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55 Cards in this Set

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Antibiotics MOA

Sulfonamides; Bacteriostatic
disrupt PABA and folic acid formation and thus destroy bacteria
Penicillins MOA
prevent bacteria from forming a cell wall
prevent bacteria from forming a cell wall
bind ribosomes to inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria
bind ribosomes to inhibit protein synthesis
quinolones MOA
antagonize enzyme responsible for collecting and replicating DNA, DNA breakage occurs
bind ribosomal subunits to inhibit bacterial protein synthesis
clindamycin cleocin
inhibit protein synthesis
metronidazole (flagyl)
destroys parts of bacteria's DNA nucleus
Vancomycin (vancocin)
interferes with bacterial cell wall formation
prevent synthesis of ergosterol

inhibit fungal cytochrome P-450
limit the progression of the retrovirus that causes HIV
nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIS)
inhibit release of neuraminidase (viral enzyme) to prevent spread of virus to healthy cells

binds and inhibits action of neuraminidase

result: defective proviral nucleus which can't become part of host cells nucleus
non nucleoside transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIS)
inhibit action of neuraminidase by preventing formation of proviral DNA
protease inhibitors
prevent cleavage of HIV protein precursors , which are needed for replication of new viruses
antihistamines MOA
block release of H1 in respiratory system
antitussives MOA
depression of cough center or

suppression of nerve receptors in respiratory system
decongestants MOA
stimulated alpha-adrenergic receptors

result: dilated arteries within the nasal mucosa
expectorants (decongestant) MOA
decrease thickness of mucus by decreasing viscosity of liquid
affective disorder

state of uneasiness characterized by apprehension and worry about possible events
depression treatment

block re-uptake of serotonin
tricyclic antidepressants MOA
block re-uptake of norepinenephrine and serotonin
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) MOA
inhibit enzymes which breakdown catecholamine
bipolar disorder definition and MOA
depressive psychosis

alternates between excessive phases of mania and depression
psychosis definition
chronic psychotic disorder

retreat from reality, delusions, hallucinations, ambivalence, withdrawal
CNS disorders (convulsions/epilepsy) definitions
defined as paroxysmal, recurring seizures

disturbances in neuronal electrical activity
list 3 types of seizures


status epilepticus
convulsions/epilepsy treatment MOA
blocks synaptic transmission
parkinson's disease definition
group of disorders resulting in pathological alterations of the basal ganglia
ADD definition
characterizes by



multiple sclerosis definition
autoimmune disease in which myelin sheath around nerve degenerate

decrease muscle tone and eyesight
alzheimer's disease definition
degenerative disease leading to dementia
asthma definition
inflammation in the lungs that causes airways to constrict

characterized by wheezing, dyspnea, and cough
bronchodilators MOA
bind B2 receptors causing relax of smooth muscles

result: decrease of bronchospasms
xanthine derivatives MOA
reverse bronchospasm associated with antigens and irritants

improve contractility of diaphragm
leukotriene inhibitors MOA
block the effects of leukotrienes, resulting in blocking of tissue inflammatory responses such as edema
corticosteroids MOA
stimulate adenylate cyclase and inhibit inflammatory cells
mast cell stabilizers MOA
inhibit inflammatory cells
emphysema definition
characterized by destruction of

tiny alveoli


air sacs
bronchitis definition and name of treatment
obstruction of airflow during expiration

lung's defense mechanism has been destroyed

excessive mucus expectoration

treatment name: mucolytics
mucolytics MOA
break apart glycoprotein

resulting in reduction of viscosity

easier movement and removal of secretions
tuberculosis definition
slow, progressive respiratory disease
tuberculosis symptoms

patient with clinical symptoms are treated with at least _____ medications
weight loss


night sweats

loss of appetite

smoking increase the risk of _____, _____, _____
heart disease, COPD, stroke
antacids (gastrointestinal agent) MOA
neutralize stomach acid to prevent reflux
H2 antagonists (GI agent) MOA
block gastric acid and pepsin secretion from histamine, gastrin, caffeine, cholinergic stimulation via
competitive inhibition of H2 receptors of the gastric parietal cells
block gastric and pepsin secretion

target H2 receptors of gastric parietal cells
proton pump inhibitors (GI agent) MOA
inhibit parietal cell ATP pump
coating agents (GI agent) MOA
form a protective coat over ulcer against gastric acid, pepsin, bile salts
emollients/lubricants/saline laxatives MOA
emollients laxatives draw water into colon resulting in bowel evacuation
stimulant laxatives
increase gut activity from mucosal stimulation
bulk-forming laxatives MOA
increase fiber in diet, resulting in intestinal peristalsis
bowel evacuant laxatives MOA
increase osmolarity of bowel fluids
antiemetics MOA
inhibit the impulse going from the chemo-trigger zone to the stomach
antiflatulents MOA
reduce surface tension resulting in gas bubbles being released more easily
diuretics definition
maintain balance of


acids and bases in body