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35 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 parts of the ovary?
What is the granulosa cell layer?
Cell layer found closest to oocyte
What is the Theca cell layer?
Cell layer found in outer layer
What is the structure of a primordial follicle?
Oocyte surrounded by squamous epithelium - pregranulosal cells
What is the structure of a primary follicle?
Larger oocyte surrounded by single layer of cuboidal granulosal cells - separated by zona pellucida
Describe the structure of a secondary follicle
Oocyte surrounded by stratified granulosal cells
Theca interna and externa forming
What is in the zona pellucida?
Describe the structure of a Graafian follicle
Fluid-filled antrum develops
Innermost layer of granulosal cells becomes firmly attached to zona pellucida -> corona radiata
Outermost layer becomes firmly attached to BM -> theca folliculi
Describe the cortical zone in the mare
It has invaginated into medulla
Ovulation fossa - where ovulation occurs
What produces the follicular fluid?
Corona radiata and cumulus oophorus
What does the follicular fluid consist of?
Secretions and plasma transudate: enzymes, steroids, hyaluronidase, mucopolysaccharides, folliculostatin
What is the function of the zona pellucida?
Prevents ova from implanting in wrong place before uterus
What are 4 characteristics of follicular atresia
Pyknotic nuclei
Cessation of mitosis in granulosa layer
Glassy membrane/ZP
Death of oocyte
When does atresia occur?
Any point in developmental sequence
What do the interstitial glands consist of?
Epitheloid cells and stroma of ovary
What steroids do they secrete?
Oestrogen in prepubertal animals
Oestrogen in ovarian cycle
Along with oocyte, what else is expelled from ovary?
Corona radiata
What are the 2 layers of muscularis propria?
Inner circular
Outer longitudinal
Describe the mucosal lumen in the uterine tube
Large in infundibulum, decreases in ampulla and isthmus
What type of epithelium is found in uterine tube?
Simple columnar - pseudostratified in sow and cow
Ciliated - found numerous in infundibulum esp. at oestrus
Non-ciliated secretory - numerous in isthmus esp. at metoestrus
Where is the muscularis propria most developed?
What is significant about the endometrium?
This is where implantation of the egg occurs
What are the 2 layers of endometrium?
Zona functionalis
Zona basalis
What does the endometrium consist of?
Zona functionalis - Epithelium and connective tissue
Simple cuboidal (pseudostratified patches in sow and cow)
Zona basalis - Simple coiled and branched tubular glands - oestrogen increases growth and branching - progesterone increases secretion of histiotrophe/uterine milk
What are the 2 more external layers after the endometrium?
Describe the caruncles in ewes and cows
Highly vascularised and devoid of glands
Concave in sheep
Convex in cows
What happens at oestrus to endometrium?
Large extracellular spaces form with intercellular fluid -> endometrial oedema
Describe the mucosa and submucosa of the cervix
Simple columnar ciliated epithelium with goblet cells
Muscular with elastic fibres
Lamina propria - elastic fibres and dense irregular connective tissue
Muscularis propria - IC and OL - mingled with prominent elastic fibres
How does the epithelium change at the cervico-vaginal junction?
From simple columnar ciliated to stratified squamous epithelium
Describe the mucosa and submucosa of the vagina
Epithelium - keratinised stratified squamous, cow has goblet cells
Lamina propria - dense CT with elastic fibres
What is contained within the submucosa of the vestibule?
Major and minor vestibular glands
(small, branched and tubular glands)
What tissue is contained within the clitoris?
Erectile fibroelastic tissue
How does the influence of hormones affect the reproductive organs?
Uterine tube -> ciliogenesis
Oestrogen increases growth of epithelial cells
Progesterone increases secretory activity
Increase blood supply and elasticity of CT
Describe the hormone changes during the oestrus cycle
Anoestrus - low hormones, low epithelium, low glands
Proestrus - mucosal growth, gland proliferation, vascularisation, endometrial oedema
Oestrus - cell proliferation, hyperplasic and microscopic haemorrhage
Dioestrus - progesterone causes secretory activity of endometrium -> histiotrophe
What changes occur in the vagina during proestrus and oestrus in the bitch?
Proestrus - many erythrocytes, many cornified cells
Oestrus - few erythrocytes, extensive cornification

Cow - more goblet cells during oestrus, less cornified epithelium in cow