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60 Cards in this Set

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we have learned about the late heavy bombardment by studying..

craters on the moon and rocks returned by the Apollo astronauts

the argon that exists in the earth's atmosphere today

accumulated over time from the decay of potassium

the productions of our protective ozone later was enabled by

the dissipation of hydrogen form the earth's atmosphere`

to learn a rock's age, we must

measure the ratio of different isotopes within it

suppose that jupiter didn't exist and there was no planet in the solar system between mars and saturn. how might this have affected the earth?

earth would most likely have been hit by more comets

which of the following ideas gives us the most confidence that there could be life on planets around other stars

the laws of physics and chemistry seem to apply everywhere

which of the following is not a greenhouse


a rock's type (igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary) tells us

how it's made

the greenhouse effect refers to molecules in the atmosphere that absorb

infrared radiation

which of the following was a major component in the atmosphere of early earth?

carbon dioxide

radiometric dating now allows us to determine earth's age to the accuracy of about

40 million years

the timing of the last sterilizing impact is important because it probably tells us

when life could have take long-term hold on the earth

how did oxygen become so abundant in the earth's atmosphere

it was released by life through the process of photosynthesis

were it not for the greenhouse effect, the earth's average temperature would be

somewhat lower (10s of degrees)

the primary reason that earth has retained a lot of internal heat is because of its

relatively large size

the earth has far less carbon dioxide in its atmosphere than does venus because

earth's carbon dioxide is locked up in carbonate rocks

the term "snowball earth" refers to

one in a series of very deep ice ages that occurred more than 500 million years ago

earthquakes are important tools for geologists because the resulting vibrations

allow the study of the earth's internal structure

if earth had more greenhouse gases in its atmosphere, it would

heat up

which of the following serves as evidence that the earth's interior is not solid

plate tectonics and the magnetic field

which of the following applies to dna

it stands for deoxyribonucleic acid

it is the basis for heredity

it transfers information from one generation to the next

a covalent bond is

when a pair of electrons is being shared between two atoms

life on earth uses how many different amino acids


which is not a key property to life

the ability to violate the second law of thermodynamics

natural selection is the name given to

the mechanism by which advantageous traits are preferentially passed on from parents to offspring

the RNA molecule uses ___ while the DNA molecules uses ___

uracil, thymine

in a DNA molecule, the base cytosine connects to


people belong to which kingdom


in a methane molecule, how many pairs of electrons is the carbon atom sharing with other atoms?


the earth's atmosphere began to accumulate oxygen about 2.5 Gyr ago. the principle agent responsible for the oxygen was

cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)

there are approximately how many base pairs in human DNA


based on DNA studies, it seems that all life on earth

shares a common ancestor

how did oxygen get into the earth's atmosphere

it was released by life through the process of photosynthesis

which of the following is not a source of energy for at least some forms of life on earth

energy release from plutonium

which of the following plays little role in allowing for life to flourish on the earth

the moon protects life from most cosmic rays

an organisms heredity is encoded in


silicon has been suggested as a basis for life because

a silicon atom makes four molecular bonds as does a carbon atom

which of the following is not true about prokaryotes

all forms require oxygen

what is the key observational evidence that supports the idea that life on earth has evolved through time

the fossil record, revealed in geological layers of different ages, shows that life on earth has become more complex over time

which of the following is not an argument for the superiority of water over ammonia or alcohol for supporting life

water is found in the interstellar medium but alcohol and ammonia are not

what molecules were created in the miller-urey experiment

amino acids

in the miller-urey experiment, the initial compositition of the gases was

ammonia, methane, and water

currently, we think the miller-urey experiment might not replicate the early earth accurately because

our understanding of the early earth's atmosphere has changed

the earth's atmosphere began to accumulate oxygen about 2.5 Gyr ago. the principle agent responsible for the oxygen was

cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)

we think the organics found in the tagish lake meteorite were formed

in a cold dark molecular cloud

in the tagish lake meteorite, the fact that the organix molecules were formed before the solar system was established by

examining the isotopic ratios of certain elements

how did oxygen get into the earth's atmosphere

it was released by life through the process of photosynthesis

we're not yet capable of detecting life on planets around other stars. however, as our technology develops, our first real chance of detecting life will probably come from

examining spectral lines in the atmosphere of distant planets

the origin of life on earth most likely occurred

between 4.5 and 3.5 billion years ago

the first living organisms were probably

cells without nuclei that used RNA as their genetic material

the importance of the miller-urey experiment is that

it showed that natural chemical reactions can produce the building blocks of life

early life arose in an oxygen-free environment, but if any of these microbes had come in contact with oxygen, the most likely effect would have been

they would have been killed

what is the evidence that all living organisms have evolved from a common ancestor

essentially all life uses the same genetic code

DNA shows remarkable similarities among all life forms

not only useful but also "junk" DNA is found to be similar among different organisms

the cambrian explosion refers to

a dramatic increase in animal diversity beginning about 545 million years ago

how did life arise

DNA studies suggest that the first life may have lived in hot water near volcanic vents


this is a subject of scientific study

"RNA world" refers to

the idea that RNA was life's genetic material before DNA

which of the following could be the most likely benefit from creating artificial life

we'll gain insight into the origin of life on earth

the hypothesis that an asteroid impact killed the dinosaurs seems to be

well-supported by the geological evidence

lets say you invent a laser system that can protect the earth from tunguska-sized impacts. about how often would you have to use it

ever few hundred years

based on DNA studies, it seems that all life on earth

shares a common ancestor