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117 Cards in this Set

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tx: cromolyn
asthma prophylaxis (not attack)
mech: cromolyn
blocks histamine release
mech: nonspecific beta agonist
isoproterenol (bronchodilates, vasoconstricts)
mech: specific beta-2 agonists
albuterol, salmeterol
mech: theophylline
inhibits cAMP PPDesterase -> bronchodilation
mech: Ach muscarinic antagonist
ipratropium (prevent bronchoconstriction via vagus nerve)
tx: 1st line for chronic asthma
mech: 5-LOX inhibitor
mech: block LT receptors
mech: cAMP causes this in the lung
mech: adenosine and Ach cause
mech: loratadine
H1 blocker
thoracentesis levels for these lines: midclavicular, midaxillary, paravertebral
5-7, 7-9, 9-11
what ratio of lecithin/sphingomyelin in amnionic fluid suggests mature lungs?
2:1, usually by week 35
major site of airway resistance
medium sized bronchi ("large")
which sympathetic receptors bronchodilate?
sx: decreased FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC; increased FRC
sx: decreased FVC, FEV1; increased FEV1/FVC and FRC
restrictive lung disease
PO2 humidified tracheal air
150mmHg (0.21 * 713)
PO2 alveolar air
100mmHg; equal to systemic arterial blood
PCO2 alveolar air
40mmHg; equal to systemic arterial blood
PO2 mixed venous blood
PCO2 mixed venous blood
3 perfusion limited gases
O2, CO2, N2O
2 diffusion limited gases
CO, O2 (sometimes - fibrosis, exercise)
at 100mmHg alveolar PO2, how much O2 is bound to Hb?
at 40mmHg alveolar PO2, how much O2 is bound to Hb?
things that shift Hb/PO2 curve to the right
increased (PCO2, temp, 2,3DPG), decreased (pH)
things that shift Hb/PO2 curve to the left
decreased (PCO2, temp, 2,3DPG), increased (pH), HbF
fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for O2 because ____ binds less avidly
CO, at least initially, shifts the curve which way?
left - improves O2 binding
def: decrease in arterial PO2 is called
hypoxemia (use A-a gradient)
2 causes of hypoxemia w/ normal A-a gradient
high altitude, hypoventilation
3 causes of hypoxemia w/ increased A-a gradient
diffusion defect; V/Q defect (shunt/deadspace); right-to-left shunt
def: decreased O2 delivery to tissues is called
hypoxia (use CO, O2sat)
def: chloride shift
bicarb leaves RBC, Cl enters
this molecule buffers H+ created by carbonic anhydrase in the RBC
what happens to pulmonary blood flow during hypoxia?
vasoconstriction - redirects blood away from poorly oxygenated areas
V/Q ratio is highest at ___ and lowest at ____ of lung
apex, base; Q changes more than V for the different lung zones
more gas exchange happens at the ___, less happens at the ___ of the lung
apex, base
def: shunt
V/Q = 0; ventilation blocked; arterial PO2/PCO2 -> mixed venous blood levels
def: dead space
V/Q = infinite; perfusion blocked; alveolar PO2/PCO2 -> atmospheric levels
which part of medullary respiratory center is responsible for inspiration, rhythm
dorsal group; passive/active breathing
which part of medullary respiratory center is responsible for expiration
ventral group; active breathing only
where is the location of apneustic center?
lower pons
where is the pneumotaxic center?
upper pons, inhibits inspiration
carotid, aortic arch bodies sense mostly
O2 below 60mmHg (less effect from sensing CO2/H+)
central respiratory chemoreceptors are located in the ___ and sense changes in ___
medulla, H+
def: hering-breuer reflex
stretch receptors in smooth muscle of airways decrease breathing frequency
def: J receptor response
alveolar receptors stimulate rapid, shallow breathing when pulmonary capillars engorge (LHF)
in high altitude, 2,3-DPG increases or decreases?
increases, causing right shift
acid/base change in high altitude?
hypoxemia, hyperventilation -> respiratory alkalosis
which virus is nasopharyngeal CA associated w/?
where do smoking-associated polyps and laryngeal papillomas usually appear?
true vocal cord
where does laryngeal SCC have best prognosis?
sx: COPD w/ dyspnea, wheezing expiration
sx: COPD w/ mucus production for a time
chronic bronchitis
sx: COPD w/ barrel chest, hypoxia, cyanosis, respiratory acidosis
sx: diffuse alveolar damage with intra-alveolar hyaline membrane composed of fibrin and cellular debris
sx: meconium ileus
cystic fibrosis
carotid body sends signals through the
GP nerve
aortic arch sends signals through the
vAAgus nerve
tox: theophylline
seizures, arrhythmias, GI (severe caffeine)
exposure: lung infiltrate w/ birefringent particles, calcified nodes, hilar adenopathy
exposure: widespread lung infiltrate with beaded rods, clear center, that stain for iron; w/o lymphadenopathy
exposure: infiltrate w/ ill-defined opacities and noncaseating granulomas
tx: induce asthma reaction, "challenge"
which lab value is the best measure of alveolar ventilation?
PaCO2; inversely related
what are some causes of alveolar hypoventilation?
restrictive lung disease, reduced respiratory drive
which zone comprises the anatomic dead space?
conducting zone, stops at end of terminal bronchioles
histo: ciliated cells are this type of cell
pseudostratified columnar
histo: type 1 pneumocytes are this type
histo: type 2 pneumocytes are this type
cuboidal, clustered
2,3-DPG ___ O2 delivery to tissues
sx: pneumonia in alcoholic patient, besides s.pneumo, can be caused by these
gram negative anaerobes from oral/GI (clindamycin)
mech: N-acetylcysteine
cleaves disulfide bridges of mucus proteins
sx: respiratory distress, neuro impairment, upper body petechial rash within days of a long bone fracture
fat embolism syndrome (stain w/ osmium tetroxide)
lab findings: pulmonary embolism
hypoxemia, then respiratory alkalosis. PaO2 and PaCO2 are both down
sx: lung cancer that stains for enolase, chromogranin, synaptophysin
small cell carcinoma
most common site of spread for lung cancer
adrenal glands, then liver, bone, brain
sx: stinky sputum in AMS pt
aspiration pneumonia (oral/GI anaerobes)
sx: going to high altitude for a couple days leads to
hypoxemia, hyperventilation, respiratory alkalosis; some compensation
what happens to PaO2 in high altitude?
drops to 60mmHg-ish
during exercise, which blood gas value increases?
mixed venous blood PCO2 (use more O2 -> O2 decreases)
CFTR channel is ___-gated
sx: pleural thickening w/ columnar cells joined by desmosomes, abundant tonofilaments, long microvilli
granulomatous diseases may cause increase in this vitamin
vitamin D -> hypercalcemia
sx: secondary MTB is mediated by this type of hypersensitivity
type 4 -> granuloma formation
sx: bronchiolitis obliterans
chronic rejection of lung transplant
def: reid index
(submucosal gland layer / total bronchial wall); >50% in chronic bronchitis
sx: dyspnea, tan-colored sputum, CXR infiltrates, with proliferation of columnar mucin-secreting cells in alveoli; no invasion
bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
sx: dry cough, hilar adenopathy, pulmonary infiltrates, noncaseating granulomas w/ giant epithelial cells
exposure: lower lung/pleural interstitual fibrosis w/ ferruginous bodies
exposure: like sarcoidosis
exposure: discrete nodules in upper lung zones
coal dust
exposure: CXR shows diffuse nodular infiltrates, possible noncaseating granulomas
various organic dusts (hypersensitivity pneumonitis)
sx: superior vena cava syndrome
mediastinal mass
most common benign lung tumor
hamartoma (hyaline cartilage)
sx: curschmann spirals, charcot-leyden crystals
sx: necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn
neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
3 complications of NRDS?
dysplasia, brain hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis
sx: sarcoidosis
lungs, lymphs, eyes, skin, joints
lab findings: sarcoidosis
calcium, gammaglobulins, ACE
most common cause of secondary pulmonary HTN?
sx: lung cancer w/ elevated PTHrP
squamous cell carcinoma
sx: lung cancer w/ elevated ADH or ACTH
small cell carcinoma
sx: common lung cancer not associated w/ smoking
histo: pulmonary cells that degrade toxins
clara cells
what level does the vena cava penetrate diaphragm?
what level do the esophagus, vagus penetrate diaphragm?
what level do the aortic hiatus, thoracic duct, azygous penetrate diaphragm?
bradykinin does this to blood vessels
vasodilates (angioedema)
sx: hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
adenocarcinoma (clubbing of fingers, increased bone)
lung cancer marker in smokers
lung cancer marker in nonsmokers
tox: secondary pulmonary HTN
rebound rhinorrhea: tachyphylaxis
run out of NE after chronic a-agonist stimulation