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51 Cards in this Set

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4 Kinds of Americans
Robert K. Merton identifies Americans into 4 groups based upon their relationship with the creed that hold that all men are created equal
Unprejudiced Non-Discriminator
Adheres to tecreed in both belief and practice. Neither prejudiced nor given to discrimination
However contains three fallacies
Fallacy of group soliloquies
Spends time with other likeminded liberals talking about how unprejudiced they are
Fallacy of unanimity
Assumption that most others are like his/her likeminded friends
Fallacy of privatized solutions
Figures the solution can be resolved on an individual basis
Prejudiced Non-Discriminator
A prejudiced person who inhibited by legal perscriptions which ban bar him for participation in discriminatory behavior
ex:business owner who would discriminate in hiring but is afraid of legal action
Unprejudiced Discriminator
Is not personally rejudiced, but supports discriminatory practices when its easier or more profitable to do so
(biases in hiring, allows racist jokes or actions to go unchecked)
Prejudiced Discriminator
Inentionally and willfully prejudiced and takes discriminatory action when capable
(old-school racist, KKK) easy identifiable, common picture of racist
White Privilege
A result of group position, whites benefit from not having to deal with race related hurdles (racial ideologies, negative racial formations).
The privlidge is not visible to its holder, its a way of life, simply the way things are.
Ex: absence of worrying about having traditions/heritage taken away
seeing people of own race widely represented in media
live by neighbors who are pleasant, in an are that you want and can afford
Colorblind Ideology
The assertion that racism and racial discrimination are no longer relevant barriers to social sucess
(discourages hones discussion of racism, encourages individual solutions)
A cognitive path for understandin and interpreting information. There are four frames for understanding the world that justify the current racial social structure
Abstract Liberalism
De-contextualizes race from its historical truth( rationalizes racial unfairness in the name of equal opportunity)
ignores structual barriers to success, presumes society will fix itself.
ex: affirmative action
Normalizes events or actions that would otherwise be interpreted as racially motivaed or racist (Thats just the way it is)
ignores the role of sociey and institutins in creating this seperation.
ex: residential segregation, peferences for whites as friends and partners
Cultural Racism
The assertion that disparitiies are due to cultural failing rather than instituional or structual issues
ignors the structual factors, blames the victims
ex:blacks prefer welfare
Minimizing Racism
Whites do not identify instiutional factors influencing status of non whites
ex: thinking minorities are looking race as an exscuse, so they ignore the fact
Semantically Safe Racism
Jokes, some of my best friends are.., i'm white, so i dont know, yes and no, but.., anything but race, just a little bit..., projection(doesn't mean it makes it right)
These all provide socially exceptable exscuses for racial discrimination
Relationship between spatial barriers and barriers to mobility
Social and economic opportunities vary geographically and barriers to spatial mobility are concurrently barriers to social mobility (the degree to which, in a given society, an individual's, family's, or group's socia status can change throughout thecourse of their life through a sytem of social stratification)
Massey and Mullan (1984)
Spatial assimilation is essential to social assimilation
because social assimilation affects the development of relationships with dominant community members, reduces prejudice, and increases likelihood of intermarriage
affects access to quality housing, educational opportunities, health care, employment and community services
4 Capitals
1. Economic-$
2. Human-individul skills (degrees, work experience)
3. Cultural- series of behaviors that a person can engage in to indicate high status (dress, language)
4. Social- human connections to other people (help you advance: job recommendations)
All 4 affect social mobility
Immigrant Enclaves
neighborhoods or towns where immigrants can begin to assimilate into american culture. Provides familiar cultural patterns, help in finding work, family ties, and affordable housing. As people gain economic, cultural and social capital (or generally thier children/grandchildren) they move out of the enclave.
common bond of ehtnic survival, immigrant owned enterprises-work until you learn english
Ethnic Communities
Ethnic neighborhoods that are selected as living environments by those who have wider options based on their market resources, creaed by different social pocesses than immigrant enclaves
Minority Ghettos
A set of neighborhoods that are exclusively inhabited by members of one group, areas where certain racial or ethnic groups are concentrated due to exclusion from other locations regardless of resources or preferences
Red Lining
Process where a bank outlines a neighborhood which is bad for investment-businesses are not allowed to recieve loans in this area, often banks use race
White Flight
As blacks or minorities move into neighborhoods, whites begin to move out, suddenly the neighborhood is primarily black and usually struggling due to the pricing of houses that decreases as families move out in large amount and no whites want to move in
Efforts of real-esate agents to trigger the turnover of white-owned property and homes to African Americans. Frequently accompanied by the expansion of black areas of residence and the entry of African Americans into neighborhoods previously denied to them
When a majority of a racial group lives in neighborhoods with a majority of that racial group. Usually the group is uneven, isolated, culustered, concentrated, and centralized
Ecolgical Niches
Considers te impact of structual factors (ex: poverty status, unemployment, family disuption) alongside community factors
An individual is equal supported by their family, ethnic community, local environment, and the larger society. Provides the individual with saftey nets and the 4 capitals
An individaul is not involved in larger society. The segregation within the neighborhood causes a decrease in the 4 capitals. The shift comes from segregation, devleops local environment that reduces saftey nets
White Segregation
Whites experience a greatdea of isolaion from other races but its not in the same economic conditons. Whites are unlikely to see this as result of racial processes but rather as normative. Whites unlikely to engage in intimate relations with non-whites: have developed white habitus that is defined as normal(how people should interact, act in society)
Education why care?
Fundamental to our notion of success, best path to equality/meritocracy, insidious way of creating inequality, hope for the future, political clout
Education Gap and Trends
Black/Latino gap- has narrowed since 1970, but average AA score is below 75% of American whites on most standardized tests
Asian-White comparable
greatest disparities at the highest levels
Asians(3.24) Whites(2.94) Latinos(2.74) Black(2.73)
Graduation Rates
Students in lower tracks have lower graduation rates than those in higher tracks
Neighborhood Segregation and Schooling
Resegregation for AA, increase in segregation for Latinos
Schools often reflect larger neighborhood segregation
not segregated by class, but by race
School Factors on Education Gap
1. School Quality- whites have more $ per pupil than non-whites, disproportionately effects students of color
2.Teacher quality-classes in higher poverty schools are 77 percent more likely to be assigned an out-of-field teacher, classes in majority nonwhite schhols are over 40% more likely to be assigned to an out of field teacher than mostly white schools
3.Tracking-divisions that separate students for all academic subjects according to ability for particular subject areas
has no known benefits to those in higher tracks, but lower test scores and graduation rates for lower tracks
Aspirations Impact on Education Gap
Cultural argument, are significant variation in aspirations by race but matter very little without opportunity
Home Impact on Education Gap
SES is the single greatest predictor of educational attainment, high SES 4x more likely to enroll in college
Affects the quality of school, saftey net factor, 4 capitals, parents(work, resources in education, supervison, opportunities) and neighborhood(peer gorups, social support, study abroad, extra-curricular activities, volunteering, jobs)
Systematic Racism
racial or ethnic discrimination exist at all stages of the criminal justice system, in all places, at all time and without much variation over time
Institutional Racism
racial disparities in the outcomes that result from established policies with disproportionately affect minorities. Results, not intent
Contextual Racism
discrimination in certain situations or contexts
Individual Racism
discriminatory behaviors from one person involved in teh criminal justice system
Pure Justice
a system with no discrimination at any time or at any place in the system
Evidence for Subculture of Violence
Baker and Ball(1969): the teenage group with the highest proportion of high approvers of high level violence was male, ages 16-19, residing in metropolitan areas, and black
Short and Strodbeck(1965): black lower class respondents evaluted "conflict values" more positively than balck and white middle class respondents
Problems With Subculure of Violence
Less than 20% of the variation in violent behavior is explained by the present combination of subculture variables
Evidence for Relative Deprivation Theory
Blau& Blau(1982): societal injustices engendered by income inequality lead to a state of disorganization and anomie, which in turn leads to the expression of hostility and criminal behavior, is most acute among blacks since blacks as group suffer racial as well as economic discrimination that consequently assings them a lower economic position than whites
Haie&Steffenmeir: overall inequality has a greater effect on white arrest rates than blacks, whites are more effected by sense of relative dep.
Problems With Relative Deprivation Theory
See inequaliy of income is more important factor in explaining white than black violent crime, reflects poor articulation between structual and cultural values
Tri-racial system
Collective whites-experience white priviledge
Honorary whites-not be granted acess to all white priviledge, but not denied acess (smaller hurdles)
Collective blacks-experience hurdles associated with African American culture
will be more pluralistice and exhibit more racial fluidity than the previous racial stratification system, will safe guard white privilege through its apparent pluralism and fluidity
Evidence for Tri-Racial system
income and educaiton-whie are better off han honorary whies, who are better off than the collective black
segregation-whites are much more likely to live near or marry honorary whites
Problems with Tri-Racial system
Should Arab Americans be in he honorary white category when so many are labled as terrorist
-data on income, inter-marriage, does not indicate this at this time
Is there a resurgence in overt racism that will overatake the colorblind ideology
-no...not unless people admit to being racist
Will latinos and asians become white
-maybe, but it should have happened by now, segmented assimilation will slow it down, skin color still matters, class and culture work as major impediments
How to Combat Racism Everyday
1.start a new civil rights movement: mobilize non whites, generate awareness of the colorblind ideology
2. promote anti-racism: mobilize anti-racist whites, educate about the colorblind ideology
3.Research: use knowledge to combat the frames of the colorblind ideology, develop concrete responses to the frames, disseminate those responses
4.breakdown colorblindness publicly: do not allow the frames of colorblindness to exist in any context challenge institutions and social situations where colorblindness thrives