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103 Cards in this Set

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What disease is from lesions in the putamen which leads to flicking movements in the hands, face, and body parts?
Chorea or Huntingtons
What consists of myelinated fibers that pass through the nervous system between gray areas?
White Matter
What percent of humans have the left side that controls spoken language, does math, is analytical, and thinks logically?
Many people who are left handed and male are what side dominant most likely?
Right side dominant
What means "use both hands"?
What type of condition does cerebral confusion cause?
What controls mental processes like intelligence, thinking, memory, personality, speech, and emotions?
Cerebral Hemisphere
What are made of axons that carry impulses from one part of the brain or spinal cord to another?
What are the 3 major tracts?
Projection, Association, and Commissural
What tract interconnects the cerebral cortex with lower brain centers and the spinal cord?
Projection tract
What is a major projection tract that passes in between the globus pallidus and the thalmus?
Internal Capsule
What tract interconnects neurons that are located within the same hemisphere?
Assocation Tract
What tracts interconnect the right hemisphere with the left hemisphere?
Commissural Tracts
Which of the three commissures is the largest?
Corpus Callosum
What three parts does the diencephalon consist of?
Thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus
What is the largest part of the diencephalon?
What part of the diencephalon is the relay station for sensory reception?
What is the "clearinghouse" for all the information in the diencephalon?
What part of the diencephalon is the visceral control center in the body?
What are "little breasts"?
Mammilary Bodies
What means "mind over body"?
What is the clearinghouse for the ANS and fundamental in the production of an emotional response?
What controls sleep and walking cycles?
Syprachiasmatic Nucleus
Where is our appetite center located?
Ventromedial Nucleus
What is in control of maintaining body temperature?
Preoptic nucleus
What are some autonomic functions that nuclei control?
Heart rate, blood pressure, gut motility, respiratory pattern, and pupil size
What in the hypothalamus are thirst and water balance controlled by?
What is the emotional center of the brain?
Limbic System
What 2 hormones does the hypothalamus produce?
Oxytocin and ADH
What part of the diencephalon includes the choroid plexus and the pineal body?
What is a vascular network that produces cerebrospinal fluid?
Choroid Plexus
What in the epithalamus secretes melatonin, which is a hormone that induces sleep?
Pineal Body
What is also known as the "third eye" in some reptiles?
Pineal Body
What originates in the limbic system?
Psychosomatic Illnesses
What is known as the cognitive brain?
Prefrontal lobes of the cerebrum
What does the limbic system play a role in?
What part of the brain is located on the top of the brain stem?
What part of the brain is preprogrammed to provide behavior that is necessary for survival?
WHat are the tree trunks of axons?
What is the channel between the third and fourth ventricles through which cerebrospinal fluid passes?
What is the bulge from the top of the midbrain?
Corpora Quadrigemina
What are the 2 superior bulges of the corpora that coordinates eye movements?
Superior Colliculi
What are the 2 inferior bulges that relay hearing reception to the cerebrum?
Inferior Colliculi
What is located inside the midbrain that is dark because it contains melanin pigment, which is a precursor molecule to dopamine?
Substantia Nigra
What part of the brain consists of the pons and cerebrum?
What part of the metencephalon is known as the "bridge"?
What part of the metencephalon is made of tracts that pass from higher brain parts to the spinal cord, plus nuclei for CN 5,6,7?
What seperates the cerebrum from the cerebellum?
Transverse Fissure
What is the second largest part of the brain?
What is the coordination of body movements?
What maintains balance, posture, and equilibrium?
What is where the left side controls the left side of the body?
What is a violent expulsion of air from the mouth resulting from rapid expiratory muscle contraction with the glottis open?
Is coughing voluntary, involuntary, or both?
What is like coughing, but with the mouth closed?
What are repeated, involuntary, spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm with sudeen closure of the epiglottis?
What begins as early as the 5th month of fetal life and can last for years?
What is a deep breath with the mouth wide open which probably results from brain hypoxia and is contagious?
What is aforceful ejection of stomach contents resulting from irritation to the heart, uterus, gall bladder, appendix, and mucous membranes?
What is another word for vomiting?
What is a functional division of the brain that consists of parts from the medulla, pons, and midbrain?
Reticular formation
What prevents much of the filtering and causes sensory overload?
What is the outermost, tough, layer that is not attached to bones of the spine?
Dura Mater
What space in the dura mater is filled with fat and vessels lie between dura and bone?
Epidural Space
What is known as the "tough mother"?
Dura Mater
What are the 3 meningeal layers?
Dura mater, arachnoid mater, and Pia mater
What meningeal layer lies against the spinal cord?
Pia Mater
What meningeal layer is known as the "gentle mother"?
Pia Mater
What in the pia mater anchors the spinal cord to prevent its movement within the vertebral canal?
Filum Terminale
What are the 3 major tract divsions?
Posterior, Lateral, and Anterior Funiculus
What major tract division is all sensory?
Posterior Funiculus
What tract division is motor for arms and legs and sensory for everything else?
Lateral Funiculus
What major tract division is sensory to light touch?
Anterior Funiculus
How many pair of spinal nerves are there?
What type of neuron enters the spinal cord?
Sensory Neurons
What type of neuron exits the spinal cord?
Motor neurons
What are layers of tissue that surround the brain and spinal cord?
What meningeal layer is the outer menix and is made of white fibrous connective tissue?
Dura Mater
What are the 2 layers that dura mater is subdivided into?
Periosteal and Meningeal
What extends between brain parts to form partitions?
Dural Septa
What part of the dural septa extends between the 2 cerebral hemispheres within the longitudinal fissure?
Falx Cerebri
What part of the dural septa runs along the vermis of the cerebellum?
Falx Cerebelli
What is a horizontal plate of dura that seperates the cerebrum from the cerebellum?
Tentorium Cerebelli
What is the middle meningeal layer that is made of loose connective tissue and looks like spider web material?
Arachnoid Mater
What meningeal layer is the innermost menix which is thin and transparent?
Pia Mater
What space is between the dura and arachnoid layers and contains a film of fluid and veins in some places?
Subdural Space
What are layers of tissue that surround the brain and spinal cord?
What meningeal layer is the outer menix and is made of white fibrous connective tissue?
Dura Mater
What are the 2 layers that dura mater is subdivided into?
Periosteal and Meningeal
What extends between brain parts to form partitions?
Dural Septa
What part of the dural septa extends between the 2 cerebral hemispheres within the longitudinal fissure?
Falx Cerebri
What part of the dural septa runs along the vermis of the cerebellum?
Falx Cerebelli
What is a horizontal plate of dura that seperates the cerebrum from the cerebellum?
Tentorium Cerebelli
What is the middle meningeal layer that is made of loose connective tissue and looks like spider web material?
Arachnoid Mater
What meningeal layer is the innermost menix which is thin and transparent?
Pia Mater
What space is between the dura and arachnoid layers and contains a film of fluid and veins in some places?
Subdural Space
What layer is between the arachnoid and pia and contains cerebrospinal fluid and arteries in some places?
Subarachnoid Space
What is the inflammation of the meninges?
What is a small channel that is filled with CSF that runs through the center of the spinal cord?
Central Canal
Who made lost wax casts of the brain ventricles of an ox?
Leonardo da Vinci
Who described a mechanism by which CSF controlled the processes of the nervous system?
Rene Descartes
What is the "cauliflower-like" capillary mass located in each of the four brain ventricles which produces cerebrospinal fluid?
Choroid Plexus
What is a clear liquid, that is mostly water, which is present in blood and passed through the capillary walls of the choroid plexus into brain ventricles?