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21 Cards in this Set

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4 parts of the organization - "specialization"
1. Mgt
2. Operating core: actually perform work
3. Support services: legal, acct., tehnical support, development of standards
4. Non-tech: marketing, public relations, receptionist
What is an organizational chart? Solid vs. dashed lines
A graphic representation of an org's sx
Solid = direct reporting relationship (PTA to PT)
Dotted = communication/indirect cotnrol, but you're not superior (OT to PT)
4 stages of an organization
Craft stage
Entrepreneurial stage
Bureaucratic stage
Divisional stage
Craft stage
1 or more worker
All workers perform all duties
Mutual accomidation
Woking supervision, if there is supervision
Entrepreneurial stage
Supervision req'd
Mutual accomidation and standardization alone don't work
Division of labor stars here
Bureaucratic Stage
Division of labor increases
More complex work coordination system is needed
Highly specialized employees with distinct departments developed along lines of specialization
ADV and DISADV of Bureacratic stage?
ADV: if one department not making money, other dept's can pickup the slack
DISADV: May be difficult to respond to change with this sx, b/c change affects all the dif specialties
Divisional stage and 2 ways to expand?
Expansion thru Diversification and/or Market Expansion
Horz integration: new markets with different geographical locations
Vert integration: Product diversification (ie. add DME)
Centralization vs. decentralization
Centralization = new clinic exactly like last one. ADV: buying power and great deal on equipment
Decentralization gives more flexibility
Matrix org
Hybrid btw product line and traditional bureaucratic
Shuns traditional work-specific operating units lik pT
Matrix means you maintain a department, but overlays a prodcut line like member of a TBI team across dept's
5 things a job description should include
1. General description of job and job title
2. Oragnizational relationships (supervision)
3. List of duties with enough detail and flexibility
4. Professional standards policies
5. Minimum job req's
What should be included under minimum job req's
Formal education req'd
Knowledge, skills, licensure
Physical ability
Personal characteristics
Summative vs. Formative evaluation?
Summative is used to determin rais (usually a 90 day eval at beginning of job and then yearly)
Formative is used to mold or form employee and help them imprve
5 steps in the Planning Stages
1. Pre-design (budget)
2. Design development
3. Construction: keep on top of this
4. Pre-operations: checkot and punch list
5. Occupancy
What is the Pre-design (budet) entail?
What will the space be used for and how?
Planning team
What does Design Development entail?
1. Detailed planning: schematic drawings, meetings with architecs
2. Final planning/contingencyplan. Final drawings: floor plan with electrical, plumbing, equipment
7 Common Mistakes in the Planning Stages
1. inefficient traffic flow
2. Inappropriate placement of clinical areas
3. Inadequate flexibility
4. Inadequate storage
5. Inadequate office space for staff/maagers
6. Inadequate equipment
7. Excessive noise
What is the punch-list and when does it come into play?
During 4th stage of Planning stages, Pre-operations
It is a "fix this befre I move in" list
Other things to take into consideration during the planning stages
Size and colors based on pt population
Plan for future with space
Pulleys onwall, hoyer lift in ceiling
Plan your space
5 areas of the PT clinic
Waiting room
Treatment area
Break room
Office (supervisor, receptionist)
What areas are included in the tx area?
Gym, modals area, hand therapy area, private tx rooms, pool, ADL area)