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74 Cards in this Set

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What do SEDATIVE agents do?.
calm, reduce anxiety.
What do HYPNOTIC agents do?
Induce drowsyness & promote sleep.
What do anxiolytics do?
Reduce anxiety.
Illness, separation from loved ones, anticipation of stressful evengts. May resolve in wks or months w/o tx.
What meds are used to tx ACUTE ANXIETY DISORDER?
BENDODIAZEPINES. (short term relief for more severe acute anxiety)
Acute episodes of severe anxiety. Marked psychologic & psychologi sxs.
What meds do you tx panic disorders with?
SSRI antidepressants (SETRALINE)
Specific, social or agoraphobia.
BENZOS(acute relief, enables pts to more easily benefit fr psychotherapy)
ANTIDEPRESSANTS(most effective long-term for social & agoraphobia)
PROPANOLOL(stage freight, acute situational, or performance anxiety)
Define OCD.
OBSESSIONS(recurrent or persistant thoughts or impulses) COMPULSIONS(repetitive behaviors in response to obsessions)
How do you tx OCD?
Antidepressants & psychotherapy.
chronic worry, apprehension concerning future events.
How do you tx Gen Anxiety disorder?
Benzos(for acute sxs, bridge to psychotherapy.
BUSPIRONE(chronic anxiety, non-sedating)
SSRI(Citalopram, Fluoxetine, Setraline)
What is the cause for PTSD?
Exposure to traumatic events.
How do you Tx PTSD?
SSRIs & Benzos(startle response, flashbacks)
Indications for Benzos.
Anxiety, insomnia, muscle spasm, seizure disorder & spasticity.
Name the Benzos.
Alprazolam, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Midazolam.
Alprazolam, a benzo used for?
Anxiety, panic. Requires high dose. May cause seizures if stopped suddenly.
Diazepam (a benzo) use for?
Anxiety, prevent alcohol detox seizures, spasms, spasticity.
Lorazepam (benzo) use?
Best for elderly pts. Anxiety, seisures.
Midazolam (benzo) use?
Anesthetic for pts undergoing endoscopy, xray, minor sx.
How do you tx acute anxiety disorder?
Tx for Panic disorder?
Benzos & SSRIs.
Tx of OCD?
Antidepressants & psychotherapy.
Tx for phobic disorder?
Psychoterapy & Benzos
(propanolol for stage fright)
Tx of Generalized anxiety?
Benzos & SSRIs.
SSRIs & Benzos.
Calms, reduces anxiety.
Induce dorwsiness, promotes sleep.
Reduces anxiety.
If Benzos & ETOH mix?
Greater resp depression, coma, death.
Why is Zolpidem, a newer Benzo better for the treatment of insomnia?
It doesn't affect sleep architecture & it doesn't have as much tolerance or dependence.
Advantages of Buspirone compared to Benzos for Anxiety.
Non-sedating, zero tolerance, zero dependence.
Disadvantages of Buspirone compared to benzos in treating anxiety?
Effects not felt for 3-4 wks.
Positive symptoms of Schizophrenia.
Agitatitions, hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, disorganized thinking & insomnia.
Negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.
apathy, affect flattening, lack of motivation, anhedonia, poverty of speech (alogia), social isolation.
Older "typical" antipsychotic qualities.
Greater EPSs, sedation and anticholinergic (chlorpromazine), orthostatic hypotension,↑ serum prolactin, Poikilothermy.
New "atypical" antipsychotic qualities.
Lower EPS, more sedating & anticholinergic (clozapine), orthostatic hypotension, agranulocytosis, arrythmias, wt gain.
Better at treating NEGATIVE sxs found in Schizos (apathy)
Which of the new "atypical" antipsychotics has more side effects than the rest of them?
Clozapine. Less EPS, MORE sedation, more anticholinergic, More orthostatic hypotension.
Tardive dyskinesia.
W long use of antipsych. Abnormal oral & facial movements. tongue protrusion, lip smacking, abnormal limb & trukal movement.
Motor restlessness. Feel compelled to move, shuffle ft, change positions, unable to sit quietly.
Pseudo Parkinism.
Like Parkinson's, rigidity, bradykinesia, tremor.
Abnormal muscle tension in face & neck. Oculogyric crisis, tongue protrussion, torticollis (twisted & contracted neck muscles)
Prolactin increase as SE of antipsychotics. also?
Gynecomastia & menstrual irregularities.
Poikilothermy, another SE of antipsychotic meds.
Impaired hypothalamus to regulate temp. can lead to hypo or hyperthermia.
High doses of Thioridazine can cause?
Pigmentary retinopathy & cardiac toxicity.
How do you treat Neuroepileptic Malignant Syndrome with? NMS
DC causing drug, administer DANTROLENE. If pt needs more antipsychotics, use an "atypical."
Characteristics of NMS?
Elevated temp, ALOC, tachy, diaphoresis, tachypnea, urinary & fecal incotinence.
Advantages of using "atypical" drugs over typical, for SCHIZOPHRENIA?
Less EPS, more effect against negative symptoms.
Indications for Amitriptyline, a TCA.?
Adverse effects Amitriptyline?
Sedation (give at bed time to use sedation to promote sleep), lower seizure threshold. OD: Widened QRS complex, arrythmias, tachy, hypotension.
What can be seen with Amitriptyline OD?
Cardiac arrythmia (wide QRS complex), hypotension, tachy, sedation, szs.
Name the SSRIs? (CSF)
Citalopram, Setraline, Fluoxetine.
Indications for SSRIs? (Citalopam, Setraline, Fluoxetine)
Depression, OCD, Anxiety disorders.
Adverse effects of SSRIs? (Citalopram, setraline, Fluoxetine)
Nervousness, dizziness, insomnia, male sexual dysfunction.
Uses for Fluoxetine (prozac) an SSRI?
Depression, anorexia, Bulemia.
Adverse effects of Fluoxetine (prozac) an SSRI?
Can impair Blood glucose levels in diabetics, SIADH (persistent hyponatremia, elev urine osmolality)
Why is Setraline (SSRI) preferred for elderly pts?
Because its elimination is not affected by aging.
Why are SSRIs preferred over TCAs for depression & anxiety disorder?
Less autonomic SEs, less sedation, much safer than TCAs if OD, seldom cause arrythmias, less seizures.
Why are Monoamine Oxydase Inhibitors (MAOIs) lmtd to use as alternative therapy for depression?
They have many potentially serious interactions with other drugs or foods (cheese, beer, meat fish). Effects not seen for wks.
Other antidepressants? 2
(B, V)
Bupropion, Venlafixine.
Pros for Bupropion on the treatment of depression.
Few anticholinergic SEs, very little sedation, rare CV SEs, rare sexual dysfunction.
SEs of Bupropion an antidepressive?
Can cause: Agitation, Insomnia, Nause, WT loss.
Why is Velafixine a good choice for depression over SSRIs?
Few autonomic, CV, SEs. Sedative.
What phase is Lithuim for bipolar best at controlling, manic or depressive?
MANIC. It has greater activity against mania.
Adverse effects of Lithium.
Drowsy, wt gain, fine hand tremor, polyuria, can cause hypothyroidism.
What can elevated levels of serum Lithium lead to?
Neurotoxicity & Cardiac toxicity leading to arrythmias.
What are early signs of Lithium toxicity/OD?
N, V,
What effect do NSAIDS have on Lithium?
Decreased clearance, elevated Lithium serum levels.
What can mixing other drugs and Lithium cause?
What other drugs are alternatives to Lithium in treating Bipolar disorder?
Antiepileptics. Carbamezapine & Valproate.
Effects of Carbamezapine?
Antimanic, antidepressant, fewer SEs.
Effects of Valproate?
Controls mania, or rapid manic/hypomanic cycling,
Another Plus to Lithium?
Not only controls manic episodes, it also is an antidepressant!