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55 Cards in this Set

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What is the normal A-a gradient? What causes false-normal and increased gradient?
Normal: 5-15
False normal: Hyperventilation, high altitude
Increased: PE, pulmonary edema, R to L shunts
Which antibiotics are used to treat pharyngitis?
If streptococcal, Beta lactams
Which organisms cause sinusitis (4) and what is the treatment?
Strep pneumoniae
H. influenza
Moraxella catarrhalis

Treatment: Amoxicillin
First and most accurate tests for acute asthma exacerbation
First - Peak expiratory flow or ABG
Accurate - PFTs (decreased FEV1 with methacoline; can't do when patient is actively SOB)
What determines the severity of an asthma exacerbation (2)?
Decreased PEF (FVC normalized to height and age)
ABG with increased A-a gradient
Beclomethasone, fluticasone - drug class and side effects
Inhaled corticosteroids
Side effects:
Oral candidiasis
Side effects of systemic corticosteroids (6)
Hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia
Adrenal suppression
Fat redistribution, acne, hirsutism
Thin skin, striae, easy bruising
Initial treatment for acute asthma exacerbation
Steroid bolus
First and most accurate tests for COPD
First - CXR (increased AP diameter, air trapping, flattened diaphragm)
Most accurate - PFT (Increased TLC, decreased DLCO)
EKG and echocardiogram findings in COPD
Right atrial and ventricular hypertrophy
Afib or MAT

Right atrial and ventricular hypertrophy
Pulmonary HTN
Treatment for COPD that improves mortality and disease progression (3)
Smoking cessation
Oxygen therapy if pO2 <55 or O2 sat < 88% (pO2 cutoff is 60 in patients with pulmonary HTN, high HCT, or cardiomyopathy)
Influenza and pneomococcal vaccines
Treatment for COPD that only improves symptoms (5)
*Anticholinergics (ipratropium)
Short acting beta agonist (albuterol)
Inhaled steroids
Long acting beta agonists (salmeterol)
Pulmonary rehab
Pink puffer vs. blue bloater
Pink puffers: Emphysema because of pursed-lip breathing, dyspnea, and barrel chest

Blue bloaters: Chronic bronchitis bc cor pulmonale causes cyanosis and peripheral edema
Which pneumonias present with dry cough and what are the CXR results?
Pneumocystis jirovecci

CXR=bilateral interstitial infiltrates
Empiric treatments for pneumonia

Healthy patients, no abx for 3 mos
Comorbidities, or abx within 3 mos
Healthy patients, no abx for 3 mos: Macrolide (mycin) or doxycycline

Comorbidities, or abx within 3 mos
Inpatient: Respiratory fluoroquinolon (floxacin) or ceftriaxone and azithromycin
Exudate vs. transudate in pleural effusion
Transudate: CHF, hypoalbumin (cirrhosis), kidney disease

Exudate: Infection, cancer, PE, vasculitis
- Protein fluid:serum > 0.5
- LDH fluid:serum > 0.6
- Pleural fluid LDH > 1.5 times upper limit of normal

pH<7.2 and glucose <60 - Complicated parapneumatic, rheumatic disease, drug-induced lupus, TB, cancer
Criteria for hospital admission in patient w/ pneumonia

Respiratory distress
BP low
Age >65
Combination therapy for TB

Most accurate test for CF
Chloride sweat test
Treatment for allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Oral steroids (not inhaled), can use itraconazole for recurrent episodes
Treatment for hospital acquired pneumonia
Treatment for aspiration pneumonia (3)
Combine 3:

First drug:
- Piperacillin/tazobactam

Second drug:
-Fluoroquinolone (cipro- or levo-floxacin)

Third drug:
-Vancomycin or linezolid
How to test for TB in a patient with symptoms or abnormal CXR
Sputum acid fast stain (PPD and CXR not helpful)
What are the blood cell changes with glucocorticoids
Increased neutrophils - increasing release from bone marrow and mobilizing the marginated pool
(eosinophils and lymphocytes are decreased)
Symptoms of theophylline toxicity
CNS - Headache, insomnia, seizures
GI - Nausea, vomiting
Aspirin sensitivity syndrome
Nasal polyps, episodic bronchoconstriction

Pseudo-allergic reaction

Treatment: Leukotriene receptor antagonist (Zifirlukast, ziluteon)
Pancoast syndrome
Tumor at lung apex compresses the brachial plexus, causing shoulder pain radiating to the arm in an ulnar distribution
Treatment for ARDS
Mechanical ventilation with low tidal volume, FiO2<40%, and PEEP
Causes of ARDS

Aspiration, acute pancreatitis, air or amniotic embolism
Drug overdose, diffuse lung disease, drowning
Shock, sepsis, smoke inhalation
Most common type of lung cancer in non-smokers
SVC synrdrome
Obstruction of venous return to SVC, causing head swelling and CNS symptoms
H/P of goodpasture's disease
Renal disease
Diagnosis and treatment of Goodpasture's
Dx: Renal biopsy shoing linear anti-GBM IgG
Treatment: Plasmapheresis, corticosteroids, immunosupression
Most common adverse effect of inhaled corticosteroids
Oral candidiasis (thrush)
Most common cancer associated with asbestosis
Bronchogenic carcinoma (next is mesothelioma)
Unique finding on imaging in asbestosis vs. other restrictive lung diseases
Pleural plaques/linear fibrosis
Most common source of PE
Proximal deep leg veins - Iliac, femoral, popliteal
H/P of sarcoidosis
Dyspnea, dry cough with dry rales on exam
Bilteral hilar lymphadenopathy and diffuse interstitial infiltrates
Erythema nodosum
Initial and most accurate test for sarcoidosis
Initial - CXR
Most accurate - lymph node biopsy showing non-caseating granulomas

(also have high ACE levels)
Treatment for sarcoidosis
Prednisone (if symptomatic)
New onset left vs. right BBB?
New RBBB = Pulmonary embolism
What condition presents with pleural based wedge shaped density of chest CT?
Pulmonary embolism
This chart -->
Definitive diagnostic test and treatment for legionella
Urine antigen testing or culture on charcoal agar

Treatment: Macrolide or fluoroquinolone
Initial diagnostic tests for PE (3) and their findings
CXR - Usually normal, wedge shaped pleural infart or infarction of one lobe

EKG - Most common is non-specific ST-T wave changes, usually accompanied by sinus tachycardia

ABG - High pH, low PCO2
Presentation of restrictive lung disease
Dyspnea on exertion
Fine rales or crackles
Loud P2
Initial and most accurate test for interstitial lung disease
Initial - CXR
Most accurate - lung biopsy
Treatment for acute PE
Start warfarin and heparin, d/c heparin after 5 days if INR is therapeutic (2-3), then continue warfarin for 6 mos for 1st time clot, lifetime if second episode
What are the only 2 causes of hypoxemia that does not correct with supplemental oxygen?
Shunt (Intracardiac or ARDS)
What are the values of FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio:
Obstructive disease?
Restrictive disease?
Between 80 and 120

Obstructive -
FEV1: Decreased
FEV1/FVC: Decreased

Restrictive -
FEV1: Decreased
FEV1/FVC: Normal or increased
Which lung cancer is associated with PTHrp
Squamous cell carcinoma
Yellowish exudative pleural effusion with lots of lymphocytes, very high protein and glucose levels only slightly below blood glucose
Purulent exudative pleural effusion with very low glucose and lots of neutrophils
What does the ABG show in COPD vs. CHF
COPD: Respiratory acidosis with low PO2 and high PCO2
CHF: Respiratory alkalosis with low PO2 and low PCO2
What is the difference between malingering and factitious disorder?
Malingering want secondary gain