IR centered for the lateral projection of the swimmers view?
C7-T1 interspace
Swimmer's technique lateral projection is preformed to demonstrate what?
cervicothoracic region
The swimmer's technique demonstrates the cervicothoracic region in what projection?
Which CR angle would be used to demonstrate the cervical spine, pillars, and laminae for AP axial projection for trauma patient?
20-30 degrees caudad
What is the CR angle for an AP axial projection of the cervical spine on trauma patient?
15-20 degrees cephallic
The recommended SID for dorsal(?) decub or cross-table projection of the cervical spine is?
Patient may arrive in the ER w/trauma to the neck, which projection of the cervical spine should be preformed first then reviewed by the physician before doing other projections?
cross-table lateral
Which of the following methods uses a chewing motion of the mandible to demonstrate the cervical spine in the AP projection?
The respiration phase for the AP/PA axial oblique projection of the cervical spine is?
suspended respiration
Which intervetebreal foramen are demonstrated onPA axial oblique of the cervical spine?
those closest to the IR
What is the CR for the PA axial oblique projection of the cervical intervetebreal foramina?
15-20 degrees caudad
Where is the CR directed for the PA axial oblique projection for the cervical intervetebreal foramina?
How much is the body rotated for the PA axial oblique projection of the cervical intervertebreal foramina?
45 degrees
The recommended SID of the AP axial oblique projection of the cervical spine is?
Where is the CR directed for the AP axial oblique projection of the cervical intervetebreal foraina?
Where is the IR centered for the lateral cervical spine?
Which intebertebreal foramina are demonstrated on the AP axial oblique projection of the cervical spine?
What is the CR angle for the AP axial oblique projection of the cervical intervertebreal foramina?
10-20 degrees cephallic
How much is the body rotated for the AP axial oblique projection of the cervical intervertebreal foramina?
45 degrees
Where is the IR centered for hyperflexion/hyperextenionlateral projection of cervical spine?
Which of the following lines must be perpendicular to the IR for th AP open mouth?
Upper incisors to tip of mastoid
The phase of respiration of hyperflexion/hyperextension lateral cervical spine is?
suspended breathing
Where should the center of the IR be positioned for open mouth AP projection of Atlas and Axis?
2nd cervical vertebrea
Which projection of the cervical spine will demonstrate the lower zygopophyseal joints in the cervical spine?
Lateral,Lateral hyperextension, Lateral hyperflexion
all the above
Intervertebrael foramina of the thoacic spine form an angle of how many degrees with the midsaggital plane?
90 degrees
Intervertebreal foramina of thoracic spine are clearly demonstrated on which projection?
How much is the body rotated from the lateral position to demonstrate zygopopyseal joints of the thoracic region?
15-20 degrees
The zygopopyseal joints of the thoracic form an agle of how many degrees from the midsaggital plane?
70-75 degrees
How many thoracic vertebrae have small concave facets on the transverse process for articulation w/ tubercle of rib?
Zygopopyseal joints of the cervical spine are clearly demonstrated on which projection?
The intervertebrael foramina of the cervical spine open how?
45 degrees anteriorly and 15 degrees inferiorly
The openings of the cervical vertebrae for transmission of vertebrael artery & vein are called?
the transverse foreman
The 1st cervical vertebrae is called?
The condition in which intervertebrael discs slips and protrudes into the vertebrael canal is called?
HNP (Herniated Nucleus Pulposus)
Spinal nerves & blood vessels exit the spinal column through the?
intervertebrael foramina
The short, thick processes that project posteriorly on each side of the vertebrael body are called?
An abnormal increase in convexity of the thoracic spine is called?
Where is the CR centered for hyperflexion/hyperextension cervical vertebrae?
The Grandy Method is a _______ projection of the _______.
lateral; spine
The respiration phase for lateral cervical spine is?
full expiration
The SID for the lateral cervical spine must be a minimum of how many inches?
Where is the CR directed for the lateral cervical spine?
Where is the IR centered for the lateral cervical spine?
How are weights applied to arms for lateral projection of cervical spine?
hanging from wrist
The CR angle for the AP axial cervical spine is?
15-20 degrees cephallic
Where is the IR centered for the AP axial cervical spine?
What is placed perpendicular to the tabletop for the AP axial cervical spine?
draw a line from the tip of the mastoid to the lower edge of upper incisors
What is the CR angle for the AP projection of the dens or fuchs method?
0 degrees
Where is the center of the IR positioned for the AP projection of the dens or fuchs?
tip of mastoid process
Which of the following describes the fuchs method?
AP dens
Which method is used to demonstrate the dens w/in the foramina magnum?
Which projection is the patient instructed to softly pronate the "ahhh" sound?
AP open-mouth
The respiration phase for the AP open-mouth projection of the atlas maxus is?
phonate "ahhh" sound
The intervertebrael foramina cervical spine are demonstrated on which of the following projections...
AP axial, AP axial obliques, PA axial obliques or which combination?
AP & PA axial obliques
Where is the CR directed for an AP open-mouth projection of the altas maxus?
perpendicular to the open mouth