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31 Cards in this Set

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What is the m/c/c of ARDS?
Tx of ARDS:
1)Supplemental O2 2)Intubation & mechanical ventilation(high end expiratory pressure, low tidal volume), Laying prone 3)maintain circulation 4)tx underlying cause
Traumatic asphyxia
Rupture of capillaries d/t increased pressure from a closed epiglottis
Flail chest
Segment of throacic cage is detached from chest wall
Standard tx for flail chest:
Pain control & pulm toilet
Tx of tension pneumothorax
14 g needle superior of the 2nd intercostal space at the midclavicular line
The most important sign for pulmonary contusion
What part of the heart is m/c injured in a chest trauma?
subendocardial & RV
What helps differentiate bt bronchitis & pneumonia?
Dx of bronchitis?
PCR of nasopharyngeal swab
Tx of acute bronchitis?
Antitussive, bronchodilators, anti-viral meds
Referral for a FB above the vocal cords?
FB below the vocal cords?
FB in esophagus?
Continued lg hemoptysis & compromised airway requires what tx?
How many cc's of blood loss defines massive hemoptysis?
200-600cc in 24h
Antivirals used for tx of influenza
Amantadine, rimantadine, zanamavir, oseltamivir
Time frame for influenza antivirals
Within 48h
What is heard on PE for pleural effusion?
dullness to percussion, decreased breath sounds
Lab features of a pleural EXUDATE:
1)ratio of pleural fluid protein to serum protein >0.5 2)ratio of pleural fluid LDH to serum LDH >0.6
3) pleural fluid LD >2/3 the upper limit of nl serum LD
What is the difference bt primary & secondary pneumothorax
Secondary is d/t an underlying condition such as COPD, CF, pneumonia
What is the m/c/c of lung abscesses?
Aspiration pneumonia
Tx of lung abscess
Clindamycin w/ 1st, 2nd, 3rd gen Ceph or B-lactam; Metronidazole as monotherapy
What type of pneumothroax shifts TOWARD from the mediastinum?
Spontaneous, traumatic
Tension pneumothoraces show the mediastinum shifting in which direction of the pneumothroax?
Which pneumothorax is a medical emergency?
What is the difference in treatment of a tension & spontaneous pneumothorax?
Tension: needle decompression followed by chest tube
Spontaneous: can observe, just a chest tube, may need drainage
Ptosis, anhidrosis, miosis
Horner's syndrome
What is the underlying mechanism a/w Horner's syndrome?
Cervical sympathetic chain invasion
Which lung cancers are located in the periphery?
Large cell
Which lung cancer has already METS when presenting with symptoms?
Which lung cancer can be treated with surgery?
Pt presents w/ foul smelling copious sputum. Ring-like structures or tram track on CXR?