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60 Cards in this Set

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____________ (1970) Emphasized an individuals motivation in the continuous a quest for self actualization. He identified a "hierarchy of needs"
What are Maslow's Hierarchy of needs?
5. Physiological needs
4. Safety and security
3. Love and belonging
2. Self esteem Esteem of others
1. Self actualization
_________ Defines Mental Health as a state of being successful performance or mental functions shown by productive activities fulfilling relationships with other people and the ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity.
APA aka American Psychiatric Association
_________ defines mental health as the successful adaptation to stressors from the internal or external environment, evidenced by thoughts, feelings , and behaviors that are age appropriate and congruent with local and cultural norms.
____________ relates to the inability of the general population to understand the motivation behind the behavior.
True or false?

It is usually member of the lay community rather than a psychiatric professional who initially recognize that an individuals behavior deviates from the social norms.
True or false?

People who are related to an individual or who are of the some cultural or social group are less likely to label that individuals behaviors mental illness than someone who is relationally or culturally distant. Family members try to "normalize" the behavior and try to find an explanation for it.
True or false?

Psychiatrists see a person with mental illness most often when the family member can no longer deny the illness and often when the behavior is at its worst. The local or cultural norms define pathological behavior.
True or false?

Individuals in the lowest socioeconomic class usually display the highest amount of mental illness symptoms. However, they tend to tolerate a wider range of behaviors that deviate from societal norms and are less likely to consider these behaviors as indicative of mental illness. Mental illness labels are most often applied by psychiatric professionals.
True or false?

The higher the social class the greater the recognition of mental illness behaviors. Members of the higher social classes are likely to be self labeled or labeled by family members or friends. Psychiatric assistance is sought soon after the first signs of emotional disturbance.
True or false?

The more highly educated the person the greater the recognition of mental illness behavior. However, even more relevant then amount of education is the type of education. Individuals is the more humanistic types of professions are more likely to seek psychiatric assistance than other professionals.
True or false?

In terms of religion Jewish people are more likely to seek psychiatric assistance than are people who are Catholic or Protestant.
True or false?

Women are more likely than men to recognize the symptoms of mental illness and seek assistance.
True or false?

The greater the cultural distance from the mainstream of society the greater the likelihood of a negative response by society to mental illness.
_____________ defines mental illness as maladaptive responses to stressors from the internal or external environment, evidenced by thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are in-congruent with the local and cultural norms, and interfere with the individuals social, occupational, and or physical functioning.
____________ relates to the inability of the general population to understand the motivation behind the behavior.
How does the DSM IV TR define mental Illness?
A clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death pain disability or important loss of freedom.
In 1956 _______ published the results of his research concerning the physiological response to flight or flight syndrome. It contained three stages; Alarm stage, Stage of resistance, and Stage of exhaustion.
Hans Selye
During this flight or fight stage the physiological responses are initiated.
Alarm reaction stage.
During this flight or fight stage the individual uses the physiological responses of the first stage as a defense in the attempt to adapt to the stressor.
Stage of resistance
This flight or fight stage only occurs when there is a prolonged exposure to the stressor to which the body has become adjusted. The adaptive energy is depleted and the individual can no longer draw from the resources for adaption.
Stage of Exhaustion
What immediate biological responses occur with the flight or fight syndrome?
Hypothalamus stimulates the sympathetic nervous system which results in;

a. Adrenal medulla releases norepinephrine and epinephrine into the blood stream.

b. Pupils dilate

c. Tear production is increased

d. Bronchioles dilate and respirations rate is increased.

e. Cardiac contractions increases as well as cardiac output, heart rate, and blood pressure.

f. Gastrointestinal motility slows.

g. Liver increases glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis and decreases glycogen synthesis.

h. Bladder muscles contract and there is an increase in ureter motility.

i. Secretion from sweat glands increase.

j. Lipolysis occurs in the fat cells.
What is the sustained response to the flight or fight syndrome?
When the stress response is not relieved immediately and the individual remains under stress for a long periods of time the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland to release hormones that produce the following effects:

a. Adrenocortiotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the adrenal cortex to release glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, resulting in increased gluconeogenesis and retention of sodium and water decreased immune and inflammatory responses.

b. Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) increases fluid retention and also increases blood pressure through constriction of blood vessels.

c. Growth hormone has a direct effect on protein carbohydrate and lipid metabolism resulting in increased serum glucose and free fatty acids.

d. Thyrotropic hormone stimulates the thyroid gland to increase the basal metabolic rate.

e. Gonadotropins cause a decrease in secretion of sex hormones resulting in decreased libido and impotence.
_____ and ________ have been described as two major primary psychological response patterns to stress.
Anxiety and grief
________ is defined as a diffuse apprehension that is vague in nature and is associated with feelings of uncertainty and helplessness.
_________ described four levels of anxiety; mild, moderate, severe, and panic.
This level of anxiety is seldom a problem it prepares people for action. It sharpens the senses, increases motivation, increases the perceptual field, and results in heightened awareness of the environment. Learning is enhanced and the individual is able to function at his or her optimal level.
Mild Anxiety
In this level of anxiety the perceptual field diminishes. The individual is less alert to events occurring within the environment. The persons attention span and ability to concentrate is diminished but she or he can still attend to needs with direction. Assistance with problem solving may be required. Increased muscular tension and restlessness are evident.
Moderate anxiety
In this level of anxiety the perceptual field of the anxious individual is greatly diminished. Attention span is extremely limited, and the individual has much difficulty completing even the simplest of tasks. Physical symptoms are: Headaches, palpitations, and insomnia. Emotional symptoms: Confusion, dread, and horror. Discomfort is experienced to the degree that virtually all overt behavior is aimed at relieving the anxiety.
Severe anxiety
In this level of anxiety the individual is in the most intense state of anxiety and they cannot focus on one detail with in the environment. Misconceptions are common and loss of contact with reality may occur. The individual may experience hallucinations or delusions. Behavior may be characterized by wild or desperate actions or extreme withdrawal. Human functioning and communication with others are ineffective.
Panic anxiety
___________ identified the ego as the reality component of the personality that governs problem solving and rational thinking.
Sigmund Freud
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

A physically handicapped boy is unable to participate in football, so he becomes a great scholar.
Compensation: Covering up a real or perceived weakness by emphasizing a trait one considers more desirable.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

A woman drinks alcohol every day and cannot stop, failing to acknowledge that she has a problem.
Denial: Refusing to acknowledge the existence of a real situation or the feelings associated with it.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

A client is angry at his doctor, does not express it but becomes verbally abusive with the nurse.
Displacement: The transfer of feelings from one target to another that is considered less threatening or that is neutral.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

A teenaged boy who required lengthy rehabilitation after an accident decides to become a physical therapist as a result of his experiences.
Identification: An attempt to increase self worth by acquiring certain attributes and characteristics of an individual one admires.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

Susan's Husband is being transferred with his job to an city far away from her parents. She hides anxiety by explaining to her parents the advantages associated with the move.
Intellectualization: An attempt to avoid expressing actual emotions associated with a stressful situation by using the intellectual processes of logic, reasoning, and analysis.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

Children integrate their parents value system into the process of conscience formation. A child says to a friend, "Dont cheat. Its wrong."
Introjection: Integrating the beliefs and values of another individual into ones own ego structure.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

Without showing any emotion a young woman describes being attacked and raped.
Isolation: Separating a thought or memory from the feeling tone or emotion associated with it.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

Sue feels a strong sexual attraction to her track coach and tells her friend , "He's coming onto me."
Projection: Attributing feelings or impulses unacceptable to ones self to another person.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

John tells the rehab nurse, "I drink because its the only way I can deal with my bad marriage and my worse job."
Rationalization: Attempting to make excusses or formulate logical reasons to justify unacceptable feelings or behaviors.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

Jane hates nursing. She is attending nursing school to please her parents. During career day, she speaks to prospective students about the excellence of nursing as a career.
Reaction formation: Preventing unacceptable or undesirable thoughts or behaviors from being expressed by exaggerating opposite thoughts or types of behaviors.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

When 2yr old jay is hospitalized for tonsillitis he will drink only from a bottle, although his mother states he has been drinking from a cup for 6 months.
Regression: Responding to stress by retreating to an earlier level of development and the comfort measures associated with that level of functioning.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

An accident victim can remember nothing about the accident.
Repression: Involuntarily blocking unpleasant feelings and experiences from ones awareness.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

A mother whose son was killed by a drunk driver channels her anger and energy into being the president of the local chapter of MADD.
Sublimation: Rechanneling of drives or impulses that are personally or socially unacceptable into activities that are constructive.
Name the Ego Defense Mechanism

Joe is nervous about his new job and yells at his wife. On his way home he stops and buys her some flowers.
Undoing: Symbolically negating or canceling out an experience that one finds intolerable.
__________ disorders are characterized by symptoms of anxiety, avoidance behavior, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety, and PTSD.
________ disorders are characterized by hypochondrialsis, conversion disorder, somatization disorder, pain disorder. (Its basically all in the patients head there is nothing physically wrong)
________ disorders are characterized by a disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, or perception of the environment.
___________ are serious psychiatric disturbances characterized by the presence of delusions or hallucinations and the impairment of interpersonal functioning and relationship to the external world.
______ is a subjective state of emotional, physical, and social responses to the loss of a valued entity.
________ did extensive research with terminally ill patients and identified the 5 states of grief.

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Kubler - Ross
_______ is a loss that is anticipated when individuals begin the work of grieving before the actual loss occurs.
Anticipatory grief
When an older adult experiances several friends and family passing on their grief accumulates this is known as _____________.
Bereavement overload
The DSM IV TR defines five axes what are they?
1. Axis I - Clinical disorders and other conditions that include all mental disorders exceptpersonality disorders and mental retardation.

2. Axis II includes Personality disorders and mental retardation.

3. Axis III - Includes any current general medical conditions.

4. Psychosocial and environmental program. These are problems that may affect the diagnosis treatment and prognosis of mental disorders named in axes I and II.

5. Axis V - This allows the clinician to rate the individuals overall functioning using the GAF scale.
On the GAF (Global Assessment of functioning) scale if a person is functioning at a wide range of activities, life's problems never seem to get them upset and is sought out by others because of his or her many positive qualities what code would you use?
100 to 91 (do these people exist with out happy pills? :)
On the GAF (Global Assessment of functioning) scale if a person has mild anxiety and good functioning in all areas of life is intrested and involed in a wide range of activities, socially effective, generally satisfied with life. This person has occasional arguments with family members. What code would you rate this person?
90 to 81
On the GAF (Global Assessment of functioning) scale if a person has difficulty concentrating after family argument, or temporarily falls behind in school work this person would be what code?
80- 71 (Think nursing student)
On the GAF (Global Assessment of functioning) scale if a person is in a depressed mood and has mild insomnia or has difficulty socially, occupationally, or with school function; has occasional truancy or theft within the house hold but generally functions pretty well and has meaningful relationships they would fall under what code?
70- 61
On the GAF (Global Assessment of functioning) scale if a person is experiencing circumstantial speech and occasional panic attacks. They have few friends, and conflicts with peers or co workers. What would the code be?
On the GAF (Global Assessment of functioning) scale if a person is idealizing suicide, has severe obsessional rituals, and shoplifts frequently or has serious social impairments, occupational or school functioning and cannot keep a job and has no friends they would be coded as?
50-49 (think annoying EMO kid)