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20 Cards in this Set

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Social Psychology

- Looks at behavior and mental processes but also includes the social world

-It is the scientific study of how a person's behavior, thoughts, and feelings influence are influenced by social groups



Foot in the Door- A small request is followed by a larger request, people most likely to comply b/c they already agree with the small one

Door in the Face- Larger request comes first, then followed by smaller request, people usually don't comply but comply with the reasonable smaller one

Social Facilitation

Cognitive Dissonance

When people find themselves doing things or saying things that don't match their idea of themselves as smart, nice, or moral which causes them to experience an emotional discomfort.

3 basic ways to reduce cognitive dissonance

1. Change their conflicting behavior to make it match their attitude.

2. Change their current conflicting cognition to justify their behavior.

3. Form new cognition to justify their behavior.


The process of explaining both one's own behavior and the behavior of other people is called attribution.

Realistic Conflict Theory

States that increasing prejudice and discrimination are closely tied to an increasing degree of conflict between the in-group and out-group when those groups are seeking a common resource, such as land or available jobs

Social Identity Theory

- 3 processes are responsible for the formation of identity within particular social group, attitudes, etc

1. Social categorization- assign categories to each other, to help determine how they should behave

2. Identification-formation of social identity, part of self-concept that includes the view of oneself as a member of a particular social group

3. Social comparison- compare yourself favorably to others to improve own self-esteem

Sternberg's Theory of Love [3 part]

Intimacy- feelings of closeness one has for another person; emotional ties; psychological

Passion- physical aspect of love; emotional and sexual arousal a person feels

Commitment- involves the decisions one makes about a relationship; short-term= I think I'm in love; long term= want to be with this person for the rest of my life

Bystander Effect

Likelihood of a bystander to help someone in trouble decreases as the number of bystanders increases

If one person is standing by, that person is far more likely to help than if there is another person

Value Judgement

Freud's Personality Theory

-Personality is divided into 3 parts

Id- personality that exist from birth, basic biological drives, hunger, thirst, self-preservation

[Pleasure principle; if it feels good do it]

Ego- is the need to satisfy demands of the id only in ways that will not lead to negative consequences

Super Ego- contains the conscience, part of the personality that makes people feel guilt, or moral anxiety

Jung's Theory

- Believed that the unconscious held much more than personal fears, urges, and memories

- Believed Collective unconscious and Archetypes

- Human mind has innate characteristics imprinted on as a result of evolution


A person's expectancy of how effective his or her efforts to accomplish a goal

People's sense of self-efficacy can be high or low, depending on what has happened in similar circumstances in the past [success or failure], what other people tell them about their competence


Carl Rogers

Humanistic View

Believed that human beings are always striving to fulfill their innate capacities and capabilities and to become everything that their genetic potential will allow them to become

Raymond Cattell

Defined the Surface Traits and the Source Traits

Surface Traits- are seen by other people

Source Traits- traits that underline surface traits like shyness, being quiet

Personality Assessment


Used to measure or assessing personality vary according to the theory

Problems- they are subjective, and interpreting the answers to the client is almost an art, not known for its accuracy

Asch Studies

The lab study to study conformity

studying if and how individuals yielded to or defied a majority group and the effect of such influences on beliefs and opinions


Occurs when people within a group feel it is more important to maintain the group's cohesiveness than to consider the facts realistically

Milgram Obedience Study

Experiment meant to figure out how far will people go in obeying the commands of an authority figure?

Freud's development theory
