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62 Cards in this Set

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Most often Dr. has questions centered around?
Treatment and Diagnosis / evaluation (biggest concern)
Goals of EBM
1. Improve physician practice patterns
2. transform healthcare sys
3. educate healthcare consumers
4. guide healthcare prog and polices (b/c its multi chaning)
EBM is not
-old hat
-cook book medicine
-impossible to practice
-cost-cutting medicine
-restricted to only randomized trials and complex meta-analyses studies
4 questions to ask about EBM
1. is the study valid?
2. What are the results?
3. Will the results help in caring for my patient?
4. How will the results change my clinical decisions?
Risk Factors of CVD
Conditions- hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes
Behavior- smoking, obesity, alcohol
what is moderate drinking?
Male - no more than 2 drinks a day
Female- no more than 1 drink a day
standard drink
12 oz beer
5 oz glass of wine
1 mixed drink with 1.5oz spirit 80 proof
Normal BP
prehypertension BP
120-139/ 80-89
stage 1 hypertension BP
140-159/ 90-99
stage 2 hypertension (moderate)
160-179/ 100-109
stage 3 hypertension (severe)
greater than 180 / 110
Decreasing BP by 12mmHg for stage 1 over 10yrs will prevent
1 death for every 11 patients treated
Normal BMI
BMI overweight
BMI obese
greater than 30
Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
1600mg Na diet = single drug regimen
(and increase in K+ rich food is the same as putting someone on a drug)
1st drug of choice for hypertension
(most patients require 2 or more agents)
3rd leading cause of death in USA
Stroke (cerebral vascular disease)

(pipes plug or burst)
Maternal Mortality Rate
ratio of pregnancy related deaths to live births for a particular geographic areas
Abortion rate vs Abortion ratio
rate- # abortion/1000women
ratio-# abortion/1000live births
risk factors for ectopic preg
prior history
tubal surgery
progestin exposure
Still Birth
fetal death after 20Weeks or greater than 500gm
(have to generate death cert now)
Perinatal death
fetal and infant death between 28weeks and 1 week postnatal with infant greater than 500gm
Neonatal death
death of live born infants within 28days of age
Infant death
death of children less than 1yr of age (but older than 28 days)
Preconception care begins
anyting a female becomes of childbearing age and remains in place for life
chronic disease risk factors for preg
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Thyroid Disease
- Autoimmunity
Infectious diseases risk factors for preg
- Vaccine preventable
- Cytomegalovirus
Reproductive Concerns risk factors for preg
Unplanned preg
Prior adverse preg outcomes
Low Birth weight
less than 2500gm (5.5Ibs)
use of controlled substance for reason other than that for which it was intended for different dosages then has been prescribed. Pattern of misuse does NOT lead to disability/ dysfunction.
use of controlled substance outside normally accepted standards RESULTING IN disability/dysfunction
Catastrophic use
use of controlled substance that involves illegal activity and places one in risk of harm
Either a need for increase amounts of substance to achieve the desired effect or diminished effect despite continued use of the same amount of substance.
Manifested by characteristic syndrome of sudden abstinence but may be relieved or avoided if the same or closely related substance is taken
Risky drinking
-more than 7 drinks/week or more than 3 drinks per occasion for Women

-more than 14 drinks/week or more than 4 drinks per occasion for Men
Harmful drinking
currently experiencing physical, social or psychological harm from alcohol use but do not meet criteria for dependence
Acute Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
when individual decrease or discontinue alcohol use
- Delirium tremens requires hospitalization. Severe alcohol withdrawal requires hospitalization. (med emergency)
- Mild withdrawal can be managed as outpatient. (sympathetic overdrive)
Dextromethorphan is substituted for
___% adults consume behaviorally active doses of caffeine
Treatment of Opiate dependence
agonist substitution
Treatment of Physcostimulants dependence
Treatment of Benzodiazepeines dependence
gradual reduction
Palpatory findings in Type 2 Diabetes
T11-L2 (right side)
Palpatory findings in Type 2 Diabetes AND hypertension
Bilateral changes at T11-L2
Gravid Female Uterus gets sympathetic from ____ and parasympathetic from ____
symp - T10-L2
Parasymp - S2-S4
OMM in OB is traditionally aimed at
soft tissue at L5 spine to enhance primary and secondary respiration
OMM in OB may be instituted as early as ___ hours post C-section
Contraindiction to OMM in OB
- during labor
- abruptio presentations (crash section)
- membrane rupture with poor amniotic fluid
Asthma and COPD most common somatic changes at what levels?
T2-7 and C2-3
Haddon Matrix
(host, agent, environment)
3 phages of inury (pre-event, event and post-event)
leading cause of death in less then 1 year of age
unintentional suffocation
(choking or stangulation)
2nd leading cause of death in an infant or toddler
leading cause of traumatic brain injury in an infant and toddler
shaken baby and blunt trauma
MADD rating scores of states reveal a grade of "D" is __% more likely to report a alcohol impaired driving than residents from states with a grade "A"
workers who take off work because of stree, anxiety or a related disorder will be off the job for about
colorectal cancer occurs in ppl with only average risk ___%
recommend screening for colorectal cancer at age
___% of all tumors indentified on sigmoidoscopy alone
postive sigmoidoscopy requires
follow up colonoscopy
what do you use for screen for prostate cancer?
digital rectal exam and PSA levels
(just 1 by itself not as good as both together)