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42 Cards in this Set

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Quantitative Research
Involves the use of structured ?s in which the response options have ben predetermined and numerous respondents are involved.
Qualitative Research
Involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and say.
Pluralistic Research
Uses both quantitative and qualitative techniques
Example of quantitative research
"survey research"
example of qualitative research
focus groups and observation
qualitative research can be _________
Take non numerical data and assign a number to it. (turning qual to quan)
Example of coding
Making answers to ?s into # form.
Focus Groups
Most popular form of qualitative research
- small groups of people brought together for semi structured discussion and it is guided by a moderator.
Example of a focus group
Kids getting together to talk about trading cards (boys)
When should focus groups not be used?
- when research objective is to predict specific outcome
- when a major, expensive specific decision rides on it
Why is industry standard 6-12
Why should groups be homogenous
If very different it would be harder to break the ice
Why should recording be done as soon as possible?
So you don't forget anything/ dont leave anything out. want as much info as possible.
Observation methods are predominately ____________ but are becoming more _________
qualitative; quantitative
Why use observation methods?
-actual behavior including non verbal behavior
-minimize or eliminate recall error
-minimal or no effort by subject or units
Response latency
How long it takes for someone to answer a question, make a decision between competing products.
Structured observation (human observation)
Researcher decides beforehand which behaviors are to be observed and recorded
Unstructured observation (human observation)
No restrictions on what the observer will record
Mechanical observation

and example
Observer is a machine or other static observing device.

-click through rates on a website
Adv. of mechanical over human
-more economical
-more accurate
-some things are impossible for a human to observe
Hidden observation and example
Unaware they are being observed

-example: one way glass or hidden camera
Visible observation
Aware they are being observed
Ethical issues with Hidden observation
-invasion of privacy
How is Nielsen changing the way marketers segment the market
-traditionally ppl split by age but a 35 yr old could be similar to a 25 yr old if bot have kids the same age.
-changes the landscape of how marketers think about things
Direct observation
Observe behavior as it naturally happens
Contrived Behavior
Creates artificial environment or situation to observe reactions
Why would you use contrived observation? What research design often uses it?
-you can gather data in a shorter amount of time and it shows what you would do.
-often used for causal research
Example of direct observation
Store manager getting competing prices from stores within competing areas
Example of contrived observation
A researcher complaining about a meal to a flight attendent and recording their actions. They made it happen.
Why is only studying behaviors a limitation
interpretation is difficult and subjective
Observer bias
recording events subjectively, inaccurately or unthoroughly
Ethical issues with observing example
recording women in a dressing room.
Other qualitative methods (4)
1. Depth Interview
2. Word association test
3. Sentence completion tests
4. Protocol analysis
Depth interview
one-on-one interview to gain insight about what the subject thinks about something or behaves in a certain way
Advantages of Depth Interview
More personal
likely to open up more
what person says isnt influenced
Disadvantages of Depth interview
One perspective
no one there the break the ice
cost more/takes more time
response latency can by informative because
if it takes a long time for a product to come to mind it may not be memorable.
short response latency
if people have immediate response to word
long response latency
people dont have immediate association to the word
Protocol analysis
Place people in decision making situation and ask them to verbalize everything they consider when making a decision
common uses for protocol analysis
1. purchases involving long time frame and complicated decisions (buying a house)
2. decision that are made quickly (is it informative if done quickly? mktrs debate this)