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74 Cards in this Set

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Normal WBC Counts

5,000-10,000 mm3

Hgb (Male)

14-18 g/dl

Hgb (Female)

12-16 g/dl

Hct (Male)


Hct (Female)


Systolic BP in the legs is usually higher than the systolic blood pressure in the arms by how many milimeters of mercury

10-40 mm/hg

Which site does the nurse use for pulse assessment when the patient is on cardiac medication such as digoxin

apical pulse

what type of respirations are characterized by periods of apnea and hyperventilation

cheynes stokes

at what rate is the manometer needle allowed to fall when measuring bp

2-3 mm/hg per second

explain cardiac output

the volume of blood pumped by the hear in 60 seconds

what is an auscultatory gap

disappearance of sound when obtaining a blood pressure

when can the auscultatory gap be heard

between the first and second korotkoff sounds

what is the lower limit of the adult range for normal body temperature

96.8 F

how is pulse deficit determined

apical pulse - radial pulse = pulse deficit

the nurse enters a patient's room and sees that there is a fire in the garbage can. What is the nurse's first action

Rescue and Remove

when placing a wrist restraint how many fingers should the nurse be able to fit under the restraint

2 fingers

how often must restraints be removed

every 2 hours at least

what does the acronym RACE stand for





what does the acronym PASS stand for





which evaluation is no longer used to assess for a thrombus in the leg because of concern it could cause a blood clot to dislodge


what is a chemical restraint

any medication used to control patient's behavior or restrict movement

after verbal orders for restraints is given when must the HCP evaluate the patient face to face

within one hour

can prn restraint orders be given


which cranial nerve is responsible for the sense of smell

1. Olfactory

which cranial nerve is responsible for the sense of hearing and equilibrium

8. Acoustic

which cranial nerve is responsible for all muscles in the tongue

12. Hypoglossal

what is normal capillary refill

1-3 seconds

where is the S1 sound best heard

the apex

room air is what percent oxygen


which oxygen delivery system delivers the highest FiO2

a nonrebreathing mask

soft breezy and low pitched describe what breath sounds


exchange of gases in the alveoli and the capillaries is part of which oxygenation process


the delivery of blood throughout the body for gas exchange is called what


what is atelectasis

collapsed alveoli

what is the most common form of anemia

iron deficiency anemia

how do you calculate the pack years in a current or previous smoker

years smoked x packs a day = pack years

what is the name of the chemical produced in the lungs to maintain surface tension of the alveoli to keep the alveoli from collapsing


oxygen deficit at the tissue level is called what


oxygen deficit at the blood level is called


where can the nurse differentiate central versus peripheral cyanosis in a patient

conjunctiva, buccal mucosa, tongue

what does pulse ox measure

how much hgb is saturated with o2

what is a dysrhythmia

an abnormal disordered or disturbed heart rhythm

what is systole

the heart pumps

what is diastole

the heart relaxes

what is the SA node

the normal pacemaker of the heart

what kind of rhythm does this strip represent

normal sinus rhythm

in an adult how many heartbeats per minute are considered sinus tachychardia


in an adult how many bpm are considered sinus bradychardia


which liver virus is spread by fecal oral transmission

hep A

what ppe does a nurse wear when caring for a patient on contact precautions

gloves and gown

a patient with a wound infected with mrsa will be on what type of precautions


a patient with pulmonary or laryngeal tuberculosis will be on what type of precautions


what is the most plentiful type of white blood cell in the blood stream


what does serous exudate look like


in an adult what is a normal WBC

5000-10000 mm3

what is a pathalogical fracture

caused by weakened bone tissue

what is scoliosis

lateral S or C shaped spinal column

how often must a bedfast patient be turned

at least every two hours

what is the maximum time an immobile patient should sit in a chair

60 minutes

how often must a patient seated in a chair be adjusted

every 15 minutes

which muscle has the best track record for im injection safety and efficacy


which muscle is the best choice for im injection in newborns

vastus lateralis

which organ is primarily responsible in metabolism of medication


which organ is primarily responsible in excreting medication


what is the nurse's primary responsibility when a med error occurs

the patient's safety

when should the nurse not administer digoxin

if apical pulse is <60

how does the nurse straighten the ear canal in adults and children older than 3

pull pinna upward and back


before meals

needle length for IM deltoid in adult

1 inch

needle length IM ventrogluteal adult

1 1/2 inch

what organ toxicity is associated with vancomycin



after meals


hour of sleep

what cardiac assessment is required prior to administering digoxin

apical pulse for one full minute