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100 Cards in this Set

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Tell about a scar on your body and how you got it.
Describe a car your parents drove when you were young.
Describe how you got the shirt you're currently wearing.
Are you more Republican, Democrat, or Independent? Explain.
Give the title of the last book you read, then your opinion of the book.
Which would you be more likely to do in public: Dance or sing? Why?
What is the longest you've gone without bathing or showering? Explain.
If you had to choose between blindness or complete hearing lost, which would you choose? Explain.
Name one thing you are impatient with. Explain.
What part of the grocery store is your favorite section? Explain.
What element of your life seems to cost too much? How much should it be?
Have you ever stolen something from a grocery store? Explain.
Have you ever purposefully broken a window? Explain.
Are you a morning person? Explain.
At a family reunion, would you rather hug or shake hands with distant cousins? Explain.
If offered, would you take a free bicycle or a free horse? Explain.
What insect-type critter scares you most? Explain.
When did you last brush your teeth?
How do you like your snacks, mostly: Salty or sugary? Explain.
Do you know how to juggle? If yes, what objects are most difficult for you?
Have you ever stolen from a family member? Explain.
Describe the last time you fought or argued with a family member.
Use three words to describe your 1st grade teacher.
What is the worst-tasting thing you have ever eaten?
Would you rather be a professional athlete or professional musician? Explain.
Who is/was the best president of the U.S.? Why?
Are you afraid of dying? Explain.
Would you cheat the IRS if there was no chance of being detected? Explain.
What television family do you wish you were part of? Tell why.
What's the longest you've gone without sleep? Explain.
Name a habit you have unsuccessfully attempted to break.
Name a friend, then tell what he/she would say regarding how you waste time.
What was the last trip you took that was 50 miles or more?
Explain the best bargain you've ever found.
What candy could you eat all day long? Explain.
What were you doing on September 11, 2001?
At a buffet, what are you most likely to pile on your plate first?
Do you believe in fairies? Explain.
Who gives you the best advice? Explain.
What did you eat for lunch yesterday?
Explain a time you were caught doing something sneaky.
Describe a time you've been stung or bitten.
What's your favorite form of exercise?
Explain your personal opinion regarding Santa Claus.
What is the worst physical pain you've ever experienced?
Explain a time you threw up.
Are you afraid of heights? Explain.
Do you prefer showering or bathing? Explain.
Have you ever cut your own hair? Describe.
What instrument do you secretly wish you could play? Why?
Do you pray on a daily basis? If yes, how often?
Would you take a bath in guacamole for $100? Why/Why not?
Name the title of a song you know all the words to (you don't need to sing it).
What's the longest you've waited in line?
Who was the last person to hear you say, "I love you"?
Would you laugh if you saw a good-looking teenager slip on the ice?
What was the last movie to make you cry?
Would you ever consider cosmetic surgery?
When it comes to eating out, are you thrifty or do you like to spend, spend, spend?
Describe the last time you laughed so hard, you cried.
Do you like your cookies to be gooey or crispy? Explain.
Are you a good liar? Explain.
What subject in school did/do you struggle with most? Why?
What's the most money you've ever given away?
Explain a time when you felt like you had a lot of money.
Tell about a time you went out of your way to help someone.
Tell about your best sporting moment.
Have you ever punched or kicked a wall out of frustration? Explain.
Describe a goal you've set and accomplished.
What year were you born?
Other than appearance, what do people quickly notice about you?
What's the most important element of any relationship? Explain.
Name three things you, personally, cannot live without.
What is one thing you know you can always fix?
Name an action movie everyone should see. Explain why.
If you had to embrace another religion, what would it be? Explain.
How long does it take to do your hair?
Who is more patient: Your mom or your dad? Explain.
Which of your parents would be more likely to remarry after a death/divorce? Explain.
Describe how you got your name OR the meaning of your name.
Have you ever gone to a tanning salon? Explain.
Have you ever vandalized anything? Explain.
Who would you rather hang out with on a Friday night: family or friends? Explain.
What is one physical feature you wish you could change about yourself?
Who was your first crush? Explain.
Who in this room could “possibly” beat you in an arm wrestle?
How do you want to die? (NOT including dying in your sleep)
In three words, describe your bedroom.
Do you say, "excuse me" when you burp, even when nobody is around?
Do aliens exist? Explain.
What is more important, physical beauty or inner beauty? Explain.
Who is funnier: your mother or father? Explain.
What are your feelings on vampires?
If you could change your eye color, what color would you choose? Why?
Would you / did you kiss on a first date? Explain.
Could you justify stealing things from the work refrigerator? Explain.
Would you shave your head for a worthy cause? Explain.
Have you ever picked your nose and wiped it somewhere other than a socially-acceptable place?
What's the best excuse you've given a teacher?
If you could be another race or ethnicity, what would it be? Explain.