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36 Cards in this Set

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The muscles which form the floor of the mouth include the _, _, and _; all of which attach to the _ and _.
geniohyoid, mylohyoid, ABD
Hyoid and mandible
The large salivary glands are the _, _, and the _.
parotid, submandibular, sublingal
The muscle responsible for pulling the tongue base posteriorly and the posterior pharyngeal wall anteriorly is the _ which is the lowest part of the _
superior pharyngeal constrictor
For straw drinking, suction is created in the _.
oral cavity
Normal age effects on swallow include _ and _.
increase in residue
delay in trigger
Videofluoroscopy provides information on _, _, and _ of aspiration.
Mobility, timing, etiology
At minimum, the protocol for the MBS should include two swallows of _, _, _, _, _, _, _, and _
cup drinking
Treatment strategies should be introduced when _ and _
According to Jones et al (1985), esophageal problems can give symptoms of _.
pharyngeal dysphagia
Leder & Ross (2000) found that there (was or was not) a causal relationship between aspiration and tracheotomy.
was not
Kahrilas et al (1988) found that the UES opened _ and _ as bolus volume increased.
Welch et (1992) found that chin tuck posture narrowed three dimensions of the pharynx:
narrowed laryngeal opening
tongue base to pharyngeal wall
entrance to airway
According to Horner & Massey (1988)aspiration following stroke is often _
Three factors that contribute to opening the UES in the order that they occur are:
CP muscle relaxes
larynx elevates and goes forward opening the UES
pressure pushes bolus down
Airway closure occurs first at the _, then at the _, and then at the _.
true vocal folds
airway (false vocal folds, arytenoids, base of epiglottis)
There are three spaces in the phayrnx which can collect food if the swallow is abnormal. These are the:
left pyriform sinus
right pyriform sinus
Pressure is always applied to the _ of the bolus during the pharyngeal swallow.
The tongue is divided into two areas: the _ under _ neural control and the _ under _ neural control.
oral; cortical
base; brainstem
A person who holds food between the midline of the tongue and the hard palate with the tongue elevated is called a _.
a person who holds the food on the floor of the mouth in front of the tongue is called a _.
A dipper is more frequently seen in _ indviduals and can slightly _ oral transit time.
Residue in the valleculae is a symptom of _.
decreased base of tongue movt
Residue in the lateral sulcus is a symptom of_.
decreased buccal tension
paralysis or scarring of the cheek
Residue in one pyriform sinus is a symptom of
unilateral dysfunction of the phayrngeal wall
Random tongue movts are a symptom of
apraxia of swallow
Therapies w/o current evidence include:
laryngeal stimulator
?deep pressure?
Residue on the pharyngeal walls indicates:
decreased bilateral pharyngeal contraction
A symptom of delayed pharyngeal swallow is
aspiration before swallow
Residue in both pyriform sinuses indicates
reduced anterior laryngeal elevation
The triggerpoint for the pharyngeal swallow is located where
the jaw crosses base of tongue
Increasing residue in the mouth as the bolus gets thicker is a symptom of
reduced tongue strength
Residue on top of the airway is a symptom of
decreased cp muscle opening
swallowing varies systematicaly with two factors
food consistency
food volume?
Can you distinguish reduced tongue base action and delayed pharyngeal swallow on a still radiograph?
What do you say to a dr when you want an order for a MBS?
I need to find the cause for this patient's swallowing discomfort.
What do you not say to a dr when you want an order for a MBS?
I need to find out if this patient is aspirating.