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35 Cards in this Set

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One of the suitors courting Penelope who has no disregard or respect for Odysseus' house. he plots to have Telemechus killed, but it fails. He is the first to be killed when Odysseus returns (arrow to the throat).
The second most prominent suitor of Penelope. He also violates the terms of Xenia. After he sees that Antinous has been killed, he pleads to Odysseus for his life, saying that "the worst one has been killed" and that he "just followed along", but he (along with the rest) are killed anyway.
Another of Penelope's suitors, but the most well-liked by both Odysseus and Penelope. Odysseus tries to warn him to leave the hall before the slaughter begins, but Athena controls him to stay for she has plans to kill him anyway despite Odysseus' warnings.
Polyphemus (the Cyclops)
Part of Odysseus' journey home. He comes across the island and attempts to invoke xenia, but to no avail. The Cylopes do not heed xenia, and Polyphemus goes on to eat Odysseus' men. Odysseus plans a witty escape--gets the giant drunk, then blinds him with a spear. Odysseus and his comrades escape by hanging on to the bottoms of the sheep.
Falls off the roof and dies on Circe's island after being intoxicated. Odysseus doesn't even know he's dead until he sees him in the underworld. Elpenor asks him to return to Circe's island to bury his body properly, which Odysseus does.
The Cicones
Allies of the Trojans. Odysseus' men plundered their city on their way back fron Troy. However, they stayed a bit too long, and the Cicones got reinforcement and Odysseus lost 6 men from each of his ships.
The Laestrygonians
Cannibals that ate Odysseus' men, and destroyed 11 of 12 of Odysseus' ships. His was the only one to escape destruction because he did not moor it in the harbor. Next was Circe's island.
Ruler of the winds who lived on the island of Aeolia visited by Odysseus. He gave him a bag of winds that could be use to his advantage, but the men on Odysseus' ship were envious that Odysseus was always receiving gifts and were tempted to know what he was given, so they opened it when they were not far from home. They were subsequently blown all the way back to Aeolia, where Aeolus refused to help them a second time.
The King and Queen of the Phaecians who help Odysseus get home. They personally escort him home on one of their ships and shower him with gifts.
The daughter of Alcinous/Arete who happens upon Odysseus. He has washed up on shore from his long journey on the sea where he was clinging to a piece of driftwood. He arrives on shore sandy, salty and filthy and falls asleep behind a bush. Athena encourages Nausicaa to go with her friends to the beach. Their ball playing wakes Odysseus up; he then decides to go speak to them. Nausicaa is the only one who doesn't run away, and decides to help Odysseus. She is of marriageable age, so she makes the appropriate plans for Odysseus to go to the castle without her.
Nymph who held Odysseus captive on her island for a number of years. She wanted desperately to marry Odysseus and even offered to make him an immortal if he would stay. He did not want to stay, and eventually the gods send Hermes to persuade Calypso to let Odysseus go.

She is the daughter of Atlas.
Lived on an island visited by Odysseus. She turns his men into pigs with her magical postions, but with Hermes' advice Odysseus is able to free them. They remain on the island for about a year, at which time Circe tells them of the 2 paths they can choose to return home (Scylla and Charybdis)
The 6 headed monster that is on the Strait of Messina. Circe advised that Odysseus stay closer to Scylla than to Charybdis. She manages to grab and eat 6 of Odysseus' men as they are passing through.
The other monster that is part of the Strait of Messina. She periodically sucked down water and then released it, creating whirlpools. She could have destroyed Odysseus' ship and killed his entire crew if he stayed to close to her, which is why he went towards Scylla and only lost 6 men.
One of the cowherds of Odysseus who remained faithful. He fights alongside Odysseus, and is promised freedom and rewards for remaining loyal.
The swineherd who remained loyal to Odysseus. He is the first peson Odysseus goes to see upon his return to Ithaca. He does not reveal himself to Eumaeus, but when he does find out, Eumaeus assists Odysseus in killing the suitors.
The disloyal goatherd of Odysseus. When he sees Odysseus in disguise, he taunts him and kicks him in the hip, not knowing that it is his master that he is taunting. During the battle with the suitors, Melanthius goes to the storeroom to get arms and weapons for the suitors, prompting the two loyal servants to string him up to the rafters. Once all the suitors are killed, they take him outside and cut his nose, ears, hands, feet and genitals off, and kill him.
The bard/poet who performs for the suitors in Odysseus'house while he is gone. He pleads with Odysseus to spare his life, claiming that he performed unwillingly, and he is spared. Odysseus later instructs him to perform wedding songs so passerby do not hear the dying screams of the suitors.
The bard of the Phaecians, who sings songs of the Trojan war that make Odysseus weep. Only Alcinous notices that Odysseus is crying and eventually asks Odysseus who he is.
The wet-nurse that raised Odysseus and recognizes Odysseus before anyone else because of a scar on his leg that he got as a little boy. She tells Odysseus which of the maids has been faithful and which have not.
The island Odysseus is from.
The town where Nestor is from. Telemechus goes there when he goes on his trip so see Menalaus in Sparta.
Circe's island
island of the Phaeacians
Calypso's island
The “Epic Cycle”
Groups of poems that encicle (deal with) the Trojan War and some scholars also include the Theban War. Includes the:
1. Cypria--the 9 years leading up to the Trojan War, including The Judgement of Paris
2. Aethopis--deals with the story of Memnon (after the Iliad but before the sack of Troy)
3. Iliou persis--the destruction of Troy including the horse
4. Iliad
5. Odyssey
The goddess of fertility (agricultural and other). She is the sister and mistress of Zeus, and the mother of Persephone. Her daughter disappears and she mourns her, not allowing the crops to grow until her daughter is returned. She will not go to Mount Olympus or sit with the gods.
The daughter of Demeter who is abducted while picking flowers with her friends. The ground opens up and Hades abducts her, and makes her his wife. She becomes the Queen of the Underworld.
The brother of Zeus who is given Persephone as his wife. He agrees to let her go back above the earth, but he feeds her a pomegranate seed, which binds her to the underworld for 1/3 of the year.
The city that Demeter goes to when she is mourning the loss of Persephone.
Eleusinian Mysteries