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33 Cards in this Set

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mechanisms for thrombocytopenia
-decreased plt production
-increased plt consumption
-increased plt destruction
-pooling of larger than normal fraction of plts w/in the spleen
stagnation of blood flow as a result of arterial disease of mechanical impendence disturbing the endothelial cell anticoagulant effects
-leads to formation of thrombis clot & hypercoaguable states
-defined by plt adhesion to exposed collagen with the endothelium of the vessel wall.
-forms hemostatic plug
-plt adhesion mediated by GPIb and vWF
primary hemostasis
-decrease in # of circulating plts
-plts <140x10^9/L
-caused by defective production of BM
-increase # of petechiae
-increased BT
-impaired clot retraction
-decreased # of megakaryocytes
-congenital( FA, Maternal infection)
-acquired( radiation, alcohol, etc)
-BM replacement w/ malignant cells (luekemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelofibrosis)
Thrombcytopenia with decreased #of megakaryoctyes
-hereditary thrombocytopenia
-megaloblastic anemia
-di gugliemos erythroluekemia
-Proximal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Thrombocytopenia with ineffective plt production
-tissue injury
-obsteric complications
-bacterial/ viral infections
-intravascular hemolysis
thrombocytopenia with destruction of plts
-inherited/acquired megakaryocytic hypoplasia
-inherited/acquried ineffective erythropoiesis
-non-immune/immune plt destruction
cuases of thrombocytopenia
generally no bleeding manifestations
mild thromobocytopenia
no hemorrhagic symptoms unless there is an increase need such as trauma or surgery
Moderate thrombocytopenia
May begin seeing bleeding diathesis when count drops to 20x10^9/L
severe thrombocytopenia
Increase of BT is ________ proportional to plt count as it drops below 100x10^9/L
-Increase in circulating plt counts
- >1000x10^9/L
-result of primary BM disordedr
-caused by clonal proliferation that affects all hematopoeitic cells
primary thrombocytosis
Seein in:
-hodgkins lymphonas
Secondary thrombocytsosis
associated with:
-IDA associated w/ chronic blood loss
-chronic inflammatory disease
-rebound thrombocytosis
secondary thrombocytosis
-autoimmune disorder
- ^MPV
-dec. plts
- ^BM plt production
- ^marrow megakaryocyte
- Normal BT
- associated with IgG
-2-6 yrs old
- sudden onset of thrombocytopenia
-often follow rubella, varicella, CMV, toxoplasmosis
Acute ITP
- lasts 2-6 wks
- plt= <20x10^9/L
- caused by viral attachment of antigenic alteration of plt membrane proteins
acute ITP
- IgG coated plts are removed by macrophage in spleen, sometimes needing spleenectomy
-self limiting
-can also use corticosteroids for therapy
acute ITP
-seen in 20-40 yo
-more common in women
-slow asymptomatic thrombocytopenia
- last for mos-yrs
- plt= 30-80x10^9/L
-treament= splenectomy
- can use corticosteroids
chronic ITP
-caused by excessive deposition of plt aggregates in renal and cerebral vessels
-vascular wall dysfunction disrupts plt membrane
-more common in women >35 yrs.
symptoms include:
-renal disease
Symptoms of TTP
-PT normal
-APTT normal
-Fibrinogen normal
-FDP- normal or positive
-^plt aggregating factor
-decreased factor inhibitor
- decreased PGI2
- abs. of plasminogen activator
-considered if plt count low and no plt Ab can be demonstrated
- manifested in infancy
-seen in FA, TAR, Trisomy syndromes, AMT
inherited megakaryocytic hyperplasia
- Aplastic anemia--BM supression
-drug toxicity
-myelophthistic thrombocytopenia
-prolonged hypoxia
Acquried megakaryocytic hypoplasia
congenital states:
-may hegglin anomaly
-bernard soulier syndrom
-wiskott- aldrich syndrome
acquired megakaryocytic hypoplasia
-mild anemia/thrombocytopenia
-intraglomerular thrombi formation
-vomitting/bloody diarrhea (E.Coli seen)
-febrile illness/ jaundice
-Purpura bleeding from mucous membranes
-most frequent in children
-adults usually 2nd to: pregnancy, HIV, Organ transplant, mal. hypertension
- ^BUN, ^creatinine, ^hematuria, ^proteinuria
-PT, APTT, D-dimer, FDP normal
-Burr cells seen
-all ages
-marked poikylocytosis, shistocytes
- ^RDW
- ^LD,^indirect bili, dec. haptoglobin
- D-dimer positive
- FDP positive