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36 Cards in this Set

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Elaboration Theory
When structoring a course, material should be presented in a sequence of simple-to-complex steps.
Gagne's Nine Steps of Instruction
Nine basic instructional events have variations for the type of learning outcome.
Component Display Theory (CDT)
Focuses on the learner's control. Classifies learning into two dimensions: content and peformance. Also identifies four primary and five secondary presentation forms.
Dick and Carey Design Model
Focuses on breaking instruction down into a series of steps. Theses steps target the skills/knowledge to be taught and provide appropriate conditons for learning.
Algo-Heuristic Theory
Deals with understanding and describing the specific processes and operations of objectives, tasks, and cognitive processes.
Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.

A step-by-step process that helps training specialists plan and create training programs.
ARCS model for Motivation
Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction.

Believes that motivation is key in the learning process.
Criterion Referenced Instruction
A comprehensive set of methods for the design and delivery of training programs.
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Any task stimulates one of the three psychological domains: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor.
Adavanced Organizers
Theory in which focus is placed on making connections between old and new material. New material is presented in a simple-to-complex sequence.
Cone of Experience
A cone diagram depicting the percentage of what people remember based on how the information was presented and what they're able to do with the material presented.
Concept Mapping
Information is placed on a "visual road map" that displays main concepts and their connections to other concepts.
Information Processing
Includes "Chunking" and "TOTE", which focus on the fact that the short-term memory has its limitations and information should be presented in such a way that those limiations are respected.
Theory that believes that there are two cognitive subsystems: one dealing with nonverbal objects/events, and one dealing with language.
Pavlov / Classical Conditioning
When a subject is presenting with a stimulus, a response results. It's possible to condition a subject to give a set response to a unrelated stimulus.
Thorndike / Instrumental Conditioning
Focuses on the "Law of Effect", which states: all behaviors are learned by trial and error, or reward and punishment.
Watson / Classical Conditioning (with emotion)
Learning is strictly based on people's experiences and how they react to them.
Skinner / Operant Conditioning
Based on the ABC's: Antecedant, Behavior, and Consequence.
Action Research
Describes how humans and organizations behave in the outside world and also helps humans and organizations change and reflect on their own systems.
Anchored Instruction
Focuses on creating interesting, realisitic contexts that encourage active contruction of knowledge.
Theory that states that adults learn differently from youths.
Cognitive Apprenticeship
A learner shadows a mentor and learns skills and concepts through their relationship with the mentor.
Cognitive Flexability
Learners should be able to readily process and reproscess knowledge to suit various situations.
Generative Learning
Focuses on making new knowledge into old knowledge by generating links between the two.
Computer supported collaborative learning environments.

A computer network that supports groupwork through a shared interface (like WebCT).
Computer Supported Intentional Learning Enviroments.

A computer network that is specifically designed to function as a learning enviroment where all users contribute. (Like myspace, but with an educational purpose).
Conversation Theory
Learning occurs through discussion of the material.
Discovery Learning
The "Do-It-Yourself" approach to learning. You're given the materials and a goal, but the process of getting from point A to point B is your job.
Problem-Based Learning
Students are placed in an active role of a problem and use their problem-solving skills to learn from the situation.
Project Based Learning
Involves projects that are centered on challenging problems or questions.
Play Learning
Learners play games or simulations to learn.
Role Play Learning
Learners act out roles to develop particular skills and meet learning objectives.
Instructional Systems Design
The process that provides a means for the sound decision making to determine the who, what, where, why, when, and how of training.
4C/ID Model
4 Components/Instructional Design

A process involing learning tasks, supportive information, procedural information and part-task practice ordered by difficulty.
Organizational Elements Method
Provides a systematic framework of designing and implementing effective means to achieve desirable end results.
Rapid Protoyping
Uses a formative model based on usability testing of protoypes.