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29 Cards in this Set

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The epicranial consists of

the frontalis, occipitalis , and an aponeurosis

Frontails location

forehead region

Occipitails location

occiput region

Aponeurosis location

extending between frontails and occipitails over the top of the skull

Function of Epicranial

contraction of the frontalis causes horizontal wrinkling of the forehead and elevation of the eyebrows. Action of the occipitalis causes the scalp to be pulled backward.

Orbicularis oris location

just under the skin of the lips

Function of Orbicularis oris

closes the lips in various ways: by compressing over teeth, or by pouting and pursuing them; used in kissing

Orbicularis oculi location

each eye is surrounded by one of these sphincters

Function of Orbicularis oculi

Blinking and squinting

Zygomaticus location

extends diagonally from the zygomatic bone to the corner of the mouth

Function of Zygomaticus

Smiling and laughing

Quandratus labii superioris location

lies between the eye and upper lip

Function of Quandratus labii superioris

Furrowing, expression of disdain or contempt

Quadratus labii inferioris location

extends from the lower lip to the mandible

Function of Quadratus labii inferioris

pulls lower lip down in irony

Triangularis location

lateral to the quadratus labii inferioris

Function of Trangularis

Antagonist to zygomaticus; depresses corner of the mouth

Platysma location

extends from the mandible over the side of the neck

Function of the Platysma

Contraction causes the lower lip to move backward and downward, expressing horror

Masseter location

extends from the angle of the mandible to the zygomatic

Function of the Masseter

raises the mandible

Temporalis location

side of the skull (temples)

Function of Temporalis

acts synergistically with the master to raise the mandible, can also cause retraction of the mandible when only the posterior fibers of the muscle are activated.

Pterygoideus internus location

medial surface of the ramus, "internal masseter"

Function of Pterygoideus internus

works synergistically with the masseter and temporalis to raise the mandible

Pterygoideus externus location

Above Pterygoideus internus

Function of Pterygoideus externus

Acting together, the two external pterygoids can cause the mandible to move forward, and downward. Individually, they can move the mandible laterally, to the right, or to the left.

Buccinator location

horizontal muscle that partially obscures the teeth

Function of Buccinator location

compresses the cheek to hold food between the teeth during chewing