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75 Cards in this Set

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The ____ is the brain of the computer and the most expensive piece of hardware.
______ is connected directly to the CPU. All programs must be loaded into here before they can be executed.
Main memory (RAM)
Main memory is an order of sequence cells called __________. Each cell has a unique location in main memory called the __________ of the cell.
memory cell. . . address
The device that stores information permanently is called ___________.
secondary storage

The devices that feed data and programs into computers are called _________.

input devices (keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc.)

The devices that the computer uses to display results are called ________.

output devices (monitor, printer, etc.)

__________ control the computer.
System programs

The __________ handles the overall activity of the computer and provides services.

operating system
__________ perform a specific task. (word processors, spreadsheets, etc.)
Application programs
A program that translates a program written in assembly language into an equivalent program in machine language is a(n) _________.


A program that translates instructions written in a high-level language into the equivalent machine language is a(n) ______.

A program written in high level language is a(n) ______.
source program

The machine language version of the high-level language program is a(n) ______.

object program

A program that combines the object program with the programs in the library and is used in the program to create the executable code is a(n) ____.

A program that loads an executable program into main memory is a(n) _______.
A step-by-step problem solving process in which a solution is arrived at in a finite amount of time is a(n) _____.
A C++ program is a collection of _________

Every C++ program has a function called ____

A ____ comment starts with // anywhere in the line
______ comments are enclosed between /* and */
The _____ ignores comments
__________ cannot be used as identifiers in a program
Reserved words
All reserved words in C++ consist of _____ letters
In C++, ______ are names of things
A C++ ______ consists of letters, digits, and underscores and must begin with a letter or underscore
_______ include blanks, tabs, and newline characters

A ___________ is a set of values together with a set of allowed operations

data type

C++ ________ fall into the following three categories: simple, structured, and pointers

data types

There are three categories of simple data: _____, ____, and ____.

integral, floating-point, and enumeration

______ data types are classified into the following categories: char, short, int, long, bool, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned long, long long, and unsigned long long


The values belonging to ____ data type are -2147483648 (= -2^31) to 2147483647 (= -2^31 – 1)


The data type ____ has only two values: true and false

The most common _______ sets are ASCII, which has 128 values, and EBCDIC, which has 256 values


The _______ sequence of a character is its preset number in the character data set


C++ provides three data types to manipulate decimal numbers: ____, _____, and _____.

float, double, and long double

The data type ____ is used in C++ to represent any real number between -3.4*10^38 and 3.4*10^38. The memory allocated for a value of the float data type is four bytes


The data type _____ is used in C++ to represent any real number between -1.7*10^308 and 1.7*10^308. The memory allocated for a value of the double data type is eight bytes.


The _____ operators in C++ are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus (%)


The _______ operator (%) takes only integer operands


__________ expressions are evaluated using the precedence rules and the associativity of the arithmetic operators


All operands in an integral expression, or integer expression, are ______, and all operands in a floating-point expression are ______ numbers.

integers. . . decimal

A _____ expression is an expression that consists of both integers and decimal numbers

When evaluating an operator in an expression, an integer is converted to a ___________ number, with a decimal part of 0, only if the operator has mixed operands.
You can use the ____ operator to explicitly convert values from one data type to another


A _____ is a sequence of zero or more characters

Strings in C++ are enclosed in ____________

double quotation marks

A string containing no characters is called a ____ or ______ string

null or empty

Every ______ in a string has a relative position in the string. The position of the first ________ is 0, the second is 1, and so on


The length of a string is the number of ______ in it


True or false: During program execution, the contents of a named constant cannot be changed


A named constant is declared by using the reserved word _____


A named constant must be ________ when it is declared

All variables must be _______before they can be used

True or false: C++ automatically initializes variables


Every _______ has a name, value, data type, and size


True or false: When a new value is assigned to a variable, the old value is lost

In C++, >> is called the __________

stream extraction operator

Input from the __________ is accomplished by using cin and the stream extraction operator >>

standard input device

When data is input in a program, the data items, such as numberm are usually separated by ___, ____, or _____

blanks, lines, or tabs

In C++, << is called the ___________.
stream insertion operator

Output of the program to the ________ is accomplished by using cout and the stream insertion operator <<

standard output device

The manipulator _____ positions the insertion point at the beginning of the next line on an output device


True or false: Outputting or accessing the value of a variable in an expression destroys or modifies the contents of the variable


The character \ is called the _____ character

The sequence \n is called the _____ escape sequence

All preprocessor commands start with the symbol __.

The preprocessor commands are processed by the _________ before the program goes through the compiler


The preprocessor command _________ instructs the preprocessor to include the header file iostream in the program


True or false: To use cin and cout, the program must include the header file iostream and either include the statement using namespace std; or refer to these identifiers as std::cin and std::cout


All C++ statements end with a semicolon. The semicolon in C++ is called ___________.

the statement terminator

A C++ system has three components: _____, _____, and ______.

environment, language, and the standard libraries

_________ are not part of the C++ language. They contain functions to perform operations, such as mathematical operations

Standard libraries

A file containing a C++ program usually ends the extension _____.


_________ are executable statements that tell the user what to do

Prompt lines
Corresponding to the five arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, and %, C++ provides five compound operators: +=, -=, *=/=, and %=