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83 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
independent event (172)
event a is independent of event b if the conditional property p(A|B) is the same as the unconditional probability p(a).
multiplication law for independent events (173)
total probability is the product of independent probabilities
fundamental rule of counting (182)
if event a can occur in n1 ways and event b can occur in n2 ways, then events a and b can occur in n1 * n2 ways.
factorials (182)
the number of ways that n items can be arranged in a particular order


example: number of ways to arrange 9 baseball players for batting

9!=9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1= 362,880
permutations (183)
arrangement of the r sample items in a particular order


nPr= n!/(n-r)!)
combinations (183)
arrangement of r items chosen random from n items where order is NOT important

nCr= n!/(r!(n-r)!)
stochastic process (193)
repeatable random experiment
probability models (193)
depict essential characteristics of a stochastic process to guide decisions or make predictions
random variable (193)
function or rule that assigns numerical value to each outcome in the sample space of a random experiment,

X= random variable in general
x1, x2...= specific values of X
discrete random variable (193)
countalbe number of distinct values
discrete probability distribution (194)
assigns a probability to each value of a discrete random variable x.

probability for any given value of X (xi) must be between 0 and 1

sum of all xi's must be equal to 1
expected value (195, ex 196)
E(X)=mu=sum of each occurance 8 the probability of that occurance
variance of a discrete random sample (197)
sigma squared=sum of the squared deviations about its expected value, weighted by the prob of each x value

sum of [xi-mu]^2 *p(xi)
standard deviation of a discrete random sample (197)
square root of variance
PDF (198)
graphical display of the probability for each value
CDF (198)
graphical display of the cumulative sum of probabilities
uniform distribution (199)
desribes random variable with a finite number of integer values from a to b

a=lower limit
b= upper limit
PDF (200) uniform discrete distribution
range (200) uniform discrete distribution
a <| x <| b (for integer x only
standard deviation (200) uniform discrete distribution
squre root of ([(b-a) +1)]^2 - 1)/12
bernoulli experiment (203)
experiment that has only 2 outcomes

sucess x=1
failur x=0

pi= denotion of the probability of success
binomial distribution (204)
where bernoulli experiment is repeated n times
paramter of binomial experiment (205)
n=number of trial
pi= probability of success
PDF (205)
P(x)=n!/(x!(n-x)!) * pi^x * (1-pi)^n-x
PDF excel function (205)
=binomdist(x,n,pi,0 or 1)

0= pdf
1= cdf
range (205)
mean (205)
standard deviation (205)
square root of n*pi(1-pi)
binomial shape (205)

skwewed right
skewed left
pi < .5
pi= .5
compounds events (208)
add individual probabilites to obtain any desired event probability.
poisson process (212)
# of occurences within a randomly chosen unit of time (minute, hour) or space (square foot, mile)
paramter of poisson distribution (213):

mean arrivals per unit of time or space
paramter of poisson distribution (213):

P(x) = (lamda^x * e^-lamda)/X!
paramter of poisson distribution (213):

x=0,1,2...(no obvious upper limit)

(number of people)
paramter of poisson distribution (213):

paramter of poisson distribution (213):

standard deviation
square root of lamda
paramter of poisson distribution (213):

always right skewed, but less so for larger lamda
paramter of poisson distribution (213):

excel function

discrete variable (227)
each value of x has its own probability p(x)
continous varialbe (227)
impossible to speak of probability at that point
intervals (227)
probabilities are areas underneath smooth curves
uniform continuous distribution (229)
x is a random variable that is uniformly distributed between a and b, its pdf has constant height.
uniform continuous distribution (230):

a- lower limit
b- upper limit
uniform continuous distribution (230):

uniform continuous distribution (230):

uniform continuous distribution (230):

standard deviation
uniform continuous distribution (230):

symmetric with no mode
normal/gaussian distribution (232)
symmetric, bell shaped distribution
normal distribution (232):

parameters (mu, sigma)
mu= population mean
sigma=population standard deviation
normal distribution (232):

see equation p 232
normal distribution (232):

-infinity >>infinity
what is "normal"? (234)
measured on continous scale
posses clear central tendency
have only 1 peak (unimodal)
exhibit tapering tails
be symmetric about the mean (equal tails)
standardized variable for a population (235)
standard normal distribution (235)
see page 235
finding normal areas with excel (241)

normal distribution
=normdist(x,mu,sigma, cumulative)

area to the left of x
finding normal areas with excel (241)

normal inverse

value of x corresponding to given left tail area.
finding normal areas with excel (241)

normal standardized distribution

area to the left of z in a standard normal
finding normal areas with excel (241)

normal standardized inverse
value of z corresponding to given left tail area.
exponential distribution (251)
event per unit of time follow a poisson distribution. focuses on waiting time until the next event.
characteristics of exponential distribtion (251):

mean arrival rate per unit of time or space
characteristics of exponential distribtion (251):


characteristics of exponential distribtion (251):

characteristics of exponential distribtion (251):

characteristics of exponential distribtion (251):

characteristics of exponential distribtion (251):

always right skewed
characteristics of exponential distribtion (255):

excel function

1=CDF (left of tail area)
0=height of PDF
sample statistic (263)
random variable whose value depends on which population items happen to be included in a random sample
sampling variation (263)
variation of results based on the subjects of the test.
estimator (265)
estimate (265)
statistic derived from a sample to infer the value of a population parameter.

value of the estimator in a particular shape
sampling distribution (265)
probability distribution of all possible values the statis may assume when a random sample of size n is taken
sampling error (265)

differene between an estimate theta hat and the corresponding population theta.

sample error= thetha hat - theta

theta hat= estimator
theta=population parameter
bias (265)

difference between the expected value of the estimator and the true parameter

bias=e*theta hat -theta
sampling erros vs biased error (266)
sampling error is random while bias is symmetric

theta hat=estimate
theta=population parameter
efficiency (267)
vairance of the estimators sampling distribution. smaller varaiance means a more efficient estimator
consistent estimator (267)
convergres toward the parameter being estimated as the sample size increases.

as n increases, data is to become more accurate
standard error of the mean (268)

sampling error of the sample mean is described by its standard deviation

standard error of mean=stdev/square root of sample size
point estimate (276)
sample mean x bar is a point estimate of the population mean mu
confidence interval (276)

confidence level
specified probability of containing mu.

probability that the confidence interval contains the true mean is usually expressed as a percentage.
confidence interval for mu with known standard deviation (276)

confidence level and z
x bar +- z(stdev/sqrt n)

student's t distribution
used when population is normal but its standard deviation is unknown. used instead of z distribution. particularly important when sample size is small.
degrees of freedom (280)

used to determine the value of the t statistic used in the confidence interval formula.

v (aka nu)=n-1
mean of uniform discerete distribution (200)