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116 Cards in this Set

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5-HT1B & D agonist for Tx of migraine and cluster headache. Short T1/2, so Sx may recur after 1 dose. If 1 dose didn't work, subsequent doses are not likely to be any more effective. S/E=rebound headache, 'atypical' sensations, dizziness/vertigo, ***severe coronary vasospasms in Pts c CAD. Do not use w/in 24 hours of injestion of ergot-type drugs.
H1, ACh, 5-HT1 & 2 receptor antagonist (crosses BBB). Tx allergic DX, appetite stimulation, migrane, carcinoid synd, PTSD. S/E=exacerbation of glaucoma, BPH, GI/GU obstruction. CNS depression additive c other drugs (poss paradoxical exitation in kids). Dry mouth, nose, throat.
Antidiarrheal-somatostatin agonist. Reduces diarrhea/flushing associated c metastatic carcinoid syndrome and VIPomas. Used to stop bleeding of esophageal varices c less S/E than AVP. Decreases spanchnic blood flow and lower portal venous pressure.
Antidiarrheal-hydrated Al silicate clay c pectin. Negatively charged clay absorbes bacterial toxins. Pectin becomes hydrated to form a viscous colloidal solution which helps to consolidate the stool.
Laxative-synthetic disaccharide not absorbed in the GI. Converted to lactic, acetic, and organic acids by enterobacteria which exerts an osmotic effect. Acidification of colonic contents causes ammonia trapping to Tx PSE in hepatic DX. No laxative dependence.
Corticosteroid (enema, foam, suppository) for Tx of inflam. bowel DX (IBD). Given po for extensive colonic DX or small intestine DX.
5-HT1B & D agonist for Tx of migraine and cluster headache. If 1 dose didn't work, subsequent doses are not likely to be any more effective. S/E=rebound headache, 'atypical' sensations, dizziness/vertigo, ***severe coronary vasospasms in Pts c CAD. Do not use w/in 24 hours of injestion of ergot-type drugs.
Polyethylene glycols (PEGS)
Laxative-Hypertonic solutions create osmotic draw. Can cause GI colic, laxative dependence, dehydration and electrolyte dependence. Used for bowel evacuation prior to exam.
5-HT3 antagonist, D2 antagonist, 5-HT4 agonist. MOA=GI stim via 5-HT4 receptors, antiemetic effects via 5-HT3 & D2 receptor block in CTZ. Tx GERD (inc in LES tone), pre-op/endoscope GI clearing, prevent N/V c gastric CA, UC, PUD, and Pts receiving chemo/radiation treatment. S/E=sedation and fatigue, altered GI absorption of other drugs, D2 block can cause galactorrhea, amenorrhea, gynecomastia, dystonias, tardive dyskinesia.
Coating agent-water insoluble complex of Al hydroxide and sucrose sulfate which polymerizes when pH < 4 to form a sticky viscous gel that coats/protects the mucosa. Gel binds tightly to ulcerated gastric mucosa, and refluxes into esophagus in GERD. Does not dissolve in duodenum despite rise in pH. Does NOT neutralize acid or inhibit its secretion. More effective on duodenal ulcers, not effected by cigarette smoking, good for intubated Pts to prevent INF. Do NOT use c H2 antagonists (b/c acidic pH required for polymerization).
H2 receptor antagonist for Tx of GERD, ulcers, Zollinger-Ellison (gastrinoma).
H1 receptor antagonist
Corticosteroid (enema, foam, suppository) for Tx of inflam. bowel DX (IBD). Given po for extensive colonic DX or small intestine DX.
Antiemetic-blocks ACh receptors in vestibular nuclei and reticular formation. S/E=dry mouth, sedation, inability to concentrate, amnesia, and fatigue.
NSAID-65% reaches distal ileum and large bowel where it is degraded to sulfasalazine and 5-ASA that blocks production of PGs and LTs (inhibits cyclooxygenase and lipooxygenase). S/E=hepatic damage and bone marrow depression esp in slow acetylators. Can interfere with folate absorption so must give folate supplements.
Tx of IBS
Bulk laxatives, dicyclomine (ACh antagonist), tegaserod (for constipation predominant IBS).
5-HT1 receptor effects
Vascular 5-HT1 receptors mediate vasodilation-direct stimulation vascular sm, stimulation of endothelial cells which produce EDRF (endo-derived relaxation factor), pre-junctional inhib. NE release from sympathetic fibers. 5-HT1B receptors constricts large extracerebral arteries and A/V anastamoses as well as coronary arteries. Presynaptic 5-HT1B & D inhibits proinflammatory peptide release from CN5. 5-HT1A involved in behavior (large concentration in hippocampus).
H1 receptor antagonist. Used PRO for motion sickness and vertigo of vestibular origin (Meniere's DX).
H1 receptor antagonist. Also exibits local anesthetic effect. Can be used in Parkinson's to Tx the central motor d/o caused by anti-psychotic drugs.
Opthalmic-Inhibits mast cell degranulation by preventing increase in intercellular calcium caused by sIgE bridges AND blocks H1 histamine receptors.
5-HT3 receptor effects
Stim of prejunctional 5-HT3 receptors increases ACh release in GI tract. Sensory effects: Bezold-Jarisch chemoreceptor reflex, stim of dermal afferent pain fibers, stim of visceral sensory fibers (afferent vagal fibers to vomiting center), stim of CTZ (aka cookie tossing control center).
MAB against TNF for use in IBD.
Anti-ACh effects of antihistamines
CNS depression (sedation), inhibition of nasopharyngeal secretion, prevention of motion sickness (action in vestibular nuclei), anti-emetic effect. Especially in older Pts-dry mouth, dry cough, urinary retention (c BPH), exacerbation of glaucoma.
5-HT4 receptor agonist to enhance ACh release in GI. Enhances esophageal clearance of gastric acid, elevates lower esoph sphincter tone, accelerates gastric emptying, decreases small bowel transit time. Tx gastric reflux, promote gastric and duodenal empt
5-HT2 receptor effects
Increase IP3 and intracellular calcium to mediate vasoconstriction, PGI2 synthesis by vasc endo cells, platelet aggregation, bronchoconstriction, GI motility and secretion. Central 5-HT2 receptors (in cerebral cortex) are the major 5-HT receptor involved in depression.
H2 receptor antagonist for Tx of GERD, ulcers, Zollinger-Ellison (gastrinoma). Inhibits hepatic cyP-450 (which breaks down estrogen) and can cause gynecomastia, azospermia, dec libido. Increases T1/2 of B agonists, warfarin, diazepam. Can cause CNS effects-confusion to overs psychosis.
Nedocromil (sodium)
Inhibits mast cell degranulation by preventing increase in intercellular calcium caused by sIgE bridges.
H. pylori Tx
Say ciao to H. pylori' - clarithromycin, amoxacillin, omeprazole
Docusate sodium
Laxative-anionic surfactant that lowers surface tention of feces to allow penetration by water. No laxative dependence.
Effects of H1 receptor block
Prevents smooth muscle constriction (bronchial and GI), inhibit pain and itching at sensory nerve endings, antagonize the increase in capillary permiability.
Antidiarrheal-opiate that slows colonic transit rate by direct/indirect inhibition of GI motility (but tone increases). Contains atropine to prevent abuse.
Antiemetic-Blocks D2 receptors in CTZ.
Newer H1 antagonist (*decreased anticholinergic effects) for Tx of allergies.
Cromolyn (sodium)
Inhibits mast cell degranulation by preventing increase in intercellular calcium caused by sIgE bridges.
Selective 5-HT3 antagonist. MOA=5-HT3 block at CTZ and vagal afferents. Tx N/V from chemo/radiation or post-op. More effective than metoclopramide and no movement d/os, as effective as dexamethazone (can be combined for added efficacy). S/E=constipation.
Bismuth compunds
Coating agent-Antiulcer effects via contraction of surface layer of mucus in GI to protect mucosa as well as coating it. Increases PG synthesis and alkali secretion. Antiproteolytic counteracts breakdown of mucus coat by pepsin and bacterial proteases. Anti-bacterial effects by binding to -SH groups of bacterial proteins which destroys tertiary structure as well as prevention of bacterial binding to mucosa by decreasing their adherent properties. Can have salicylate toxicity c bismuth salicylate. Stool becomes radio-opaque with all bismuth compounds.
5-HT4 receptor agonist to enhance ACh release in GI. Enhances esophageal clearance of gastric acid, elevates lower esoph sphincter tone, accelerates gastric emptying, decreases small bowel transit time. Tx gastric reflux, promote gastric and duodenal emptying pre-op or pre-endoscope. S/E-abd cramping & diarrhea.
NSAID-two 5-ASA molecules joined by an azo bond which is cleaved in the large bowel by enterics.
Al & Mg hydroxides
Antacids-Weak water soluble bases. Al compounds can cause constipation, Mg compounds can cause diarrhea (Mg effect predominates in mixed Al/Mg compounds). "All stopped up vs. Oh My God."
Tx of GERD
Omeprazole, H2 antagonists, Sucralfate, Cisapride
Newer H1 antagonist (*decreased anticholinergic effects) for Tx of allergies.
H1 receptor antagonist
Newer H1 antagonist (*decreased anticholinergic effects) for Tx of allergies. Now OTC (claritin).
Antidiarrheal-opiate that slows colonic transit rate by direct/indirect inhibition of GI motility (but tone increases).
Tx of carcinoid tumor
Cyproheptadine (blocks 5-HT1 or 2 receptors) or Octreotide (somatostatin agonist that inhibits 5-HT release).
Laxative-irritant action increases accumulation of water and electrolytes in the lumen of the colon (6-12 h c po dosing, 15-60 min c suppository). Can cause GI colic, laxative dependence, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. Used for bowel evacuation prior to exam.
Magnesium compounds
Laxative-Hypertonic solutions create osmotic draw. Can cause GI colic, laxative dependence, dehydration and electrolyte dependence. Used for bowel evacuation prior to exam.
H1 receptor antagonist. Used PRO for motion sickness and vertigo of vestibular origin (Meniere's DX).
Tx of gallstones and primary biliary cirrhosis. Trace constituent of the normal bile acids that undergoes enterohepatic recirculation. Increases bile acid/cholesterol ratio by decreasing cholesterol synthesis (inhib HM CoA reductase), reducing GI absorption of cholesterol, and decreases biliary secretion of cholesterol. Prevents gallstone formation and solubilizes existing gallstones. Also appears to slow progression of primary biliary cirrhosis thus increasing the time before hepatic transplant is required.
Laxative-bulk laxative made from hydrophyllic mucilloid from seed coats, forms hydrogel. Tx of hyperlipoproteinemia. No laxative dependence.
5-HT4 receptor effects
Stimulation of prejunctional 5-HT4 receptors increases ACh release from intramural cholinergic neurons in the GI tract.
H1 receptor antagonist. Used for TREATMENT of CURRENT Sx of motion sickness (suppository or im), also pre-op sedation.
Antacid-inhibits gastric H-K ATPase to block acid secretion for 1-3 days. Inhibits both basal and nocturnal acid secretion as well as acid secretion by other stimuli. Causes a reactive increase in plasma gastrin concentration. Tx of Z-E syndrome.
H2 receptor antagonist for Tx of GERD, ulcers, Zollinger-Ellison (gastrinoma).
Antacid-Stable analog of PGE1, stimulation of gastric parietal cell PGE1 receptors inhibits acid secretion. No effect on basal acid secretion, but blocks acid increase in response to histamine, pentagastrin, aspirin, food and coffee. Also exerts a protective effect on gastric mucosa. S/E=diarrhea in 5-15% of Pts. DO NOT USE IN WOMEN WITHOUT CONTRACEPTION-Misoprostol is a potent abortifacient.
Laxative-bulk laxative made from indigestible components that attract H2O to form a hydrogel. Increased bulk stimulates stretch receptors to increase peristalsis. No laxative dependence.
Emetic-stimulates CTZ. CI c injestion of petrolium distillates or corrosive chemicals, CNS depressants can cause aspiration of vomitus, can precipitate seizures in Pts poisoned by CNS stimulants.
5-HT1B & D agonist for Tx of migraine and cluster headache. Short T1/2, so Sx may recur after 1 dose. If 1 dose didn't work, subsequent doses are not likely to be any more effective. S/E=rebound headache, 'atypical' sensations, dizziness/vertigo, ***severe coronary vasospasms in Pts c CAD. Do not use w/in 24 hours of injestion of ergot-type drugs.
H1, ACh, 5-HT1 & 2 receptor antagonist (crosses BBB). Tx allergic DX, appetite stimulation, migrane, carcinoid synd, PTSD. S/E=exacerbation of glaucoma, BPH, GI/GU obstruction. CNS depression additive c other drugs (poss paradoxical exitation in kids). Dry mouth, nose, throat.
Antidiarrheal-somatostatin agonist. Reduces diarrhea/flushing associated c metastatic carcinoid syndrome and VIPomas. Used to stop bleeding of esophageal varices c less S/E than AVP. Decreases spanchnic blood flow and lower portal venous pressure.
Antidiarrheal-hydrated Al silicate clay c pectin. Negatively charged clay absorbes bacterial toxins. Pectin becomes hydrated to form a viscous colloidal solution which helps to consolidate the stool.
Laxative-synthetic disaccharide not absorbed in the GI. Converted to lactic, acetic, and organic acids by enterobacteria which exerts an osmotic effect. Acidification of colonic contents causes ammonia trapping to Tx PSE in hepatic DX. No laxative dependence.
Corticosteroid (enema, foam, suppository) for Tx of inflam. bowel DX (IBD). Given po for extensive colonic DX or small intestine DX.
5-HT1B & D agonist for Tx of migraine and cluster headache. If 1 dose didn't work, subsequent doses are not likely to be any more effective. S/E=rebound headache, 'atypical' sensations, dizziness/vertigo, ***severe coronary vasospasms in Pts c CAD. Do not use w/in 24 hours of injestion of ergot-type drugs.
Polyethylene glycols (PEGS)
Laxative-Hypertonic solutions create osmotic draw. Can cause GI colic, laxative dependence, dehydration and electrolyte dependence. Used for bowel evacuation prior to exam.
5-HT3 antagonist, D2 antagonist, 5-HT4 agonist. MOA=GI stim via 5-HT4 receptors, antiemetic effects via 5-HT3 & D2 receptor block in CTZ. Tx GERD (inc in LES tone), pre-op/endoscope GI clearing, prevent N/V c gastric CA, UC, PUD, and Pts receiving chemo/radiation treatment. S/E=sedation and fatigue, altered GI absorption of other drugs, D2 block can cause galactorrhea, amenorrhea, gynecomastia, dystonias, tardive dyskinesia.
Coating agent-water insoluble complex of Al hydroxide and sucrose sulfate which polymerizes when pH < 4 to form a sticky viscous gel that coats/protects the mucosa. Gel binds tightly to ulcerated gastric mucosa, and refluxes into esophagus in GERD. Does not dissolve in duodenum despite rise in pH. Does NOT neutralize acid or inhibit its secretion. More effective on duodenal ulcers, not effected by cigarette smoking, good for intubated Pts to prevent INF. Do NOT use c H2 antagonists (b/c acidic pH required for polymerization).
H2 receptor antagonist for Tx of GERD, ulcers, Zollinger-Ellison (gastrinoma).
H1 receptor antagonist
Corticosteroid (enema, foam, suppository) for Tx of inflam. bowel DX (IBD). Given po for extensive colonic DX or small intestine DX.
Antiemetic-blocks ACh receptors in vestibular nuclei and reticular formation. S/E=dry mouth, sedation, inability to concentrate, amnesia, and fatigue.
NSAID-65% reaches distal ileum and large bowel where it is degraded to sulfasalazine and 5-ASA that blocks production of PGs and LTs (inhibits cyclooxygenase and lipooxygenase). S/E=hepatic damage and bone marrow depression esp in slow acetylators. Can interfere with folate absorption so must give folate supplements.
Tx of IBS
Bulk laxatives, dicyclomine (ACh antagonist), tegaserod (for constipation predominant IBS).
5-HT1 receptor effects
Vascular 5-HT1 receptors mediate vasodilation-direct stimulation vascular sm, stimulation of endothelial cells which produce EDRF (endo-derived relaxation factor), pre-junctional inhib. NE release from sympathetic fibers. 5-HT1B receptors constricts large extracerebral arteries and A/V anastamoses as well as coronary arteries. Presynaptic 5-HT1B & D inhibits proinflammatory peptide release from CN5. 5-HT1A involved in behavior (large concentration in hippocampus).
H1 receptor antagonist. Used PRO for motion sickness and vertigo of vestibular origin (Meniere's DX).
H1 receptor antagonist. Also exibits local anesthetic effect. Can be used in Parkinson's to Tx the central motor d/o caused by anti-psychotic drugs.
Opthalmic-Inhibits mast cell degranulation by preventing increase in intercellular calcium caused by sIgE bridges AND blocks H1 histamine receptors.
5-HT3 receptor effects
Stim of prejunctional 5-HT3 receptors increases ACh release in GI tract. Sensory effects: Bezold-Jarisch chemoreceptor reflex, stim of dermal afferent pain fibers, stim of visceral sensory fibers (afferent vagal fibers to vomiting center), stim of CTZ (aka cookie tossing control center).
MAB against TNF for use in IBD.
Anti-ACh effects of antihistamines
CNS depression (sedation), inhibition of nasopharyngeal secretion, prevention of motion sickness (action in vestibular nuclei), anti-emetic effect. Especially in older Pts-dry mouth, dry cough, urinary retention (c BPH), exacerbation of glaucoma.
5-HT4 receptor agonist to enhance ACh release in GI. Enhances esophageal clearance of gastric acid, elevates lower esoph sphincter tone, accelerates gastric emptying, decreases small bowel transit time. Tx gastric reflux, promote gastric and duodenal empt
5-HT2 receptor effects
Increase IP3 and intracellular calcium to mediate vasoconstriction, PGI2 synthesis by vasc endo cells, platelet aggregation, bronchoconstriction, GI motility and secretion. Central 5-HT2 receptors (in cerebral cortex) are the major 5-HT receptor involved in depression.
H2 receptor antagonist for Tx of GERD, ulcers, Zollinger-Ellison (gastrinoma). Inhibits hepatic cyP-450 (which breaks down estrogen) and can cause gynecomastia, azospermia, dec libido. Increases T1/2 of B agonists, warfarin, diazepam. Can cause CNS effects-confusion to overs psychosis.
Nedocromil (sodium)
Inhibits mast cell degranulation by preventing increase in intercellular calcium caused by sIgE bridges.
H. pylori Tx
Say ciao to H. pylori' - clarithromycin, amoxacillin, omeprazole
Docusate sodium
Laxative-anionic surfactant that lowers surface tention of feces to allow penetration by water. No laxative dependence.
Effects of H1 receptor block
Prevents smooth muscle constriction (bronchial and GI), inhibit pain and itching at sensory nerve endings, antagonize the increase in capillary permiability.
Antidiarrheal-opiate that slows colonic transit rate by direct/indirect inhibition of GI motility (but tone increases). Contains atropine to prevent abuse.
Antiemetic-Blocks D2 receptors in CTZ.
Newer H1 antagonist (*decreased anticholinergic effects) for Tx of allergies.
Cromolyn (sodium)
Inhibits mast cell degranulation by preventing increase in intercellular calcium caused by sIgE bridges.
Selective 5-HT3 antagonist. MOA=5-HT3 block at CTZ and vagal afferents. Tx N/V from chemo/radiation or post-op. More effective than metoclopramide and no movement d/os, as effective as dexamethazone (can be combined for added efficacy). S/E=constipation.
Bismuth compunds
Coating agent-Antiulcer effects via contraction of surface layer of mucus in GI to protect mucosa as well as coating it. Increases PG synthesis and alkali secretion. Antiproteolytic counteracts breakdown of mucus coat by pepsin and bacterial proteases. Anti-bacterial effects by binding to -SH groups of bacterial proteins which destroys tertiary structure as well as prevention of bacterial binding to mucosa by decreasing their adherent properties. Can have salicylate toxicity c bismuth salicylate. Stool becomes radio-opaque with all bismuth compounds.
5-HT4 receptor agonist to enhance ACh release in GI. Enhances esophageal clearance of gastric acid, elevates lower esoph sphincter tone, accelerates gastric emptying, decreases small bowel transit time. Tx gastric reflux, promote gastric and duodenal emptying pre-op or pre-endoscope. S/E-abd cramping & diarrhea.
NSAID-two 5-ASA molecules joined by an azo bond which is cleaved in the large bowel by enterics.
Al & Mg hydroxides
Antacids-Weak water soluble bases. Al compounds can cause constipation, Mg compounds can cause diarrhea (Mg effect predominates in mixed Al/Mg compounds). "All stopped up vs. Oh My God."
Tx of GERD
Omeprazole, H2 antagonists, Sucralfate, Cisapride
Newer H1 antagonist (*decreased anticholinergic effects) for Tx of allergies.
H1 receptor antagonist
Newer H1 antagonist (*decreased anticholinergic effects) for Tx of allergies. Now OTC (claritin).
Antidiarrheal-opiate that slows colonic transit rate by direct/indirect inhibition of GI motility (but tone increases).
Tx of carcinoid tumor
Cyproheptadine (blocks 5-HT1 or 2 receptors) or Octreotide (somatostatin agonist that inhibits 5-HT release).
Laxative-irritant action increases accumulation of water and electrolytes in the lumen of the colon (6-12 h c po dosing, 15-60 min c suppository). Can cause GI colic, laxative dependence, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. Used for bowel evacuation prior to exam.
Magnesium compounds
Laxative-Hypertonic solutions create osmotic draw. Can cause GI colic, laxative dependence, dehydration and electrolyte dependence. Used for bowel evacuation prior to exam.
H1 receptor antagonist. Used PRO for motion sickness and vertigo of vestibular origin (Meniere's DX).
Tx of gallstones and primary biliary cirrhosis. Trace constituent of the normal bile acids that undergoes enterohepatic recirculation. Increases bile acid/cholesterol ratio by decreasing cholesterol synthesis (inhib HM CoA reductase), reducing GI absorption of cholesterol, and decreases biliary secretion of cholesterol. Prevents gallstone formation and solubilizes existing gallstones. Also appears to slow progression of primary biliary cirrhosis thus increasing the time before hepatic transplant is required.
Laxative-bulk laxative made from hydrophyllic mucilloid from seed coats, forms hydrogel. Tx of hyperlipoproteinemia. No laxative dependence.
5-HT4 receptor effects
Stimulation of prejunctional 5-HT4 receptors increases ACh release from intramural cholinergic neurons in the GI tract.
H1 receptor antagonist. Used for TREATMENT of CURRENT Sx of motion sickness (suppository or im), also pre-op sedation.
Antacid-inhibits gastric H-K ATPase to block acid secretion for 1-3 days. Inhibits both basal and nocturnal acid secretion as well as acid secretion by other stimuli. Causes a reactive increase in plasma gastrin concentration. Tx of Z-E syndrome.
H2 receptor antagonist for Tx of GERD, ulcers, Zollinger-Ellison (gastrinoma).
Antacid-Stable analog of PGE1, stimulation of gastric parietal cell PGE1 receptors inhibits acid secretion. No effect on basal acid secretion, but blocks acid increase in response to histamine, pentagastrin, aspirin, food and coffee. Also exerts a protective effect on gastric mucosa. S/E=diarrhea in 5-15% of Pts. DO NOT USE IN WOMEN WITHOUT CONTRACEPTION-Misoprostol is a potent abortifacient.
Laxative-bulk laxative made from indigestible components that attract H2O to form a hydrogel. Increased bulk stimulates stretch receptors to increase peristalsis. No laxative dependence.
Emetic-stimulates CTZ. CI c injestion of petrolium distillates or corrosive chemicals, CNS depressants can cause aspiration of vomitus, can precipitate seizures in Pts poisoned by CNS stimulants.