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51 Cards in this Set

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what are the five layers of keratinocytes in the epidermis from deep to superficial
stratum- basale, spinosum, granulum, lucidum, corneum
in what layer of the epidermis do keratinocytes turn into keratinized squames
stratum lucidum
in what layer of the epidermis would you find lamellar bodies (lipid and hydrolytic enzymes)
stratum granulosum
from what amino acid is melanin made from
tyrosine (enzyme: tyrosinase)
which type of albinism exists when there is no tyrosinase enzyme
Type I albinism
what type of albinism exists when there is no transmembrane trasnporter protein to get stuff to mealnosomes
Type II albinism
what type of albinism occurs when there isn't any myosin to move melonosomes
Type I Griscelli Syndrome
what cell in the epidermis functions as an antigen presenting dendritic cell, and will migrate to lymph nodes
langerhans cells
what cells in the epidermis are mechanoreceptors in the stratum basale
merkel cells
in what layer of the epidermis would you expect to find langerhans cells
stratum spinosum
in what layer of the epidermis would you expect to find melanocytes
stratum basale with processes into stratum spinosum
what is the name of the structure that projects from the dermis into the epidermis
dermal papillae
what is the name of the epidermis that surround the dermal papillae
rete ridges
what are the two layers of the dermis from superficial to deep
papillary layer and reticular layers
the reticular layer of the dermis is made of
dense irregular CT
where would you find meissner's corpuscles
dermal papillae
what three things would you find in a dermal papillae
capillary loop, lymphatic capillary, and meissner's corpuscle
the hair shaft and inner root sheath develop from what portion of the hair follicle
hair bulb
what structure induces development of the hair bulb
dermal papillae
the inner root sheath of hair does not extend to the surface of skin, but breaks off at this structure
what term describes active hair growth where the hair bulb has moved deep
what term describes regression of hair and the hair bulb moves to the skin
what term describes a resting, non growing hair follicle
what type of gland has alveolar glands, secrete lipids, and pheromones via holocrine secretion and are regulated by sex hormones
sebaceous gland
normally what type of gland is a sweat gland
simple unbranched coiled tubular gland
what type of sweat gland is not associated with a hair follicle and involved in thermoregulation and can resorb NaCl
Eccrine sweat gland
what type of of sweat gland is associated with hair folicle in axilla, anogenital and areolae of breasts
apocrine sweat glands
which are larger, apocrine or eccrine sweat glands
in mammary glands the proteins are secreted by ___ mechanism and lipids are secreted by ___ mechanism
in what layer of the epidermis would you find proliferating keratinocytes and immature post-mitotic cells
stratum basale
in what layer of the epidermis would you find cells focused on production of proteins and other stuff for keratinization
stratum spinosum
in what layer of the epidermis would you find cells filled with bundles of keratin filaments
stratum spinosum
the stratum granulosum contains keratohyalin granules that are aggregates of ...
proflaggrin (not within membrane)
in the stratum spinocum ___ are present and contain lipid and hydrolytic enzymes that will be important in forming a water impermeable layer
lamellar granules
changes in the rate of production or loss of squmes will result in a disease known as...
what shape is the melanocyte nucleus
langerhans cells can be differentiated from keratinocytes due to their lighter staining cytoplams, deeply indented nucleus and ___ shped endosomes
what is the name of the granule in langerhans cells that are involved in the acquisition and storage of antigen
Birbeck granules
in what parts of the body would you expect to find greater numbers of merkel cells
areas of enhanced tactile perception
where would you most likely find epidermal rete ridges and dermal papillae
glabrous skin (non hairy)
where are the two main plexuses of vessels in the dermis
superfical plexus at papillary/reticular junction and deep plexus at cutaneous/subcutaneous junction
the hair follicle, sebaceous glands, apocrine sweat glands, and arrector pili are all part of the...
philosebaceous unit
what are the borders of the infundibulum of the hiar follicle
from skin to sebaceous glands
what are the borders of the isthmus of the hair follicle
sebaceous gland to arrector pili muscle
what are the borders of the inferior portion of the hair follicle
anything deep to the arrector pilli muscle
which of the sweat glands actively resorbs NaCl
eccrine sweat gland
which sweat gland will collect the fluid in the duct prior to secretion
apocrine sweat gland
the main duct or lactiferous duct is lined by...
stratified squamous epithelium
just deep to the lactiferous duct there is an expansion known as...
lactiferous sinus
the larger ducts, or ducts draining into the lactiferous sinus are lined by
stratified cuboidal epithelium
smaller ducts which feed into larger ducts are lined by...
simple cuboidal/columnar