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10 Cards in this Set

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1.What are 5 herbs that clear heat from qi level
2. what are 5 herbs that clear heat from the ying and xue levels?
1. shi Gao,dan zhu ye,Zhi me Lu Gan Lian Zi Xin
2. Zi Cao, Xi Jiao,Mu Dan Pi, xuan Shen, Chi Shao Yao
3.What 5 herbs that treat red painful,swollen eyes due to Liver heat or wind heat?
3. Xia Ku Cao,Zue ming Zi,Mi Ming Hua Gu Jing Cao,Xung Shen
4.Your patient presents with a high fever and sweating, very thirsty, pulse full and rapid, tongue is red with yellow coat, which combo is best?
4. Zhi Mu and Shi Gao
5. The combination of ma huang and shi gao, xing ren and gan cao is used to treat cough du to what pathology
5. Lung heat
6. All of herbs nourish the yin except
7. Which cools blood?
8. Which herb is also known as wei jing and used for lung abcess
9. Which herb clear qi level heat,stop vomit
6. Zhi zi
7. Zhi Zi-Drains Damp
8. Lu Gen
9.Lu gen
11. Which is coldest?
12.Which of the following has the weakest function to clear heat
10. Shi gao # 1 in catagory
11. Tian hua fen weakest,lu gan strongest
10. Zhi Mu,dan zhu ye and lian zi xin all go to which channel
13. Which 2 herbs cool and invigorate blood and expel blood stasis
14, Which herb is used topically for burns
10. heart
13. Mu dan pi,chi shao yao
14. Zi cao
15. Zhi mu is combined with what herb to treat dry, yin Xu cough?
16. All go to heart and liver except?
17. What is the dosage of lian Zi xin
18. What is dosage of lu gen?
15. Bei Mu
16. Xuan Shen
17. 1.5-3g
18. 15- 30
19.Which treat lin syndrome du to hear ire and small intestine?
20. Whixh herb is used for eye problem du to both excess and deficiency
19. dan Zhu ye
20. Mi meng hua
21. Which herb is contraindicated for pt with glaucoma?
22. Pt has strong fever worse @night,tongue deep red scanty coat, rash
21. Qing Xiang Zi
22. Xuan shen-sore throat