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15 Cards in this Set

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What is asbestos?

Silicate mineral fiber previously used in insulation - peaked in 1980s,

- there is a long latency period between exposure and disease developemtn (15-35 years)

- At risk in construction, shipbuilding and mining industry

What is the pathophysiology of asbestosis lung disease?

Deposits at level of airway bifrucations and alevoli

- lung may clear shorter fibers, but others go into interstitum and lymphatics to the pleura

-> alvelolitis in short term exposure

--> macrophage and fibroblast production in irreversible chronic fibrosis

What are the types of asbestosis disease?

Pleural plaques - smooth white raised irregular lesios on the parietal pleura

- Pleural fibrosis: visceroparietal pleural reaction, can be localized or diffuse, can lead to symptomatic restrictive disease

- Rounded ATX: mass like lesion that includes bronchi and vessels - asymptoamtic but can lead to respiratory impariment if large enoguh

- Pleural effusion: eosinophils, exudative, bloody

- Much higher risk of lung cancer;

What is silicosis?

Related to exposure to silica dust, the most common form of which is quartz,

- exposes workes that process silica containing rock or sand

- upper load predominant small rounded noles --> can progressive and confluent to massive fibrosis

- INhaled bronchodiolators, abx, O2, no reversal agent

- Quit smoking, quit job lung transpolant

- increased risk of TB and CTD

When will a pleural effusion show up on radiography?

PA films - when 200cc are there

Lateral films - 50cc

When is pleural fluid bloody?


PE with infarction



Post cardiac injury

What is the albumin gradiet of pleural fluids?

If lights criteria is equivocal, can use albumin gradient: if serum albumin to pleural fluid albumin is > 1.2, likely transudative

What is the pathophys of low glucose in pleural fluid?

Increased utilization w/in the pleural space (bacteria, malignant cells) or decreased transplort into the pleural space (rheumatoid pleursiy) and a concentration < 60

Can also be lupus, tb and esophageal rupture

- These are also associated with pH < 7.3

- If pH < 7.2 -- place drain,

How is pleural fluid amylase relevant? TG?

>1 indicates pancreatic disease, esophageal rupture or malignant effusions

TG level > 110 - chylothroax, < 50 exlcudes the diagnosis

- Intermediate level: 50 -110 shoudl be investigated w/ lipoprotein analysis looking for chlomicrons

How is tb diagnosed?

TB pleuritis - lymphocyte predominant

- AFB smear and cx very specific, but have a low sensitivity 5-20%

ADA - enzyme present in lymphocytes that is elevated in most tb pleural effusions (sensitivity 95%)

How is malignancy diagnosed from pleural fluid?

Sensitivity 60%, sending more than 2 samples yield is very low

- higher yeiled w/ adenocarcinoma than mesothelioma and lymphoma

- If this fails, THOROSCOPY - has diagnostic sensitivity of > 90%

What is empiric coverage of an empyema?

Anaerobic coverage - 36-72% of empyemas have cultured anaerobic species

How are empyemas treated?

Pleural drain - smaller 10-14 are fine

Intrapleural fibrinolytics - when used alone have limited benefit, when combined w/ mucolytic agent (deoxyribonuclease) results in greater decrease in size of effusion and lower ate of surgical referral

If refractory --> surgical referral

What are the RFs for primary spontaneous PTX?

Tall stature, young male, smoking, family hx, marfans, and thoracic endometriosis

- Also w/ cystic lung diseases

How are spontaneous PTX treated?

Higher risk for persistent air leak or further expansion of the PTX due to underlying lung disease - these patients in addition to aspiration should have a small bore cathether palced

- Advise againist air travel

- Avoid diving