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123 Cards in this Set

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What is not a biological category
What biologist belevies that race is a biological category
What is race used to justify
The inequalities and exploitations created by colonialism
How is race a social construct?
an idea created by men not nature
What gave people a scientific reasoning to use slaves
When was slavery abolished in Canada
When was salvery present in USA
Who are still more likely to be poor and uneducated today
Black Americans
What were black people advertised as
something to be sold
Greek word for ethnic
What was an attempt to get rid of racial groups
Ethnic Groups:
a named social category of people based on perceptions of shared social experience or ancestry
Can be used by a person or can be imposed (multidimensional)
Is human interaction active or passive
Defining COntent of Ethnicity:

1. Socially constructed

2. Flexible

3. Changeable

What notion about ethnicity is wrong?
the notion that we have one identity
What is Ethnic Identity influenced by?
The context in which the behaviour occurs and the boundaries are drawn
Nested Identity:
multiple ethnicities
Legal Identity:
Social Identity
Ethnic Boundary markers:
the way you act in situations differently
Hakka Women ethnic markers:
What did Fredrik Barth say about ethnicityÉ
It is a relationship and a process
What is your legal identity
Your social Identity with perceptions

Achieved and constructed

Flexible and CHanging


Never changing




Why did tribal identities become strong in African mining towns?
because they were exposed to different people
Imagined community:
Diverse but we all share something in common despite knowing eachother or now
What is an imagined community
a nation
What does it mean by "we are Berliners"
Believe in freedome and democracy (JFK)
American Revolution ended what?
Who put forward multiculturalism in Canada?
Pierre Trudean
When did Pierre Trudeau put multiculturalism forward in Canada
after Quebec Crises
Melting Pot:
The idea that if you are part of a nation, you are that nation and nothing else (If you live in America you are American
Salad Bowl:
Each person, though they live in Canada, can have their own ethnicity
Basic Assumption of migration studies:
Location of a persons Body in physical space is the main factor in determining their social life and cultural expectations
What raises questions about the basic assumption of migration studies?
Globalization (loyalties and bodies may be differentially located)
An ethnic group whose members are scattered in different places within a country or throughout the world
money sent back to home country
How much money in remittances in US in the year 2002
more than 80 million
First Largest Capital flow
Second Largest Capital Flow

Third largest Capital Flow
What do remittency have a strong tendency towards
primodial approach (once a chines, always a Chinese)
What was China unified

What did china impose in 1949
closed door policy
When did CHina open their doors to economic reform

When did hong kong become part of Chine
Hong Kong Investors as patriots to their mother land:
often disliked communist motherland, but felt they had to help their native place .
Most important kind of conflict:
ethnic conflict
What can strengthen ethnic identity
ethnic conflict
What can many ethnic conflicts be traced back too>
Arbitrary colonial borders and colonizers brining in non-native labourers
Pim Fortuyn:
Duth Politician with anti muslim views

What did Pim Fortuyn want to do
end all immigration
QUebec CHarter of Values:
would bane all public employees from wearing religious symbols
Barbaric practices:
COnservative Party candidate: Forced marriages/ polygyny should be ban
Canadian Values Act:
screening all refugees / immigration applicant for anti-Canadian values.
Audrey Smedley:
States that reality lies in set of individual attitudes and beleifs about human differences
HUman Genome Project was ran by:
Francis Collins
Francis Collins on race:
race is a term without an agreed upon definiktion
4 objections to naturalness of race

Nobody can say how many races there are

Race classification selection is based on certain physical characteristics (appearance) and not others

There is more genetic variation within races than between them

the classification and evaluation for race is always changing

Dante Puzzo:

1. historian

2. proposed that race is a modern idea

Johan Blumen bach and his four races:

1. European

2. American

3. Asian

4. African

What was the fifth race Johan Blumenberg later added
What did Johan Blumenbach say about race:
That we cannot put limits on races
Racial Thinking:
The belief that humanity is divided into scientifically, observable, homogenous distinct bio types
Measure of human bodies to determine what group they should belong too

Facial Angle:

- Measurement form forehead to node ridge.

- Sharper angles mean more primitive

Undesirable effects of mixing different genetic types

Cephalix Index:

Measure of skull and brain volume; shape

Higher index = rounder head = more intelligence

Selective breeding to make an optimal type
Franze Boas:
Challenged racial thinking
Five books of Franz Boaz:

1. Anthropology and modern Life

2. Race

3. Culture

4. Language

5. Race and democratic Society

Who believed that racial thinking was a mans most dangerous myth
Ashley Montagu
Who wrote Myth of negro past
Melville Herkvits
the process in which ethnic groups come into being and gain cultural characteristics
Hyland and Erikson:

Five types of Ethnic Groups:

1. Urban Ethnic Minorities

2. INdiginous people

3. Protonation

4. Ethnic groups in plural societies

5. Post slave minorities

co-existence of cultural groups
Three types of assimilation :

1. cultural

2. Structural / social

3. racial

CUltural Assimilation:

Loss of cultural traits

Racial assimilation
Physical traits lost through intermarriage
Social Assimilation

Culture groups becoming assimilated into society q
Ted Roberts & Harff:

1. Ethnonationalists

2. Indigenous People

3. Communcal Contenders

4. Ethnoclasses

Large and regional groups who live in boundaries of one or more states. Autonomy and independence
COmmunal COntenders:
Want to share power in central government

Culturally distinct minorities
What influences economic practices
economics in greek
What does the greek origin of economics mean
Refferes to more modest matter of househokd management
Human economy:
Reminds readers that economy is made and remade by people
Anthrological perspective in economy:
Emphasizes not all societies do economics the same way and economic ideas, practices and instituations of a society will be integrated
Economic Problem:
How to transform the environment into things we need to support life
What is the ground floor of culture
Means of production :
form of labour
Mode of Production (Marxist):
Productive forces
Relation of Production (Marxist):
Social roles and relationships
Economy of society:
Mode + Relation Production
What did early anthropology emphasize in economics:
Production and distribution
Base of economics:
First system :
Most recent Foraging:

1. African Kalahari

2. Australian Aboriginals

3. Inuit People

What do foragers routinely do to landscape
burn it to plant new things
Typical Division of labour for foragers:

Men: Hunting and animal work

Women: Gathering and plant work

What society followed the typical forager pattern
What are the two warning when it comes to the Warlpiri:

1. not al animal work = hunting

2. And men could gather things they desired

Ernestine Friedl and three Foraging arrangement:


- Men hunters

- Women gathere

2. Men and women shared tasks

3. Women process hunt

- men hunt

Hadza Tanzania:


Women = gather

men = hunter

Phillipenes and Pygmies:
Equal sharing
Described the social groups of foragers
small groups usually composed of kin in environemtns with low food supply
Movement of foragers?
WHat did foragers of an emotional connection to
animals and land
Conflict in Foragers?
Limited; usually over spiritual despute
Rise of Pastoralism:
10 thou - 12 thou
Period of pastoralism:
Neolithic (stone age)
Work in pastoralism:
tending and exploiting
What did men rich in cattle have the option too?
how many wives could Barabaig men have if wealthy with cattle
4 or five
man led a bull to another man in exchange for rights to cattle
migratory patterns so animals could use up new land
What kind of God's did [astoralism praise
Male gods (sky god)
Horticulture Pattern of Dani, New GUinea:

mean : Heavy work

women: plant and harvest

Horticulture pattern in Malaysia:

Women and children slash

men chop

men and and boys make holes

women and child plant

(nothing privately owend )

INdia Horitculture:

Older men and women = clear

Young men = slash

(everything individually owned)

What type of God did Horticulture groups prais
God's representing natural forces