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160 Cards in this Set

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Is a muscle a tissue, organ, or both?
What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?
Smooth, skeletal, and cardiac
What are the 3 functions of muscles?
Movement, Posture, and Heat Production
What is the function of a muscle where bones, blood, chyme and urine are being moved?
What function of a muscle is where the muscle maintains a "firm" body condition?
What function of a muscle is the major source of heat?
Head Production
What does "sacro" mean?
What is flesh?
Stuff between skin and bones
What are examples of flesh?
Muscles, Connective Tissue, and Fat
What is "sacro" another word for?
What are each cells called?
What is a muscle cell membrane also called?
What are muscle cytoplasm called?
Which type of muscle is the only one that is non-straited?
What is the shape of a smooth muscle?
Where are cardiac and smooth muscle nucleus located?
In the center
What type of muscle has the slowest rate of response?
What type of muscle has the slowest rate of fatigue?
Are smooth muscles voluntary or involuntary?
What does involuntary mean?
Can't control it
What does voluntary mean?
What are the 2 parts of the Nervous System?
What does PNS stand for?
Peripheral Nervous System
What does CNS stand for?
Central Nervous System
What does the CNS consist of?
Brain & Spinal Cord
What does the PNS consist of?
CN, Spinal Nerves, and Ganglia
What are the clusters of neuron cell nuclei that are outside the CNS?
Which cranial nerves are voluntary?
What cranial nerves are involuntary?
3 & 10
What is an example of a voluntary spinal nerve?
Moving fingers & toes
What is an example of an involuntary spinal nerve?
Heart beat
What is involuntary also called?
What are 2 opposing divisions of the autonomic nervous system?
Sympathetic & Parasympathetic
Which division of the ANS is "fight and flight response"?
What division of the ANS is "rest & digest"?
Which division of the ANS has only the thoraco-lumbar spinal nerves and no cranial nerves envolved?
What division of the ANS is where your body changes and helps you get out of danger?
What division of the ANS is where it has the opposite effect that calms you down and allows food to digestion?
What division of the ANS has sacral spinal nerves and cranial nerves 3,7,9, and 10 and the craniosacral nerves?
What cranial nerves are part of the parasympathetic division?
3,7,9, 10
Whas type of muscle is in the gut (esophagus, stomach, and intestine)?
What are donut shaped muscles that originate and insert on themselves?
What happens when a sphincter contracts?
They close down on an opening
What type of muscles do large arteries have?
What are examples of ducts that have smooth muscles that move something?
Ureter, Vas Deferns, and Oviduct
What makes hair stand erect?
Arrector Pili
What are air passages in the lungs that are able to constrict and dilate?
What type of smooth muscle is in the ciliary body of the eye?
What does "syncytium" mean?
Where is the nuclei located in the skeletal muscle?
Edge of cell
What type of muscle has the fastest rate of response?
What type of muscle has the fastest fatigue rate?
Are skeletal muscles voluntary or involuntary?
What are distinct dark bands that line up with the other striations in the tissue?
Intercalated Discs
Where are intercalated discs located at?
Ends of muscle cells where the ends are attached to one another
What type of muscle has the median rate of response?
What type of muscle has the median rate of fatigue?
What is the name for the end of a muscle that "does not move" during contraction?
What attachment of the muscle is closer to the midline (origin or insertion)?
What attachment of muscles is the name for the other end of that "does move"?
What is a type of common insertion that has an example of triceps?
What are muscles that wrap around chambers to make chambers smaller?
What type of connective tissue is loose, white, and is like spider webs?
What type of connective tissue surrounds groups of muscles and holds them together?
Deep Fascia
What type of c.t is the outer c.t layer that surrounds muscles?
What type of c.t surrounds each muscle fascicle?
What is the outer layer of the muscle fiber (cell)?
Muscle Fascicle
What type of c.t doesn't stretch or give, is collagen based, and is the inner layer of muscles?
What are three continuous sheets of c.t that attaches to tendons and aponeuroses?
Endomysium, Perimysium, and epimysium
What is within each fiber (muscle cell)?
Myofibrils are made of?
What are the 5 types of myofilaments?
Myosin, Actin, Muscle striations, Sarcomere, and Cross-sections
Other than myosin, actin, sarcomere, and cross sections what is the other type of myofilament?
Muscle striations
What type of myofilament is thick and is surrounded my tink filaments?
What type of myofilament is think and has globular proteins?
What type of myofilament has dark and has bands of thick filaments?
Muscle Striations
What type of myofilament is part of the myofibril that lies between two z-lines?
What band or word means "not orientated in the same direction?"
Anisotropic or A-Band
What band or word means "orientated in the same direction?"
Isotropic or I-Band
What line is in the middle of a sarcomere?
What band or word stands for "bright" in German?
Helle or H-Band
What filaments "crawl" along actin filaments pulling Z-lines closer together?
What stimulation is the origin of contractions in the nervous system?
What stimulation has axons from motor neurons that contact muscle cells at a junction between the neuron and the muscle cell?
Neruomusclular Function
What does Ach stand for?
What is the stuff that is released from motor neurons that release to the cell nucleus?
What type of neuromuscular junction has an up & down change in membrane charge?
Action Potential
Is sodium in high concentration outside or inside a cell?
Is potassium in high concentration inside our outside the cell?
Is sodium in high concentration outside or inside a cell?
What neuronmuscular junction travels over the cell's membrane?
Action potential
What part of the cardiac maintains its own rhythm?
What 2 things is the cardiac rate regulated by?
Neurons and Hormones
What hormone decreases heart rate in the cardiac?
What hormone increases heart rate in the cardiac?
Norepinephrine (norepi)
What 2 things does the adrenal medulla release?
Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
What sits like a party hat on top of each kidney and releases 2 hormones, norepi and epi?
Adrenal Medulla
What hormones travel through the blood and arrive at virtually all tissues including the heart?
Norepi & Epi
Is potassium in high concentration inside our outside the cell?
What neuronmuscular junction travels over the cell's membrane?
Action potential
What part of the cardiac maintains its own rhythm?
What 2 things is the cardiac rate regulated by?
Neurons and Hormones
What hormone decreases heart rate in the cardiac?
What hormone increases heart rate in the cardiac?
Norepinephrine (norepi)
What 2 things does the adrenal medulla release?
Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
What sits like a party hat on top of each kidney and releases 2 hormones, norepi and epi?
Adrenal Medulla
What hormones travel through the blood and arrive at virtually all tissues including the heart?
Norepi & Epi
What are the 2 parts of the adrenal gland?
Medulle and Cortex
What adrenal gland secretes many hormones which have a variety of functions (like dumping potassium in urine), anti-inflammatory, and produce sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone?
What type of muscle contains actin and myosin that does NOT line up in nice neat columns unlike the other 2 types of muscle?
What autonomic stimulation is in smooth muscle and decreases blood flow to the guyts, but increases blood flow to skeletal muscles?
What are "prime movers"?
Anatoginists or Agonists
What is the largest muscle that causes a common action?
Prime Mover (Agonist)
What assists the prime mover?
What stabilizes one area to support the movement of another?
Muscles are what to the part moved?
How are muscles named?
Location, action, depth, length, angle of fibers, and shape.
Other than location, depth, length, angle of fibers, and shape how are muscles named?
What is an example of action?
Levator scapulae
What is an example of direction of fibers?
Rectus Femoris or External Oblique
What is an example of location?
Biceps Femoris or Gluteus Medius
What is an example of number of heads?
Triceps Brachii
What is an example of shape?
Deltoid, Trapezius, and Peroneus Longus
What is an example of points of attachment?
Sternocleidomastoid or Geniohyoid
What is an example of size?
Gluteus Maximus or Teres Minor
What is an example of a flexion?
Flexor digitorum longus
What is an example of an extension?
Extensor carpi ulnaris
What is an example of an abduction?
Abductor Pollicis Longus
What is an example of an Adduction?
Adductor Pollicis
What is an example of supination?
What is an example of pronation?
Pronator Teres
What is an example of Elevation?
Levator Scapulae
What is an example of Depression?
Depressor anguli oris
What is an example of sphinction?
Cardiac sphinctor
What is an example of tension?
Tensor fascae latae
What is the first cycle when talking about embryology?
Ovarian Cycle
What is embryology?
Study of embryos
What day do many oocytes begin to develop?
Day 1
What is the name for the remaining mature follicle?
Graafian Follicle
What day does ovulation occur?
Day 14
How long does sperm last in fertilization?
48-72 hrs.
What day of embryonic development is it at a two-cell stage?
Day 2
What day is when the embryo is shaped like a mulberry?
Day 3
What is the anatomical name for mulberry?
What day does the embryo become a hollow ball, called a "blastocyst"?
Day 4
What day does the embryo start to implant the enometrium?
Day 6
What day does the blastocyst form an embryonic disc?
Day 8
What consists of many cells that are arranged in 2 layers, epiblast and hypoblast?
Bilaminar Discs
What day is implantation complete?
Day 10
What day does placental circulation begin?
Day 11
What day does gastrulatoin begin?
Day 15
What day are the 3 embryonic germ layers formed?
Day 15
What process begins with the 2 layers of epiblast and hypoblast and deveops a third layer?
What are the 3 germ layers that are formed?
Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm
What germ layer gives rise to all of the nervous system, pineal gland, pituitary glands, skin epidermis, eyes, inner ear, and tooth enamel?
What gives rise to all connective tissues which include bones and cartilage?
What germ layer gives rise to the lining of the digestive system?
On what day is gastrulation complete and the germinal discs now consists of 3 germ layers?
Day 17
What day does the top layer of the germinal discs become thick along the long axis of the center of the discs forming a neural plate?
Day 19
On what day does the neural plate fold into a tube called the neural tube?
Day 21