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193 Cards in this Set

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c = hv

heat capacity at constant volume


Borh Frequency

E = hv

short wavelength

high momentum

long wavelength

low momentum

Normalizing the wavefunction

integral of square is equal to 1

probability of finding particle

abs of wavefunction squared


where a wavefunction passes through zero


function that acts upon the wavefunction

wavefunction of particle in a box

sine function

2D particle

L1 = rectangle length, L2 = rectangle width

3D particle

L1 = square length, L2 = square width, L3 = square height


for two dimensional and higher systems different quantum numbers can lead to the same energy levels

quantum tunneling

penetration into or through classically forbidden areas. If walls are thin (so v falls to zero again after a finite distance) then the wave function will vary smoothly within the wall before oscillating on the other side

conditions for tunneling

slopes must be continuous at edges of barrier (ikA - ikB) = (kC - kD)

all wavefunctions approach zero

because gaussian functions go quickly to zero as displacement increases

because y^2 is proportional to x^2 * (mkf)^1/2

wavefunctions decay more rapidly for large masses and large force constants

as v increases

hermite polynomials grow larger so wavefunction spreads over wider range as v increases

rotational motion

angular momentum Jz is perpendicular to xy plane

positive angular momentum

clockwise rotation

negative angular momentum

counterclockwise rotation

orbital angular momentum quantum number

l = 0, 1, 2, ...

magnetic quantum number

ml = l, l-1, ... -l

operators do not commute

therefore cannot specify more than one component of momentum (square of magnitudes does commute)


principle quantum number


electron can be either +1/2 or -1/2

shells and subshells (n)

n = 1(K), 2 (L), 3(M), 4 (N)

shells and subshells (l)

l = 0(s), 1(p), 2(d), 3(f), 4(g), 5(h), 6(i)

electron closer to the nucleus

low average potential energy

electron further away from the nucleus

higher average potential energy

Radial distribution function

probability electron will be found between inner and outer surfaces of shell P(r)

p orbitals

px = xf(r), py = yf(r), pz = zf(r)

d orbitals

dxy = xyf(r), dyz = yzf(r), dxz = xzf(r), dx2y2 = 1/2(x2-y2)f(r), dz2 = (1/2sqrt3)(3z2-r2)f(r)

electron undregoing transition

ejects ecess energy as a photon of electromagnetic radiation with frequency v

conservation of total angular momentum

change in angular momentum of the electron must compensate for the angular momentum of the photon

selection rules for angular momentum

(delta)l = +/- 1, (delta)ml = 0, +/- 1

orbital approximation

approximate one electron to occupy just one orbital so combination is the product of all wavefunctions

pauli exclusion principle

no more than 2 electrons may occupy any given orbital, and if two do occupy the same orbital their spins must be paired (antiparallel)


likelyhood that an electron will be found closer to the nucleus (will feel nuclear charge more strongly)

less penetration

more sheilding

more sheilding

less penetration

positive electron affinity

energy is released when the electron attaches to the atom

negative electron affinity

energy is absorbed when the electron attaches to the atom

doppler broadening

spectrum is sharpest when sample is colder because increasing temperature increases speed of atom which distorts line width

lifetime broadening

energy levels blur over time which leads to natural line width of transition

quantum defects

accounts for differences in binding energies for the outermost electrons


paired spin arrangement (antiparallel) that results in momentum cancelation


unpaired spin arrangement (parallel) that results in no momentum cancellation

spin orbit coupling

interaction between magnetic moment from electrons spin and magnetic moment from orbital momentum

high total momentum

when spin and orbit are parallel

low total momentum

when spin and orbit are antiparallel

fine structure

splitting of spectral lines based on the two j values (arising from spin orbit coupling)

total orbital angular momentum (L)

L = 0(S), 1(P), 2(D), 3(F), 4(G), 5(H), 6(I)

L = l1 + l2, l1+l2-1, ... abs(l1-l2)

when coupling more than 2

couple the 1st two then couple the next and so on, keeping record of how many terms you get

multiplicity (S)

S = s1 + s2, s1 + s2 - 1,... abs(s1 - s2)

multiplicity is then 2S + 1

Total angular momentum (J)

J = L + S, L + S - 1,... abs(L - S)

notation of orbital descriptions

left: multiplicity (S)

center: total orbital angular momentum (L)

right: total angular momentum (J)

selection rules for orbital transitions

(delta)S: 0

(delta)L: 0, +/- 1

(delta)l: +/- 1

(delta)J: 0, +/- 1

born oppenheimer approximation

the nuclei is so much heavier than the electron that it may be treated as stationary and only the electron moves

valence bond theory

a bond forms when an electron in an atomic orbital on one atom pairs its spin with that of an electron in an atomic orbital on another atom

sigma bond

electron pairing between two head-on facing orbitals

pi bond

electron pairing between electrons in two side-by-side orbitals


excitation of an electron to an orbital of higher energy (imaginary concept but useful)

sp3 hybrid orbitals

h1 = s + px + py + pz; h2 = s - px - py + pz

h3 = s - px + py - pz; h4 = s + px - py - pz

sp2 hybrid orbitals

h1 = s + 2^1/2 py

h2 = s + (3/2)^1/2px - (1/2)^1/2py

h3 = s - (3/2)^1/2px - (1/2)^1/2py

sp hybrid orbitals

h1 = s + pz; h2 = s - pz

distribution of an electron in a molecule

psi squared

bonding molecular orbital

wavefuncitons constructively interfere

antibonding molecular orbital

wavefunctions destructively interfere

orbital filling rules

1. electrons are added to the lowest energy orbitals 2 at a time

2. if several degenerate orbitals are available, the electrons are added singly before double occupancy

3. electrons in multiple degenerate orbitals must have parallel spins

zero net overlap

bonding and antibonding orbitals cancel each other out

going left to right across a period

orbital energies get lower

N2 and left on the periodic table orbitals

double < single < double* < single*

O2 and right on the periodic table orbitals

single < double < double* < single*

bond order

1/2(bonding orbital e-'s - antibonding orbital e-'s)

greater bond order

shorter bond, greater strength, higher dissociation energy

lesser bond order

longer bond, lesser strength, lower dissociation energy

polar bond

atomic orbital with the lowest energy makes the greater contribution to the molecular orbital

variation principle

if an arbitrary wavefunction is used to calculate energy, the value calculated is never less than the true energy

secular equations

have a solution if the determinant of the coefficients is zero

a - E B - ES

B - ES a - E

strongest bonding and antibonding effects

obtained when the two contributing orbitals have similar energies

Huckel Approximation

ignores overlap and interactions between atoms that are not neighbors

- all overlap integrals set equal to zero

- all resonance integrals between non-neighbors = 0

- all remaining resonance integrals = B

- solved by finding a translation that makes H diagonal

Hartee Fock Equations

Write down many electron wavefunctions as a product of one electron wavefucntions

hartee fock (f) expresses

- kinetic energy of electron

- potential energy of interaction between other electrons

- repulsive interactions betwen electrons

- effects of spin correlations between electrons

self consistent field

guessing an initial wavefunction then solving, plugging in new wavefunction, and solving again, repeating until energies and wavefunctions no longer change

semi empirical method

integrals estimated by examining spectroscopic data or physical properties and setting certain integrals = 0

ab initio method

attempt is made to calculate all of the integrals in the Fock and overlap matrecies

# of integrals

4th power of number of atomic orbitals

gaussian type orbitals

use e^-&r2 to approximate atomic orbitals because the product of two gaussians is another gaussian

density funcitonal theory

energy of a molecule is a function of electron density E[P] and density is a funciton of position P(r) and is solved self consistently

isodensity surface

constant total electron density

solvent accesible surface

sphere of solvent rolls accross molecule to map surface

electrostatic potential surface

subtract charge due to electron density from charge due to nuclei (red negative blue positive)

-can be used to identify electron poor areas subject to nucleophilic attack

decreased LUMO energy

increases ability of molecule to accept an electron into the LUMO therefor increasing the standard potential

smaller HOMO LUMO gap

wavelength of transition increases

emission spectroscopy

transition from high energy E1 to lower energy E2 emits the excess energy as a photon

raman radiation (stokes)

incident photons that collide and lose energy

raman radiation (anitstokes)

incident photons that collide and gain energy

raman radiation (rayleigh)

incident photons that collide with no change in energy

vibrational transition spectrum

infrared radiation

rotational transition spectrum

microwave radiation

rotational (microwave) transitions

lower frequency and smaller linewidth than vibrational

vibrational (infrared) transitions

higher frequency and larger linewidth than rotational

absorption and emission

in order for a molecule to absorb/eject a photon of frequency v the molecule must have a dipole oscillating at the same frequency, v


charge distribution changes so a change in polarity

permanent electric dipole

gives rise to a rotational spectrum

rigid rotor

body that does not distort under the stress of rotation (treat molecules as rigid rotors unless otherwise specified)

moment of inertia

mass of each atom multiplied by the square of its distance from the rotational axis (each axis has its own moment of inertia

linear rotors

- 2 equal moments of inertia and a 3rd = 0

- degeneracy (2J + 1)

- F(J) = BJ(J + 1)

- only occurs around an axis perpendicular to the line of the atoms and has zero angular momentum

spherical rotors

- 3 equal moments of inertia

- degeneracy (2J + 1)^2

- F(J) = BJ(J+1)

- large molecules have closely spaced rotational energy levels because rotational constant is inversely proportional to momentum

symmetrical rotors

- 2 equal moments of inertia and a 3rd not = 0

- oblate: parallel I > perpendicular I

- prolate: parallel I < perpendicular I

- degeneracy 2(2J + 1) for k not = 0 and (2J + 1) for k = 0

- F(J,K) = BJ(J + 1) + (A - B)K^2

K = 0

no component of angular momentum around the principle axis so energy depends on perpendicular momentum

K = +J/-J

angular momentum arises from rotation about principle axis so energy depends on parallel momentum

starck effect

splitting of states due to an electric field (only effective for volatiles/ vaporized substances)

centrifugal distortion

stretching of bond lengths and increases moment of inertia, bringing energy levels closer together

purely rotational spectrums

polar molecules

Because B values for small molecules are small

rotational transitions occur in the microwave region

rotationally inactive

linear molecules and homonuclear diatomics

rotation selection rules

(delta)J = +/- 1

(delta)Mj = 0, +/- 1

J + 1 is an absorption, J - 1 is an emission

strongly polar molecules

intense rotational lines

spacing of rotational spectrum

series of lines seperated by 2B

isotropically polaraizeable

same distortion is induced no matter the direction of the applied field (atoms, spherical rotors)

anisotropically polarizeable

different distortion is induced in different electric field directions (nonspherical rotors)

- raman transitions occur only for anisotropically polarizeable molecules

rotational raman transition selection rules

linear rotors: (delta)J = 0, +/- 2

symmetric rotors: (delta)J = 0, +/- 1, +/- 2 (delta)K = 0

J increases

wavenumber ,v, decreases

stokes lines (J + 2)

lower frequency (lose energy) and have displacements 6B, 10B, 14B from vi when J = 0, 1, 2

antistokes lines (J - 2)

higher frequency (gain energy) and have displacements 6B, 10B, 14B from vi when J = 2, 3, 4

when two identical bosons exchange

wavefunction must not change


parallel nuclear spins (J not = 0)


paired (antiparallel) nuclear spins (J = 0)

greater force constant

steeper the walls of the potential well and the stiffer the bond

graphical representation of molecular vibrational potential energy

parabola which gets steeper as the force constant increases

effective mass

(product of masses)/(sum of masses)

- measures mass that is moved during vibration

vibrational gross selection rules

- the electric dipole moment of a molecule must change when the atoms are displaced relative to one another

- does not need a permanent electric dipole

infrared inactive

stretching of homonuclear diatomics

vibrational specific selection rule

(delta)v = +/- 1

- v + 1 is absorption, v - 1 is emission

fundemental transition

transition 1 <-- 0 is dominant spectral transition


at high vibrational excitations the swing of the molecule breaks from the parabolic approximation

- all values of v are technically allowed but transitions of (delta)v > 1 are weak

convergence of energy levels

energy levels converge at high quantum numbers due to the anharmocity Xe

birge sponer plot

graphical technique to determine the dissociation energy (area under curve) of a bond

- linear extrapolation so overestimate)

vibration - rotation spectra

vibrational transitions either accelerate or retard molecular rotation so each vibrational transition is accompanied by a rotational transition

spectral branches

rotational quantum number j changes by +/- 1 during a vibrational transition of a diatomic molecule

P branch

all transitions where v --> v + 1 and (delta)J = -1

Vp = V - 2BJ

Q branch

all transitions where v --> v + 1 and (delta)J = 0

Vq = V

R branch

all transitions where v --> v + 1 and (delta)J = +1

Vr = V + 2B(J + 1)

Relative Frequencies

P < Q < R

combination differences

rotational constant of the vibrationally excited state, B1, is different from that of the ground vibrational state, B0

vibrational raman spectra gross selection rule

polarizibility should change as the molecule vibrates (both homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomics are raman active)

O branch

all transitions where v --> v +1 and (delta)J = -2

Vo = Vi - V - 2B + 4BJ

Q branch

all transitions where v --> v + 1 and (delta)J = 0

Vq = Vi - V

S branch

all transitions where v --> v + 1 and (delta)J = +2

Vs = Vi - V - 6B - 4BJ

relative raman frequencies

S < Q < O

Normal Mode

an independent, synchronous motion of atoms or groups of atoms that can be excited without leading to the excitation of any other normal mode and without involving translation or rotation of the molecule

linear normal modes

3N - 5 (N = number of atoms)

nonlinear normal modes

3N - 6 (N = number of atoms)

bending vs. stretching frequencies

bending frequency < stretching frequency

asymmetric stretch

infrared active with parallel band (has no Q branch)

bending modes

infrared active with perpendicular band (has Q branch)

force field

set of all force constants corresponding to all displacements of the atoms


random changing of rotational state frequency (liquids)

beer - lambert law

transmitted intensity varies with length L of the sample and the molar concentration [J] of the absorbing species

molar absorbancy coefficient (extinction)

greater when absorption is more intense

transmittance (T)

T = I/Io

absorbance (A)

A = log(Io/I)

integrated absorption coefficient

sum of absorption coefficients over the entire band

- for lines of similar widths, the integrated absorption coefficients are proportional to the height of the lines

total orbital angular momentum of all electrons (lambda)

lambda = 0(sigma), 1(pi), 2(delta)

sigma orbitals (electronic)

lambda = 0 (sigma)

pi orbitals (electronic)

lambda = 0 (sigma) for paired spins, +/- 2 (delta) for parallel spins

multiplicity (electronic)

2S + 1 (H2+ is 2, H2 is 1, and O2 is 3)

parity (electronic)

measurement of symmetry in molecule

g = +1, u = -1

g x g = g; u x u = g; g x u = u

parity for closed shell homonuclear

g (must also look at inversions between planes to determine + and - sign)

parity for heteronuclear

no parity

total angular momentum (omega, electronic)

omega = lambda + sigma

where sigma = S, S-1, S-2,... -S

notation of electronic state

left: multiplicity (2S + 1)

center: lambda

right: omega

electronic selection rules

(delta)lambda = 0, +/- 1

(delta)S = 0

(delta)sigma = 0

(delta)omega = 0, +/- 1

franck condon principle

because the nuclei are so much more massive than the electrons, an electronic transition takes place very much faster than the nuclei can respond

dynamic state

nuclear wavefunction does not change during electronic transition

band head

when the lines on either side (P or R) begin to converge

longer bond than in the ground state

R branch begins to converge to a band head

shorter bond than in the ground state

P branch begins to converge to a band head

ligand-field splitting parameter (deltao)

difference in energy between (dxy, dyz, dxz) and (dx2-y2 and dz2) states

- not large so in visible spectrum, responsible for many colors of d-metal complexes


dxy, dxz, dyz


dx2-y2 and dz2

charge-transfer transitions

transfer of electrons from metal to ligand or vice versa

pi to pi star transition

C=C double bond is excited to promote pi electron to pi star orbital (ultraviolet emission)

n to pi start transition

C=O double bond is excited to promote oxygen electron into C=O pi start orbital

circular dichroism

difference between left-circular and right-circular polarized light by a chiral molecule can be used to determine the R or S state of a molecule


the spontaneous emission of radiation occuring within a few nanoseconds after the exciting radiation is extinguished (occurs at lower intensities because of vibrational energy lost)


spontaneous emission persists over longer periods because of intersystem crossing which allows a transition from the singlet to triplet state

stimulated absorption

transition from low to high energy driven by electromagnetic field oscillating at transition frequency

- stimulated absorption and emission rates are the same for a given intensity of radiation

spontaneous emission

excited state can emit photon to return to lower state spontaneously

- spontaneous emission increases as the separation of upper and lower states increases


at certain energies the molecule's bonds break and the unquantized fragments appear as a continuous band above this point


radiationless conversion between multiplicities (singlet 1 to singlet 0) resulting in a blurred region between two well defined regions