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179 Cards in this Set

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What are 5 causes of hypoxemia?
V/Q mismatch
Diffusion abnormality
Alveolar hypoventilation
Reduced FiO2
What are 3 causes of hypercapnia?
Alveolar hypoventilation
Increased dead space ventilation
Increased CO2 production in setting of fixed ventilation
Obstructive Disease Mnemonic
Foreign body
Chronic bronchitis + bronchiectasis
Small vessel disease
Restrictive Disease Mnemonic
Alveolar filling
Interstitial lung
Thoracic cage
What is the most common reason for hypoxemia in ILD?
V/Q mismatch
Broad-based budding and multiple nuclei
Pleomorphic yeast with mucinous capsule
Necrotizing granulomas with small yeast on silver or PAS
Spherules with endospores
How does inflation of the lung effect blood flow?
Alveolar vessels are compressed as lung expands
Extraalveolar vessels are pulled open by the lung parenchyma
Transmural pressure of alveoli
P_intravascular - P_alveolar
Lung zones 1,2, and 3
Zone 1: PA > Pa > Pv = DEAD SPACE
Zone 2: Pa > PA > Pv
Zone 3: Pa > Pv > PA
Effect of high PACO2 and low pH on pulmonary vascular resistance
Vasoconstriction but weaker than hypoxemia
NO and Atrial natriueretic factor
Relax pulmonary smooth muscle
Prostaglandin I and platelet activating factor effect on pulm vascular tone
Starling's law for pulmonary capillaries
(P_cap - P_interstitial) - (Oncotic_cap - Oncotic_interstitial)
Pulmonary arterial pressure equation
Causes of pulmonary hypertension (use equation) (3)
Increased CO - left -> right shunts
Increased PVR - hypoxic vasoconstriction, tumor, inflammation
Increased PCWP - left ventricular disease (mitral stenosis)
Fetal circulation shunts
Ductus arteriosus - Pulmonary artery to aorta
Foramen ovale
Hypoxic vasoconstriction in utero is released at birth allowing flow through lungs
Minute ventilation
Respiratory rate X Tidal volume
Normal is 5-6 L/min
Physiologic dead space equation
VD/VT = (PaCO2 - PeCO2)/PaCO2

Usually = .3 ((40-28)/40)
Pressure of oxygen starting from atm thru venous
Atm - 160
Trachea - 150
Alveolus - 104
Arterial - 100
Venous - 40
Factors regulating bronchial smooth muscle tone
Parasympathetic - constriction
Sympathetic - dilation
Inflammatory mediators (leukotrienes, prostaglandins), chemical irritants, immediate hypersensitivity response (histamine) -> constriction
Where is the majority of airway resistance?
Large airways due to small total cross sectional area
Collapsing tendency of lung is due to what 2 forces?
Elastic recoil - 1/3
Surface tension - 2/3
As radius decreased does surface tension get bigger or smaller?
P= 2T/r
More pressure is required to keep it from collapsing
Surface tension makes T vary with r so that P is constant and smaller alveoli dont collapse into larger
Function residual capacity
Relaxation volume.
Tendency for lung to recoil inward and for chest wall to spring outward is balance
Palv = Patm
Factors that increase airways resistance
Smooth muscle hypertrophy/hyperplasia
Abnormal smooth muscle contraction
Mucus gland/goblet cell hypertrophy
Excess mucus
Inflammatory cell infiltation
Edema of airway wall
What causes hyperinflation?
B/c of expiratory flow limitation, cannot expire all of air and is still expiring when have to take next breath. They increase lung volume so that the airways can stay open long enough to breathe
Factors that decrease compliance (6)
Fluid or air in pleural space
Thickening or fibrosis of pleural space
Flooded alveoli
Fibrotic interstitium
Infiltration of interstitium
Thoracic cage less mobile or more difficult to expand
How is most O2 and CO2 transported in blood?
O2 on hemoglobin
CO2 as bicarbonate
Haldane effect
Oxygenation of blood decreases the amount of CO2 bound to hemoglobin
Causes of increased PaCO2 using the alveolar ventilation equation
Decr minute ventilation (cant breathe due to muscle weakness or wont b/c of cns depression
Incr dead space
Incr VCO2 alone does not incr PaCO2 in health, only w/ underlying disease due to inability to increase minute vent
Shunt vs dead space
Shunt - perfusion w/o ventilation
Dead space - ventilation w/o pefusion
Pulsus paradoxus
Abnormally large decrease in systolic pressure upon inspiration
Around what PaO2 is hemoglobin saturated?
60 mmHg
4 causes of v/q mismatch
Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary edema
Equation for carrying capacity of oxygen
CaO2 = 1.34(Hgb)(SaO2) + .003(PO2)
Equation for oxygen delivery
DO2 = CaO2 X CO
Classic sign for PAH
Dyspnea on exertion
Two explanations for reduced DLCO
Membrane component - interstitial lung disease
Capillary component - pulmonary hypertension
What makes sputum green?
What is the mechanism for hypoxemia in COPD?
V/Q mismatch due to airway disease
Key criteria for ARDS (4)
Bilateral infiltrates
PaO2/FiO2 < 100-200
Decreased compliance
No evidence of cardiogenic
Effects of hyperinflation on diaphragm
Fibers shorten and decrease force ->
Inability to increase ab pressure, paradoxical inward movement of abs on inspiration
Consequences of respiratory muscle dysfunction (3)
Aspiration (malfunction of upper airway muscles)
Impaired cough
Dorsal respiratory group
Inspiratory ramp signal cycling
Ventral respiratory group (3)
PreBotzinger complex - rhythm generator w/ pacemaker cells that excite DRG
Inspiratory neurons receive input from DRG
Expiratory neurons output to expiratory muscles for exercise
Apneustic center
Excitatory effect on VRG to prolong ramp action potentials
(triggered if a-pneu)
Pneomotaxic center
Switch off inspiration
(triggered if pneumo)
Ventilatory response to hypercapnia
Linear in the physiologic range of PaCO2
PO2 levels affect sensitivity of response of CO2 receptors so there is a stronger response to hypercapnia if hypoxemia is present
Ventilatory response to hypoxemia
Aortic and carotid bodies sense PO2 drops < 60 mmHg
Central chemoreceptors
Increased CO2 ->
CO2 crosses BBB ->
Elevated H+ detected in CSF
Hering-Breuer Reflex
Slowly adapting pulmonary stretch mechanoreceptors in tracheobronchial tree
Fire when lung volume increases
Sends signal via CN X to pneumotaxic center to terminate inspiration
Rapidly adapting stretch receptors
In upper airways
Respond to tissue distension and irritation
J receptors
In alveoli and small conducting airways
Respond to interstitial edema and engorgement of pulm caps -> closure of larynx and apnea and rapid shallow breathing
Apnea vs hypopnea and apnea-hypopnea index
Apnea = complete lack of airflow for < 10 s
Hypopnea = airflow reduction of > 30% assoc w/ oxy desat of > 4%
AHI = #apneas+hypopnease / total sleep time
OSA = AHI >5
Obstructive sleep apnea
Central drive is working but upper airway collapse obstruct breathing during sleep
Obesity-hyperventilation syndrome
Progressive accumulation of CO2 over time and brainstem no longer response to hypercapnia
OSA associated features (6)
OSA treatment (3)
Avoid alcohol, depressants
Weight loss
OHS (3)
BMI > 30
Daytime PaCO2 > 45
No other causes
(mech = leptin resistance?)
OHS presentation
Morning headaches
OHS treatment (2)
Respiratory stim
Mechanical vent
Albuterol (SE?)
Short acting B2 agonist ->
Incr cAMP ->
Relaxes smooth muscle
B1 side effects: tachycardia, HTN
OSA: 10-20 min for 4-6 hr
Long acting B2 agonist
Slow onset
Long duration
Short acting anticholinergic (blocks muscarinic action)
More effective in COPD than asthma since more enhanced parasymp tone in COPD
Long acting anticholinergic
Less affinity for M2 which is inhibitory for negative feedback so greater bronchodilatory effects
Methylxanthine phosphodiesterase inhibitor ->
Incr cAMP
Weak bronchodilators but might also be anti inflammatory, respiratory stimulant
CYP450 metabolism so lots of drug interactions
Leukotriene antagonists
Inhibiit 5-lipoxygenase or block LT receptors
Leukotrienes enhance inflammatory response and cause bronchoconstriction
Inhaled corticosteroids
Principally anti inflammatory but have lots of systemic SE: cataracts, osteoporosis, oral thrush from deposition in mouth
Blocks release of histamine and leukotrienes from mast cells
For exercise-induced asthma and pediatrics
Blocks release of mediators from eosinophils, macrophages, platelets, and mast cells
Broncho vs lobar pneumonia
Broncho is patchy distribution in terminal and resp bronchioloes
Lobar is diffuse uniform CONSOLIDATION of an entire lobe
Stages of lobar pneumonia
Congestion - vasc dilation and fluid accumulation in alv
Red hepatization - consolidated and red w/ vascular congestion and intra alv exudate (protein, RBC, PMNs)
Gray hepatization - firm lobe, bloodless septa and alv spaces filled w/ PMNs + fibrin
Resolution - enzymatic digestion of exudate and restoration of normal lung
Gram positive diplococcus
Most common cause of CAP
Strep pneumococcus
Gram negative rod
Exacerbations of COPD
H. influenzae
Gram positive cocci
Infections in IVDA
Staph aureus
Gram negative rod
Alcoholics or debilitated patients
Gram negative rod
CF or nosocomial
Invades blood vessels
Pseudomonas pneumoniae
Weakly gram negative rod
Lives in H2O reservoirs
Causes severe disease
Aerobic gram positive rod
Acid fast red
In immunocompromised
Anaerobic gram negative
In normal hosts oral cavity
Acid fast neg
Lung abscesses (what do they contain and what causes them?)
Localized area of necrosis containing neutrophils
Aspiration of infective material, post infectious, septic emboli, tumors
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare complex
AIDS patients w/ CD4 < 60
Acid fast bacilli in macrophages
if AIDS - no granulomas
if no AIDS - caseating granulomas
Emphysema (2)
Abnormal permanent distal (to terminal non resp bronchiole) airspace enlargement
Destructive changes in alveolar wall w/o fibrosis
Smoking -> neutrophils -> proteases or ROS
Centrilobular vs panlobular emphysema (common causes for each)
Centri - respiratory bronchioloes only, upper lobes, most common in smokers
Pan - whole acinus, lower lobes, a1 anti trypsin
Chronic bronchitis clinical diagnosis
Clinical diagnosis:
Excess mucous
Cough most days for 3 mo for 2 years
Not necessary to have airflow obstruction
3 mechanisms of COPD
1. Chronic inflammation - neutrophil recruitment and CD8s
2. Proteinase/antiproteinase imbalance
3. Oxidative stress - free oxygen radicals
Pathophys of COPD dyspnea (3)
Increased WOB
Decreased diaphragm function
Hypoxemia - due to airway obstruction -> v/q mismatch
Why is there hypercapnia in COPD?
Increased dead space
COPD treatment (4)
Smoking cessation improves survival and O2 therapy if hypoxemic
Short acting bronchodilators for dyspnea
Long acting bronchodilators and ICS
Pulmonary rehab
Bronchiectasis (definition and etiologies)
Permanent abnormal dilatation and destruction of bronchial walls
Requires infectious insult plus impairment of drainage, airway obstruction, and/or defect in host defense
Pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis lung disease
Defective CFTR does not put Cl- into lumen, Na goes into cell and water follows leaving dry mucus ->
Infection and inflammation
PFTs in CF and treatment
Airway toilet via chest PT
Antibiotics - inhaled tobimycin
B2 agonists NOT anticholinergics
(Pseudomonas infections may be lethal)
Pathophys hallmarks of asthma (4)
Airflow obstruction caused by bronchoconstriction
Airway edema
Airway remodeling
Clinical hallmarks of asthma (3)
Intermittent cough
Asthma pathogenesis (5)
APC in airway epithelium bind allergen via IgE -> activate (overexpressed Th2 cells -> IL secretion -> eosinophil recruitment and mast cell activation -> AIRWAY INFLAMMATION
Asthma: early vs late bronchospasm
Early - 30 minutes, activated macrophages, cells release inflammatory mediators -> bronchospasm, vasodilation, edema, mucus secretion
Late - 4-6 hr, recruit and activation of eosinophils -> lots of cytokines and mediators -> AIRWAY INFLAMMATION, mucus secretion, edema, bronchoconstriction
Asthma: causes of chest tightness and dyspnea
Airflow obstruction (2/2 inflam, b/c, mucus, remodling) -> increased w.o.b, v/q mismatch, hyperinflation
Asthma PFTs
Obstructive but improve w/ BD
Normal DLCO
Lung volumes can be increased
Asthma: 4 features of airway remodling
Loss of ciliated epithelial cells and increase in mucus by goblets
Thickened BM
Fibroblast activation w/ collagen
Smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness and hypertrophy
Asthma differential
Children - foreign body asp, CF
Adults - GERD, postnasal drip, bronchiectasis, sarcoid, copd . . .
Asthma treatment steps (5)
Anti IgE
Chronic bronchitis histology (4)
Increased size and # of mucus glands
Increased Reid index
Goblet cell hyperplasia
Chronic inflammation
Bronchiectasis gross and histo
Dilated bronchi and bronchioles
Inflammation + fibrosis of bronchial wall
Squamous metaplasia
ILD: Physiology (3 steps, O2 and CO2)
Decreased compliance (due to fibrosis) ->
Increased w.o.b. ->
Decreased PaO2 (w/ exercise)
Hypercapnia as disease worsens b/c CO2 is more diffusible
V/Q mismatch
What is major cause of hypoxemia in ILD
V/Q mismatch
ILD Radiology (two key findings)
Diffuse bilateral infiltrates
"Ground glass" -> inflammation
Honeycomb -> fibrosis
Smoking related ILDs (3)
DIP, RB-ILD, Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Pulmonary fibrosis complications (5)
Respiratory failure
Lung cancer
PH/cor pulmonale
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (presentation, etiology, Rx)
Pres: cough, dyspnea, weight loss, flu
Can be secondary or idiopathic
Rx: steroids
Sarcoidosis (3 findings)
Findings: enlarged hilar lymph
Well-formed non caseating non necrotizing granulomas
Eleveated ACE
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (2 examples)
Goodpasture's - anti GBM
Wegener's - c-ANCA
Both are systemic
IFN-gamma vs TGF-beta
IFN - proinflammatory and antifibrotic
TGF - profibrotic and antiinflammatory
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (granulomas?)
Type III and IV (granuloma formation
CD8 proliferation
Chronic can progress to fibrosis
UIP - diffuse (also AIP)
COP - patchy (also sarcoid)
Viral pneumonia histology
Chronic interstitial infiltrate: lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages
DAD - hyaline membranes
Fungal pneumonia infection histo
Necrotizing granulomas w/ rim of histiocytes
Silver stains identify fungus
Miss. river and bat droppings
Waterways, Central US
Southwest US, Mexico
Cysts with black dot in center
Low CD4 count AIDS patients
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Aspergillosis (immunocompetent vs compromised)
Competent - allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (mucoid impaction of bronchi, eosinophils), fungus ball
Compromised - invasive
If necrotizing granuloma in fungal pneumonia . . .
Physiologic response to hypoxemic respiratory failure (type I)
Increased catecholamines -> incr HR
Incr carotid body stim -> tachypnea -> incr vent
Physiologic response to hypercapnic respiratory failure (type II)
decr pH
incr ICP -> CO2 necrosis
Physiologic adaptation to chronic resp failure (2)
Incr erythropoietin -> incr hgb
Incr bicarbonate so less severe acidosis
Causes of acute respiratory failure type I (6)
anything that can cause shunt or v/q mismatch
Cardiogenic pulm edema
Severe acute ILD
Causes of acute resp failure type II (5)
Spinal cord injury
Acute neuromuscular disease (guillan barre, als)
COPD exacerabation
Status asthmaticus
O2 therapy for acute vs chronic hypoexmia
Acute - high flow high FiO2
Chronic - low flow, lower FiO2
O2 therapy complications (3)
Resorption atelectasis
Hypercapnia in COPD (due to incr dead space, haldane effecte)
Indications for mechanical ventilation (3)
Refractory hypoxemic respiratory failure: shunt, atelectasis
Ventilatory (hypercapnic) resp failure
Inability to protect airways
NIV indications
COPD exacerbations and immunocompromised hosts
What causes resorption atelectasis in O2 therapy
High concentration of O2 washes out NO which was helping to keep airways open
3 things that cause hypercapnia in COPD when given O2 therapy
1. O2 releases hyopemic vasoconstriction
2. Haldane effect
3. Abnormal respiratory drive means COPDers cant correct minute ventilation when VCO2 goes up
Causes of ARDS
Pulmonary - pneumonia, aspiration, inhalation, chest trauma
Extrapulmonary - sepsis, shock, trauma, transfusion
ARDS pathophys (3 steps with 5 results)
Acute lung injury ->
Increased permeability ->
Increased lung water in interstitium and alveoli ->
Decr compliance, shunt, hypoxemia, incr PA pressure from vasoconstriction, injured type II cells differentiate to type I
Barotrauma, volutrauma, atelectrauma
Barotrauma - air leaks into pleural space -> pneumothorax
Volutrauma - overdistension of alveoli -> release of mediators -> biotrauma
Atelectrauma - shearing force from constant opening and closing
Granulomatous vasculitis with palisading histiocytes
Wegener's granulomatosis
Eosinophils, Birbeck granules
UIP path (3)
Cobblestone pleura
Young = fibroblastic foci w/ spindle cells, Old = collagen
COP path
Collagen plugs of fibroplastic tissue elongated in bronchioles
Acute interstitial pneumonia path
DAD w/ hyaline membranes like ARDS
DIP path
(similar to RB-ILD)
Alveoli filled w/ pigmented macrophages
Not much fibrosis
Alveoli filled w/ pigmented macrophages
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis path
Lymphocytic infiltrates around bronchioles extending to alv septae
Poorly formed, non necrotizing granulomas
Definition of pulmonary hypertension
mean PA > 25 w/ PCWP < 15
If PCWP > 15, pulmonary venous hypertension
How does hypoxia cause pulmonary hypertension?
Vasoconstriction leading to remodeling of vessels and abnormal presence of smooth muscle (peripheralization)
WHO PH groups
I - idiopathic PAH and PAH in setting of conn tissue disease (scleroderma), HIV, cirrhosis, portal HTN . . .
2 - PVH from left heart disease
3 - From hypoxia (sleep apnea, OHS, high altitude) or parenchymal (COPD)
4- - Thromboembolic
PH treatment (3)
By pathogenesis:
Vasodilators (Ca blockers, endothelin antag, NO, prostacyclins, PDE5 inhibitors)
Pathophys of PH (5)
Endothelial injury ->
Increase in vasoconstrictors/decrease in vasodilators ->
Vasoconstriction ->
Remodeling w/ smooth muscle ->
In situ thrombosis
Pulmonary embolism risk factors
Virchow's triad:
Pulmonary edema path
Congested alv cap
Pink precipitate in alveolar spaces
Heart failure cells = macs w/ hemosiderin
ARDS path: acute (5)
Hyaline membranes
ARDS path: subacute (when and 2 features)
7-10 days after injury
Type II replaced by type I
Fibroblasts in interstitium and alv spaes
ARDS path: chronic (when and 2 features)
2-3 wks
Fibrosis w/ architectural distortion
Cyst formation
PAH histo (4)
Medial hypertrophy
Intimal thickening
Muscularization of arterioles
Angiomatoid and plexiform lesions
Pleura blood supply
Visceral - arterial from bronchial systemic and venous to pulmonary (low pressure)
Parietal - arterial and venous both systemic (high pressure)
Pleura lymphatics
Visceral - not involved in clearage
Parietal - via stoma
Pleura innervation
Visceral - no sensory nerve endings
Parietal - richly innervated w/ sensory: costal and peripheral diaphragmatic via intercostal and central by phrenic for referred pain
Identifying Exudate
Pleural fluid protein/serum protein > .5
Pleural fluid LDH/serum LDH > .6
Principle causes of transudative effusion (4)
CHF -> RV failure/increased systemic - increased parietal, LV failure/increased venous - visceral pleura
Hepatic -> transdiaphragmatic flow
Nephrotic -> hypoalbuminemia
Atelectasis -> decreased pressure in pleural space
Why is gas absorbed from pleural space?
Because the sum of pressures in the venous blood in lower than the sum of pressure in the pleural space
Principle causes of exudative effusion (4)
Malignancy - disruption of mesothelium and caps
Chylothorax - lymphatic obstruction of parietal pleura somata
Parapneumonic vs empyema
Parapneumonic - infection in adjacent lung -> pleural effusion
Empyema - infection in pleural space
Pleural effusion treatment: trans vs exudate
Transudate - underlying cuase
Exudate - can drain
Pneuthorax presentation
Acute onset of pleuritic chest pain and dyspnea
--> CHEST TUBE ASAP if large tension
Pneumothorax types (4) and etiologies
Primary - idiopathic, in tall thin young men secondary to subpleural blub
Secondary - w/ underlying lung disease: COPD, CF, astham . . .rupture of distended alveoli w/ leakage of air into interstitial then pleural space
Traumatic - penetrating wounds
Iatrogenic - visceral pleura punctured during invasive procedures
Pneumothorax Rx
If small, nothing or O2 to displace N2 in cap blood and reduce pressure so air goes into blood
If large, chest tube drainge or catheter aspiration
Squamous cell carcinoma path (4)
Keratin pearls
Adenocarcinoma (3)
Most common
(Broncheoalveolar adenocarc grows in septae and doesnt invade)
Large cell lung cancer (2)
Poorly differentiated
Central or peripheral
Has neuroendocrine differentiation
Low grade malignancy
Can look like SCLC but w/ much fewer cells
TTF-1 and CEA
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Associated w/ EBV
Upper cervical lymphadenopathy
Key radiographic features of malignancy (4)
Increased size - > 2.5 cm
Ragged/spiculated margins
Double time is b/w 2wks and 200 days
Absence of calcification
Equations for metabolic acidosis and alkalosis
dPaCO2 = dHCO3 X 1.25 (acidosis)
dPaCO2 = dHCO3 X .6 (alkalosis)