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31 Cards in this Set

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4 factors that affect quality of life.
1. Health and Fitness
2. Cognitive and emotional
3. Economic Status
4. Social and recreational
Health Related QOL
1. Physical condition
2. Functional Status
3. Mental Health Status
2 most important parts of mental health status
1. Cognitive Impairments
2. Depression
Chronic Progressive conditions
symptoms get worse and worse never getting better.
Acute conditions
potentially reversible condition
Preventative Activities
Going to the doctor for checkups
What is the greatest fear of the elderly?
becoming useless
acute dementia vs chronic dementia
acute can be reversible and chronic is related to pathological conditions.
lewey body disease
shows that there is a pathological condition that leads to dementia
confusion and agitation
Is neuroticism a risk factor for depression?
Treatment of minor depression
physical activities, social engagement, internal locus of control
Treatment of major depression
medications and CBT
Symptoms of depression
depressed mood, weight loss, lack of sleep or excessive sleep, restlessness or irritability, persistent fatigue, feelings of guilt, worthlessness, decreased thinking capacity, thoughts of death and suicide
somatic symptoms of depression
sleep, eating, aches, low energy
minor depression
feeling low, sad, disheartened or disinterested. few days to a week
Assessment of depression/risk factors
history of depression, neuroticism, loneliness, sleep disturbances
history taking with elderly
Being visible and hearable, assess for communication deficits, background noises and activities, "helpful" family members
Systems review of communication
vision, hearing, memory, speech
What are the causes of vision impairment in the elderly?
linked to reduced social interaction and quality of life, depression, and injuries from falls
hearing loss causes
changes in tympanic membrane and cochlear hairs and membrane
mild hearing loss
moderate hearing loss
Severe hearing loss
profound hearing loss
Best method to screen for hearing loss
use the global question: "do you have a hearing problem now?"
Difficult speech due to impairment of the muscle of the throat and tongue.
Inability to communicate
Receptive aphasia
Unable to understand or process information
Expressive aphasia
Unable to speak adequately
Mobility Assessment
Sitting Independence

Transfers Sit to stand, Stand to sit

Bed Mobility

Gait Independence