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74 Cards in this Set

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Where a person retains citizenship
the assumption of innate characteristics based on real or imagined physical characteristics
used to classify immigrants according to their cultural traits; shared categorization of people based on factors like shared cultural values, nationality, language, religion & gender roles.
Ex. my ethnicity=Italian
Racial Hierarchies
ranking of races first created by Blumenbach; dominant group=those who originally wrote the racial hierarchy placing themselves on top and subordinate groups below them.
Ideological Racism
established through science; considers a groups physical characteristics to determine their psychological and intellectual characteristics, determining the difference between “inferior & superior” groups.
ex. Nazi Germany used ideological racism to the extreme
Johann Blumenbach
first to create racial hierarchies & said that “people from the caucus mountains were the best humans… slavery was needed to keep racial difference”
Samuel Morton-
used science to prove one race superior over another by collecting skulls from all over the globe, filling them with sand, and concluding that white skulls (bc they could hold the most) were the smartest.
Josiah Nott-
“slavery was needed to keep racial difference; he believed whites and blacks should never mix bc if so the race would evolve”
Individual Racism
an act of an individual against members of another group.
ex. bombings at black churches in 1960’s
Institutional Racism
racism written into the law & common social practice within a country against a group.
ex. segregation; separate water fountains and buses… before 1865 racism was written into the constitution.
Formative Wave, 1607-1820
Jamestown established in 1607 majority being English to escape the church of England and small amounts of Jews.
First Wave Immigration, 1820-1880-
other groups began arising… Germans came in large numbers during 20’s, 30’s, 40’s; Irish came due to potato famine, Chinese settled on pacific coast.
Second Wave of Immigration, 1880-1920-
1880’s laws prevented Chinese from migrating; also immigrants from eastern Europe & western Russia (Poland, Hungary, Italy)
4 Types of Migration: Voluntary
came bc you wanted to
4 Types of Migration: Forced
brought against your will
ex. slavery
4 Types of Migration: Economic/Labor
come to US to make money & support family by finding work… majority came for this reason.
4 Types of Migration: Displaced Persons
come to escape political regim or war in home country
ex. Castro and the Cubans
Push Factor-
something that makes you leave home country
Ex. famine, war, UE, bad government
Pull Factor-
something that makes you come to US
Ex. religious freedom, job security
When the minority adopts the heritage, and traditions of the dominate group… some want this and others don’t.
Acculturation- same as assimilation
Anglo- Conformity-
where groups give up everything to be like the WASPS.
Melting- Pot Ideal-
each group contributes some of their culture to what America is today; keeping some & taking some from WASPS.
Cultural Pluralism-
don’t believe in ^ & keep their cultures to themselves.
WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)-
looked down on anyone that was not a WASP, the dominant group, Protestant Christians… Anglo-Saxon- Germans that invaded England & became rulers; Protestant- not catholic
Other European Colonies in North America-
French, Dutch & Spanish… were not in US to establish permanent residence.
1629-1640 1st Migration (went to Massachusetts)-
didn’t agree with the way the church was set up in England, which is called, Separatist (Puritans; Pilgrims) went to Mass. on mayflower.
John Winthrop-
first governor of Massachusetts, famous for “City on A Hill” sermon that meant that they should seek to be a positive influence on England and new world settlements.
Separatists came over in family groups, were literate, and had money, were blacksmiths & carpenters.
1642-1672 2nd Migration (went to Virginia)-
different from MA due to ability for growth of crops and opportunity for cash crop Chesapeake Bay lots of mosquitoes that killed many.
Joint-Stock Company (Jamestown)-
people who get together and put their money to an expedition to the new world, found gold and silver, it was an investment
Indentured Servants
85% of all people going to VA (got a ticket to America paid for in exchange for working from 3-7 years on a farm, they were cheated out of their work), other 15% aristocrats.
1675-1725 3rd Migration (went to Pennsylvania; middle colony)-
mainly made up of Quakers Best of both Massachusetts and Virginia… similar to Separatists…
• Pacifists- won’t serve in the English army.
• Believed all men were created equal & English did not like them
• Open to all religions and traveled in families
William Penn-
died in English army and was owed money that he wanted to contribute to the Quakers and himself through land which is modern day PA.
Ethnic Pluralism-
practiced more than one ethnicity in an area by the Quakers in PA.
Puritans- elders took care of town, everyone had voice.
Virginia- power=money
Quakers- county commission represented everyone

Social Structure=society
Puritans- middle class, no extremes
Virginia- Rigid hierarchal structure
Quakers- believed everyone was equal

Puritans- “ordered liberty” gave up some individual freedom for group
Virginia- whites=free, blacks=slaves
Quakers- first 10 amendments taken from Quakers -> trial by jury, freedom of religion
a land bridge that stretched between Russia & Alaska allowing the first Americans to chase down game herds into the new land… first to come were hunters and gatherers.
very advanced tribe, built 500 miles of irrigation ditches, sending goods everywhere and bringing in trade goods of meat. Well-connected, built cities into sides of mountains…
• One of the most advanced Anasazi groups were Mesa Verde… broke up into smaller groups to make crops to feed smaller amounts of people
on Mississippi River… largest city in America at 1300 A.D. had over 20,000 people… able to form because of agriculture. Built dirt pyramids so their priest would be able to reach closer to the sun & mounds for burial… drought hits area and city breaks up just like Anasazi so people move to the southeast to live.
world that the young Shawnee warrior, Tecumseh, was raised.
The horse and its effects on American Indian tribes-
Plains Indians instead of going from hunters and gathering to agriculture they switch, they go from agriculture to hunting and gathering because of the horse that allows them to follow Buffalo herds very effectively.
Ex. Sioux Indians: abandon agriculture to chase Buffalo across the Great Plains… Indian family becomes polygamist after the horse and the warrior outlook.
preached to Ohio, Illinois, Indiana Indian tribes about the necessity of an alliance to stop white expansion… died during war of 1812… dream unrealized.
Transatlantic Slave Trade [Triangle Trade]-
slaves to the Americas from A; cotton, sugar & tobacco taken to Europe from US; Europe sends rum & manufactured goods to Africa… 12.5 million slaves taken from Africa to new world but 2 million died along the way…
• Roman & Greek slaves were all white, part of the family.
Chattel Slavery-
moved from Africa to New World
Bartolome de las Casas-
Indians had bad immune systems & Spanish worked them to death for gold & silver… Hati & DR mistreated Indians, therefore missionaries had trouble converting native Americans to Christianity & wanted this to end… “we can have AA replace Indians bc they don’t have souls-not human”… regretting saying that.
Sugar [Barbados]-
largest sugarcane growing island besides Jamaica
North American Slavery [No Guarantee Slavery would take hold in North America]-
indentures servants brought to new world to handle tobacco crops… this number decreased bc better work opportunities offered in England.
English stereotypes of blacks
Black = evil, impure, sin & devil/White = good, pure, God, Christianity
Animalistic/ sexual intensity [Savagery]-
English were introduced to Africans & apes at same time, thinking them equal… African culture did not wear clothes & zero inhibitions about sex -> opposite from conservative and proper English.
African Slave Trade
Prisoners of War/ Debtors/ Criminals
Europeans make agreements to slave with Kings or Queens/ trade slaves for firearms, trinkets, trade goods…
Europeans build fort/ slave factory-
all had dungeons where slaves would be kept until carried to new world… called factories bc they produced slaves.
Step 1 Getting Slaves: Krumen
Africans hired by the Kings & Queens that took Africans from interior by hitting them over the head and capturing.
Step 1:Shackling-
bind the slaves together with ropes and chains that didn’t come off until they reached the new world… shackles bound them to each other.
Step 2 Holding Tanks: Barracoons-
cage with sticks that was tightly bound tg… food handed in thought the outsides- if in the middle you did not eat… 200-300 slaves piled in for 2-3 months… died of disease due to malnutrition, dead bodies & bathroom stuff.
Step 2 Holding Tanks:• Slave factory dungeons-
same conditions as barracoons except no light ventilation bc small room with one door where food was passed in… eyesight fucked up.
Step 2 ½. Transportation to ship
journey from shore to ship in slave canoes was the last chance for slaves to escape by tipping the canoe.
Step 3 Middle Passage-
tight= most ships practiced this method, take more slaves than ship can carry bc they made a profit on “lost cargo” if slaves died due to disease-> diarrhea… placed on shelves for 3 months.
Step 3 Middle Passage- Lose
Loose= captains took enough slaves they knew they could feed and care for on the journey, more humane slave captain.
Step 3: Conditions of the Ship
1.7 million slaves died during the middle passage, conditions very harsh, slaves drowned that had malnutrition or diseased… dehydration, smell, br shit, muscle loss, no exercise.
Step 4 Seasoning-
Slave Auction-
held in slave yard or steps of court houses… groomed using animal fat to bring out muscle tone… very humiliating process… female slaves used for pleasure.
What effects the price of slaves?-
healthy males went for highest price, looked at teeth & body parts, strength to work in fields.
slaves taught basic English to understand the work they must complete… punished if they did not understand
->Caribbean hotbox aka whippings.
Pennsylvania Dutch [Deutche]-
Germans migrate to the Americas due to bountiful crops, religious freedom, and no large scale wars… English call them “Dutch” due to blonde hair and blue eyes when settling in Pennsylvania back country… English like them due to intellect, wealth, and value in large families…
Best wheat growers in US, great farmers… saved US agriculture
Well-liked by wasps
Neat & tidy immaculate large houses
Honest, hard working, industrious, protestant, middle class with money!
19th Century Germans-
6 mill during first wave immigration…
19th Century Lower Class
lived in tenements (harsh conditions & died frequently), suffered from potato famine, worked in harsh factories, fought with Irish bc they were catholic
19th Century Middle Class
proto-factories in germany therefore middle class shoemakers, etc. lost their jobs… majority.
19th Century Upper Class
also known as the “48ers” became huge abolitionist due to education and wealth and also due to the fact that they knew what it felt like to be under ruling.
**Chain Migration- sending one family member over at a time.
19th Century Germans: Location-
Primarily settled in mid-west away from the WASPs & even in some cities it was ALL German… also stayed in isolated villages.
19th Century Germans: Culture-
Kirchendeutschen churches that gave sermons in German… also had activities for the German community, dinners, political conferences, centers for culture. Also had schools attached that only taught in German, German heritage, culture & traditions.
Vereinsdeutschen- dancing, German singing, literary clubs, talk politics, not associated with the church… community run activities that often took place in a beer run/tavern.
Germans in America-
Germans become assimilated bc you can only marry so many German families, the kids of these couples were not familiar with German culture… German culture becomes weakened.
• WASPs loved the Germans due to money, location, numbers leading to positive stereotypes… based other immigrants off of them.
**German Day!
World War I-
Germany, Austro-Hungary and Ottoman Empire
Britain, France and Russia (and eventually America)
War starts when an Austria-Hungary important figure was assassinated… no one thought it would be as big as it was. Went to war for the first time with machine guns, rifles, new weapons, gas, etc.
Millions of people were killed… starts in 1914… Americans split between Britain and Germany.
Anti-German attitudes-
Germany invades France by going through Belgium and the Netherlands treating them very badly… stealing their food and destroying their towns… violence. Germany continued to do stupid things such as the ordeal with the ship bombings… Lusitania (almost as big as the Titanic) sunk very quickly by a German ship.
Zimmerman Telegram-
1917 from Germany to Mexico to invade the US, Mexico said no and the US found out about this plan => therefore leading to the war.
*26 states passed the anti-German language laws
Robert Prager-
American of German descent who got fucked over bc they thought he was a spy… put in jail and killed.
World War II-
German Americans not treated as badly as before… US were anti-Hitler… ???