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179 Cards in this Set

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Treatment phases
1) Acute phase has 2 categories
2) Continuation
3) Maintainence
4) When does recurrence fit in these 3 phases?
1) remission (tx of acute sx) vs response (continued improvement of about 50% from baseline).
2) sustained remission
3) recovery means the sx is completely over.
4) recurrence
cystic fibrosis has what kind of effect on bowels?
steatorhea due to pancreatic insuffiicency.
If an a55hole qn makes it sound like bursitis but adds random info such as pt is smoker, has HTN, XOL... it doesn't make it PVD, it's still bursitis.
Huntington is on chromosome...?
Sharp triphasic synchronous discharge on EEG is most likely which dementia?
CJD prion etc
Quick summary of Pregnancy changes
1) volume and pee
2) Na
3) clot
4) pulm O2/CO2
1) inc
2) mild hypoNa due to volume and ADH.
3) prothrombotic
4) progesterone inc tidal volume and minute ventilation
which of the many esophagus-dysphagia disorder is partly psychiatric so that psych counseling should be included as part of the treatment plan
diffuse esophageal spasm!

no structural abn, just high amplitude contractions.
achalasia-like sx and findings can sometimes be caused by which organism?

follow up qn- describe the typical crap this organism does.
trypanosoma cruzi

acute phase - local swelling, asx.
chronic phase - infect heart, esophagus, colon, nerves.

only acute cases treatable w/ benidazole and nifurtimox.
How does scleroderma esophagus differ from others in mechanism?
its fibrosis and scarring that leads to weakened muscle hence increased regurgitation. achalasia is inability to relax.
Pitting Edema dDx is due to failure of which three systems?

Non-pitting edema dDx? only one
CHF, liver,renal

Indications for HIV tests
2) western blot aka serology
3) viral load
4) CD 4
1) screening. 99.9% sensitivity
2) confirmation. 99.9% specificity if done w/ ELISA
3) indicator of dz progression (>100k is poor prog).
4) also dz progression.
Cryptorchidism complications include which 4?

After orchiopexy surgery prior to 1yr old, which complications are left?
inguinal hernia, cancer, torsion, sub-fertility

subfertility > cancer, both at decreased risk.
penile cancer is NOT testicular cancer stupid.
penile is by HPV
When do you use BNP to dx CHF?
when you haven't diagnosed it yet. like, when CHF is not given in the question.
cardiac catheterization vs angio vs cabg, what??
cath = imaging of vessels by using a cath thru groin

angioplasty/stents = good for easier stuff

CABG = open heart surgery for difficult locations and stuff.
you always get this wrong

normal adult RR is...

kids can go up to 25.
*simple topic, tricky answer choices*

1) Given recurrent pneumonia + recurrent affected lobe... dDx should include?

2) If recurrent pneumonia affects different regions..?
anatomic obstruction (neoplasm, retained foreign body, stenosis).
recurrent aspiration (EtOH, sz, drug, dysphagia of any kind).

2) then it's most likely the typical infectious etiology.
Next step for recurrent pneumonia affecting same lobe... CT vs bronchoscopy
CT first, bronchoscopy second if CT is negative. Needle guided biopsy if positive.
CT w/ or w/o contrast indications?
contrast helps you look at specific organs.

no contrast is good for bones, bleeds, stones (renal),
Pt has persistent AUB (abn uterine bleed) despite negative initial workup (preg test, TSH, coag study) and negative risk factors (menopause, obese, DM, PCOS, etc).

Next step?
endometrial biopsy! still gotta check!
Lewy Body Dementia
1) describe sx
2) affected area
1) Parkinson + hallucination + fluctuating cognition + visuospatial failures.
What BPP score requires a follow up in the form of contraction stress test?
6, and only 6.

below = delievery.
At what AFI for oligohydramnios should delivery be considered?
abx for G- bacteria

5 major classes
1) 4th gen ceph (cefepime)
2) ciprofloxacin
3) gentamicin
4) imipenem
5) pip + tazo
Tricky Questions

> A question may lead you to think that a patient has focal deficits like an acute stroke but adds N/V, bradycardia, and progressive stupor. No prior TIA's.
intracranial hemorrhage.
Why does hypoT cause hypoNa?
decreased free water clearance so more water, more swelling.

HypoT also causes XOL, up CK, LFT.
What does nucleated RBC tell you?
immature RBC
stressed bone marrow.
Fe deficiency anemia is different from all other microcytic anemia in which lab value?

What does cow milk have to do with Fe def anemia in babies?
RDW (red cell distribution width) only one that's increased by >20%

cow milk is low in Fe if that's the primary source.
When are these international travel vaccinations recommended?
1) Cholera
2) Yellow fever
3) MCV
4) Hep A
5) Typhoid
1) never
2) South American and South Africa
3) Asia and South Africa
4) North Africa.
5) North Africa.
Which diet decreases BP the most?
1) fruit, vege, low fat.
2) Na restrict
3) Exercise
4) wt loss
Small for gestational size babies are at risk for....?
1) calcium
2) O2
3) temperature
4) glucose
5) this is a heme disoder
1) hypoCa
2) hypoxia
3) hypothermia
4) hypoglycemia
5) polycythemia due to hypoxia.
fk you for forgetting this all the time.

what's the mechanism for physostigimine?
AchE inhibitor = inc cholinergic sx = for atropine poison.
farmer and organophosphate poisoning

first 2 steps = ?
remove cloth that has vomit so skin doesn't absorb it.

Drop arm test is used to dx...?

the same dx is often caused by fall on outstretched hand.
rotator cuff tear.
1) what is it?
2) what's the risk?
3) what's the next step?
1) painful swelling that becomes painless nodular + rubbery lesion.
2) may have cancer.
3) biopsy for cancer.
protein c/s inc clot or dec clot?
Special response to body dysmorphic disorder patients is....?
1) according to standard measurements... your body part is considered normal.
2) let's meet regularly to discuss this issue.
1) no, BDD pt do not care abt normal. they see themselves differently.
2) yes
What is the best next step of tx for MALT lymphoma?
omeprazole, clarithromycin, amoxicillin.

-MALT regresses as H. pylori is killed.
-If doens't work, next step is chemo.
If fetus is suspected to be dead after 20 wks, which test do you do?

NST or real time U/S?
real time U/S.

NST is useless if fetus is suspected to be dead. Need U/S to confirm and proceed w/ induction.
Young adult male. Pain and swelling over coccyx (where hair is). Dx?
Pilonidal cyst.
In severe croup with impending respiratory distress...

what's the first step of action? E or intubate?
always give trial racemic epinephrine first before intubation. a-adrenergic effect reduce bronchial secretion.
Infants with complement deficiency usually gets infected with which group of organisms?
gonococus and meningococus.
Adenosine deaminase deficiency gets you what kinda infxn?
all! both T and B cell broken.
Gradual spinal pain worse at night but better with exercise. No point tenderness, neurologic, or systemic sx.

-most likely dx?
-what if pt is <40yo, young adult male?
-apophyseal joint
inflammatory etiology!

-ankylosing spondylitis.
cyclic vomiting (unclear etiology) with no other sx in kids is usually associated with what condition in parents?
Variceal bleed
1) step 1 = which 2 drugs and IVF.
2) step 2 = endoscopic therapy or band ligation.
3) If no further bleed.... do what for follow-up?
4) If bleed... do what?
1) ceftriaxone and IV octreotide
2) given
3) BB
4) balloon temponade temporary while ship to TIPS or shunt surgery.
Recall the flourescent eye exam in ED.

typically for pt with eye pain and feeling of foreign body despite normal gross exam.
1) topical anesthetics + gross exam
2) flourescent eye exam
3) topical abx
specific food for vibrio parahemolyticus
ANY seafood!
stupid common mistakes.

tetracycline = doxycycline = photosensitivity
Just gotta remember this changes in kidney dry.

***Glomerular hyperfiltration -> mesangial expansion -> nodular sclerosis = what etiology?

**How is it delayed or reversed?
DM end organ dmg of kidney.

ACEi stops the first step.
Primary biliary cirrhosis vs primary sclerosing cholangitis mechanism in a nutshell.
PBC = bile duct disappearing for unknown reason. other causes could include GVHD, failed liver xplant, Hodgkins, CMV. HIV. etc.

PSC = portal tract fibrosis. bile duct stenosis.
Recap of a Female Ab Pain of childbearing age in the ED

Even if sx is most likely bowel related, why is the first test always preg test?
Fetus exposed to radiation in the first 14 days after conception is pretty darn bad.
Imaging for Ab Pain
1) what are you looking for with an x-ray?
2) CT?
3) U/S?
4) Peritoneal Lavage?
1) air
2) if plain x-ray is negative and for selected stuff
3) if pt preg or gyn etiology.
4) trauma pt for intra-ab bleed.
What's a normal post-void residual volume?
1) adults
2) elderly
1) <50
2) 50-100
Mechanisms of female infertility
2) Endometriosis or pelvic inflammation
3) Cervicitis or cervix inflammation
1) anovulation
2) impaired oocyte transport thru fallopian tube
3) abn cervix mucus
Some mechanisms.

Polysaccharides do not get presented to T cells so these vaccines are T-cell INDEPENDENT B-cell response.
like polyvalent polysacchardie pneumococcal vaccine
Test Question reminders

Not every symptoms has to be found. If one of the many obscure signs/sx of a diagnosis is negative, its ok man.
If diagnosis of a kid with fever then arhtritis sounds like transient synovitis, then what is the next step?
X-ray to exclude bony lesion, fx, Legg-Calves-Perthes.

Ibuprofen (NOT aspirin) and home.
Acute Cholecystitis
1) what is involved, look at the dam word.
2) Initial Tx
3) ERCP vs cholecystectomy?
4) What does HIDA scan do?
1) inflammed gall bladder and gallbladder only, may be due to stone obstructing outlet.
2) IVF, abx, pain med
3) Cholecystectomy within 72hrs!
** ERCP is for disease of bile ducts, not gallbladder.
4) HIDA scan is like ultrasound, to make diagnosis of gallbladder. If U/S is inconclusive, do HIDA.
Best type of way to cool down a heat stroke patient?
spray lukewarm water on body and evaporate it with a fan.

-ice bath is good too but cannot monitor pt efficiently.
<1 yr old with sx of bacterial meningitis at the ED.

next step?
LP then vanc + ceftriaxone then admit.
squamous cell carcinoma treatment (of vagina or skin) all include?
surgery at lower stages
radiation for higher stages (and if pt has too high risk for surgery).
We all know one of the drugs for bedwetters is desmopressin. what's the 2nd line agent that's equally potent but worse side effect profile?
TCA's like imipramine
Paget's dz (osteitis deforman)'s labs changes
Membranous Glomerulonephritis is associated with Hep B.

What if it's a kid with Hep B? Should you pick membranous or minimal change?
What are the sx of hypoalbuminemia in terms of calcium?
none! ionized ca remains the same.

chronic EtOH -> pancreatitis -> low Vit D malabsorption -> low Ca + P.
Crohn's vs UC

which one has bloody diarrhea?
which one casues toxic megacolon more often?

Tx w/ IVF, bowel rest, IV Abx, IV steroids then surgery.
1) where do you work?
2) what do you hear on lung exam?
shipyard, mine, construction, pipe, insulator.
-bibasilar crackles.
-interesitial fibrosis.
Threshold for lead poisoning
1) which test to screen, which test to confirm?
2) what is the value to start treating?
1) capillary blood lead to screen; venous lead to confirm
2) >5 is too high. but >45 to treat.
Alzheimer vs pseudodementia

how concerned are patients over their memory loss?
1) alzheimer pt = dont' care, usually brought by family.

2) pseduodementia pt = comes in by themselves, overly concenred about their memory loss.
All neurogenic tumors of the mediastinum are found in which part of the mediastinum?

anterior, middle, or posterior?

middle = bronchogenic cyst
anterior = thymoma.
which nephrotic sx is associated w/ finding of dense C3 on glomerulus.
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.

-no risk factor.
-IgG atks C3 convertase and continuously activates it.
If pt has known chronic rheumatoid arthritis with new onset single joint red + swollen joint + motion limited by pain... consider which 2 dDx?
**septic arthritis due to erosion of rheumatoid.
In Tumor Lysis Sx...what's the only ion that is decreased?

Ca, PO4, K, uric acid, etc?
Calcium! who knew
Consider Vit D deficiency in all bone related problems that has something to do with GI tract problem like CF, surgery for crohn/UC, pancreatitis, etc.
will have low Ca, low PO4, high PTH.

Low vit D = low Ca + low PO4. PTH increases to reduce PO4 even lower.
Candida esophagitis should or should not have oral thrush as well?
most will.
Would viral esophagitis present with systemic sx as well?
not usually.

common with CD4 < 50
Choices of ACLS drugs
1) E
2) Adenosine
3) Amio
1) hemodynamically unstable pt with brady
2) supraventricular tachys, not for brady
3) tachy arrythmias.
When to use these intubation methods?
1) Orotracheal
2) Nasal tracheal
1) Severe trauma pt that are hypopneic (breathing but need vent support) no significant facial trauma.
2) only for pt breathing at normal rates.
non-allergic rhinitis is chronic rhinintis w/o any atopic sx or identifiable cause.

what is tx? specifically which class of anti-histamine?
intranasal steroid and class I anti-histamine (must have anti-cholinergic effect) like chlorphreniramine, not loratadine (class II).
Scaphoid fracture
> most commonly dmg'd bone due to outstretched hand during falls.
> described as tenderness of snuffbox.
> if bones are non-displaced, but still see radiolucent line...what is tx?
***always tx with immobilization unless dislocated.

**open reduction and internal fixation if dislocated.
When is RICE used as tx (rest ice compress elevate)?
ligamentous strains. not for bone stuff.
When is fetal lung officially developed and can induce delivery w/o the need to administer steroids?
34 wks.
Tricks of Managing Acetaminophen overdose.

-When will serum acetaminophen first show up?
-When is the latest you can admin N-acetycysteine?
-Should you give N-acetyl before seeing serum tylenol results?
-4 hrs
-8 hrs with no changes in outcome.
-No, don't give unless it's a hepatotoxic dose.
Remember how you treat Kawasaki's?

2 things! why?
ASA (long term) dec clots since complications include coronary artery aneurysm and stroke/MI.
Rib notching is specific for...?
coarctation of aorta, associated with turner's.
ALL often has these markers.
+ Tdt
AML/CML often has peroxidase +
If a pt's hand starts with numb/tingle, then is now cold + no pulse felt... then anti-coag and call vascular surgery right away.

Even if given a bunch of random sx that doesn't make sense.

What's the most likely etiology?
*Limb ischemia due to embolism esp if hx of A-fib.
Lethargy + AMS + Fever in cirrhotic pt.

most likely dx...? next step...?

pericentesis (> 250colonies) then abx.
Warfarin can cause skin necrosis due to protein C deficiency in women.

Next step...?
1) vit K
2) stop warfarin if lesion continues
3) start heparin
When do EtOH withdrawawl effects occur?
1) day 1
2) 2
3) 3
6-24 hrs = tremor, insomnia
24-48hrs = sz
48-96hrs = delirium tremens (HTN, tachy, hallucinate, fever)
which 2 values are the only necessary info for any acid-base disorder

paO2, paCO2, pH, HCO3, urinary pH
paCO2 and pH

cuz that equation
what do u treat acute rejection of transplant with?
IV steroids.
Type 4 sensitivity aka contact dermatitis is cell mediated. that's why it's slow ok? walk past branch then it gets goofy a day later.
Pt is an alcoholic with fatiguability and a Dr gives folic acid. Pt returns with improved Hb but new onset numbness/tingling of limb.

Consider what?
Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Folic acid will slightly improve both conditions, but B12 def still remains.
Breast milk has little vitamin D.
B12 supplement for vegetarian moms.

Fun fact about Iron: only premmie babies will req Fe supplement. Normal babies are born with ample iron storage.
lol k
When can babies start cow milk?

Whats before cow milk?
1 yr

pureed stuff.
ferritin is storage
transferrin is transporter.
Rupture of fetal umbilical vessel
1) classic sign in FHR?
2) changes in maternal bp?
3) dx test
4) this is also known as...?
1) tachy then immediate brady
2) not much change.
3) apt's test diff baby vs mom blood.
4) vasa previa -> urgent c-section
GBS = subacute ascending paralysis usually after URI.

1) CSF stats?
2) Tx
1) only protein is high, rest is normal.
2) IVIG or plasmapheresis.
Most common thyroid nodule?

Second most common?
benign colloid nodules

follicular adenoma (not just a nodule anymore).
Type II Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia
>platelet reduction >50% from baseline from asx to sx.
>Confirmatory test is...?
> Treatment is started before testing, what is tx?
1) serotonin release assay
2) stop all heparin product and start thrombin inhibitor (agartroban).
Type I vs II Hep induced thrombocytopenia

what's diff?
type I is not autoimmune -> will resolve. starts around day 2 of administration.

type II is autoimmune, life threatening. starts around day 5.
Quinolone = flurorquinolone = levofloxacin = cipro = -xacin.
what is pansystolic murmur loudest at apex radiate to axilla?
apex = mitral.
stenosis = systolic.
hence pansystolic = mitral regurg.
Hemophilia's hemoarthritis mechanism is...?
hemosiderin deposits and subsequent fibrosis. it might bleed into joint for joint pain but long term complication is the above (mortality).
it can affect every organ.
Common complications of any nephrotic sx
hypercoagulability from protein c/s anti-thrombin loss
infxn, forgot why
dec thyroxine with loss of T-globule.
vit D def
Aortoiliac occlusion has what sx?
impotence and symmetric atrophy of buttocks down and weakness of those things with exertion.
Henoch Schloen Purpura
1) what kinda rash?
2) which parts of body involved?
3) mechanism?
1) palpable nonblanching rash
2) skin, ab, arthralgia, renal
3) IgA deposition.
Vit D deficiency rickets of non-adults

- genu varum
-delayed fontanelle closing
-bones enlarged (epiphyseal widening)
Alport's Sx just remember sensorineural deafness and recurrent nephrotics lol.
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
1) measures what?
2) elevated means what?
3) decreased means what?
4) normal means what?
1) left atrium pressure
2) ?
3) hypovolemia,
4) likely pulmonary issue, including PE.
what is the most diagnostic test for ankylosing spondylitis?
xray's fusing of sacroiliac joint.
Vaccine boosters
1) TD is every 10 yrs
2) TDAP is recommended for adults, just once.
3) PCV is given to any adults with chronic dz like DM.
Difference between transfusion rxn to cytokines vs ABO incompatibility vs anaphylaxis vs urticaria
1) cytokine
2) ABO
3) anti-IgA
4) IgE/mast
ABO has flank pain, DIC, hemoglobinuria, etc in addition to everything cytokine rxn has.

anaphylaxis is due to host anti-IgA attack on transfusion blood.

Urticaria is by IgE
Pulmonary lesions quiz
1) how big is it time to worry?
2) popcorn shape on xray is what?
3) bullseye is what?
1) >3cm
2) hamartoma
3) granuloma
whats the only H&P difference between CN and CO2 poisoining?
CN is burning of rubber/plastic while CO2 is burning of wood.
If pt presents with SLE sx and you diagnose SLE, what's the next step?
obtain renal biopsy to classify and for future reference since renal complications may alter tx.
Cluster vs trigeminal neuralgia
1) time in min vs seconds, which?
2) tx which is which?
3) which has cholinergic sx?
cluster HA lasts few minutes, treated with triptans and high flow O2. cluster has extra sx's.

neuralgia is in seconds, tx'd by carbamazepine (bipolar and this).
Cryoglobulinemia: the thing you can never rmb
1) what disease is it related to?
2) what organs are involved?
3) what type of rash?
1) HCV
2) complement deposition, arthralgia, hepatosplenomgealy, purpura, protein/rbc-uria.
3) palpable purpura.
Morton's neuroma
1) History is most likely...?
2) Diagnostic test?
3) Tx
1) like stress fx but is subacute progressive and may include numb/burning of toes
2) clicking sound when palpating b/t 3rd n 4th toe.
4) shoe inserts. if not, then surgery.
Requirements for HOSPICE admission
***survival prognosis < 6month!!!!

Hospice is focused on quality of life, not cure!
i hate step 2
Question may provide overwhelming info. Just remember these points.

Fasciculation is a clue for UMN or LMN?
Hyperreflex is obviously UMN.

When UMN and LMN are combined w/o bowel/bladder/sensory dysfxn, think...?

ALS. usually starts out with symmetrically distal muscle wasting, then continues to be fatal. Superoxide dimutase stuff.
Tricky bast@rds:

If someone has extended FHx of thalassemia, what's the first best test?
It is CBC, not electrophoresis. WHy? if not microcytic, pt has no problem.
Pneumococcal vs Meningococcal meningitis

what's the one big difference?
pneumo has no rash

bonus: rocky mt spotted fever CSF is more like viral than bacterial.
Acute unilateral lymphadenitis (warm tender swollen) after URI sx 1 wk ago. Few systemic sx now. dDx?
think strep and staph (staph #1).

EBV is b/l w/ systemic sx.
ACL vs meniscal tear injuries
1) how does history differ?
1) ACL = acute pop and severe swelling. Meniscal tear = pop and may or may not swell with pt ambulating pretty good.
prophylaxis and tx against chloroquine-resistant malaria strands (African to India).
1) mefloquine, pyrimethamine, atovaquin, and doxycycline.
Heart Defect vs Syndromes
1) Bicuspid aortic valve
2) Coarctation or aortic root dilation
3) ASD
4) MVP
5) VSD
1) turner
2) turner
3) Down's
4) ehlo danler, marfan, osteogenesis imperfecta
5) trisomy 13, 18, 21.
Recall Turner's XO has low Estrogen so it will develop osteoporosis. No breast cancer doe.

**No mental retardation!
If you see something that looks like malignant melanoma, perform an excisional biopsy WITHOUT wide margin!
cuz if it's just pigmented basal carcinoma, you don't have to excise with wide margin. biopsy allows identification before wide margin.
Transtentorial Hernia often presents with an accident then elevated BP with bradycardia.
-ipsilateral hemiparesis, mydriasis, strabismus
-contralateral hemianopsia (CN 3)
what does prussian blue stain signify?
there is hemosiderin
When do you give someone Varicella IG instead vaccine? why?
only for immunocompromised.

because VZV is live-attenuated.
gallstones are the #1 cause of pancreatitis in non-alcoholics. so after initial tx, schedule pt for cholecystectomy.
uhh.... k...
suicidal pt comes in with bradycardia, AV block, hypoTN, diffuse wheezing.
**now i know what your thinking, do ACLS right? Atropine first, then Epi if it doesn't work.
**you got this question wrong, so think what caused it first. Then what would be the tx? Keyword is diffuse wheezing.
BB overdose (wheeze)

order of tx: IVF, atropine > glucagon > E
Alcoholic is more likely to have folate or B12 def?
folate since EtOH directly inhibit absorption.

B12 only if malnourished for a while.
if a patient presents with gastric cancer-like sx but your given a bunch of glucose numbers, consider gastroparesis by DM end-GI-organ dmg. tx w/ ?
tx w/ metoclopromide
what to do when suspect choking newborn with tracheo-esophageal fistula?
first, secure ABC w/ endotracheal tube and orogastric tube. next, CXR should show you that its going into the wrong place.
Tricky Tricky Thing
***If someone has chronic COPD, his O2 will be low, but compensated.
***If pt is treated suddenly with high-flow O2, CO2 will not be excreted, causing hyper-CO2 sz and neurologic sx.
***what is the goal for O2 tx?
pO2 of around 90-94%. Not >95% in acute-on-chronic COPD tx.
Diagnostic tests for post-renal etiology of oliguria

**portable bladder scan (but may be useless for obese pt) -> bladder cath.

Why are post-op post-renal common?
anesthesia may screw up voiding stuff?
Dysthymic vs MDD

what's the one biggest diff?
dysthymic disorder only needs 2 sx.

MDD requires 5.
Anorexia should be hospitalized only if what is found on physical exam?
extreme wt loss
electrolyte disturbances
Golden diagnosis for cervical insufficiency with known short cervix is...?
metastatic squamous cell tumor of the neck.

next step is to look for primary tumor. what are the possible tests?
chest CT

if negative, pan-endoscopy (esophogoscopy, laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy).
For whatever reason, hyperPTH also causes HTN, heart rhythm defects, neurologic sx (depression, mood swing).

and yeah renal stones.
Vitamin K -> factor 2 7 9 10 C S = PT
ITP vs TTP vs DIC vs HUS
1) ITP Is unique because?
2) DIC can be r/o'd if these 2 values are normal.
3) HUS?
1) isolated thrombocytopenia.
2) both PT and PTT should be increased. If they are not, you should r/o DIC.
3) has giant platelet (w/ thrombocytopenia) inc reticulocyte %, but normal PT/PTT.
Constitutional delay has normal or delayed bone age? next step.

what's typical growth velocity?
delayed. schedule follow up.

-around 5-10th percentile, consistently.
Sx of leukocyte adhesion deficiency include....?

-what at birth?
-recurrent infxn and ...?
delayed separation of umbilical cord

necrotic skin lesion, gingivitis, teeth loss.
Histoplasmosis specifics.

Tx is which abx?
itraconazole is #1. add amphoteracin if severe.

no flucon.
Human monocytic erlichiosis
1) What? Location?
2) Sx
3) Labs show...?
4) How does it differ from lyme and rocky mt?
5) Tx steps.
1) central USA
2) flu-like sx, confusion as the only neuro sx.
3) labs = low WBC and low platelet only. order PCR testing.
4) no rash!
5) Tx = doxy while awaing confirmatory results.
All suspected spinal injury patients must have this fkin thing that you always fkin forget done before you fkin do any other fking thing else. what is it?
obviously ABC then it's the fkin bladder/urinary cath to eval retention and crap before or while u wait for CT results.
Jaundice and ALP elevation only occurs in which type of gall related crap?
duct related problems. not gallbladder (cholecystitis).
Acne Tx
1) when to use cream based vs water?
2) when to use diet change for acne?
3) Tx for non-inflammatory acne
4) Tx for inflammatory acne
5) Tx for severly inflammatory acne
6) Tx for crazy acne
1) oily skin = water. dry skin = cream based.
2) no need, useless.
3) topical retinoic acid
4) topical retinoic acid + benzoyl peroxide.
5) above + topical abx.
6) oral abx, isotretinoin.
what is isotretinoin?

route of admin and side effects
oral only. such sclerosing acne. wow. much severe.

ASE: teratogen + hyperTG.
COPD does what to hematocrit?
increase due to O2 demand.

but abn high value of hematocrit warrants chronic O2 therapy.
1) mechanism? what kinda destruction of which type of melanocraps?
2) tx or prognosis?
3) age of onset
1) autoimmune destruction of melanocytes.
2) slowly progressive w/o remission.
3) 20-30
Renal-Pulmonary Sx
1) Goodpasture's = marker, tx?
2) Wegener's aka granulomatosis polyangiitis.
3) Polyarteritis nodosa
1) anti-GBM. Emergent plasmapheresis!
2) has eye involvement, skin, joint involvement. Ass w/ c-ANCA. Tx w/ steroid + immunosuppressant.
3) small aneurysm bead (rosary). sx of end organ dmg. associated w/ Hep B/C, p-ANCA. same tx as abv.
4) goodpasture is one type of RPGN. as are many on this list.
1) RBC casts
2) WBC casts
3) Epithelial casts
1) renal injury
2) pyelo, AIN, post-strep GN.
3) ATN, toxic ingestion, CMV.
Spinal Cord Tricky Management
1) Which imaging to use if NO myelopathy present?
2) Which imaging if present?
3) What drug to give immediately for severe? Why?
1) xray
2) MRI
3) IV steroid. reduce edema.
TIA vs stroke vs lacunar stroke

if pt only has 1 or 2 affected areas without passing out or confusion, go for lacunar stroke due to HTN.

what are the 4 categories of lacunar stroke? think hard
1) pure motor (post internal capsule)
2) pure sensory
3) motor + hemiparesis (anterior internal capsule)
4) hand + dysarthria (basis pontis).
key things to remember.

thalamus = sensory.
what is the mechanism behind IM E's use for anaphylaxis?
a1-agnoist vasoconstricts and dec edema.
b2 agonist bronchodilate and reduce systemic inflammation.
Pt with incidentally found isolated thrombocytopenia presents for checkup. You Dx ITP. But... what must you other etiology must you exclude?
EBV? no... he has no viral sx. Which virus?
HIV... since early HIV has no sx other than dec platelets (10-15%). fk you this is some bs.
Exudative macular degeneration

describe 1) acute vs chronic. 2) pain vs no pain. 3) progressive or no. 4) opthal exam shows?
slow painless progressive blurring of central vision, may even be bilateral.

-growth of abn vessels.
Central retinal artery occlusion

describe onset, pain, progression, opthal.

Tx = steps
sudden painless loss of vision in only 1 eye.

opthal = pall of optic disc, cherry red fovea.

1) ocular massage to dislodge emboli + high flow O2. If no such answer, go with thrombolytics within 5 hrs.
multiple sclerosis lesions can be seen on CT or MRI or both?
MRI only.
IF burn pt has signs of inhalation injury such as high carboxyhemoglobin content, blisters of throat, burns of face... what do you do?
Intubate to protect airway.
Scabies = think linear arrangements all over the body.
Granuloma inguinales is painless genital ulcer with red beefy base. just remember this. No adenopathy.
Here's how to EASILY calculate and remember positive and negative predictive value.
PPV = true positive / total positive (includes false positives).
NPV = true negative / total negative.
Sensitivity = true positive / total of true positives (which includes false negatives).
Friderich Ataxia sx's
-myocarditis would manifest as EKG showing?
-gait is...?
-spinal atrophy shows defect in which senses?
-how is it passed?
t wave inversion
wide based
vibratory and positional
auto rec
Dx esophageal perforation with....?
Tx with...?

-typical signs include air in mediastinum (crunching ascultation sounds), and widened mediastinum.
contrast esophagography
broad spec abx, TPN, surgery.
Tacrolimus and Cyclosporin ASE are ....?

what's the two thing they differ on?
nephrotox, neurotox, GI tox

no hirsutism, gum hypertrophy that cyclosporin has.
azathioprine ASE
mostly GI related.

diarrhea, hepatotox, leukopenia.
mycophenolate ASE
myco m mmmmmarrow suppression.
In-depth Mechanism: How does metastatic tumors invade bones?

Premise = PTH level are normal.
they secrete PTHrp to destroy bones!

yes PTH levels may be normal. fk q bank.